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Atomos last incarnon stage



Atomos - heat and magnetic

Cedo - viral and radiation

Guandao - corrosive

I have to kill 30 with at least 4 status. So i went into a steel path mission so i would not kill too quickly. Here's my process:

1) Cedo alt fire to prime

2) guandao melee to prime more

3) atomos to end

So i should have 5 status. However the counter never indicates a kill. How do you kill w four status when I can't see how to have 4 status on one weapon?


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16 answers to this question

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Here is my advice. Use either Citrine, or Lavos. 

Do you have Secondary Encumber? Use that as well. 

The enemies need to have 4 different statuses when they die. Issues you may have though? Your weapons elemental weighting, and killing enemies too fast. 

This is why I would recommend Steel Path too. Citrine and Lavos are great because, you can put statuses on enemies, that you don't usually build or Mod for, Also, it won't likely kill them outright immediately. So enemies should be primed with elements like Cold, Heat, Electric, Toxin. Or Gas, Toxin, Magnetic, Electricity etc

Atomos is already a strong status weapon, so having Encumber on it, is great, because you'll also get random other elements added. 

If the wiki says to use Citrines 1, its because thats how you get your Prismatic Gem to actually target and inflict status on those enemies. It doesn't just automatically target such enemies. Though, it also does that if you shoot them, but generally Ctrines 1 won't kill Steel Path enemies outright by itself, so you can dose them with elements then shoot and kill with just the Atomos. So basically make sure your 3 is up, thats more important. 

Also the game is subjective. I understand frustration, but I also done this challenge in less than 20 seconds without having to change my build. The game doesn't always work, but this challenge isn't buggy as far as I am aware. It might just be a knowledge issue. Which also, I mean I get, the challenge itself is a bit funky. I happen to just play a lot of Citrine and Lavos and like Secondary Encumber, and have extensive knowledge of status, so yeah, I won't disagree that haven't to jump though hoops could be frustrating/annoying. 

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30 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

No spectre. But I'd appreciate your thoughts and tip when that happens. Happens a lot. I picked the +20 SC, i guess I'll switch to 10/10 cc/SC instead... But I need prob 4-5 forma on it and i don't have those right now.


So most of the time it has happened to me, has usually involved using Operator a fair bit or Spectres in longer Endurance missions. Which is annoying, because the bug can disable your ability to interact with lockers, life support etc. Sometimes I'll throw down a Spectre in Steel Path Kuva Survival if it will help the Kuva Harvester from being destroyed. 

Often the bug seemed to happen more then, however weirdly, throwing another Spectre out (the Tenno Spectres, like the Vapor type) would make the bug cease working. At least temporarily, since I my initial idea was that the bug was caused by some weird interactions with well, interactions between different in game entities (so say Operator and Warframe, or say Warframe and Spectre). This is why I am not sure if this may help you, if you weren't using a Spectre at the time, (or On Call Crew Member), since the fix is just redeploying it, causing a temporary fix. 

Oh, if you weren't aware, the new Nightwave will have a bunch of Forma. Granted, will take a few weeks, and probably won't be enough, but still. I know you like heads up over Forma. 

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10 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Weird question? Were you using a Spectre? If so, I actually know a temporary work around/fix for that bug, but only if you were using a Spectre beforehand

No spectre. But I'd appreciate your thoughts and tip when that happens. Happens a lot. I picked the +20 SC, i guess I'll switch to 10/10 cc/SC instead... But I need prob 4-5 forma on it and i don't have those right now.

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Happens with many of my Warframes. I posted a few vids in the bugs section. You get screeching noises and blobs. The blobs seem to be grouped up mods, resources, ammo etc that get sucked in via vacuum then don't disappear so they look like garbled blobs stuck to your WF.

When that happens things stop working normally. 

I used Cedo to prime and got the last 13 in void mobile defense.


Ohhh ammo pick ups and other sort of resources clinging to you right? Yep yep, I know what you are talking about, thats a old reoccurring bug issue unfortunately. I really hope they can fix that, it can be very annoying. 

Weird question? Were you using a Spectre? If so, I actually know a temporary work around/fix for that bug, but only if you were using a Spectre beforehand. 

Glad you got your next Evolution. Hope you have fun with the weapon. Its pretty strong build for Crit and Heat. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Weird blobs on Citrine though?

Happens with many of my Warframes. I posted a few vids in the bugs section. You get screeching noises and blobs. The blobs seem to be grouped up mods, resources, ammo etc that get sucked in via vacuum then don't disappear so they look like garbled blobs stuck to your WF.

When that happens things stop working normally. 

I used Cedo to prime and got the last 13 in void mobile defense.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I do not. I see one can purchase. Not sure if I want to spend resources at Otak for that arcane as I'm not sure how often I'd use it. 

I did fire then stop the fire a bit more to extend the time it took to kill. I also reduced citrine's strength so the gem would take time as well. I actually kept failing the mission late round because I would have to fire at enemies for longer so clearing the time each wave the target took more damage.


Don't purchase it, not worth it, its just an easy way to do the challenge without having to try and Prime the enemies with your Primary or Melee. You run the risk of killing them that way. Even if you stop firing the weapon or holding back on the melee, then you also run the risk of the status going away. 

Oh, also maybe try a Capture or Exterminate? That way you can just focus on the challenge without any extra stuff getting in your way. Even go solo, since maybe other allies are interfering. That way, if your current strategy isn't working, you can be quick and reconfigure your build or strategy. 


6 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Wiki says the gem targets what you're targeting. It says nothing about her 1 working with the gem FYI :

"Deploy a gem that shoots prismatic beams. The gem targets enemies that are taking weapon damage from Citrine and her allies. Its beams inflict Heat, Cold, Toxin, and Electricity Status Effects. Status Chance and Status Duration increase for nearby allies"

And again it specifically states four status so if the gem is shooting an enemy and I shoot it, it should proc a kill for the genesis. So that's buggy. Secondly the atomos would just stop working periodically and I'd hear weird screeching noises and see blobs on citrine. I was solo.

Maybe I'll try Cedo again to prime with citrine's 3 and then switch to atomos. With Cedo priming i should have 8 status. If that doesn't get me my last 13 kills I don't know what will. LOL


I am very very much aware. You earlier mentioned that the 


2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

What's funny is the atomos incarnon page says to use citrine's first ability.


It likely/probably mentions that, because its a fast and simple way to get 4 statuses (via her 3, if that wasn't evident) on an enemy without having to shoot it. Its just a known synergy between Citrines abilities. With a lot of range, you can hit far more enemies with your Pocket Prisma sand unless you are otherwise using an AOE weapon. So you can constantly be primed, debuffing and light CCing whole mobs of enemies. Its also not very strong, so you shouldn't have the risk of the weapon actually killing full health Steel Path enemies with it, like you might just by shooting weapons at them. 

So, if you are hitting an enemy affected by Citrines 3, with the Atomos, you should be hitting the challenge yes... but hypothetically, if your Magnetic doesn't have enough weighting, which it shouldn't, Heat should, your Atomos may be killing the enemy before it adds that proc. Since Citrine is also already applying Heat, its not like you are adding 6 statuses, since your Heat overlaps, so if your Magnetic isn't proccing then... So you could try and record your gameplay, because if you are hitting 5 statuses when it dies, then yeah, thats buggy. Its also why. recommended Encumber, because it ensures additional random procs. 

Weird blobs on Citrine though? It wasn't the Nox or something? Maybe the last Hotfix did make it buggy. Also you don't need to reduce the strength of Citrine. The turret isn't that powerful, not against Steel Path enemies. Also technically you might have it harder than a lot of people, because the Atomos was bugged... to be weaker. A lot of its raw damage from one Evolution wasn't applying. Hence you have to be careful not to kill too fast with raw damage before enough statuses are on it at time of death. 


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8 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Do you have Secondary Encumber?

I do not. I see one can purchase. Not sure if I want to spend resources at Otak for that arcane as I'm not sure how often I'd use it. 

I did fire then stop the fire a bit more to extend the time it took to kill. I also reduced citrine's strength so the gem would take time as well. I actually kept failing the mission late round because I would have to fire at enemies for longer so clearing the time each wave the target took more damage.

11 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

the wiki says to use Citrines 1, its because thats how you get your Prismatic Gem to actually target and inflict status on those enemies

Wiki says the gem targets what you're targeting. It says nothing about her 1 working with the gem FYI :

"Deploy a gem that shoots prismatic beams. The gem targets enemies that are taking weapon damage from Citrine and her allies. Its beams inflict Heat, Cold, Toxin, and Electricity Status Effects. Status Chance and Status Duration increase for nearby allies"

And again it specifically states four status so if the gem is shooting an enemy and I shoot it, it should proc a kill for the genesis. So that's buggy. Secondly the atomos would just stop working periodically and I'd hear weird screeching noises and see blobs on citrine. I was solo.

Maybe I'll try Cedo again to prime with citrine's 3 and then switch to atomos. With Cedo priming i should have 8 status. If that doesn't get me my last 13 kills I don't know what will. LOL

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38 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

you could also try voruna's 2 it inflicts 10 statuses with 10 stacks each on every cast

Maybe. Wow, ran void defense 5 times and only have 17 kills using citrine's 3. Hardly making it easy. WTF. I am watching the gem shoot my target as I am hitting it as well and most times no incarnon kill. 

All this frustration for likely a weapon i will probably never use since it takes the entire mission to even get it charged.

Add in the bugs where my WF will suddenly get some blue glowing blob attached to citrine's back and suddenly atomos doesn't work anymore. Ugh. So tired of this time wasting stuff.

If you're going to make a farming game consider making it work properly. Between Duviri, circuit and incarnons it's getting old. 

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2 minutes ago, BansheePrime said:

It can also just be 4 stacks of the same status effect. You sure they’re dying when they’ve got 4 or more active? Also, Citrine and Voruna can make this pretty easy. I’m curious if like the Dual Toxocyst that Atomos challenge isn’t actually what it says.

The challenge doesn't say "active". Just kill with four status. Although I'm not sure if four were active at once. Most status have 6 sec cooldowns so they all should have been, most of the kills. 


Imo, that means use four different status at any point to weaken until death. Four of the same doesn't make sense to me either.

Anyway, I'll try citrine's gem since I have citrine.

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2 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

Citrine's 3rd ability makes this really easy. Plop down the 3, use atomos primary fire, win.

Prismatic Gem: Deploy a gem that shoots prismatic beams. The gem targets enemies that are taking weapon damage from Citrine and her allies. Its beams inflict Heat, Cold, Toxin, and Electricity Status Effects.

Well that does directly state four status are applied plus the atomos so I'll try that next time I log on. Thanks. What's funny is the atomos incarnon page says to use citrine's first ability.

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It can also just be 4 stacks of the same status effect. You sure they’re dying when they’ve got 4 or more active? Also, Citrine and Voruna can make this pretty easy. I’m curious if like the Dual Toxocyst that Atomos challenge isn’t actually what it says.

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Reading up on status, the wiki states impact, slash etc are all status as well so now I'm puzzled since each of the three weapons also has at least one or more of those, in addition to the elements. So if I got an enemy with three different weapons and each has two different elements and at least one physical status value how am I generating zero kills to fulfill the incarnon genesis level?

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