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Community: "Railjack sucks, man."


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I love Railjack. I really do. And I can tell a lot about what went right and what went wrong with it and how to fix it and make the game mode absolutely amazing. But... DE don't like to invest time and efforts into developing something properly. And while they stick to this way of game development it's pointless to expect any improvements of existing content from them.

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On 2024-01-06 at 12:26 AM, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

As a mostly solo player, I really wish there were a way to command my NPCrew pilot and gunners to stay nearby a base while I complete the "away" missions, and they stay outside, completing the "home" missions, destroying the reactors that appear... this is the SINGLE MOST FRUSTRATING element of Railjack solo play right now.

They do shoot the reactors when you're away, but their AI is not smart enough to approach and aim at them accurately. In one instance, I see the AI pilot tries to shoot the reactor, but it's on the other side of the PoI. Having said that, I have experienced them actually taking out both reactord on their own. I believe DE's reluctance to make them smarter is intentional to avoid automated gameplay.

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24 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

They do shoot the reactors when you're away, but their AI is not smart enough to approach and aim at them accurately. In one instance, I see the AI pilot tries to shoot the reactor, but it's on the other side of the PoI. Having said that, I have experienced them actually taking out both reactord on their own. I believe DE's reluctance to make them smarter is intentional to avoid automated gameplay.

if they wanted to avoid automated gameplay they wouldn't have introduced crewmates in the first place

the crewmate AI is jank because DE hasn't bothered to actually fix them

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I thought it was fun. If the mode is properly thought out and the bugs straightened out it is very playable. Right now, certain missions are just too tedious. A total disconnect from the entire game where you just jump in and jump out. If space flight combat is the point, make invading enemy bases less tedious. The one with the countdown and some kind of blocker drone comes to mind.

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7 hours ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

I just find it particularly amusing that the defense of an activity is "Yes, but have you seen the shiny visuals?" rather than any of the interactive parts of the activity itself.

Pretty sure that's just me, to be fair. I can overlook lacking gameplay (to a point) if it's strong in other areas (especially lore, I'm a fanatic for lore). That being said, I greatly enjoy Railjack's gameplay, so the incredible visuals are just a bonus.

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9 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Pretty sure that's just me, to be fair. I can overlook lacking gameplay (to a point) if it's strong in other areas (especially lore, I'm a fanatic for lore). That being said, I greatly enjoy Railjack's gameplay, so the incredible visuals are just a bonus.

To each their own, I just found it amusing.  I'm personally not a huge fan of Railjack, but I'm certainly not in the "Railjack sucks" camp either.  On average I'm probably more positive than negative on it.  There are definitely things that could be improved even to this day.  Like gunners shouldn't shoot at Corpus crewships (or crewships in general) since all it does is cause them to re-orient their shield and make hitting them with the artillery harder than it should be.

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On 2023-12-18 at 2:39 AM, Hexerin said:

Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"

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Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

If i wanted to see cool things in space would look it up on google.

I want space opera with my space crew, i want to lead a strike team of away crew off ship while my ship crew fights opponents.

and i want it in single player.

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