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Raids/Missions / Enemies from A different solar system / aliens


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We need some Aliens from other worlds. Missions outside the origin system. 
We need Special Raids that take 16 ppl split into 4 people squads. Many games employ set ups like this for special events or bosses etc?! This would be perfect because warframe needs new bosses. Bullet Sponges aren’t good bosses. It’s lame and people get bored quick. Instead you need to rely on ppl learning the mechanics of a fight so they can possibly kill the boss quicker  or the battle take longer based on experience and skill. 

on top of this, warframe used to actually have events. The last holiday event was lame to say the least. DE are you phoning it in or what?! 

I’ve playing this game since it came out on PlayStation. 
I truly am a fan and I miss the days when we had events and something to look forward to. Like when the acolytes used to be a random event etc?! We need  new special mods and items only earn able during those events period! That would be the best to bring players back in who have left out of extreme boredom and lack of creativity. As De you have been copy pasting and reskinning only events and only missions and just adjusting levels for a while now. That’s phoning it in. 

also please bring back Ash’s original blade storm. Compared to other powers it’s not that great but frankly Ash sucks now and he was my absolute favorite. Yes I realize I crashed your game on PlayStation twice due to me using my OP Ash and one hitting the sortie boss that was level 120 . At the time no one had done it. However you have raised damage caps since then soo?’ Please fix it!

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They aren't doing events because of the fact Story was typically attached to them and people would miss out on key details to the lore and it would never return. So until they rework how they do events don't expect them anytime soon.

Old Blade Storm is not coming back. The most automation you'll ever see in the game is Grasp of Lohk from Xaku with short range. The issue isn't the damage, issue is that all you're doing is hitting two buttons and not moving. 

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