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What's your comfortable power duration on Gauss?


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Long story short: One of my issues that made me stop playing Gauss before his prime release is my issues with his redline, I couldn't find a comfortable duration where the buffs felt like they matter and the duration of the ability last for a decent amount, there was no in between.

Now with my love for Gauss Rekindled and renewed with his Prime, I am back to this problem again...what's the right power duration percentage for him??
I had two builds:

one with 351% duration, focusing specifically on redline, I can go even further as the maximum duration you can get in this game without the Grimoire is 432% with the grimoire 492%, thanks to new tech from archon shards and molt efficiency.

the other build was one where I could use thermal sunder, the duration on that one was only 169% (nice)

The problem: The first build was good for long endurance, 119 redline duration means I get like 70-60 seconds of 100% redline...it lasted for a very long time, but it took a minute to max out redline's percentage, and I am only focusing on redline, no thermal sunder in the build.

the second build was even worse, sure I max out redline much quicker, but the ability after that lasts for only 30 seconds.

My own solution: a few tests here in there in the simulacrum, I managed to find a comfortable middle ground...the right duration for me was 239%, without molt efficiency...anything more than that and Redline takes too long, anything less and it doesn't last long, and the buffs are still very high, and I can mod for range and build for thermal sunder, so now my Gauss has both fast buffs, and a functional thermal sunder.

239% is such a perfect duration that having slightly more or less will completely ruin it for me, which is why I am not using molt efficiency.


will I keep it at that for long? I don't know, I change my mind every few hours so I doubt it lol, but I do hope DE releases an augment for redline soon, maybe one that increases his sprint speed based on power duration.

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54 minutes ago, Qorvex99 said:

119 redline duration means I get like 70-60 seconds of 100% redline...it lasted for a very long time, but it took a minute to max out redline's percentage, and I am only focusing on redline

At least according to the wiki:

"Redline counter maximum growth scales inversely with Ability Duration (e.g. more duration reduces growth), calculated as: 100% / ( Duration × 1/3 ). This means the Redline counter cannot be maxed earlier than 1/3rds of its duration."

So if that's true, it sounds like more "optimal" play could increase your ratio of "full Redline"/"charging Redline".  But your personal preferences will be the determining factor over whether that's worth it to you.

Personally, I've been using a 300%+ Duration build on Gauss and really loving it; since Redline's buffs scale off Duration, it feels like I'm getting a lot of bang for my Duration buck, and I'm getting what feels in-line with 2/3 time with full Redline and 1/3 time charging.  Plus there's still enough room in the build that I have a bit of range for Thermal Sunder if I want to.  Probably not optimal, but I like the way Gauss's kit works together so I didn't want to remove it, plus it has situational uses.

Although if I'm honest, the thing I love the most is being able to play with his deluxe skin.  I know it's not for everyone, but it's beautiful to me.

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Awkwardly glances at my build

{The most vanilla "Primed Vigor Umbral Vitality Umbral Intensify Adaptation Stretch Constitution Power Drift Streamline" mess I couldn't make more boring if I tried}

I uh... I usually feel pretty good with 180%

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I can't remember the exact % but I built mine for Duration first, then strength, slapped on Vitality and then the remaining 3 mod slots were for sprint speed, because it's speedy Boi prime, I'm not gonna NOT make him run faster than all my other frames (excluding Volt I guess.).

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I think I ran with 200% duration to effectively double his time in redline. It did however not help me stick to Gauss since I absolutely hate the redline mechanic due to more dura resulting in a longer ramp up time. Atleast it made it feel as good as it could get considering those circumstances of the skill.

But I'm more like "why run places like a pleb when I can just teleport and shank things?". So Sisu > Redline.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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