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(Potentially) How Narmer will play into the rest of the storyline.


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I think we can all agree that Narmer’s presence isn’t that felt outside of Archon Hunts post-New War. What gives?

Obviously, DE intends to expand upon them later, but they stated that the next story arc focuses on the Void. How can Sentients be involved?

As of the last Devstream, we have a potential lead:

Archon Shard Fusing

"A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes." -Ingame Description for Archon Shards

The Archons are formidable Sentients that are able to be reborn through use of Archon Shards, crystallized collections of radiation used to keep them alive.

With the devstream reveal of new archon shards created through combining the previous trio of shards we have, Pazuul will definitely want to get his hands on them, considering he shows interest in reviving Praghasa, let alone creating new Archons from these combined gems.


The ‘Crucibles’

In the Albrecht Entrati labs, it is suggested through the devstream the distant pillars of energy spilling out into the vast nothingness are called ‘Crucibles’. This is also evident in Qorvex’s design and radiation motif, all sharing similar designs to these constructions.


What I am theorizing to be a "Cruicible" in the Entrati Labs, seen in the Gameplay Demo from Tennocon 2023

Narmer will definitely take interest in these forms of powerful radiation energy and archon shard creation.


The Veils

What is Narmer without their iconic veils? We know that, shown through cinematics in New War, and properties seen affecting Teshin in The War Within, Kuva has mind-controlling/Will-binding properties.UIuQxgY.png

Ballas Sprinkling Kuva-dust in the first cutscene of The New War, Act 2.


In The Lost Island Duviri fragments, there is mention of some peasants drinking the red fluid that emerges from their farmland, their eyes turning black and distant. This, along with what happens if your operator consumes Kuva at the end of The War Within, all hint at some sort of direct connection to The Man in the Wall, and it may even be his blood.


"The stuff was dark, almost black. It had a heavy metallic odor suffused with grave spices. One venturesome soul tasted it. His eyes instantly became pitch-black orbs, his voice a smoky whisper." - Acrithis's retelling of The Bleeding Earth event in Duviri.

If Narmer Veils are created and powered with Kuva, then who’s to say The Man in the Wall won’t be able to take over the Narmer forces at his will?

This has been my excessively long lore rambling, feel free to discuss or correct me below!

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Were probably not going to get very much in relation to Narmer until at least either:

1) After Whispers in the Wall.


2) After Warframe 1999.

Megan did say that theirs a "Stalker Update" in the works during the first panel at Tennocon. This update could be in between WF1999 for all we know. They didn't show anything and it was only referred by her very very briefly.

It was also mentioned in the AMA on Redit that DE did last year.

So I'm wondering if this will have some sort of expansion on the Narmer faction since Stalker was a key part of acquiring Archon Shards to restore Natah/Lotus/Margulis In The New War Quest.

I'm hoping that this update also has an orgins aspect but I can see this update having Narmer in it, mainly involving with Pazuul and Narmers new leader being revealed as well.

But won't know until at least 2024. 

Edited by (XBOX)Cram Duahcim
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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:


I'm hoping that this update also has an orgins aspect but I can see this update having Narmer in it, mainly involving with Pazuul and Narmers new leader being revealed as well.

But won't know until at least 2024. 

Oh I wasn't suggesting it would happen in the next update, just for the future in general.

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Yeah figured Narmer wouldn't pop up until post 1999 (unless 1999 is going to be later in 2024 and they put out something in between).

Now in terms of the story, weaving Narmer into the Wally story could be likely.  It was the giant portal at the end of New War that Wally popped out, so Wally could have guided things to the point where a portal big enough for him to get out was made. 

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31 minutes ago, yarl5000 said:

Yeah figured Narmer wouldn't pop up until post 1999 (unless 1999 is going to be later in 2024 and they put out something in between).

Now in terms of the story, weaving Narmer into the Wally story could be likely.  It was the giant portal at the end of New War that Wally popped out, so Wally could have guided things to the point where a portal big enough for him to get out was made. 

It's scheduled for 2024. My hope is that it follows Whispers in the Walls "Echos" update. And here's my prediction/speculation:

WF1999 brings Infested Liches. The AMA also indicated that was in the 2024 plans. And since the enemies in WF1999 appear to be Infested, my bet is that's where they're introduced.

And you end the year with this "Stalker Update" and have it as a Tennocon reveal. 

And this still leaves room for Narmer to get it's own update in here, either in the Summer or in the fall after Tennocon. But the Stalker Update could also have Narmer apart of it, so you could have multiple opportunities to have them in 2024.

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:

And since the enemies in WF1999 appear to be Infested, my bet is that's where they're introduced.

And you end the year with this "Stalker Update" and have it as a Tennocon reveal. 

Pssst, I use the Warframe Sound Database for personal projects, and the enemies in 1999 are confirmed to be infested, as they are under the category of 'Infested1999'.

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:

It's scheduled for 2024. My hope is that it follows Whispers in the Walls "Echos" update. And here's my prediction/speculation:

WF1999 brings Infested Liches. The AMA also indicated that was in the 2024 plans. And since the enemies in WF1999 appear to be Infested, my bet is that's where they're introduced.

And you end the year with this "Stalker Update" and have it as a Tennocon reveal. 

And this still leaves room for Narmer to get it's own update in here, either in the Summer or in the fall after Tennocon. But the Stalker Update could also have Narmer apart of it, so you could have multiple opportunities to have them in 2024.

Haven't the enemies in wf1999 already been discussed as new faction? Infested-like maybe but they seem to be their own thing.

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I hope they come back, they got folded like a napkin due to New War's rushed narrative and we were denied a proper fight against the Sentients and Narmer with our warframes as a result. 

I don't care what the specifics are, I just want DE to give us a proper, permanent Narmer/Sentient Tileset  so I can finally get some mileage out of my Umbra builds. 

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11 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Looking at past experience ?

They probably will not even bother , I would love for some actual continuation as the new war felt to end too abruptly with many pieces and sections missing, but this is DE , they probably will make up something completely new and unrelated.

Veilbreaker is a continuation. Now whether you actually enjoy that or not is entirely on you, however Veilbreaker along with the Archon Hunts would be considered a continuation.

We still have to fight Pazuul. Plus with the teaser that came along with that in Fortuna. The Third Orb Mother might also be apart of that.

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21 minutes ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:

Veilbreaker is a continuation. Now whether you actually enjoy that or not is entirely on you, however Veilbreaker along with the Archon Hunts would be considered a continuation.

We still have to fight Pazuul. Plus with the teaser that came along with that in Fortuna. The Third Orb Mother might also be apart of that.

More like a recording of an echo than a continuation. It Feels similar but the source that gave it life and purpose is kinda moved away.

You also just made my point the third orb mother has been a thing since a few years now , we never even fought fought nef anyo despite him being the boss of Venus/fortuna. 

Pazul will likely face a similar end by obscurity.

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On 2023-11-27 at 10:38 AM, Waeleto said:

Don't quote me on this but at some point whether it's the reddit Q&A, tennocon or discord Q&A they said we're seeing narmer again in 2024

I won’t quote you, but I will remember this

Then when it happens, I’ll jump back to this post and call you a prophet 

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1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

You also just made my point the third orb mother has been a thing since a few years now , we never even fought fought nef anyo despite him being the boss of Venus/fortuna. 

It has been, and in Veilbreaker they added something that hints that it's likely under Narmer's control.

When I left Tennocon I bumped into Rebb, and I asked her about it.

"We haven't forgotten about it" was all she said with a smile. 

1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Pazul will likely face a similar end by obscurity.

Doubtful. But he will likely linger on. The next two cinematic updates have a huge focus on The Man in The Wall/Entrati. And that's been around since Deimos launched just with the Entraitis alone, add in TMITW and were going back to Chains of Harrow.

So it's not that they'll forget, but it does mean we could be in for a wait. In the AMA Rebb stated they have the games narrative planned for the next 5 years. 

That also leaves alot of time to have things either prepared or for them to make changes along the way. But they do have a plan of some sort relating to the story they want to tell. 

Narmer/Erra etc likely won't get forgotten considering The New War. I mean Chains of Harrow released in 2017. And we're just getting to the point where he's a direct focus in Whipers and WF1999 where he is the direct threat that's been building since 2017.

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25 minutes ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:

It has been, and in Veilbreaker they added something that hints that it's likely under Narmer's control.

When I left Tennocon I bumped into Rebb, and I asked her about it.

"We haven't forgotten about it" was all she said with a smile.

And i havent forgotten about tidying my desktop each tim e someone reminds me , but that doesnt mean i will do it anytime soon :P.

Haven't forgotten does not mean actively working towards. Nor does it mean it will happen in the way you hoped if it ever does.

27 minutes ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:


Doubtful. But he will likely linger on. The next two cinematic updates have a huge focus on The Man in The Wall/Entrati. And that's been around since Deimos launched just with the Entraitis alone, add in TMITW and were going back to Chains of Harrow.

So it's not that they'll forget, but it does mean we could be in for a wait. In the AMA Rebb stated they have the games narrative planned for the next 5 years. 

That also leaves alot of time to have things either prepared or for them to make changes along the way. But they do have a plan of some sort relating to the story they want to tell. 

Narmer/Erra etc likely won't get forgotten considering The New War. I mean Chains of Harrow released in 2017. And we're just getting to the point where he's a direct focus in Whipers and WF1999 where he is the direct threat that's been building since 2017.

I have planned out how to be a billionaire in the next five weeks too :P

Sorry , mate i know i sound cynical but i just dont have it in me anymore to hope for things to be tidily tied up,

I have accepted that DE has kept many threads loose just in the hopes that people will hang on to those threads,


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I still wish there was a chance for Narmer to invade random missions, like the syndicate kill-squads or Corrupted appearing when you unlock a vault in derelict, at least to make them more of an active presence instead of a passive one.

1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

we never even fought fought nef anyo despite him being the boss of Venus/fortuna. 

Nef Anyo, Alad V, and Corpus leadership in general, are Saturday cartoon villains. They will always survive to make another nefarious plot and go "And I would have gotten away with It too, If It weren't for you meddling Tenno and your Kubro!"
Pazuzu for the other part does more direct and heavy in the actual main story, so him being stuck on some extra mission without closure does feel weirder

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32 minutes ago, Alguien said:

Pazuzu for the other part does more direct and heavy in the actual main story, so him being stuck on some extra mission without closure does feel weirder

They're likely going to return to Pazuul once they get through Whispers, WF1999 and Albrecht Entrati/TMITW plot. Or it'll show up in smaller updates that are in between.

As much as I'm curious about it, I'm most excited for WF1999 since it appears to have direct relation to Dark Sector, making at least part of it Warframe canon. 

But my speculation is Narmer will reappear before then in a smaller update that build towards the next big cinematic update after WF1999. I don't see them being forgotten given how important they were to The New Wars plot.


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