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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.1


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Felarx bonus stats from 4th evolution Brutal Edge are still bugged and not affected by mods.

Braton Incarnon mode AOE has big enemy hit detection problems often does not do any damage to enemies that are right next to enemy that you are targeting or damage is greatly reduced.

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Since i doubt there will be a fix for various misplaced armor pieces soon...

Custom/free armor placement when?

What about Modular Archwings?

Sentinel overhaul when? Animals have (Primed) Pack Leader and Link Mods, Sentinels have.. Spare Parts?!

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I had a hope on this update but you managed to do it again. I have only two words that are fit perfectly in this update REPETITIVE and BORING. We still have to deal with tons of undercroft defences and survivals. In two of my first three Spiral stages runs i slept up on my keyboard. Better remove everything and keep only Kaithe races, seem they are more fun and suspenseful that can keep you awake

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The Rauta shotgun's spread is way too high. Come on guys, I know you are just game devs but this is too much. In the real world you would only get that with a 2 inch barrel.
I know you want balance things but we don't want to have to us this at point blank range all the time. Even with Narrow Barrel this is way to much. Please fix

Edited by Ancient_Maykr
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what can i say, a fake update ... implementing bugs, no warframe story, no difference between normal and steel path, and you presented it as the second part of Duviri update? i don't know if you really want to kill wf but you are succeeding bravo.

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15 hours ago, nslay said:

I don't know why this would vex you.

People are weird. They decide to hate your guts over the most abstract of things.

"You don't agree with me 100%? ENEMY, OBLITERATE THIS ENEMY"
It's quirky the first time you see it. After that? Taxing on my patience.
The fact that I even have patience left is nothing short of a miracle.

15 hours ago, nslay said:

They probably did this to prevent players from consuming whatever new content is there too fast.

They did it for reasons they will never disclose because apparently transparency on what the hell is going on in a luxury these days.
A luxury that is paid in diamonds and royalty.

For all we know, they did it because Steve received a divine message from a tape recorder that was manufactured in 1976.
Or maybe Megan found a mossy rock outside that exploded and the shrapnel showed a map to Atlantis.
Or maybe Pablo accidentally created an AI that can shuffle human genomes around like it's a deck of cards and it must be contained.
All stupid reasons, all equally valid as the next. That's what happens when people are left to guess on this kinda nonsense.

Welcome to the internet. Be cynical at all times or find yourself exhausted to the point of nihilism.

10 hours ago, wirecard said:

Custom/free armor placement when?

I doubt they'll do that anytime within the next 3 years. Maybe more if things keep going the way they do.

As people tell me for a lot of "cool things" that end up getting spat upon...

  • Takes development time away from """things that matter""". (Like... making sure Strata Relay has the correct amount of Fire Particles down to the decimal value!)
  • DE gets no profit from it. (As if, but whatever.)
  • It's a free game, so they can do whatever they want. (Which isn't even correct because they need to make money to keep the game running, but again-- whatever)
  • And more needless banter.

My main concern is that you'd have to overwrite A LOT of the current code to make that functional.
From coding in UI Sliders, to making sure it's a system that works on EVERY Warframe flawlessly, to making sure it doesn't break any Armor Pieces (which would only go BACK to this issue)... yeah, it's not really something I can see happening.

Besides, profitable laziness is the catalyst for stagnation and boredom-- but what would I know.

10 hours ago, wirecard said:

Sentinel overhaul when? Animals have (Primed) Pack Leader and Link Mods, Sentinels have.. Spare Parts?!

No real need for that, they're perfectly fine as they stand right now for the most part.

All they really need are the Link Mods (mitigated if you must DE, but there's no excuse for this still) and a SLIGHT boost to the weapons.
Namely weapons like Stinger, Laser Rifle, etc. Their base stats are awful and no amount of modding fixes them.

Verglas is outright just a Glaxion for our Sentinels. The fact that it's on par with a Primary Weapon (or the fact that it IS one, stat-wise) is the only reason it's so highly-used. The Status is just the niche it fills and it does it very well.

However, I'm not saying Sentinels should just get the ability to kill things automatically. Otherwise you get a situation like Xaku's silly aimbot thing where they don't even need to play the game. They just walk in and the game does it for them. That's not very fun, it's good for low-tier farming maybe-- but we don't need Sentinels to do that let alone Xaku's whole schtick.

2 hours ago, Semblant89 said:

I had a hope on this update but you managed to do it again.

Welcome to 2023's internet.
Expecting better is on par with painting a target on yourself in a military shooting range... while being covered classified documents.

2 hours ago, Ancient_Maykr said:

I know you want balance things but we don't want to have to us this at point blank range all the time. Even with Narrow Barrel this is way to much. Please fix

I haven't been able to use it fully myself (Something something "build timers") but from the bits that Duviri keeps shoving in my face because I don't own it...

... the fact that it gives Melee Combo per pellet that hits means that I would very likely just blast something point-blank anyway and swap to my Melee.
Which is probably intentional, all things considered.

Shotgun Vendetta Arcane also seems like a good pick here, as you can simply delete a Butcher or two and get increase Multishot to empower your Melee-gain further.

Again, I haven't fully used it yet-- but this gun really screams to me "This is a weapon designed to synergize with others".
Hell, they made an Arcane that increases the Critical Chance of Secondaries by consuming the Combo Counter you have currently on equip.
They could not make it any more obvious on what it's supposed to do.

If giving up a primary spot isn't good enough for the benefits it gives here? Than you don't have to use it.
I don't use Kuva Bramma for the life of me, but that's because I find it boring as hell. (Mostly due to the IQ of the average player resulting in "Boom" for every action.)

1 hour ago, Thicondrius said:

you presented it as the second part of Duviri update

Honestly, I feel a lot more people would just be fine with it IF they just said "We're introducing a new Warframe, we hope you enjoy it".
... but than they have a big deadline for it, big titles and all the dressing up.

I'm all up for theatrics, but "anti-climatic" is a word that turns that into a net negative.

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20 hours ago, NefariousFormat said:

I have the same problem if you find anything please let me know

Hey, only fix that worked was basically reinstalling the game. If you can't redownload you can use what I used below to avoid redownloading nearly 40gigs

First copy out your Warframe folder from the steam>steamapps>common, also grab "appmanifest_230410" from steam>steamapps, then uninstall. Then:
1) Copy the file Launcher(launcher.exe) present in Warframe>Tools
2) Paste it somewhere else in your computer.
4) Run the Launcher and select location of installation and close it as soon as it starts downloading(when it reaches checking for new content)
3) Copy all files and folders present in the original Warframe folder from steam
4) Paste them in this location "Warframe>downloaded>public" in the new install location and replace any files there
5) Run the Launcher again. It'll detect the files and finish updating the game
6) After its done, copy the files from public then recreate your steam warframe folder and paste the files there.
7) Copy the launcher.exe and paste in steam>steamapps>common>warframe>tools
8) Return the appmanifest_230410 to steam>steamapps
9) Open steam and launch Warframe

A long process I know, so if you have the data and the time, you may as well just redownload instead.

Also DE, this issue repeated itself with the latest hotifx that released a few hours ago SO I had to redo everything here all over again.
Please fix this so we don't have to do this with every hotfix/update

Edited by Ifeanyi
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