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DE Needs to Regulate the Market


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14 minutes ago, Aldain said:

For one, that's a comical amount of filters and a huge pain in the arse.

For two...it literally gets in the way of any and all postings with the sheer volume of spam.

If Riven mod trading is so important, why shouldn't it get its own section of chat? Wouldn't it facilitate better trading for them by them not getting pushed out of the way by people wanting to buy Prime parts or Non-Riven mods?

Basically I'm just looking for a separation of a Farmer's Market from a Stock Exchange more or less.

I'm not saying your request is invalid, but the tools are there if you want to remove Rivens from your trading experience. 

Personally I just filter chat myself in the way I read it. Yeah, the chat moves very fast and is mostly filled with things you won't care about, but it doesn't move so fast that you will miss trades.

Advanced filters specific for recruiting and trading channels for matchmaking/items would be cool though.

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1 minute ago, Voltage said:

I'm not saying your request is invalid, but the tools are there if you want to remove Rivens from your trading experience. 

Personally I just filter chat myself in the way I read it. Yeah, the chat moves very fast and is mostly filled with things you won't care about, but it doesn't move so fast that you will miss trades.

Advanced filters specific for recruiting and trading channels for matchmaking/items would be cool though.

I think if there was one thing I'd want filter wise is like a catch all filter or two, like how you can type [Riven Mod] to pull up a menu for your Rivens rather than type it out manually.

If a general [Riven Mod] setting could somehow catch any and all Riven Mods I'd probably turn that filter on in a heartbeat too.

But really I still do think that the sheer quantity of Riven possibilities and ever increasing number of them in the wild makes having a dedicated chat tab for Rivens and only Rivens makes more sense to me.

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On 2024-02-15 at 10:23 AM, (PSN)Jurassic_Might said:

Ok, this is me posting a complaint about the majority of the in-game community market-place trades. I’m Sick and Tired of the massive amount of scammers and free-loaders flowing around inside the community servers whether PS/XB/PC. DE, you NEED TO REGULATE THE MARKET PRICES, this is unacceptable, especially with RIVENS!!! The amount of times I’ve been bullied and harassed by people trying to scam in-game currency trades is INSANE!!! Either, you need to set limits on Riven prices or in-game items; or you need to make rivens for specific weapons easier to get for players/give another way to get them/re-roll them. Another option is to get rid of rivens from the market and make them un-tradable. Now that I’ve played this game for nearly 2000hrs I can’t handle this anymore. Get your S*** together DE, or I’m done supporting this game. I’ve tried to keep myself calm about this subject for a while but, I can’t handle it anymore. I’ve been beat up too many times mentally to keep this post constructive any longer. This is my first post on the forums too. This is the only reason why I took the time to type this up, because I was content until now. Please DE, do something about it. Don’t just brush it off that it doesn’t exist because it makes the company boat-loads of cash. It’s no different than people scamming real-world goods or livelihoods from people. 

Yo don't need regulation, you need informed buyers, if they know the market value of things they can't get scammed, thats one of the benefits of an auction house and that's the reason prices in warframe market are half or less of what people ask in trade chat. An auction house would fix all the current problems with trading, because it's the closest you can get to a perfect competition market, but since it would cause deflation it goes against DE interests. If people aren't getting scammed it means prices are lower, which means people need less platinum, which means they buy less platinum from DE and they make less money. That's the sole reason why we don't have an auction house yet, you getting scammed makes DE earn more money.

Edited by xLaNn
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On 2024-02-15 at 4:23 PM, (PSN)Jurassic_Might said:

Ok, this is me posting a complaint about the majority of the in-game community market-place trades. I’m Sick and Tired of the massive amount of scammers and free-loaders flowing around inside the community servers whether PS/XB/PC. DE, you NEED TO REGULATE THE MARKET PRICES, this is unacceptable, especially with RIVENS!!! The amount of times I’ve been bullied and harassed by people trying to scam in-game currency trades is INSANE!!! Either, you need to set limits on Riven prices or in-game items; or you need to make rivens for specific weapons easier to get for players/give another way to get them/re-roll them. Another option is to get rid of rivens from the market and make them un-tradable. Now that I’ve played this game for nearly 2000hrs I can’t handle this anymore. Get your S*** together DE, or I’m done supporting this game. I’ve tried to keep myself calm about this subject for a while but, I can’t handle it anymore. I’ve been beat up too many times mentally to keep this post constructive any longer. This is my first post on the forums too. This is the only reason why I took the time to type this up, because I was content until now. Please DE, do something about it. Don’t just brush it off that it doesn’t exist because it makes the company boat-loads of cash. It’s no different than people scamming real-world goods or livelihoods from people. 

Whats the ACTUAL issue? If people really "bully" you - screenshot and report.  If they ask too much for rivens - its their right to do, its a free market, anyone can ask any price. You got bad experience in trade chat? - dont use trade chat, use specific sites like WF market, search  for rivens you want to see reasonable prices.

You want a riven so badly - go buy unrolled for cheap and roll yourself. Go buy bunch of unveiled and open them to try your luck.

And finally: you dont need rivens for anything! good weapons are good as is, bad weapons cant be saved by rivens (and bad weapon rivens are worthless anyway I cant give them away for free - no one takes them). You dont need to care and stress over rivens and their prices. Best of luck.

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On 2024-02-16 at 1:55 AM, Aldain said:

I think if there was one thing I'd want filter wise is like a catch all filter or two, like how you can type [Riven Mod] to pull up a menu for your Rivens rather than type it out manually.

If a general [Riven Mod] setting could somehow catch any and all Riven Mods I'd probably turn that filter on in a heartbeat too.

But really I still do think that the sheer quantity of Riven possibilities and ever increasing number of them in the wild makes having a dedicated chat tab for Rivens and only Rivens makes more sense to me.

Oh yeah the filters are rudimentary, you have to filter out every keyword to hide all the riven spam (which is 50% of all messages) -  if you care to look at trade chat at all, which you shouldn't cause its useless and the prices are bad, just scammers trying to fool noobs. DE just doesnt care to improve trading interface, so use wf market

Edited by Monolake
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"I want what they own, but I don't want to pay them what they're asking for it"


These post always read as a backfire to me. The poster is always begging DE to set prices and control the market so that the poster can get a riven for cheaper... lmao!!!


Couple things:

-It's their property. They own it. They get to decide its value without your input. The market will decide if they sell it or not. If they find a buyer, then their price was right, regardless of your personal feelings about.

Supply vs Demand.

Maybe they never sell it...! 


It's not your business! It's their riven.

Mind your own business!!


-People need to stop using the term "scammers".

They do exist. They are horrible people. Unfortunately, if you get scammed... it's your fault for not paying attention. Read everything twice.

It's NOT a scam if their price is higher than you THINK it should be. That's just like your opinion, man.


Free market, yo!

Make it work for you or get crushed by it.

...just don't come to the forums begging for DE to give you some poor kids riven for the price YOU think it should be.


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Fun fact: Rives are a bad system that you can ignore entirely and thrive in the game just fine.

I pretty much never use rivens. Only the very rare few cases where I get one for a good weapon and miraculously get a good roll. I never seek them out. They should never be seeked out. They're always a scam, not just by the person selling it to you, but by the game. Because 9 times out of 10 if you get one actually worth using at all it'll get a disposition nerf and become useless in short order, or a new mod that out-preforms it gets released, or a new weapon that functions similarly but out-preforms your riven build with normal mods gets released, exct. And your money has now been wasted. Every riven is a ticking time bomb. Even stat stick rivens if/when DE eventually learns that stat sticking is an absolutely garbage system and needs to be replaced.

And nothing else really has this pricing issue, everything else is pretty stable outside of the, honestly pretty frequent, trade chat scammers. But even if DE sets price caps you'll still get those, plus there's a workaround for it unless they change the trading system entirely, which is never going to happen.

And that workaround is trading extra stuff. You wanna sell something above it's in-game price cap? Easy. Include some random junk items along with the thing you want to sell in the trade to raise the price cap. Or, doing something as simple as just selling something at the price cap that's not actually worth that much accomplishes the same goal.

The only solution to this problem is self-regulation. You feel someone is scamming you? Then don't trade with them. Pretty damn straightforward.
Or, just use a 3rd part market site/app so you see the agreed upon price before ever even interacting with the seller/buyer. I have occasionally gotten some buyers trying to lie about what I set my buy price at. But that's not something DE has any control over and is just something you need to pay attention to. If there was a price cap, and you're not buying or selling at that cap, there still wouldn't be anything stopping scammers from trying to dupe you into buying higher or selling lower than a fair price.

TLDR: This is a you problem.

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23 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Fun fact: Rives are a bad system that you can ignore entirely and thrive in the game just fine.

I pretty much never use rivens. Only the very rare few cases where I get one for a good weapon and miraculously get a good roll. I never seek them out. They should never be seeked out. They're always a scam, not just by the person selling it to you, but by the game. Because 9 times out of 10 if you get one actually worth using at all it'll get a disposition nerf and become useless in short order, or a new mod that out-preforms it gets released, or a new weapon that functions similarly but out-preforms your riven build with normal mods gets released, exct. And your money has now been wasted. Every riven is a ticking time bomb. Even stat stick rivens if/when DE eventually learns that stat sticking is an absolutely garbage system and needs to be replaced.

And nothing else really has this pricing issue, everything else is pretty stable outside of the, honestly pretty frequent, trade chat scammers. But even if DE sets price caps you'll still get those, plus there's a workaround for it unless they change the trading system entirely, which is never going to happen.

And that workaround is trading extra stuff. You wanna sell something above it's in-game price cap? Easy. Include some random junk items along with the thing you want to sell in the trade to raise the price cap. Or, doing something as simple as just selling something at the price cap that's not actually worth that much accomplishes the same goal.

The only solution to this problem is self-regulation. You feel someone is scamming you? Then don't trade with them. Pretty damn straightforward.
Or, just use a 3rd part market site/app so you see the agreed upon price before ever even interacting with the seller/buyer. I have occasionally gotten some buyers trying to lie about what I set my buy price at. But that's not something DE has any control over and is just something you need to pay attention to. If there was a price cap, and you're not buying or selling at that cap, there still wouldn't be anything stopping scammers from trying to dupe you into buying higher or selling lower than a fair price.

TLDR: This is a you problem.

I'm not sure why people think having a riven disposition nerfed and the value of a riven decrease is a scam? Things lose value, even irl. When dispositions get nerfed, it's almost never by a negligible amount. The only way you're getting "scammed" is by scamming yourself. Oh, you bought a riven that helped aided you in an exploit such as the infinite combo counter you get from having any amount of heavy attack efficiency, negative combo duration, and a way to gain combo externally like Tandem Bond or Rauta? The people who bought a riven with more than -5 seconds of combo duration are either going to be very upset when the bug is patched or unfazed because they knew what they were getting themselves into. Oh, you discovered that you actually don't need electric on a melee weapon to proc Melee Influence (Diriga's Electro Pulse, amp arcane Virtuos Surge, and Mirage's doppelgangers can trigger it)? Decided to buy into a riven with toxic and cold for viral while leaving electric off the build because Influnce can be triggered without it? Forward to the next update where this may be patched and you now have a useless riven because your build no longer works. This is what the majority of people are mad about, not a 0.05 disposition decrease.

Even if a similar and better weapon releases a week after you bought a godroll riven for the weapon you like, it's not like your riven is immediately valueless. You can still enjoy that riven while you farm the resources/plat for the new weapon's riven or you can sell that godroll riven for maybe less than what you paid for to someone who wants the weapon for fashion frame. Maybe that buyer actually disagrees that the new weapon performs and feels better for their build than the new weapon that was released. There is build variety and a riven with CC, CD, and Multishot might be valued less by a player that uses Harrow and prefers CD, Multishot, and something else. There isn't just one godroll and it's one of the many reasons people decide to roll a riven no more than 9 times before reselling.

There's also strange people that buy godrolls for the worst weapons only because they want to bring out the potential of every single item in their arsenal. There was a post not too long ago regarding riven slots and how the creator wanted enough to cover every weapon in the game. Someone will eventually buy your riven as long as it's priced well. As the game dies, this will be less of a thing but I think my point still stands. The riven system is part of the core gameplay loop and I don't think those that enjoy the volatility and benefits of the system are in the minority. If they are in the minority, then this is why the riven system is profitable. If the riven system was more accessible, prices would drop significantly and there'd be less of an incentive to include it in a player's daily activities and long term goals. There aren't many reasons for a player who is LR4 to keep playing aside from stocking up on resources for platinum farming, riven rolling, dojo decor, or aiding other players. If the riven system was changed to be more accessible or even removed, DE would have to replace it with an equally profitable and enjoyable venture. It's not like the perfect riven for your build is unobtainable.

I'd argue that with the power creep in today's Warframe, a weapon with a riven and a weapon without will perform very similarly, especially when any frame can armor strip. After full stripping an enemy, variation in damage output is hardly noticeable TTK-wise unless you have increased fire rate/attack speed, status chance, ammo capacity, reload speed, and a couple other things on the riven. Rivens with these stats are more accessible to roll for and are cheaper than a riven with only damage stats. I've seen a lot of players put too much strength on their warframes and damage on their weapons for no other reason than to see a larger number with a different color. 99% of the time, you can get the same performance at a fraction of the investment while also bumping up some QoL stats. The pricier rivens are for those who want marginal increases in performance and like people in this thread are saying, they are completely unnecessary. Does this mean rivens should be removed or become more accessible? Not in my opinion. We were just given new archon shards, arcanes, and mods that increased out damage output more than a riven ever could and people are still wanting rivens to be more accessible?

I might get hate for this but 10,000 platinum is not a lot. Not only can it be bought for a little over $100 USD with a 75% coupon, but it can realistically be farmed in less than a couple weeks of casual play (if you no longer care about using plat for things that would benefit your account). This amount of platinum is not that huge of an obstacle to overcome for someone who doesn't mind farming platinum for a riven that will last them for a year of disposition nerfs. Nothing is permanent in this life and these prices are not unreasonable imo, especially when rivens are seen as the de facto endgame by many.

Also, didn't DE say they won't be nerfing dispositions anymore unless a weapon is a serious offender?


Edited by Ghastly-Ghoul
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