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Everything posted by TummyLover

  1. Love the changes to mirage, much more consistent now (and I love the eclipse interactions) but there’s still the glaring issue that Prism has a mind of it’s own and often will render itself useless unless you’re in a very enclosed room. It’d be really nice if it had the Tornado mechanic of slowly attempting to follow your reticle so you could rescue it from flying upwards into the heavens. A tap/hold to root it in place could be really cool as well (similarly with Prism Guard, being able to swap between the short portable version and the regular one on the fly would be super convenient)
  2. Noticed that when you add mods that speed up heavy attacks (such as Killing Blow, Amalgam Organ Shatter etc…) the Wind-up time actually goes up instead of down (complete with red/green text, implying that removing killing blow actually speeds up heavy attacks) it’s just a visual glitch as far as I can tell
  3. Can’t believe you nerfed Dante again by adding a measly 1,000,000,000 damage cap to tragedy smh But seriously thanks for adding the damage vulnerability back to Paragrimms. I thought that was a really cool synergy and I love doom pigeons. A welcome buff to the divine spears augment (which I honestly don’t think it needed lol, but I won’t look a gift kaithe in the mouth)
  4. Just wondering if anyone has tried this before I go off and farm a second Dagath. My understanding is Tragedy does damage based on DoT, so in theory being able to proc viral should boost it’s damage a fair bit? I’m currently using roar and that’s working wonderfully, I’m just curious if anyone has experimented with it yet
  5. I adore it. I got Dante in one single hour-long disruption. Omnia Fissures are so nice for passive Voruna farming as well. Only issue I had with Citrine is that mirror defence is just not a fun game mode Dagath was a real easy farm as well. I enjoy being rewarded more for doing steelpath
  6. Oh sweet. I really enjoyed the Paragrimms adding extra status damage, felt like really nice synergy. Now just we need wordwarden to interact with his abilities in some way as well. Chroma change is really neat as well.
  7. Thanks, I can’t wait to see other LoS frames get a buff later as well. Though sidenote; I wasn’t expecting an overguard buff, didn’t really think he needed it to be honest lol.
  8. Ngl my Dante feels pretty much unchanged… He’s still unkillable, still wipes rooms like nobody’s business. Honestly the only part of the nerf I even notice is that the birds don’t increase status damage anymore (And I really only used that for things with slash resistance) Did a SP Omnia Void Cascade with him earlier and he’s still comfy as all hell.
  9. This might sound crazy but I think 5,000,000 damage in a 19 meter radius is probably fine. Whenever something does the -2.1b damage it usually indicates that it isn’t quite working the way it’s supposed to
  10. My best options were ember, synapse, Staticor and ninkondi - but I opted to give up 1 point and take Pennant instead to make the disruption a breeze and yeah to be fair everything I own has buckets of forma in it. Same as circuit it definitely rewards you for investing in variety
  11. Yeah I haven’t really noticed any difference with my pre-nerf build. Still killing, still got like 40k overguard. i do wish wordwarden was a bit more useful (btw it does spawn for each ally) it’s just, it’s not bad but if you’re casting a lot and not using guns (or using melee) then it doesn’t really do anything at all. Some ability synergy would be nice (like how Mirage’s eclipse buffs prism)
  12. I enjoyed it. It’s like a Circuit Sortie. It was engaging enough, not super hard but I think that’s something that will fluctuate a lot week to week. The rewards are good, 5 for the cost 2 netracells (AND you can still do 3 regular netracells runs on top of that) I would maybe say the Vosfor needs tweaked. Either add more of it or swap for something more enticing like Steel Essence, because if I’m being honest I’m probably always going to dump that last 50 vosfor in the exchange for bringing a more useful weapon/frame y’know? I enjoy having that option, but a little more incentive wouldn’t hurt
  13. Having the same issue - specifically with Fractalized Blast over Noctua. I couldn’t replicate it with other abilities (tried infested mobility, golden instinct and thermal sunder) A bit of testing and it appears to only happen after casting Triumph (two light verses), once the bug triggers any subsequent casts of Fractalized Blast will jam your weapons until you cast a different ability.
  14. Joining the eclipse discourse from another perspective here; I’m fine with the current damage side of things, and I definitely like the changes to consistency but 75% DR feels just a bit too low. 90% is kind of a magic number and the further you stray from it the less useful that DR becomes later on My thought is this: Reduce eclipse’s base damage reduction to something like 50% while subsumed, but increase the cap to 90%. That way it’s a more effective defensive ability, but also requires a heavier investment to get the most out of it
  15. I just wanted to say thank you for making disruption more accessible. The new marker is such a welcome QoL change, I no longer feel like I’m at a disadvantage (especially during later more hectic rounds) I know a lot of us have been asking for something like this and it’s nice to feel heard.
  16. Demolyst drops don’t seem to be doubled, not sure if that’s intended or not
  17. Oh it seems to be happening with ALL diminished helminth abilities - the modding screen is showing the original value, while arsenal is showing the correct reduced value
  18. While helminth’d onto another frame In the upgrade screen, the UI will show eclipse going over 75% cap with sufficient strength. Not sure if it’s PC specific. Doesn’t show in the standard arsenal UI, just while modding
  19. How does strength interact with scarab swarm’s damage? Does it treat the 1/10th health as base damage? Wondering if elemental ward would be a nice fit
  20. Yeah definitely, especially since you can trade similar parts (Like War, Orvius etc…) Brakk must be hell to get these days without Law of Retribution to fall back on
  21. Also just in case you didn’t know, if you have Steel Path unlocked Teshin (the Conclave/PvP vendor in relays) will also sell Arcane Adapters for 15 steel essence each
  22. I was so surprised how much I ended up liking him, he’s probably my most used frame these days. His gameplay reminds me of the old Marked for Death + Ash gimmick. Also yeah that subsume is crazy. If you want a really goofy build you can slap it on Titania and with enough strength her lil Diwata can actually kill in Steel Path
  23. Shedu and Bubonico are pretty fun, since they have unlimited ammo and a pretty fast recharge. Grimoire isn’t particularly good but it has literal infinite ammo and benefits a ton from fire rate Sadly not automatic but Crit Sporelacer with the battery arcane is a solid choice as well. Tremendous blast radius
  24. The new radiation set is a really nice idea and I’d love to see the same for Magnetic. (Obviously there’s a whole other discussion to be had on reworking magnetic so it’s not the worst element in the game) - Melee Vortex seems like it would be super fun but it’ll be a cold day in hell before anyone gives up Viral, Corrosive, and Electric for an element that is functionally useless. The only realistic option would be tenet melees I suppose, but then that involves waiting for the store to actually stock magnetic weapons
  25. I have made so many posts about this over the years and it has still never improved. It really is such a nuisance, and the further you get into the mission the worse it gets (especially once there’s a sea of eximus all with their own visual effects and noises) I don’t even really think balancing issues are a particularly valid argument either because finding them isn’t supposed to be the hard part; the challenge in disruption is that they are very hard to kill and that is more than enough difficulty by itself. i’ve always thought the conduits should have an arrow/marker around them to point roughly towards the target - even just knowing what side of the map it’s on would help tremendously
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