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Cambo the Corpus superstar and Bugframe at its finest


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As time goes on, the shenanigans I've come across surrounding the Corpus Nullifier have gone from mildly amusing, to mind-boggling, then inconceivable, and today they've officially reached the level of preposterously outlandish.  So, I guess it's high time you hear the story of Cambo, the Corpus Rambo who puts even the legend of Hunhow to shame.

In case you're not familiar with our friend Cambo, he's a unique Corpus mellee soldier with the pale blue aura that cancels out any effect we place on the field, wipes all of our buffs and shuts down all of our abilities if he approaches close enough. Even though he generates this uniquely designed pseudo-energomagical negation aura, Cambo does not believe in gunpowder, does not believe in Warframe abilities, does not give a damn about bullets and certainly does not give a flying #*!% about your fancy Necramechs.

Cambo only believes in the undeniable honor of mellee combat and the power of ones jab, wielding his trusty little billy-club like it's a supersword and it's freakin glorious.

Back when I started playing and first ran into Cambo about 8 months ago, I accepted the fact that he's uniquely designed to counter Warframe abilities, meaning he shruggs off any Warframe ability I cast against him, so I learned that I had to rely on my knives, beams and bullets to put him out of comission.

Sometime later Cambo became capable of shrugging off and eventually even completely canceling out my Voidrig artillery shots, wiping them clean and fully negating them if I happen to aim for his aura. Alright, if I can't blast him apart, I'll just blast him aside, I learned to drop my shots next to him so the concussive blast tears him apart.

Further down the line Cambo somehow gained the ability to negate energy shots from energy weapons Arca Plasmor entirely, so I learned to avoid using these kinds of guns when I'm going against Corpus or, when I'm in a mission and Cambo shows up, I switch to my Paracesis and run straight at him.

A few days ago, when one of hotfixes were applied, Cambo trully became the Rambo of Warframe. Blasting the area around him with Voidrig artillery shots doesn't affect him anymore, so whenever he barges into the fight I'm having an "Oh crap here comes Cambo!" experience. While his allies are being torn to shreds by 1.000.000 plus damage Voidrig artillery blasts larger than his own aura, shredded into microfragments all over the place, Cambo just pushes through all of that shelling like a superchad, does not slow down and does not take any damage in the process, reaches my Voidrig and uses the sheer weight and size of his balls to lift my entire Voidrig out of siege mode. So, when I'm minding my Voidrig business and artillery blasting half the map apart, Cambo comes along to remind me to stop camping like a loser and come out of my Voidrig for a proper fight.

Today... well... seems Rambo contracted a serious case of dontgivea#*!%itis, evolving into some kind of an Alzheimer Schwarzenegger. Cambo now ignores pretty much all ranged damage I throw his way. So far today he's managed to completely shrugg off my Voidrig artillery blasting, Quellor machinegunning, Ignis Wraith roasting, Lakspur Prime bursting and bombarding, Epitaph headshotting and Fulmin shredding, the only reliable way for me to put Cambo down is to close the distance and shove my Paracesis up his ass.

Yeah, Cambo has developed the ability to straight out forget he's supposed to take any sort of damage that isn't mellee damage. Fortunately for me, every once in a while his Alzhemier syndrome takes a backseat and he suddenly remembers he's an enemy unit, supposed to be killed by players, and when that occurs Cambo simply implodes.

Bugframe, I'd love to tell you not to change... but these shenanigans are really getting out of hand. If you are going to fix Cambo and provide us with his regular form, I would appreciate if you would develop a new boss to comemorate this glorious journey, because it has been glorious indeed.

PS EDIT: If this is the way Cambo is supposed to work... I'm genuinely afraid of him...

Edited by Auxilar
Fixing typos out of fear of Cambo
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Yeah, after recent patches sometimes nullifiers will enter a bugged state in which their bubble was destroyed "too quickly" and it acts as though the bubble is still active, preventing all AoE and Ranged damage from damaging the nullifier. The reason why they seem to randomly come out of this bugged state is because the bubble isn't there, so it can't take damage, and after a few seconds of not taking damage, the bubble expands back to its smallest size, at which point it takes damage and the bugged state is resolved. Would really like for DE to fix this bug as it does remove all of the counterplay that these enemies are supposed to have.

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I melee anyway, I had no idea this was an issue but I just went into SP palus and sure enough, I actually watched a combas raise a blue shield up to block projectiles. 

You could probably shoot the feet, legs, or go around and shoot from the back, but obviously melee is easier.

So one is a legitimate mechanic even though it's possible there may be bugs. 

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Nullifier Guardian Eximus, it shouldn't be a thing, but it is, and it's downright disgusting.. bubble, tri-shield and proto-shield, giving every other mob Damage reduction and saving them from powers... 

IMO it's the Elite Trenchers you gotta watch out for on the Orb Vallis: I'm not kidding, these dudes are on demon timing: the moment they see you they dash in and slam, and if you're not running Primed Sure Footed, you're in for a world of pain from the constant knockdowns. their regular attacks are strong too, and then when they show up with Provisors (the dudes with the face-lasers that push you backwards).. there's a reason I don't go to the Vallis on Steel Path for fun anymore XD.

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