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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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   Hey guys I just wanted to know if any one knew the end date for prime time?



                                                                                                      -Thanks in advance, Nexus06-

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Putting them into the market at this point would be horrible.

Yes, people don't like the thought of having to pay... but imagine how you would feel having paid 140 dollars.... only for a week later your "exclusive" items to be freely available to anyone with a couple of hundred platinum, which most founders probably still have lying round, or anyone who's gotten lucky with trades.

Pissing off the people who have shown the most willingness to fund your game is an amazingly bad business model.

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I don't give a S#&$ I'm not going to shell out 140 dollars to get the items that I want.


I have 2700 plat to spend to buy them, I'm not putting another dime into this game if they don't change it.


This is absolutely ridiculous, the prime items are fine I get it at least I can farm for them, but I want the scarf and the titan extractor.

i want excalibur prime. oh wait, i cant get him any more. in fact, a lot of players, in cluding the new wave of layers of the PS4, cant get him. they too could say "hey, i would buy him, but i cant get him"


in fact, eben before im sure  a lot of people would have payed for him, or the skana and lato prime, but they wouldnt because they only wanted to pay for that, not all of that platinum.


as you can see, those people and the new people are in the same situation. i dont see how this situation is different from the founders program.

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Hey guys, just to throw something in the discussion and quote my boss[DE]Megan, in case you have missed it:



And that still doesn't answer the question from all these posts. Some of us founders, we get it, we got our shiny badge, Excal prime, DC and Landmark. But the fundamental question is: So even someone whom have once invested a healthy amount will still have to fork out an extremely high amount just to get themselves covered in this game with no deals in considering their past efforts.


Let me phrase it another way: We are expected to pay approx $600 each year to cover all contents within the game, true or false?



And I'm guessing some people don't get it. This pack, a prime scarf is exclusive. There is no clue to what may happen next. It's still good to see that some people are not bothered by this because it contributes as a feedback. What if they decide to lock a Sentinel Prime behind a $140 wall next? I would love to see some people's reaction should that happen.

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Agreed. There was no reason for them to do things this way. And their lack of understanding of game economics will mean the eventual end of this game. Nor do I anticipate that end being too far off. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, at this point; they are that frustrating.

well it does work somewhat... When the event first started, and prime access came the game pretty much flooded with ember primes...

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Tobe honest primes are ugly as hell anyway and this is coming from someone who bought founders.

what? I thought Excalibur Prime was the best looking prime of them all... looks better than Excalibur in my opinion.

Edited by Arlayn
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what? I thought Excalibur Prime was the best looking prime of them all... looks better than Excalibur in my opinion.

I sold my excal prime because the only design that looked fitting for him was stock, anything else made him pure ugly and the gold was a nice novelty but wore off fast. The only redeeming thing he had which let me keep him for awhile was his energy activation when near death boxes but besides that he's nothing special.

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And that still doesn't answer the question from all these posts. Some of us founders, we get it, we got our shiny badge, Excal prime, DC and Landmark. But the fundamental question is: So even someone whom have once invested a healthy amount will still have to fork out an extremely high amount just to get themselves covered in this game with no deals in considering their past efforts.


Let me phrase it another way: We are expected to pay approx $600 each year to cover all contents within the game, true or false?



And I'm guessing some people don't get it. This pack, a prime scarf is exclusive. There is no clue to what may happen next. It's still good to see that some people are not bothered by this because it contributes as a feedback. What if they decide to lock a Sentinel Prime behind a $140 wall next? I would love to see some people's reaction should that happen.

Especially a UNIQUE Sentinel Prime with no regular version, which is the situation with the Syandana. It has no non-prime version of it, just the Misa Prime Syandana. It'd be like if they locked a Dakra Prime behind that pay wall instead.

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Especially a UNIQUE Sentinel Prime with no regular version, which is the situation with the Syandana. It has no non-prime version of it, just the Misa Prime Syandana. It'd be like if they locked a Dakra Prime behind that pay wall instead.


1. It's not a sentinel it's a resource collector and there is a non prime version of it in the market for credits. and the damn things aren't all that great anyway. If it was a sentinel it would be different but it's not, and if you haven't been paying attention long enough to actually think that there is a slippery slope argument to be made here I have some tinfoil hats for you as I understand they help prevent evil organizations from brainwashing you, they might help calm you down.


2. It's just a stupid scarf, a premium scarf, and a "bonus" at that for people who invest in the discount plat void grind skipping package deal for a lot of monies. 


At the end of the day nothing that affects gameplay is locked behind a "pay wall" and if the extraneous cosmetics mean that much to you then buy the package or don't.  Those are really your only options at this juncture.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Exclusives are fine and all, truth of the matter is, the current rendition of 'prime access' is a slap in the face to founders. I even brought additional plat in preparation for scarves, and now to get the best looking scarf is locked behind US$140. How many people do you think would buy a significant amount of plat randomly again DE?

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Agreed. There was no reason for them to do things this way. And their lack of understanding of game economics will mean the eventual end of this game. Nor do I anticipate that end being too far off. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, at this point; they are that frustrating.

This =)

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1. It's not a sentinel it's a resource collector and there is a non prime version of it in the market for credits. and the damn things aren't all that great anyway. If it was a sentinel it would be different but it's not, and if you haven't been paying attention long enough to actually think that there is a slippery slope argument to be made here I have some tinfoil hats for you as I understand they help prevent evil organizations from brainwashing you, they might help calm you down.


2. It's just a stupid scarf, a premium scarf, and a "bonus" at that for people who invest in the discount plat void grind skipping package deal for a lot of monies. 


At the end of the day nothing that affects gameplay is locked behind a "pay wall" and if the extraneous cosmetics mean that much to you then buy the package or don't.  Those are really your only options at this juncture.

What else does the $140 package include aside from the resource collector, the scarf, and Ember Prime?

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Exclusives are fine and all, truth of the matter is, the current rendition of 'prime access' is a slap in the face to founders. I even brought additional plat in preparation for scarves, and now to get the best looking scarf is locked behind US$140. How many people do you think would buy a significant amount of plat randomly again DE?

Thank you!


This is exactly what a lot of people have been getting at, it isn't about being some beggar or mooch. The issue is, is that this has been nothing but a slap to founders and DEs attempt to shed out more cash for "limited" items. Hell at this point I kinda wish everyone had a chance at excal prime if DE plans to go down this route expecting people to pay stupid amounts for an exclusive cosmetic.



So I bet you are the type of people who complain Ferrari's are too expensive? Yeah they cost millions but they do the same thing as a beat up junker. They drive you places. One is just cosmetically beat than the other. 


Of course Ferrari are expensive because they cost so damn much to build and making copies of those cars are even more expensive. While a cosmetic at a stupid price is absurd because one model is made and that is it. The file can be duplicated for each account server sided that purchases it.


Terrible analogy.

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Of course Ferrari are expensive because they cost so damn much to build and making copies of those cars are even more expensive. While a cosmetic at a stupid price is absurd because one model is made and that is it. The file can be duplicated for each account server sided that purchases it.


Terrible analogy.

Its more like putting a deposit with Ferrari, then getting told you can't use that money for the new model. Not great marketing by any means.

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