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Best Primary and Secondary weapons for Gauss? With some requisites...



I'm looking for new guns for my Gauss because his signature ones don't fit my playstyle.

Here's some requisites the weapons have to fulfill:

- No priming distance.

- Must have no or minimal recoil.

- Must be full auto or held trigger type.

- Must have either low fire rate or big clip size so it's doesn't get empty in a split second thanks to Redline.

- Must not suffer ammo shortage.


To elaborate why his signature guns don't fit, which will also explain my conditions stated above: Due to Gauss' speed I often find myself too close to enemies to use Acceltra since it's rockets have a priming distance. His weapons also run out of ammo constantly due to low reserves. They also have massive recoil, which forces me to use -Recoil Exilus (turning off screen shake in Settings doesn't affect this) and I'd rather keep the Exilus free for a 'Reload while holstered' mods, so I don't have to reload and just keep swapping weapons whenever the clip is empty.

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13 answers to this question

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20 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I'm looking for new guns for my Gauss because his signature ones don't fit my playstyle.

Here's some requisites the weapons have to fulfill:

- No priming distance.

- Must have no or minimal recoil.

- Must be full auto or held trigger type.

- Must have either low fire rate or big clip size so it's doesn't get empty in a split second thanks to Redline.

- Must not suffer ammo shortage.


To elaborate why his signature guns don't fit, which will also explain my conditions stated above: Due to Gauss' speed I often find myself too close to enemies to use Acceltra since it's rockets have a priming distance. His weapons also run out of ammo constantly due to low reserves. They also have massive recoil, which forces me to use -Recoil Exilus (turning off screen shake in Settings doesn't affect this) and I'd rather keep the Exilus free for a 'Reload while holstered' mods, so I don't have to reload and just keep swapping weapons whenever the clip is empty.

Primary, ignis wraith straight forward as to why, Trumna, honestly is so under appreciated great fire rate, great mag, decent damage on primary, get 5 kills send out a bouncing ball of hell, works great on gauss, volt and titania with its consistently good output of rounds, and big mag and gauss can buff it 

secondary, kuva nukor like zakkhar said, occucor, sonicor, atomos, tenet diplos,, catchmoon i say catchmoon for its ability to just one shot everything with gauss buffing fire rate and combined with pax charge no running out of ammo it’s solid i know you mentioned fire rate etc

melee, bo prime, dual ichor, innodem, i know you didn’t mention melee, but if you do want any ideas these guys are solid.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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Just now, Zakkhar said:

I am running my Gauss with Argonak Stat stick, Kuva Nukor and Innodem.

Primary that fits your describtion is Ignis Wraith. For Secondary Ocucor should be fine.

Hmmm, argonak stat stick, i haven’t heard that in a while almost making me want to run mine lol.

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Shedu and Bubonico are pretty fun, since they have unlimited ammo and a pretty fast recharge. Grimoire isn’t particularly good but it has literal infinite ammo and benefits a ton from fire rate 

Sadly not automatic but Crit Sporelacer with the battery arcane is a solid choice as well. Tremendous blast radius 

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I tried some of your suggestions and browsed my Arsenal and always ran into ammo issues. Redline's fire rate increase is just too much and Lotus forbid you have Wisp in your team (you nearly always have a Wisp in your team).

Here's some of my findings:

Ignis Wraith - Amazing but severe ammo issues even with mutation mod. Can't use Tactical Reload.

Amprex - Surprisingly good but also ran into ammo issues. Can't use Tactical Reload.

Trumna - Massive recoil but otherwise amazing. I would need a Riven with -Recoil so that's a no go.

Quellor - Also suffers from recoil but had excellent performance otherwise. I'll work on it and it will probably stay.

Phantasma Prime - Just like Ignis, amazing but runs dry even with mutation mods.

Gotva Prime - This thing fires so quickly with Gauss it looks like a beam. It's pretty solid but also runs dry.

Kuva Nukor - Severe ammo issues.

Ocucor - Absolutely unusable. It's my most used secondary so I know how to use it properly but it doesn't work on Gauss with his variable fire rate at all. I need to constantly look at the remaining ammo so the clip doesn't go empty. Also runs dry eventually.

Tener Cycron - Perfect! I highly recommend Cycron for Gauss. This one is staying.

Cyanex - Amazing saturation weapon but not so good by itself. Curiously I never ran into ammo issues with it. I'll work on it but it will likely stay.

Basmu - Lord, this thing is so broken on Gauss.

Primary Tombfinger - I forgot I have this but it turned out to be amazing for Gauss. Mine has weird spread, almost like a shotgun, so I don't even have to aim it. It works extremely well with Cycron and Cyanex.


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Its already mentioned, and discussed, but have you tried Trumna with Stabilizer? It provides a pretty hefty recoil reduction. I once had a Riven with Multishot, Crit Damage and Crit Chance, but the Negative was additional recoil. Personally, I really dislike recoil, but stabiliser more than compensated. Glad you liked the Quellor, its quite underrated. 

You might like Supra Vandal. Its got a very large magazine (300 rounds), a large ammo supply. It has a spool up mechanic, but since you are potentially pairing it up with Gauss, the synergy is good, as is its other issue with is reload. So in a lot of ways, its a bit like the Trumna, but without the cool alt fire and less recoil. If you are into Rivens though, its dispo is much better, and if you value less recoil, might be worth the trade off (personally I prefer the Trumna, but I know quite a few Supra Vandal fans). 

Oh and it still does have some recoil though, so you'd still probably want to use Stabiliser. I know you said no recoil or minimal, but I can't really think of many weapons that don't, whilst also fitting the other desired traits. Maybe the Baza Prime? There are also the Gorgon weapons, especially as far as Incarnon potential, but they also have recoil, however I think some evolutions can reduce that, as well as Stabiliser naturally. Fulmin Prime could have some potential. One of its relative strengths being that its battery so no ammo shortage issues. Also, if you liked the Quellor, you could like the Stahlta. They aren't exactly the same, but they do bare a lot of similarities. I am also trying to remember if Tenet Tetra could have potential for you, since I remember it having minimal recoil and feeling like I was firing a precision laser. I can't recall its ammo size though, just that you could run out if you used its alt fire a lot. Which you obviously don't have to do, if you like/prefer the primary mode. 

Good luck finding your ideal primary either way though! 

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Its already mentioned, and discussed, but have you tried Trumna with Stabilizer? It provides a pretty hefty recoil reduction. I once had a Riven with Multishot, Crit Damage and Crit Chance, but the Negative was additional recoil. Personally, I really dislike recoil, but stabiliser more than compensated. Glad you liked the Quellor, its quite underrated. 

You might like Supra Vandal. Its got a very large magazine (300 rounds), a large ammo supply. It has a spool up mechanic, but since you are potentially pairing it up with Gauss, the synergy is good, as is its other issue with is reload. So in a lot of ways, its a bit like the Trumna, but without the cool alt fire and less recoil. If you are into Rivens though, its dispo is much better, and if you value less recoil, might be worth the trade off (personally I prefer the Trumna, but I know quite a few Supra Vandal fans). 

Oh and it still does have some recoil though, so you'd still probably want to use Stabiliser. I know you said no recoil or minimal, but I can't really think of many weapons that don't, whilst also fitting the other desired traits. Maybe the Baza Prime? There are also the Gorgon weapons, especially as far as Incarnon potential, but they also have recoil, however I think some evolutions can reduce that, as well as Stabiliser naturally. Fulmin Prime could have some potential. One of its relative strengths being that its battery so no ammo shortage issues. Also, if you liked the Quellor, you could like the Stahlta. They aren't exactly the same, but they do bare a lot of similarities. I am also trying to remember if Tenet Tetra could have potential for you, since I remember it having minimal recoil and feeling like I was firing a precision laser. I can't recall its ammo size though, just that you could run out if you used its alt fire a lot. Which you obviously don't have to do, if you like/prefer the primary mode. 

Good luck finding your ideal primary either way though! 

Thanks for the suggestions!

To elaborate a bit, I want to use passive reload and switch weapons to use Vigorous Swap buff. Trumna can use Tactical Reload but that means giving up the Exilus slot which would otherwise go to Stabilizer to reduce the recoil. The only solution is rolling a Riven with -Recoil. Trumna's recoil by itself isn't a problem but adds up to 195% Fire Rate so the whole screen goes absolutely crazy on many weapons even with Stabilizer.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Thanks for the suggestions!

To elaborate a bit, I want to use passive reload and switch weapons to use Vigorous Swap buff. Trumna can use Tactical Reload but that means giving up the Exilus slot which would otherwise go to Stabilizer to reduce the recoil. The only solution is rolling a Riven with -Recoil. Trumna's recoil by itself isn't a problem but adds up to 195% Fire Rate so the whole screen goes absolutely crazy on many weapons even with Stabilizer.

If you have the Primary Deadhead Arcane you can get from steel path, the rank 5 version of it gives you -50% recoil along and a +30% headshot multiplier along with the default bonus damage when you get headshot kills, so you can have that equipped and not worry as much about having recoil mods. Trumna specifically does have a lot of recoil so also having stabilizer on would nullify the recoil all together, or you can use the exilus slot for something else.

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Not sure of the primary as I'd have something that fires more oomph as an alternative to the pistol (eg Fulmin), but the auto-spool rifles seem to have the biggest mag, supra vandal, soma prime or tenora. Trumna or Ignis are the next ones but if they run out too quick for you, you'll have to start modding for mag cap.

I'd recommend Kuva twin stubbas (sure, recoil is huge but that exilus slot fits a anti-recoil mod that makes it lovely to use).

However, my pick would always be a kitgun. I built a rattleguts/gibber/splat (you may want to change for the largest magazine). With a few forma it rocks, but you also run Arcane Pistoleer - the gun shoots so many bullets you can always get a headshot even by accident. Headshots give 60% chance of 100% ammo efficiency. Meaning, that I can shoot a stream of bullets that only end when there are no more enemies left to shoot. Its crazy good for some tiles where the baddies keep coming at you, so much that one player demanded the mod config after he saw me standing at a corridor shooting for what felt like 10 minutes flat.

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I go for Trumna, with Stabilizer and Primary Deadhead the recoil is entirely removed. Last I checked you couldn't put Tactical Reload on it, I think most things with an AoE seem to be excluded from equipping it.

Bubonico also works nice, but even with Primed magazine mods I found waiting for it to recharge if I got overzealous with the trigger.

Another shout for the Phantasma too, great weapon.

For secondaries, sticking with the beam theme, Occucor might be good. It's really strong with the augment, and as long as you keep killing you basically never have to reload!

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