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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

If your going to do the packs like you did with this one dont bother we don't want your greedy packs and your fomo tactics  greedy DEcent

We did want a pack with only the cosmetics thats not inflated by plat and aya but you guys are so greedy that you didn't listen to your fans and instead added more plat  WHEN THATS NOT WHAT WE WANTED 

You just see your fans as walking wallets you can squeeze dry with greedy tactics as this one and the previous aya debacle (which you apparently didn't learn from or care about)

Greedy DEcent Megan  

Are we even sure it's entirely Megan who is responsible for this? Really hard to believe that this can be this pinned on her alone; It would be more accurate to point at the entire company on this debacle.

And instead of DEcent I'd call it DEncent. The first one sounds more of a compliment and that might just lead to things more unholy. 

Edited by Stafelund
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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

If your going to do the packs like you did with this one dont bother we don't want your greedy packs and your fomo tactics  greedy DEcent

I mean, I want them. They're beautiful looking.

8 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Greedy DEcent Megan  

Don't shoot the messenger please.

Also really hope someone steps up soon and cleans this thread a bit.

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🎶 58 pages of heirloom complaints,

58 pages of complaints.

Hunker down,

Pray the fuss dies down,

Several more pages of heirloom complaints 🎶

DE, this is just obnoxious to see silence from you on this.

Do right by your community that's kept you employed and funded for the last 10 years. Make a Regal Aya and Platinum free bundle at ~$40USD or less, that includes the skins and signas. Or even better, like everyone repeatedly asks, ~$20usd packs per each skin/signa combo, and/or a $20 pack for just the signas. You owe your ACTUAL 10-year-long supporters that actually buy your prime access(ory) packs an option that doesn't give them a useless currency they don't need or want to buy. Inflating the prices with Regal Aya is scummy.

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1 minute ago, Stafelund said:

Are we even sure it's Megan who is responsible for this?

We can be 100% sure Megan has nothing to do with this. She is a community director for Warframe.
Unfortunatelly whenever something like his happens, it's the community managers who deal with the toxicity and have to take the abuse. Sad.

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Just now, Stafelund said:

Are we even sure it's Megan who is responsible for this? It would be more accurate to point at the entire company on this debacle.

And instead of DEcent I'd call it DEncent. The first one sounds more of a compliment and that might just lead to things more unholy. 

Most likely is her fault she's the comunity manager and has yet to reply or bring up our concerns  and most likely hasn't brought anything to the team that is responsible for marketing on anything sead hear 

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4 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

Didn't help. What's the next step?

I am sorry that I am outraged about disgusting people who are already harassing players in game for the purchase as we speek... 

Unless anyone's getting doxxed over this, or publicizes their location, they're physically safe. And it's not like the criticism is unwarranted. Buying the pack is a choice, it's not an immutable characteristic of someone like their ethnicity or identity. Your energy would be better spent joining the mob and complaining to DE for making purchasers of the pack into targets of criticism because DE was the one to make the packs worthy of so much criticism.

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Most likely is her fault she's the comunity manager and has yet to reply or bring up our concerns  and most likely hasn't brought anything to the team that is responsible for marketing on anything sead hear 

Yeah, but there are higher ups and investors behind the scenes and mostly they all huddle up before letting out a response. Unless we are a fly on the wall on their HQ it's really hard to ascertain on what is happening. Sometimes even community relations can't even just speak what they wanted.

Unless there is indeed a proof that community managers in DE can speak and act independently, you might be shooting the messenger as Shodian said. And you're just giving DE(ncent) their possible excuse and tell that the detractors are mean people or something like that. 

Something like that happened before, and it can probably happen again. 

Edited by Stafelund
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il y a 3 minutes, (XBOX)toughdragon17 a dit :

Most likely is her fault she's the comunity manager and has yet to reply or bring up our concerns  and most likely hasn't brought anything to the team that is responsible for marketing on anything sead hear 

It doesn't means she have the power to decide alone, it's DE in general that decided that releasing this bundle was acceptable.

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17 hours ago, (PSN)HeartCoreGamer said:

I can’t believe this topic is called “Changes and Lessons”. There is literally no change in your behave, it’s the very same greedy practice. And what lessons? You seem to have learned nothing!



1 hour ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

🎶 58 pages of heirloom complaints,

58 pages of complaints.

Hunker down,

Pray the fuss dies down,

Several more pages of heirloom complaints 🎶

DE, this is just obnoxious to see silence from you on this.

Do right by your community that's kept you employed and funded for the last 10 years. Make a Regal Aya and Platinum free bundle at ~$40USD or less, that includes the skins and signas. Or even better, like everyone repeatedly asks, ~$20usd packs per each skin/signa combo, and/or a $20 pack for just the signas. You owe your ACTUAL 10-year-long supporters that actually buy your prime access(ory) packs an option that doesn't give them a useless currency they don't need or want to buy. Inflating the prices with Regal Aya is scummy.



3 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

If they can't accuse you for only not liking it because you can't afford it, they'll just say 'devs need to make money you're selfish' (they say about a 10 year old game that has obviously not needed to do these kinds of practices to make money and stay profitable). 

If they can't do that, they'll say 'it's not that bad other companies do it all the time' (like that's somehow a justification for bad practices, how well the gaming industry has trained people to accept the deplorable as standard).

It's the same lame arguments every time. 



2 hours ago, Somnia said:

How about:

  • You don't include platinum/aya in the pack at all,
  • discount the price,
  • make the skins available for platinum purchase, (you still get the money this way, from someone, somewhere)
  • and don't make them available for a limited time. (they will bring in more money over time)

I bought it, you can see that I bought it, and I can plainly see all of that needs to be changed. You think it would be unfair to me to remove the time limit? Nah, this is unfair to your community. It's predatory and preys on FOMO. This isn't Excal Prime in those critical early days, and I was there for that, too.


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1 minute ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

Unless anyone's getting doxxed over this, or publicizes their location, they're physically safe. And it's not like the criticism is unwarranted. Buying the pack is a choice, it's not an immutable characteristic of someone like their ethnicity or identity. Your energy would be better spent joining the mob and complaining to DE for making purchasers of the pack into targets of criticism because DE was the one to make the packs worthy of so much criticism.

I am not advocating for persecution of those who shame the Heirloom pack owners. Let people do whatever they want as long as it's not a crime.
I fully support everyone who voices their criticism or support of DE whatever the opinion is. 
And I have no problem saying I find someone's opinion wrong.

I have a right to think that those who shame others for supporting DE are dispicable subpar human beings.

Criticism is good. Harassing people you don't agree with is wrong.

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Just now, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

I blame her because she's supposed to address our concerns and try to find a solution to help out yet she's been silent for days now without a peep of anything new or changing 

No, she is the messenger between the community and the DE team. She can't make all the shots. Also it could be perhaps she's taking some time off? I know I would after tennocon.

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It's such a weird marketing choice. If theyd just sold the skins at $10 each theyd have only have had to sell 10x to reach the same money theyd have made selling 1x at $100. Or if you got both skins itd have only needed 5 people. With the fomo marketing already there, im sure $20 per person for 2x limited time skins would have been much more reasonable for many many more people. Pretty ridiculous considering this is supposed to be a celebration of 10 years and an old artist returning for a limited run of skins

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Greedy DEcent Megan


9 minutes ago, Stafelund said:

Are we even sure it's entirely Megan who is responsible for this? Really hard to believe that this can be this pinned on her alone; It would be more accurate to point at the entire company on this debacle.


6 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

We can be 100% sure Megan has nothing to do with this. She is a community director for Warframe.
Unfortunatelly whenever something like his happens, it's the community managers who deal with the toxicity and have to take the abuse. Sad.


6 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Most likely is her fault she's the comunity manager and has yet to reply or bring up our concerns  and most likely hasn't brought anything to the team that is responsible for marketing on anything sead hear 

It's highly unlikely to be her fault the packs are like this, and this isn't a pure community/PR issue like certain historical controversies have been. The community manager is essentially primarily just the mouthpiece of a company, they deliver news, they don't make decisions. Just aim it at DE. Megan doesn't deserve abuse for decisions that were out of her control.

But @[DE]Megan it costs nothing to put a pause on the rage and make our complaints feel heard by simply acknowledging it and confirming that internal reviews, discussions, and assessments are occurring internally over this topic. We'd appreciate it a lot.

and if you don't, we'll be justifiably pissed off at the apparent commitment to this course of action, to the point that, while I disagree with and don't condone it, I'd understand people continuing to be pissed off enough that they'll stoop to these targeted personal attacks, because human psychology makes people attack more tangible, identifiable targets with faces, because the attacks feel more effective. And people are going to feel justified over such attacks when DE looks like it's just putting it's head in the sand and waiting out the complaints and stubbornly committed to putting this black spot on the 10th anniversary.

just tell us if you need a week to hash out sticky legal roadblocks or console-cert stuff. We'll get it.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

I blame her because she's supposed to address our concerns and try to find a solution to help out yet she's been silent for days now without a peep of anything new or changing 

Then you are completely misguided. If you really think Meg can just hop on to the forum and tell us what she thinks and just decide what's going to happen next without the management even discusses the situation, you should really look into how companies are being run. Especially videogame companies.


1 hour ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

But @[DE]Megan it costs nothing to put a pause on the rage and make our complaints feel heard by simply acknowledging it and confirming that internal reviews, discussions, and assessments are occurring internally over this topic. We'd appreciate it a lot.

I'd urge people to read some interviews or listen to some podcasts where CMs explain how their job works. She literally isn't allowed to say anything until it's been cleared by managment and legal. That's just how it is. I am sure she would love to hop in and tell us whatever, but she LITERALLY can't.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

No, she is the messenger between the community and the DE team. She can't make all the shots. Also it could be perhaps she's taking some time off? I know I would after tennocon.

Yes she doesn't call the shots but she is the connection between us and DE and yet she's sead nothing 


Even if she's taking a break she should still address somthing she dosent half to do somthing major just address this situation of what's going on at DE and the packs

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36 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Yes she doesn't call the shots but she is the connection between us and DE and yet she's sead nothing 


Even if she's taking a break she should still address somthing she dosent half to do somthing major just address this situation of what's going on at DE and the packs

I do agree with this to a small extent. If there's anything Megan could maybe do is to ease up the flames a bit by giving an assurance, as someone who worked in a customer service field before, it helps, may not be a huge amount but it does help.

Most likely she can't just move on her own and decide for the company. Now, I don't know if giving an assurance that this is being checked further is a huge no for them too. When I was a customer support rep that's what we can say (and are encouraged to say) when we get customers complaining about widespread issues. At the end of the day, with this many complaints I'm sure this warrants checking and is being talked about in the company. 

Then again, I'm not a DE employee and of course I don't know what's going on there. 

44 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

I blame her because she's supposed to address our concerns and try to find a solution to help out yet she's been silent for days now without a peep of anything new or changing 

You'd be better off blaming Tencent at this point. For now? It's best to keep telling DE they messed up, bad. Don't spend any cash on the game at all. If you can, play another game. 

Edited by Stafelund
Assurance thing, clarified things
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il y a 52 minutes, Cerikus a dit :

Ok, this is the whole post:

At this point. - Now
Anyone having that 10 year badge. - People who bought the pack
will be looked at as a badge of shame. - will be shamed for it
For spedning money on this and making the game worse for everyone else. - those who bought it made the game worse for everyone
Because it will just encourage DE to do this again. - DE won't change

Can you please tell me where I made an error in understanding the post? It's entirely possible, english is not my native language.

Unlikely, your english looks good to me, you're just looking for a fight but there still might be people who are in this case so,
"At this point" implies that something happened you cannot replace that with "now"
"Anyone having that 10 year badge....", nothing to add
"will be looked at as a badge of shame" the guy does not predict the future, that is a hypothesis taking into account past event, again no encouragement to go on a witch hunt or something.

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Even if she's taking a break she should still address somthing she dosent half to do somthing major just address this situation of what's going on at DE and the packs

She can't though. She doesn't have the autority to willy-nilly adress things like that. Even if it's important.

1 minute ago, FireOox314 said:

"At this point" implies that something happened you cannot replace that with "now"

Ok, fair.

1 minute ago, FireOox314 said:

"will be looked at as a badge of shame" the guy does not predict the future, that is a hypothesis taking into account past event, again no encouragement to go on a witch hunt or something.

Ok, fine, but if it was simply a hypothesis, wouldn't the person say something like "I think people will look at it as badge of shame".
It's quite clear that the person has no problem with people being shamed for buying the packs.

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2 minutes ago, Stafelund said:

I do agree with this to an extent. If there's anything Megan could do is to ease up the flames a bit by giving an assurance. Most likely she can't just move on her own and decide for the company. 

You'd be better off blaming Tencent at this point. For now? It's best to keep telling DE they messed up, bad. Don't spend any cash on the game at all. If you can, play another game. 

Oh I blame them to a major extent  i don't blame her a lot i blame her just to a minor extent in the communication department 

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10 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Yes she doesn't call the shots but she is the connection between us and DE and yet she's sead nothing 


Even if she's taking a break she should still address somthing she dosent half to do somthing major just address this situation of what's going on at DE and the packs

Do you like working on your day off?

Edited by (XBOX)Shodian
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57 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

She can't though. She doesn't have the autority to willy-nilly adress things like that. Even if it's important.

I know but she could ask whats going on and if she can address the situation


53 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Do you like working on your day off?

Yes I do i work every time I'm off I literally can't stop moving or fighting with stuff or fixing stuff  do to me having adhd

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Just now, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

I know but she could ask whats going on and if she can address the situation

This thread will soon have 60 pages and it will continue. I would bet anything that they are actively talking about it right now and if not, it's only because the people are physically not in the office and surely will not ruin their day off with their families and loved ones. If that is the case you can be sure this major disaster will be the first thing they will discuss on Monday.

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1 minute ago, Cerikus said:

This thread will soon have 60 pages and it will continue. I would bet anything that they are actively talking about it right now and if not, it's only because the people are physically not in the office and surely will not ruin their day off with their families and loved ones. If that is the case you can be sure this major disaster will be the first thing they will discuss on Monday.

Sure hope its addressed and fixed and discussed by Megan so I can focus more of my annoyance instead of at her twords tencent 

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