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A Plea for Lowering or Removing Bile Cost for Archon Shard Removal


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Hello fellow Tenno,

I trust you’re all doing well. As we anticipate the introduction of three new Archon Shard types, a significant concern comes to light - the steep bile cost associated with the removal of installed Archon Shards from a Warframe.

The current bile cost for removing Archon Shards is, in my opinion, prohibitively high. This high cost discourages experimentation and flexibility, two aspects that are at the heart of Warframe’s appeal. We should be encouraged to try different combinations of Shards, to find what works best for our individual playstyle and the specific challenges we face in the game. However, the high bile cost of removing Shards acts as a deterrent to this kind of experimentation.

Furthermore, with the introduction of new types of Shards, we will naturally want to try them out and see how they can enhance our gameplay. But the high bile cost of removing existing Shards could discourage us from fully exploring these new possibilities.

Therefore, I propose that the bile cost of removing currently installed Archon Shards should be lowered, or even better, outright removed. This change would encourage more dynamic and creative gameplay, allowing us to fully explore the potential of the new Shards, and to continually optimize our Warframes as the game evolves.

I understand that there may be concerns about players reusing the same shards across multiple warframes by switching them between missions, but I believe that the potential benefits of this change far outweigh any potential negative effects. It would enhance the game by promoting creativity, experimentation and strategic thinking among players.

I urge Digital Extremes to consider this proposal. Let’s make Warframe an even more dynamic and exciting game to play!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

Best regards,

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Agreed! I've recently been trying out various builds where the shards are playing a major role, much more so than other elements that are far too easy to adjust.

I can understand from the perspective of trying to make the shards semi-pernament but the flexibility and the steep costs associated with changing even just one frame is just too high. I'm not going through and changing it out every time based on the mission types but it shouldn't even be this bad if I want to change out what the buff is or even reorganizing it for symmetry's sake.

I'm not so sure that the costs should be outright removed but maybe at least tweaked to better see fit. Now that we have more shards I am thinking that maybe making it so that removing each shard takes a different resource so that it incentivizes you to experiment with shard loadouts of different colors. I also wouldn't mind if reducing it down to say 20% resources is another fair way of doing it so that it only takes the full meter rather than two and half times the meter amount.

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I would understand the cost if you could tailor bonuses to specific configs once you installed a shard, but that's just not the case. We're getting even more Shards too, and these new bonuses look conditional, which means they are for niche loadouts. 

That Bile cost is just a modern day Arcane Distiller, and I don't see why we need to be taxed to experiment or optimize.

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originally, i thought it was okay for the resource costs.

but putting more thought, i think the biggest problem right now with removal is that its only bile.  i think they should do different category of resources for each color.

like yellow could stay bile, red could be synthetics, blue could pheremones.  and repeat same then with the new colors.

it keeps the semi permancy, and resource sink aspects while allowing players to acutally experiment.

i dont think DEs intention was a system that actually encouraged you to farm a particular resource just to experiment

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Am 30.11.2023 um 23:05 schrieb Voltage:

and I don't see why we need to be taxed to experiment or optimize.

That's basically my major gripe.. I'd get it if we could farm dozens of shards a day, but we can't. We're locked to 1 (2 for people who enjoy kahl) a week. And with the current cost it's extremely punishing experimentation. 

Since I'm almost out of bile, I can't even remove shards for the upcoming new ones, so I need to wait even more months to be able to access this new feature. (Also why can't we unslot all at once?)

At this point I'm also pleading for a refund if and or when they do changes to the system. I lost a lot. From all refunds we received throughout the years with various balances, this time I actually hope for it. 

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It is prohibitive in it's current state. Ripping all the shards out of frame is extremely painful. Just switching the bonus on the same shard is also ridiculously painful.

Either reduce the cost or increase the availability.

I just can't bring myself to farm Kahl ever again so that cuts out 50% of my archon shard acquisition.

I thought I heard they were increasing availability so that might be enough, depending.

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