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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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4 minutes ago, LucianDeRomeo said:

Just gonna add one more voice/vote to the 'I don't need bloat in my packs' side, I've been with the game on and off since just after I missed the opportunity to be a Founder and while that FOMO haunts me a little it's also a lesson learned, same reason I no longer buy Prime Access. I DO NOT need Platinum, or Aya, or to a lesser degree Regal Aya. There are a handful of Prime Noggles I missed over the years that I have bought Regal Aya for and I will continue to do so as my contribution to a solid game but that will likely be the only contributions I make going forward.

I dont think anyone wants blotted price packs a huge amount of people want just the cosmetics and skins without the inflated price do to plat and aya being added to them 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

And yet no replies or communication to our concerns and complaints about these packs 


22 hours ago, Claytronus02 said:

So, I also found out you can see how much you've spent on Steam in total, and decided to see just how much of my funds went towards Warframe. I am so, so disappointed in myself right now... At what point does one accept sunk cost fallacy and just dip out? Because I think I'm well past that line. 


It took this one to look at their own total spending on the game to start realizing that they needed to start looking at themselves and asked if it was still worth having faith in DE.

You already know that your current effort isn't enough, yet you and many others refuse to take your backlash higher. At this point any post about "why aren't they responding" is completely redundant.

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23 hours ago, BowserNC said:

And you, with your wishes only scummy people think about have the same right as others do. He can compare your opinion to anything he likes cause that is his opinion, just like yours. He crossed the line just like your stupid ideas of hateful mindset. That really shows your personality based on your posts. Let's keep this as friendly as possible and not start a riot against people who indeed bought the pack just because you don't want to buy it. You cant tell them what to do with their money, cause it's not your money they are spending. 

I can literally do and say anything i want.

Like, it's right to compare a bad purchase to a genocide, but it's NOT okay to tell people they are mistaken for making a purchase that has consequences on others?

Yeah no, I don't care what you say, that's not a hill worth dying on.

You don't get special treatment because you spent money, as a matter of fact, i'd hope people would be more ashamed having spent so much knowing that if they had withheld, there may have been a better chance of a real fix.

I don't hate the people, i hate the purchase, but people make the purchase.

Again, no matter what mantra you say or what ideals you have, being mean to people who didn't think twice is not the same as mass executions.

22 hours ago, Cerikus said:

Don't forget that most of the pages are the same people arguing over and over. (Myself included.)
Also don't forget that many people are happy with the packs.

it doesn't matter if people are happy being scammed.

It's no excuse, don't drag the rest of us down.


On 2023-09-01 at 4:09 PM, Cerikus said:

Every genocide began with ONLY badging, naming and shaming. Read a history book.

That person implied that people with the acolade should be shamed and there are enough idiots in the world that will happily do that.
This disgusts me. 



You are not a victim for your own frivolous spending having adverse effects on others, you're literally talking about a badge you purchased, put on yourself, and wore publicly for attention, and you're saying it's a holocaust that people are giving you negative attention instead.

boo-hoo, rich boy, I'm sorry we hold others to standards.

Going after people isn't nice, but insulting someone for a bad decision is not a crime no matter how fragile you are.

You do not get to make other people lower your standards just because you can make insensitive hyperbole to make yourself seem the victim of your own frivolousness.

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18 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:




I never compared shame to genocide. I never compared purchases to genomes. You are making these connections, which says more about you than me.
I compared targeted harassment of people wearing acolade to targeted discrimination of people wearing a badge. That's all I did.

22 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

You are not a victim for your own frivolous spending having adverse effects on others, you're literally talking about a badge you purchased, put on yourself, and wore publicly for attention, and you're saying it's a holocaust that people are giving you negative attention instead.

LMAO. Jokes on you, I didn't buy the Heirloom collection. Feel free to check my in game profile. Type in /profile Cerikus. 

22 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

boo-hoo, rich boy, I'm sorry we hold others to standards.

LMAO, Jokes on you, I am not rich. Not even close.

23 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

Going after people isn't nice, but insulting someone for a bad decision is not a crime no matter how fragile you are.

Insulting someone is always wrong, no matter what the targeted person did. All you can do (if you wanna be valued as a decent human being) is use constructive arguments against what they did.

"You are stupid, because you bought the pack" is objectively evil behavior.
"Buying the pack was stupid, for these reasons ...." is constructive and fair criticism.

Guess which one are you??? Yes, you are the evil one.

25 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

You do not get to make other people lower your standards just because you can make insensitive hyperbole to make yourself seem the victim of your own frivolousness.

Where did I do that? Can you quote me, where I did anything close to that?

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Gosh Jolly, I tried reading trough all the comments, but gave up after 29 pages, cannot imagine what the community manager and staff have to go trough. What a doozie this whole ordeal huh. What a way to Ruin a 10 Year anniversary. And all that happens with the former Community Manager in charge? Woah, I would have thought from all people, she would know the community best....... or know how to manipulate said community using what has been learned over the years at the previous position... hmmm.

I don't even know from where to begin.

The Heirloom Paradox

Ten Year Supporter. Like someone who has supported the game along the 10 years of it's existence. That is what the Accolade is supposed to mean            right? Right?

But it includes Regal Aya to get the two Prime Warframes that can wear the skins? If someone has been with the game for 10 years, they will most definitely have those warframes Prime already. In reality you do not even need 10 Years of play to get your hands on both in Prime variant for reasonable Platinum or with some farming, just at max 2-3 years. Hold up..... but that would mean..... no, it cannot be..... the packs are not for those people? Then for who????
 Okay so the Heirloom Packs are for new players then? It makes sense right? You start now, you see shiny, you buy shiny and can instantly get the thing to put the shiny on outright. Sounds great! ........ if you are a new player who does not have Frost Prime and Mag Prime that is.

But it comes with an Accolade for 10 Year..... but it's packaged for new players..... but its for the long support over the years..... but Timmy who started this week and just did the Maroo Quest can get the 10 Year Accolade with mommy's credit card..... HUH? You know what Timmy will do after he realizes what the badge means right? Everyone, even the bacteria behind your monitor knows.

So what is it DE;RP? For WHO is IT?

For new players it is an amazing deal, 0 doubt about it. If you are fresh, you get everything you need to start an amazing journey in Warframe right of the bat - Two neat skins (and halos); Two Prime Warframes (both capable of stripping the enemy defenses and crowd controlling with ease, making the game easy even on Steel Path); Two Thousand One Hundred Platinum (enough to get you plenty of slots, Forma, other Primes, Mods and Arcanes). It is Such a no brainer for New Players, and I get why they will buy it, it literally costs less than the equivalent platinum price after the change.... BUT...

For actual long time players..... this is a Slap in the Face with a Hand made of Middle Fingers covered in kubrow droppings. The Regal Aya? Basically pointless, play the game long enough and there will be nothing to use it for. It may have a monetary "value" attached to it, but if you are even veteran adjacent, it's practical "value" is Zero. That is from where the majority of the complaints also come which is understandable. The Platinum is also at best Meh for long time players. As such they know what and when to sell in-game to get Plat if they need it and probably are already sitting on few hundred plat right now, with nothing to spend it on..... so why get more? Getting an 81 Euro Bundle, when the 2 major components that drive up the price and add "value", provide you with literal nothing in therms of practical value, becomes real hard to rationalize, don't you think?

So from all this it's pretty clear to me that the Heirloom Collection is simply intended for New Players ,but more so, it is intended to elevate the Ego's of the New Players, for who it is actually a valid good deal, and attempt to use them as a tool to peer pressure veterans into buying what is practically a bad deal for them. A "small" side effect of that is an extremely toxic division between "Buyers" and "Non Buyers" of that specific collection, and trust me, it will linger long long time no matter what you do..... that is how you build a Community Wall!

Of course I might be wrong about the above, and it might just turn out a plain Mockery and Insult to the actual long therm supporters of the game that have been spending regularly for 10 years now, but surely that ain't it......... Surely.

That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slimy Marketing Practice

So originally people asked for the Regal Aya to go away in favor of more affordable pricing. That used to be "possible" due to the lower Platinum amount, however it no longer is! With the bump up in Platinum "value", now the entire Collection costs less than the Plat alone, which in turn makes it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for the Regal Aya to go away and the price to be reduced, since that would make the bundle be perpetual 45% ish discount on plat, plus trinkets and skins - no sane business would do that.

That is a check and mate, if anyone has not realized it yet. With the Platinum "value" increase, DE;RP not only further pleased the people that already blindly bought the bundle, but also cemented it's state, turning all followup complaints into mere "Murmurs Behind The Wall" - illegible and practically and legally impossible to act upon.

Did the Regal Aya really need to be included in the Bundle itself? Of course Not! Regal Aya Bundles sit right under the Heirloom Collection, easily accessible for anyone who wishes they had the Prime to put the Skin on. Sure, sensible players would have just used the platinum from the pack to buy the Prime sets from other players, and it seems DE;RP Intentionally did not want that to happen, so they made sure people will Have To Pay for Regal Aya, want it or not. That for me is just... yucky.... slimy.... dare I say, malicious.

Not gonna lie, if the Zenith did not have Regal Aya and costed 45 Euro I would have gotten it already, even tho i do not play Mag much. However it seems DE;RP really want to suck off that extra 36 Euro out of my bottom, and i would gladly let them, if only I was getting something I can actually use in return.

But alas, the Desire was too strong. Instead of letting me support them with 45 Euro today for a fair value bundle, with a good chance of me spending more later, they wanted 81, and got 0, with very low to no chance of me buying anything anytime soon, due to sheer disappointment and disgust from the disrespect shown to the actual long term players and supporters.

Packaging oh packaging, how does that beast work. First you see flashy skins, then you go to get them, but since you don't want to bust for the top pack per se, you look lower, huh...... the color palette is not with them? In a game, where the community has reached the consensus that "Fashion is Endgame", you cannot get the colors designed for the skins with the skins without paying the Top Tier? Now isn't that just Predatory mind games. That is without even considering the two skins are always together, when it is common sense that - A Frost player is not necessarily a Mag player and vice versa.

Frost Main losing his Cool

Why are the two skins always together? Why is it a Frost that had to be in that slot for a Heirloom Skin? I get why Mag is there, Rebecca mains Mag, it's only natural, albeit kinda Suss. You neglected Frost for soooo long, and now out of nowhere you slap a Limited Time skin in a giga Overpriced Bundle along with another irrelevant (for me as Frost Main) Skin..... Just WHY?

I was in such an anticipation for a second Frost Deluxe for so long, but not because I don't like the body of the original Deluxe, but because you butchered it's definition and fidelity with the Ensmallening. Yes, you actively made older skins Worse, and Frost is not the only one. The Ember Deluxe also lost the iridescent-ish material texture, which I'm pretty sure can be considered a scam, but since it's bought with plat i guess its okay huh?

I knew that those Packs would be screwed in some way, but DE;RP outdid themselves, color me surprised! And speaking of Colors! I asked a friend that got the Zenith pack to, you know, do me a lil fashion dance with the Heirloom Frost Skin, the body specifically. Now imagine my face when i realized that the skin cannot become White.... best is dirty light grey ..... Frost Cannot Be Colored White Properly .... FROST!??!?!??! That Heirloom Skin was supposed to be a masterpiece, but instead it cannot even become snow white, best is concrete grey... what an artistic fail from whoever imported the original work, because im sure the creator of the skin never intended for it to have such color absorption flaws.... especially costing at minimum 63 Euro to get your hands on it!

That is not by far your first offense with this "texturing technique" - Revenant Prime, Citrine, Caliban and worst of all Drifter/Operator Dex Suit - all of those have at least one channel that simply cannot be colored white or black, because the "material" or "texture" of the surface has been set as some weird overlay that completely changes how the surface displays colors, not only white and black btw, but any color gets a weird tint. This technique is plain stupid, you sell color palettes, we buy those for certain colors, but when my "dark marine blue" becomes "light pale teal" or "coral orange" goes "brick", I kind of lose my shift


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I get your trying to even out the price by adding more plait but the plot is not the issue most people can earn plaid if you are having trouble making plat then you do not need it you need to just farm for the prime frames and the weapons honestly it discount would have been more justifiable You're adding plait and regal Aya to something that should have just been a cheaper skin pack for maybe 20 bucks or 25 bucks cuz I will say those skins are worth at least 20 bucks but not for what you're trying to put it out for.


I mean hell you could have even made three different purchase options One of the purchase options could have been 20 bucks it just comes with the two skins the headpiece and maybe the color palette that's it just a suggestion.

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I've been reading many things here and there and you guys need to touch some grass, especially those criticising the community managers.

We can debate about those prices that are indeed a bit high for the content they offer, I kinda feel like I'm paying 50 bucks for an accolade and two skins from warframes I haven't used in years but for the memes.

What has FOMO to do there tho ? Why would you be scared to miss something you wouldn't buy ? You've literally got 4 months to buy them, I've seen worse, nobody was ranting 10 years ago about founders packs that offered a frame, 2 weapons and accolades, are people now mad and using the straw man FOMO argument just because DE doesn't need money like they used to 10 years ago ?

You don't want it ? Don't buy it and get over it, your life won't end because you missed some cosmetics, you're either fragile as hell to FOMO something like that or a godlike chad that only fear in life is to miss a cosmetic item.

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5 minutes ago, (PSN)DarkLoveHeart said:

I get your trying to even out the price by adding more plait but the plot is not the issue most people can earn plaid if you are having trouble making plat then you do not need it you need to just farm for the prime frames and the weapons honestly it discount would have been more justifiable You're adding plait and regal Aya to something that should have just been a cheaper skin pack for maybe 20 bucks or 25 bucks cuz I will say those skins are worth at least 20 bucks but not for what you're trying to put it out for.

The skins are nice but there not worth the price of a newly released AAA game with dlc at best there worth 30 maby 40 dollars but with the addition of plat and aya it has been artificially inflated to 90 dollers making it difficult for people that only want the skins and cosmetics or someone that just wants one skin in the pack 

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)Ze_LoBoToMiZeUr said:

I've been reading many things here and there and you guys need to touch some grass, especially those criticising the community managers.

We can debate about those prices that are indeed a bit high for the content they offer, I kinda feel like I'm paying 50 bucks for an accolade and two skins from warframes I haven't used in years but for the memes.

What has FOMO to do there tho ? Why would you be scared to miss something you wouldn't buy ? You've literally got 4 months to buy them, I've seen worse, nobody was ranting 10 years ago about founders packs that offered a frame, 2 weapons and accolades, are people now mad and using the straw man FOMO argument just because DE doesn't need money like they used to 10 years ago ?

You don't want it ? Don't buy it and get over it, your life won't end because you missed some cosmetics, you're either fragile as hell to FOMO something like that or a godlike chad that only fear in life is to miss a cosmetic item.

It's constructive criticism if you're going to take everything to seriously maybe you should stop White nighting the game and stop reading all the negative comments and taking everything at face value it's an opinion at the end of the day there's no need to be a dramatic child about it I simply gave an opinion.

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21 hours ago, Cerikus said:

LMAO. Jokes on you, I didn't buy the Heirloom collection. Feel free to check my in game profile. Type in /profile Cerikus

Don't care.


21 hours ago, Cerikus said:

LMAO, Jokes on you, I am not rich. Not even close

Don't care.


21 hours ago, Cerikus said:

Insulting someone is always wrong, no matter what the targeted person did.

Boo-hoo.  Watch me insult you again because you have literally zero authority, and have begotten zero respect.


21 hours ago, Cerikus said:

Guess which one are you??? Yes, you are the evil one.

Bro is mad that i don't care enough about him specically to write an essay just for him about why i agree with 90% of the posts here.
Nobody cares if a recitation was given, this is a videogame forum, stop being a debatebro freak.


21 hours ago, Cerikus said:

Where did I do that? Can you quote me, where I did anything close to that?

Don't care to.

I never said it was a quote, the actions you take ammount to this, I didn't care what you had said up to that point, why would i care to directly quote you
without using quotations??

Like damn someone feels special.


21 hours ago, Cerikus said:

I never compared shame to genocide.

You literally said that me being mean to you for wearing a badge was as bad as people being forced to wear badges in 1941.

You know what you did, own it, coward.

20 hours ago, BowserNC said:

To be honest I don't think they will fix anything, the prices will still remain the same, and probably they won't be adding any packs for skins only (hopefully im wrong)... Hopefully if they add new heirloom packs they wont be overpriced and with "filler" items to boost up the cost. 

I hope they aren't the slimy cowards they have made themselves appear and just reset course.

Send refunds, let people who purchased keep what they have, let others get it for cheaper, literally anything to make it ACCESSIBLE.

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1 hour ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

You don't get special treatment because you spent money, as a matter of fact, i'd hope people would be more ashamed having spent so much knowing that if they had withheld, there may have been a better chance of a real fix.

To be honest I don't think they will fix anything, the prices will still remain the same, and probably they won't be adding any packs for skins only (hopefully im wrong)... Hopefully if they add new heirloom packs they wont be overpriced and with "filler" items to boost up the cost. 

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13 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

Don't care.

Don't care.

Boo-hoo.  Watch me insult you again because you have literally zero authority, and have begotten zero respect.

Bro is mad that i don't care enough about him specically to write an essay just for him about why i agree with 90% of the posts here.
Nobody cares if a recitation was given, this is a videogame forum, stop being a debatebro freak.

Don't care to.

I never said it was a quote, the actions you take ammount to this, I didn't care what you had said up to that point, why would i care to directly quote you
without using quotations??

Like damn someone feels special.

Ah I see, so now we found out you are full of nonsense and a liar.
You attacked me, because you thought you knew what side I was on and because you thought I bought the pack and I was arguing for that.
And when I call you out on your lies and false assumptions you "don't care" and continue to insult me.
On top of that you have so little respect you don't even bother to defend your false claims.

You, my dear fellow poster, are the antithesis of a decent human being.

12 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

You literally said that me being mean to you for wearing a badge was as bad as people being forced to wear badges in 1941.

You know what you did, own it, coward.

Yes, I did. Shaming and targeting people based on anything specific is evil. I don't care if it's race, gender, nationality or a stupid acolade in game. You are insulting me on purpose, because you thought I bought the pack and you want to continue doing that to other people. 


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7 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

Ah I see, so now we found out you are full of nonsense and a liar.
You attacked me, because you thought you knew what side I was on and because you thought I bought the pack and I was arguing for that.
And when I call you out on your lies and false assumptions you "don't care" and continue to insult me.
On top of that you have so little respect you don't even bother to defend your false claims.

You, my dear fellow poster, are the antithesis of a decent human being.

Yes, I did. Shaming and targeting people based on anything specific is evil. I don't care if it's race, gender, nationality or a stupid acolade in game. You are insulting me on purpose, because you thought I bought the pack and you want to continue doing that to other people. 


You are pathetic for comparing a bad purchase to things people are actually killed and harmed for.

8 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

a stupid acolade in game.


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16 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

Don't care.


Don't care.


Boo-hoo.  Watch me insult you again because you have literally zero authority, and have begotten zero respect.


Bro is mad that i don't care enough about him specically to write an essay just for him about why i agree with 90% of the posts here.
Nobody cares if a recitation was given, this is a videogame forum, stop being a debatebro freak.


Don't care to.

I never said it was a quote, the actions you take ammount to this, I didn't care what you had said up to that point, why would i care to directly quote you
without using quotations??

Like damn someone feels special.

While I am bored waiting for an official response to this dumpster fire, I am just going to say, taking the time to format a dissection of his posts so you can individually type out the various ways in which you "don't care" really goes to show how much you actually don't care.

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2 minutes ago, Ageless_Emperion said:

While I am bored waiting for an official response to this dumpster fire, I am just going to say, taking the time to format a dissection of his posts so you can individually type out the various ways in which you "don't care" really goes to show how much you actually don't care.

It's called a deliberate insult, of course i care.

just not about them!

Edited by Thunderlord_Zinogre
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3 minutes ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

oh, but...


You did.

So in your mind a sentence "I like cheese pizza, videogames, theatre and beer" is also a comparison?

Wow, you learn something new everyday...

1 minute ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

It's called a deliberate insult, of course i care.

just not about them!

LMAO, you are the one insulting me, admitting it and saying it's ok to do so. 

You should stop or you will embarrass yourself even more.

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Just now, Cerikus said:

So in your mind a sentence "I like cheese pizza, videogames, theatre and beer" is also a comparison?

Wow, you learn something new everyday...

oh look, there he goes doing the thing he said i did.

No, putting persecuted groups in the same list as someone who bought something is a comparison.

You know what you're doing, quit being such a rat.

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1 minute ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

It's called a deliberate insult.

No, I don't think so. A deliberate insult would be you actually putting in the effort to dunk on him intellectually at every step of that post.

What you did is just make yourself look like a fool or show people that you are a fool? Dunno, take your pick.

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19 hours ago, Ageless_Emperion said:

No, I don't think so. A deliberate insult would be you actually putting in the effort to dunk on him intellectually at every step of that post.

What you did is just make yourself look like a fool or show people that you are a fool? Dunno, take your pick.

have you considered that i don't care?


19 hours ago, Ageless_Emperion said:

show people that you are a fool?

Like, what about caring to you is exclusively the domain of interaction?

I do not care about being shamed within Warframe, not when it's become nearly a scam.

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