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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.5


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Speaking of broken Archon effects. Can we please get them fixed with Garuda's Talons? They only apply to some but not all. Either make them consistent and apply for all Archon effects or only for archon effects that don't care about if its an ability.



Edited by Numerounius
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17 minutes ago, Dark_Lugia said:

but in the light of cross-save please consider adding more options for being host/client!


This. I'd love this.

The option to just never be a host in public matches would be a godsend, considering how crap my connection is and somehow I end up being the host occasionally, which ends up with other players being extremely frustrated about it and me having no ability to improve it because of my living conditions.

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11 minutes ago, JezzailPrime said:

anybody check already

this secondary crit chance from topaz works like arcane avenger or it just add 50% to base crit chance?

and will it work with warframe's weapon like misa pistols or hildeyn balefire?

I tested the shards before and after, in 35.04 (previous hotfix) the crit chance worked like Arcane avenger, it was additive.
In this hotfix, it seems they made it multiplicative, so it works like Creeping Bullseye or Pistol Gambit.

And yes, it works with Mesa's Regulators.

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14 minutes ago, Mgamelegend said:



"Fixed the Secondary Critical Chance buff provided by the Topaz Archon Shard not functioning. "


This is not true. You changed the bonus to multiplicative instead of flat additive in this hotfix. Well done on making the shard utterly useless.

lmao bro clearly that was an unintentional bug. this is still basically just a 2x upgrade on the red shard version, it's plenty useful.

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13 minutes ago, Mgamelegend said:



"Fixed the Secondary Critical Chance buff provided by the Topaz Archon Shard not functioning. "


This is not true. You changed the bonus to multiplicative instead of flat additive in this hotfix. Well done on making the shard utterly useless.

Yeah, my peacemaker isn't orange critting anymore with 2 topaz shards equipped even at the full 100% stack. it's useless now. I'm not putting on  any more than 2. Bad change and didn't even put it in the notes

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14 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Omfg it even counts if your Companion does it.

No, nope, scrap it, redo the bonus as on-kill, this is too much, lol. 

Seriously LOOK AT THIS.

This isn't even built for it. This is just me swapping a mod order for Blast and one shard. I don't even have that mod that gives the old shield-gate on.

No. Just... no, dumpster it, put it through a table from the top ropes. This is on-demand shield gate that doesn't even require your input and invalidates basically all defensive abilities lol.

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19 minutes ago, Mgamelegend said:



"Fixed the Secondary Critical Chance buff provided by the Topaz Archon Shard not functioning. "


This is not true. You changed the bonus to multiplicative instead of flat additive in this hotfix. Well done on making the shard utterly useless.

I'd rather it have stayed capped at 50/75% boost if it meant keeping it like arcane avenger/cats eye. guess it's time to remove it

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48 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Shield regen buff provided by a Topaz Archon Shard not functioning. 

  • You will not get the Shield regen buff when a Blast damage is applied.

I have no clue whatsoever what the effect is supposed to do, or does do, after reading all of your descriptions and patch notes.

Does it now infact give me 5 shields for every blast proc I cause, as it says on the thing? Or does it something else entirely?

Okay, after reading some comments, it apparently *does* do that now. Doesn't that basically make anyone with a rapid fire, blast proccing weapon invincible?

Edited by Traumtulpe
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44 minutes ago, Wolf.Moon said:

Fix the secondary + glaive heavy attack!! Now it needs 2 clicks for heavy attack, but before the update just it needs one click as always

Another thing I've noticed is I could not get my Furis to go into Incarnon form while using a Glaive, I can get it to work with any other melee.

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  • Ctrl + F
  • "Melee" to search for Auto-Melee
  • Still no damn toggle.


C'mon DE, it's really not complicated.
It's your job to do these kinda things.

You are making a game. The whole point for the game is to entertain.
By removing the ability to manually Melee? I am losing entertainment.
Therefore you are not doing your job.

See you next Hotfix when this thing STILL isn't addressed.
Feel free to prove me wrong though.

Not that I have high hopes. Bets to make some pocket change shouldn't be this easy.

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21 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

This is on-demand shield gate that doesn't even require your input and invalidates basically all defensive abilities lol.

On one hand? Invalidates Gloom, so that's one less headache.
On the other, WOW-- that is broken.

Congrats DE, I don't know how you keep on making this game even easier.
At this point, you can do a case-study on this.
Like, this is some actual "WoW Plague-spreading" level of potential for some college document here.

I'm thinking... "How easy can a task get before people snap?"
I would've thought the answer was "Years ago", but here we are! Still at this nonsense!

A little over 5 years of this slow descent into madness and I still have room to say "I told you so."
I sincerely CANNOT wait for something to waltz in and do a grandiose better job than DE at what Warframe does best. Seriously, you guys need the competition at this point and it shows.

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50 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Secondary Critical Chance buff provided by the Topaz Archon Shard not functioning.

I just went in simulacrum and checked if the topaz shards are fixed now. You sure it's not the other way around and you somehow broke that part?
I did some tests earlier today, here. And did some tests right now, also here. It's the same build for Nukor, the only difference is that earlier I've tested it with 2 regular shards (so 100cc) and right now it's 5 tau (so 375cc). What gives? Where did the orange crits go?

Also, max stack in UI always stays actual stacks minus one (e.g. with 375 stacks it says 374 in UI, with 100 stacks it says 99).

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4 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

On one hand? Invalidates Gloom, so that's one less headache.
On the other, WOW-- that is broken.

Congrats DE, I don't know how you keep on making this game even easier.
At this point, you can do a case-study on this.
Like, this is some actual "WoW Plague-spreading" level of potential for some college document here.

I'm thinking... "How easy can a task get before people snap?"
I would've thought the answer was "Years ago", but here we are! Still at this nonsense!

A little over 5 years of this slow descent into madness and I still have room to say "I told you so."
I sincerely CANNOT wait for something to waltz in and do a grandiose better job than DE at what Warframe does best. Seriously, you guys need the competition at this point and it shows.

At minimum it should not apply to status applied by your companions/summons. You should at least have to give something UP to get that, lol.

As for competition, I would've said Destiny was a decent competitor/alternative in the same space, but then, you know, the last couple months happened and they followed that up by nuclear level nerfs this season, so I haven't been playing it at all.

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1 minute ago, JezzailPrime said:

it's only me, or blast status not really good for game?

so, i dont understand some ppl, which say that it something awesome.

mby, it good for simulacrum, but... in mission better to equip virus+heat (or corrosive if u have not strip)


Blast is a terrible status. If you had to use blast yourself to get the shields it might be okay.

However, I'm not convinced that Blast being terrible counterbalances 'okay so you have infinity Arcane Aegis from your companion.'

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10 minutes ago, Magnus_Eterna said:

Found another bug  +2 corrosive stack doesnt aplly to companions ( pets can only apply 10 stacks even with 2 green crystals)

Generally, I think shard bonuses are not supposed to apply to your companions, unless it's through something like Health or armor link mods. They sometimes inherit effects that are (often mistakenly) classified as global, but yeah.

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10 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

At minimum it should not apply to status applied by your companions/summons. You should at least have to give something UP to get that, lol.

Ah, see. We've both been here long enough to know that's not how DE works!
Would be nice if it DID work like that though.

I have that sentiment for a lot of things in this game. Gloom and Mesmer Skin come to mind immediately.
Yet unfortunately, I can very realistically see DE keeping this around because "the casual audience has the attention span of a quark."

Honestly, it shouldn't take a reminder every damn hotfix on basic things like this.

12 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

As for competition, I would've said Destiny was a decent competitor/alternative in the same space, but then, you know, the last couple months happened and they followed that up by nuclear level nerfs this season, so I haven't been playing it at all.


If I had a bit more money? I'd be playing Armored Core VI right now, maybe even ULTRAKILL.
Shame all that money is going to... y'know... basic living expenses.

I actually really enjoyed PSO2 as an alternative to Warframe! Shame it uhhh... Y'know, had all of it's good content die in the most undignified way. Brutally.
In the same way DE treats their game, by ignoring all the issues with it until the community is forced to accept it as reality under the pretense of a mad god.

The gameplay was pretty fun, fast and frentic-- you could stay alive, but you need to quick on your wits to do so.
Character creator that I dare say was UNPARALLELED and a soundtrack that is... well, soundtracks are the only thing SEGA can't screw up.

Like... here's some of my gameplay from it: https://imgur.com/bZf5WP6
It was a fun game, despite whatever flaws it had. (Which were numerous)
Could it do better? Yes.
Did it do better? No. To a degree that cannot be rivalled.
Seriously, I shouldn't have to describe the game as it is now with "Bootleg VRChat that is somehow more degenerate, along with Gacha and terrible content." Thanks SEGA, very cool.

14 minutes ago, JezzailPrime said:

it's only me, or blast status not really good for game?

It's a relic of a time where all Status was kinda iffy.
Same kinda goes for Magnetic. Unlike Magnetic (which has been getting some more use-cases via Arcanes), Blast has always been kinda... meh?

By the time the enemy has enough stacks of Blast on them to negate the accuracy?
It's either already dead or simply loaded with enough Statuses to BE dead.

I get what they were trying to do with Magnetic and Blast-- but honestly?
The Arcanes that jam enemy weapons and group them should've been something that Magnetic does innately.
Blast is just even less useful because it's not even a common weakness. Yeah, some Infested are weak to it, but they're also infamously frail to everything.

At least Cold and Puncture got buffs to improve Crit.
Unfortunately, it either takes...

  • A resounding universal hive-mind reply to DE from every single player in the known universe to get them to listen.
  • DE's dice-randomization balancing ACCIDENTALLY rolls something good for once.

Which as you can imagine? Is not exactly an ideal experience.
Oh well, it's not like we got anything else to play... so DE gets free reign.

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Just now, Thunderlips said:

Are we meant to be able to use incarnon-mode on pistols while equipped with a glaive? Because we can't.

I've also noticed that Alt-Fires completely stop working when using a Glaive.
Curiously, it also seems to prohibit the explosion of Glaives mid-flight. As you'd normally use that to trigger it when using a pistol.

Thankfully, this doesn't effect either if you're using something like Throwing Knives, Akimbo Pistols, THE BOOK, etc.
... mainly because you can't equip both at the same time. """Reasons""", of course.

I assume that's in the Known Issues category, but if it isn't?
Well, guess it's a feature now. Since it'll take DE 3 more years to fix it.

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