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Permanent Bunny Ears!* ๐Ÿ‡

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13 hours ago, Greysmog said:

In case you also attempt to excuse this by saying it's not a canon event like Naberus or something, it originally was included in an event known as Leap of the Lotus and was repeated TWICE back in 2013-2014. It gave enemies the same headgear, random storage containers were turned into Easter Eggs and so on. It was later moved solely to the market unfortunately and we haven't seen an event since, but it's legitimately canon to the Warframe universe at large.

I really miss the old events like this.

Just like the old christmas events where enemies wore reindeer antler headbands and some boxes were replaced with presents and even a few towers of presents.

It was a fun little goof to have around a specific time of year.

And yet somehow a goofy skin "completely goes against warframe!!!!" even though warframe started with events that were little goofs like that.
Warframe has never held itself to be super ultra serious, and yet the players are trying to act like it does.


And now people are complaining that bunny ears are some horrid abomination and shouldn't be kept, when we have Candy cane scythes, super soakers, and the like that are all permanent, and no one creates massive threads against those things.ย  In fact the community was quite determined to get the soaktron skin added so that we could use it in normal missions....
And nothing is really all that different from the soaktron to the bunny ears.


It's not like you're actually going to notice that they are there most of the time....and if you're spending time picking apart all of your team-mates cosmetic choices, and can make them out under all of the particle effects and everything else on the screen, I have to wonder if you're actually playing the game or just there to complain about other players.

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20 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Yes? You've seen it, right? The Norg hat is silly. How is it not silly? It's a big floppy fish plopped on your head. Even if it's an "homage to the culture we just helped", it's still silly. Even its creator called it funny.

And you're only saying it's an "homage to the culture we just helped" because that's how you've rationalized it. Remember that the Norg mask was a community concept that DE decided to add. It wasn't canon until DE added it and wrote some blurb about it, and if a blurb of text is all that's needed for you to defend a fish hat as "regular behaviour" then what's the hold-up over the ears? If the people of Cetus can wear fish on their heads and that doesn't break immersion because it's their culture, why can't they wear ears? Kuaka have big ears, too.

Like, you mention a Halloween party. Ok, well good thing Halloween is canon in the Warframe universe. It's called Naberus. Valentine's Day is canon, too. That's Star Days. Christmas is the Solstice. Even Dog Days has its own silly canon. Lots of holidays have their own canon ingame spins, so why can't Easter? Easter could be an old Cetan holiday where they honor the arrival of the Spring hunt. Poof like magic it's canon. Is that really all it takes?

All of this has already been covered. It's simply @(PSN)rexis12reading into what I said while missing the point. My point was to his specific comment that the animals in the labs are more reasonable than the ears and that we need a toggle to turn off such visuals if we like. Something you've earlier also have asked for iirc. I dont have a problem with the ears, as I said in the very first post, I have a problem with not having a toggle to turn them off, and with people that see it as a no-issues because it is their subjective fun.

They are practically shooting down anyone that wants immersion, even you pointed out in this very thread that both sides are equal. And the comments like "immersion is already broken" are not valid reasons to break it more. It's the same as when people go "but the game is already so imbalanced so might aswell make more OP stuff".

Also, if we are to say those are kuaka ears, well then that is one big #*!%ing abomination of a kuaka. What is next? Mickey Mouse sized pobber ears from a Hulk pobber?

15 hours ago, MrDugan said:

Someone kicks your door in late at night.ย  Who you want it to be?ย  Normal looking robber in a skimask and dark clothes eyeballing your TV, or a dude wearing nothing but bunny ears holding a pitchfork?ย  A lot of you seem to have this issue where you think because YOU see the game and the Tenno a certain way, that every Tenno must be like that, but we are, canonically, individuals.ย  You're gonna have some lunatics in the mix.

I'd prefer the bunny with the pitchfork. Far easier to tell what his intent is at a glance.

And it is about what everyone wants, not just me and not just others, hence why this is about a toggle so everyone can be happy now that this item will be a 24/7 thing. If you want to look like the nutjob/furry fine, but there is no reason why everyone else needs to see those peculiar additions if they dont want to, since every tenno is in the end the main protagonist and everyone else around them is just some no-name random.

17 hours ago, Greysmog said:

In case you also attempt to excuse this by saying it's not a canon event like Naberus or something, it originally was included in an event known as Leap of the Lotus and was repeated TWICE back in 2013-2014. It gave enemies the same headgear, random storage containers were turned into Easter Eggs and so on. It was later moved solely to the market unfortunately and we haven't seen an event since, but it's legitimately canon to the Warframe universe at large.

Just admit you don't really have a great reason for them being excluded and just don't like seeing them personally. It's okay to say that, that is a fair opinion to have, we can always ask DE for a slider or something to hide some auxillary cosmetic effects from allies. It's probably going to be needed anyways with how much stuff is on the screen at this point.

And no one has said they should be removed or well not implemented. I'm saying add a toggle. Since the novelty of them being an event item and "fun" for a period is gone after the point in time they'll get introduced as a permanent item. You should have likely read what I said and actually commented on to begin with and you wouldnt have had to spend time posting your post. I'll sum it up.

My initial post = Add toggle, that is my opinion. No removal or anything for the ears, just allow people to simply hide them. This simply because a novelty event item will lose the novelty for many when they see it 24/7, so being able to hide it would be a good idea.

My post to rexis = Just pointing out that the animals do actually make sense due to how scientists work. This was a comment made since he tried to downplay the opinion of those that actually want to keep as much immersion as possible in their WF experience. Again, no mention of removing or not adding the ears on my part. Then he started rambling about completely unrelated things, like frame personalities (while mixing them up with our tenno), their looks and DE's inspiration.

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6 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

My post to rexis = Just pointing out that the animals do actually make sense due to how scientists work.

So what you can accept a Norg grown to giant proportions, but some how:

7 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Also, if we are to say those are kuaka ears, well then that is one big #*!%ing abomination of a kuaka.

If the same was done to a Kuaka you'd balk at it?ย 


Like my guy, you're just proving my point. You're okay with the things that are immersion breaking in the game because they're... [I]in the game[/I].

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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

Also, if we are to say those are kuaka ears, well then that is one big #*!%ing abomination of a kuaka. What is next? Mickey Mouse sized pobber ears from a Hulk pobber?

Careful giving DE good ideas, or they really will turn Easter into an Ostron holiday. And then we can have all sorts of different ears. Pobber ears, Kavat ears, Grineer ears, ears for everyone! Every year a new ear!



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11 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It's the same as when people go "but the game is already so imbalanced so might aswell make more OP stuff".

Which, ironically, you seem to argue with me a lot over. Last time it was what, people who don't like having their experience disrupted by overbearing abilities and AoE spam should just play solo? Maybe people who don't like the ears and wings and candy canes should just play solo too? ๐Ÿ™„

Now obviously that would be a ridiculous thing to say, and DE has been pretty clear that having your experience disrupted is bad. It's the same with disruptive abilities and disruptive VFX and disruptive audio as it is with disruptive cosmetics. Obviously players currently being disrupted should be taken care of instead of being ignored or being told to just go away. My main point with you in particular is that something having an in-universe explanation, like how you've rationalized fish hats as an "homage" to the Ostron "culture", doesn't matter. Goofy, silly things are still silly even if they're canon. It makes no sense to "well those are OK". Silly is still silly. That and I find it just a little bit funny that now you'll look for a compromise that works for everyone.

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

They are practically shooting down anyone that wants immersion

Let me ask you something that is 100% serious and honest question:
Do you even actually pay attention to your squad mates fashion choices in any way as they are currently?ย  Do you spend time trying to get them to sit still so that you can look them over and try to see what they are using under all the particle effects and everything else?
Or do you just see that another frame has joined the squad without paying much attention to it outside of what the frame is (if you even care what they are playing)?

Especially since most players hop around like cracked up rabbits as it is already, which gives you even less of a chance to see what cosmetics they have chosen.


So with you answering that question honestly, please answer the next one honestly as well: Would you even know if a team mate had the bunny ears equipped at all?


I'm going to hazard a guess that, no, you wouldn't notice if a team mate had the ears equipped or not and likely can't remember the color choices or syandana of a single member in the last squad you played with.
Hek, I'm willing to bet that most players probably can't even tell you what frames and weapons the last squad they were part of were using.....
In which case: What does it matter?ย  It's not like it is going to be something shoved into your face all the time since you won't even notice it at all when people have it equipped or not.

How are you even going to notice that someone has it?ย  Especially when they are bullet jumping away at maximum speed?

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14 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

So what you can accept a Norg grown to giant proportions, but some how:

If the same was done to a Kuaka you'd balk at it?ย 


Like my guy, you're just proving my point. You're okay with the things that are immersion breaking in the game because they're... [I]in the game[/I].

A giant kuaka would explain the ears. That still doesnt mean I'd want to see them 24/7. Shouldnt that be my choice? I mean, you argue as if you are against a toggle for these things, which is my main point (which you seem to miss every single time you post) of the whole thing. When a toggle only does one thing, make both parts happy. You are writing of the whole other side here, since you dont think their opinion is valid compared to yours. I sit here and advocate a thing that allows both parties to do what is best for them.

So I kinda wonder if you are one of those people that literally laugh out loud infront of the screen over equipping a pink rhino/grendel with angel wings while at the same time thinking you are original and ground breaking. When in reality the brief ha-ha died in a corner on day 1, and the originality never made it off the ground, it likely collided with the flight control tower and ended up a burning inferno.

15 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Which, ironically, you seem to argue with me a lot over. Last time it was what, people who don't like having their experience disrupted by overbearing abilities and AoE spam should just play solo? Maybe people who don't like the ears and wings and candy canes should just play solo too? ๐Ÿ™„

Now obviously that would be a ridiculous thing to say, and DE has been pretty clear that having your experience disrupted is bad. It's the same with disruptive abilities and disruptive VFX and disruptive audio as it is with disruptive cosmetics. Obviously players currently being disrupted should be taken care of instead of being ignored or being told to just go away. My main point with you in particular is that something having an in-universe explanation, like how you've rationalized fish hats as an "homage" to the Ostron "culture", doesn't matter. Goofy, silly things are still silly even if they're canon. It makes no sense to "well those are OK". Silly is still silly. That and I find it just a little bit funny that now you'll look for a compromise that works for everyone.

We disagree on the approach yes. And VFX and sounds being disruptive isnt the same as abilities/weapons being "disruptive" due to killing, since one leads to the completion of missions while the other is just visual noise or simple noise. Allowing us a toggle or options to reduce the "vanity" has no impact on the players that enjoy it. Reduce the damage of something and it impacts everyone, no matter if grouped or solo. It also shifts how things were to how things will be going onward. And saying the people that dont like ears, canes etc. should play solo isnt a valid comparison, since we simply cant decide that, because there are public gatherings. With "disruptive" damage you can either solo or make a likeminded pre-made. If I head to a hub I will be thrown together with others so will see whatever costmetics others carry.

Hence why I advocate holding back on future power progression since it doesnt remove something we have, while also adding new things that better handles our current power, since again it doesnt effect how things currently are and what we current expect from something we've done for thousands of hours already. Of course certain outliers should get changed in addition to this, since some things get released in either a too powerful state or a too weak state.ย 

There is also more than one state to silly, just saying. It often comes down to a matter of taste. For me the Norg mask isnt silly. That doesnt mean I like it either. I think it is ugly, but it isnt funny either, or out of place considering where it comes from and how the rest of the things look around that place. For me it is on the level of a Tiki-mask, not funny either, nor really my cup of tea aestethic wise. The ears just simply draw my thoughts to other things. There is no level of cultural integrity or thought behind them if you get my point. While a tiki-mask irl can get me to think of a ceremony or a person of a specific stature within a tribe. A pair of bunny ears leads my thoughts to either a child, someone with low mental capacity or a pornstar pretty much. And if it aint option 3 I have no interest in seeing it.

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1 minute ago, Tsukinoki said:

Let me ask you something that is 100% serious and honest question:
Do you even actually pay attention to your squad mates fashion choices in any way as they are currently?ย  Do you spend time trying to get them to sit still so that you can look them over and try to see what they are using under all the particle effects and everything else?
Or do you just see that another frame has joined the squad without paying much attention to it outside of what the frame is (if you even care what they are playing)?

Especially since most players hop around like cracked up rabbits as it is already, which gives you even less of a chance to see what cosmetics they have chosen.


So with you answering that question honestly, please answer the next one honestly as well: Would you even know if a team mate had the bunny ears equipped at all?


I'm going to hazard a guess that, no, you wouldn't notice if a team mate had the ears equipped or not and likely can't remember the color choices or syandana of a single member in the last squad you played with.
Hek, I'm willing to bet that most players probably can't even tell you what frames and weapons the last squad they were part of were using.....
In which case: What does it matter?ย  It's not like it is going to be something shoved into your face all the time since you won't even notice it at all when people have it equipped or not.

How are you even going to notice that someone has it?ย  Especially when they are bullet jumping away at maximum speed?

No. No care whatsoever. And like I said, to answer your next question, it isnt about me. It is about people that actually do care, people that have the same right to enjoy their visual preferences just as much as the guy donning the bunny ears. For me personally it would be a thing to consider using for the sake of interactions with others in hubs (where we do indeed have it shoved in our face). And as I said, this wouldnt be a toggle soley for the ears, it could be a more wide sweeping thing to solve issues that are more common, like toggling if you want to allow custom energy colors of others or not on weapons/frame powers etc.

And while a par of ears might not be a big issue on their own, it is the start of something, or a further step towards something. We dont need WF to turn into Fortnite or an asian MMO when it comes to cosmetics and art style. Currently its a drip-drip-drip and soon the flood gates break for a kawaii flood or worse.

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

And VFX and sounds being disruptive isnt the same as abilities/weapons being "disruptive" due to killing, since one leads to the completion of missions while the other is just visual noise or simple noise.

And yet they both negatively impact the experiences of others. In different ways, sure. Maybe even in ways you don't personally care about. But they're still disruptive nonetheless. To only care about some forms of disruption and not others is, I feel, just a little bit hypocritical. For my part I acknowledge that my desire for permanent bunny ears can be disruptive and should be reconciled and I also acknowledge that my gameplay can be disruptive and want to see that reconciled as well. I don't cherry-pick and make excuses for the things that don't personally affect me.

3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

A pair of bunny ears leads my thoughts to either a child, someone with low mental capacity or a pornstar pretty much.

Well I'm sorry you feel that way. Here's a rabbit-eared helmet from the Edo period:


Much childish, such porn star.

2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Currently its a drip-drip-drip and soon the flood gates break for a kawaii flood or worse.

It's been drip-drip-dripping for 11 years.


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17 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

And yet they both negatively impact the experiences of others. In different ways, sure. Maybe even in ways you don't personally care about. But they're still disruptive nonetheless. To only care about some forms of disruption and not others is, I feel, just a little bit hypocritical. For my part I acknowledge that my desire for permanent bunny ears can be disruptive and should be reconciled and I also acknowledge that my gameplay can be disruptive and want to see that reconciled as well. I don't cherry-pick and make excuses for the things that don't personally affect me.

But in one case, your wish to avoid what you find disruptive will impact those that do not find it disruptive aswell. With visuals and noise that isnt the case, since you as a visual lover wont be impacted by me turning of the visual, since you still see the thing you like. Nerfing weapons to cater to your view on disruptive behavior also impacts me. Which ends up not only removing something that is simply "fluff", but also alters how the game effective plays for everyone. For instance, I'm not saying the Bunny Ears should not be released, I'm saying there should be a toggle for visuals. That isnt a possible option for weapons/frames that you find disruptive, you effectively want to remove something that is there which people enjoy to make you happy. Those are two widely different things.

17 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Well I'm sorry you feel that way. Here's a rabbit-eared helmet from the Edo period:

Clearly not what we are talking about since that is a cultural headpiece. Here we are talking about fluffy simple bunny ears, like kids run around with attached to a diadem or something. It's like saying I should find it normal that a guy is wearing a plastic horned "viking" helmet in his everyday life just because I find horned ceremonial norse helmets fascinating and interesting. No, since the person isnt a kid I wouldnt see that as normal, I'd likely expect that person to have the elevator stuck in the middle so to speak.

However if a person wears it at a sports event, halloween or similar I'd have no problem with it. But it is the "everyday" thing we look at here in WF, a tenno tooting about doing covert operations while donning a pair of bunny ears. It is that level of stupid. It's Fortnite stupid.

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I'm happy for it.

If The Immersion folks are serious then they should be petitioning to have color pallettes, ephemeras, armor, glyphs/sigils, Skins, Alt Helmets, Tennogen Skins, and Animations removed as they spoil what the Warframes and weapons actually are as they are the canonical aesthetic/appearance.

Edited by Aerikx
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33 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

I'm happy for it.

If The Immersion folks are serious then they should be petitioning to have color pallettes, ephemeras, armor, glyphs/sigils, Skins, Alt Helmets, Tennogen Skins, and Animations removed as they spoil what the Warframes and weapons actually are as they are the canonical aesthetic/appearance.

This, exactly this is what I'd want to see. There is an ephemera in the game that I would absolutely love to use, since it looks awesome on Frost... however that ephemera also comes with what can be best described as a "cartoon" cloud haning above the frame. It totally killed the ephemera for me, and everytime I see it I get that feeling of a horrible out of place animation. I wish I could turn that off aswell so I dont have to see others wearing it.

It would also all be beneficial to remove issues that people have with extremely bright energy colors and so on for the most part. Which is a win win not only for taste, but for medical reasons aswell, heck even for simple physical reasons even if someone doesnt have a specific condition.

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On 2024-03-24 at 7:45 PM, MrDugan said:

I'm gonna make this argument every time I see this sentiment about these things ruining "immersion."ย  Because this argument hits a sore spot for me.


My Retort:


I already mentioned I'm not really talking about "player created content" I was just joking with the Rhino.

The game itself has just moved on from it's roots in atmosphere and mood. I have seen parts where they bring it back for a bit but that's just it. It's only for moments. Warframe 1999 is more kin to the Warframe I remember since the game was literally spawned from Dark Sector anyways. Players doing silly stuff with the tools their given is fine and shows good diversity in the fashion options we've been given. DE adding it to the game just for LoLz is nothing story.

A lot actually had to do with dangerous enemies. Infested used to be legit spooky. They were the first to become nothing but fodder.

1 hour ago, PontiacJones said:


And maybe some cat ears too.


We already got those for operators =D

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

But in one case, your wish to avoid what you find disruptive will impact those that do not find it disruptive aswell. With visuals and noise that isnt the case, since you as a visual lover wont be impacted by me turning of the visual, since you still see the thing you like.

That's not the case, though. One of the most common objections raised against an option to hide cosmetics (silly or otherwise) is that there are some who want to be seen by others the way they've chosen. It came up many times in my thread asking for a toggle and it's even come up in this one. An option to hide cosmetics affects people too, even if you don't want to believe it, ignore it, or hand-waive it away. More to my overall point, the game is made for everyone so everyone can and should get along. This means agreeing to compromises. In the exact same way that players who enjoy disruptive cosmetics should accept that they're actively undermining the immersion of other players and agree to a compromise where everyone can choose how much they want to see, players who enjoy disruptive gameplay should accept that they're actively harming the experiences of others and agree to a compromise where there's enough gameplay to go around so everyone gets to have fun. There is no difference. Disruptive is disruptive. Compromise is the way forward. Seeking compromise only when it's about you while poo-pooing on compromise for other things is just hypocritical. It reeks of "rules for thee but not for me".

4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Clearly not what we are talking about since that is a cultural headpiece. Here we are talking about fluffy simple bunny ears, like kids run around with attached to a diadem or something.

Ears which, at the stroke of a keyboard, could become just as much of a "cultural headpiece" as the fish hat you've made exceptions for. It can be changed as easily as someone at DE typing "Cetus celebrates the Spring Renewal, a festival in which the Ostron people dress up to pay their respects to the many animals that sustain them" into an item description. Like magic now it's canon, so you have nothing to complain about anymore right? It's just as normal and regular as Norg masks, right? Or maybe the lore doesn't matter, silly things are still silly even if they're canonical. Bunny ears are just as "Fortnite stupid" as candy canes and fish hats and snow clouds.

Edited by PublikDomain
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5 hours ago, Xzorn said:


My Retort:


I already mentioned I'm not really talking about "player created content" I was just joking with the Rhino.

The game itself has just moved on from it's roots in atmosphere and mood. I have seen parts where they bring it back for a bit but that's just it. It's only for moments. Warframe 1999 is more kin to the Warframe I remember since the game was literally spawned from Dark Sector anyways. Players doing silly stuff with the tools their given is fine and shows good diversity in the fashion options we've been given. DE adding it to the game just for LoLz is nothing story.

A lot actually had to do with dangerous enemies. Infested used to be legit spooky. They were the first to become nothing but fodder.


We already got those for operators =D

I don't see what your response has to do with mine, where it would act as a counter argument in any way.ย  Yes, there's an optional mod that does the same things pink paint and bunny ears do.ย  It falls under the same argument I already made.

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16 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

That's not the case, though. One of the most common objections raised against an option to hide cosmetics (silly or otherwise) is that there are some who want to be seen by others the way they've chosen. It came up many times in my thread asking for a toggle and it's even come up in this one. An option to hide cosmetics affects people too, even if you don't want to believe it, ignore it, or hand-waive it away. More to my overall point, the game is made for everyone so everyone can and should get along. This means agreeing to compromises. In the exact same way that players who enjoy disruptive cosmetics should accept that they're actively undermining the immersion of other players and agree to a compromise where everyone can choose how much they want to see, players who enjoy disruptive gameplay should accept that they're actively harming the experiences of others and agree to a compromise where there's enough gameplay to go around so everyone gets to have fun. There is no difference. Disruptive is disruptive. Compromise is the way forward. Seeking compromise only when it's about you while poo-pooing on compromise for other things is just hypocritical. It reeks of "rules for thee but not for me".

That is still the case though since those people are dilusional. And it isnt comparable with changing something that actual impact the gameplay for everyone at all times no matter if solo, grouped or in a premade etc. Here, a few examples.

Adding a toggle to cosmetics will not change anything for anyone in a negative way. Reason is because that player that needs validation and attention for his "zomg I look fabulous!" fix wont know if anyone has the filters on or off, no more than he knows if I'm currently on bio break or have different graphical settings than him if he tries to flash his fashion currently. Nor does he know if I happen to have the camera poiting in a completely different direction either. There are even some toggles already that effect his visual choices at the moment that arent even tied to graphic setting as such, like weapon elemental VFX and legacy color. So should DE also phase out low end hardware and platforms aswell as those toggles so this guy wont have PTSD over not everyone seeing his fashion as he envisioned it?

Second thing with a visual toggle is that it can be flipped on and off at will. So if that fabulous fellow really wanna show someone everything he can do so by having the other player simply flipping the switch.

Now if we look at "disruptive" weapons and frames due to them dealing more damage and leaving you behind due to your personal choices, well those changes would be permanent and gamewide, effectiving everyone in the game. Not only that, it would effect everyone in the game no matter if they play solo, groups or in pre-mades. There is no way to avoid such a change. So what you claim with it being comparable to a toggle isnt true, it is comparable with actually removing the cosmetics from the game because they are "disruptive". But hmm, no one is asking to have the cosmetics removed. As to compromise. There is already that option in the game for weapons you find disruptive, since you have both solo and pre-mades to work with to avoid these things and playing the way you want. A way that isnt exactly inline with the game design in most cases. Which wouldnt be applicable if you change the weapons, since I cant go solo or with a pre-made to experience how those items work now.ย 

That isnt compromise, that is one side having their way in every way, which in this case would be your way, since there would be no way to experience our way beyond that point. So it is rich of you to claim you want compromise when you already have options in the game for that regarding weapons/frames you find disruptive. Compromise in this case would be asking for some form of toggle for the matchmaker, so you can automatch with likeminded people while avoid us, the bad people that ruin your game. That way both sides would be happy and able to do their prefered thing.

16 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Ears which, at the stroke of a keyboard, could become just as much of a "cultural headpiece" as the fish hat you've made exceptions for. It can be changed as easily as someone at DE typing "Cetus celebrates the Spring Renewal, a festival in which the Ostron people dress up to pay their respects to the many animals that sustain them" into an item description. Like magic now it's canon, so you have nothing to complain about anymore right? It's just as normal and regular as Norg masks, right? Or maybe the lore doesn't matter, silly things are still silly even if they're canonical. Bunny ears are just as "Fortnite stupid" as candy canes and fish hats and snow clouds.

That part is covered in my very first post. I'm fine with it being a celebratory thing already. And I think you missed the main part with the helmet you posted earlier, it is also designed for combat, a pair of ears arent. That is one of the issues with them. Give us the samurai helm in your image and I'd wear bunny ears aswell!

You also seem a bit one-track minded regarding the norg. I simply said it could be seen as cultural homage. The thing fits the people it comes from. That doesnt mean I would wear it but it wouldnt be odd if someone did. The ears on the otherhand are simply childish items. I mean, if you love to wear them 24/7 irl so be it, but they are still childish items all the same. Same as the plastic helmet I mentioned, that is effectively a celebratory item for modern times, same as a red and white santa hat. Modern cultural items that no sane person wears 24/7.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

That is still the case though since those people are dilusional.

Well I think this just about sums you up. Other peoples' concerns aren't real, they're just being delusional. ๐Ÿ™„

2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I simply said it could be seen as cultural homage. The thing fits the people it comes from.

I know, but what do you base this """cultural homage""" on? Why does it """fit the people it comes from"""? Surely not because you actually see people in Cetus walking around with things like this, because there are none that do. Nope, the reason it fits is solely due to the little bit of text that says it does. What I'm just pointing out is that the """cultural homage""" you're using as an excuse to allow fish hats could just as easily be written about rabbit hats. All it takes is for someone to write a little sentence. It's such a flimsy and weak excuse.

2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

And I think you missed the main part with the helmet you posted earlier, it is also designed for combat, a pair of ears arent. That is one of the issues with them. Give us the samurai helm in your image and I'd wear bunny ears aswell!

From everything I can find about that particular helmet it's a decorative piece. During that period there wasn't a whole lot of fighting, and the samurai stuck with desk jobs collected and commissioned all sorts of goofy stuff to show off with. It's as "designed for combat" about as much as a Maserati is "designed for grocery shopping". Which I only point out because here we go with another excuse. Oh well these ears are fine because you have some misconception that they're designed for combat or whatever. But those ears are totally not fine because what? The sentence that explains them hasn't been written yet?

For some more cultural homage to stew on, here's an animal-eared headdress dated to about 3000-5000 BC:


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32 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Well I think this just about sums you up. Other peoples' concerns aren't real, they're just being delusional. ๐Ÿ™„

No that specific view is dilusional as you can see in what I also describe. Since nothing is actually removed from them because they are unaware of whom is actually using such toggles, toggles that already exist aswell. It isnt even a subjective thing, it is objective and really a fact. They can make up an idea in their head that person X has it toggled, or not, but they will never actually know. So what they base their desire on are simply mind ghosts, since people already avoid their fashion in several ways without them knowing when it occurs. They could even ask someone "Do you have X cosmetic toggle off" and if that person lied and said no while having it off, the person in need of some form of confirmation would end up not knowing the truth eitherway. So it doesnt impact them, since they'd never end up knowing.

40 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

I know, but what do you base this """cultural homage""" on? Why does it """fit the people it comes from"""? Surely not because you actually see people in Cetus walking around with things like this, because there are none that do. Nope, the reason it fits is solely due to the little bit of text that says it does. What I'm just pointing out is that the """cultural homage""" you're using as an excuse to allow fish hats could just as easily be written about rabbit hats. All it takes is for someone to write a little sentence. It's such a flimsy and weak excuse.

Because we see people walking around in similar outfits. And at which point are we discussing "rabbit hats"?

43 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

From everything I can find about that particular helmet it's a decorative piece. During that period there wasn't a whole lot of fighting, and the samurai stuck with desk jobs collected and commissioned all sorts of goofy stuff to show off with. It's as "designed for combat" about as much as a Maserati is "designed for grocery shopping". Which I only point out because here we go with another excuse. Oh well these ears are fine because you have some misconception that they're designed for combat or whatever. But those ears are totally not fine because what? The sentence that explains them hasn't been written yet?

For some more cultural homage to stew on, here's an animal-eared headdress dated to about 3000-5000 BC:


I hope you are aware that the helmet you showed is inspired by actual functioning samurai helmets of the past? I mean, again we run into a situation where every little detail needs to be spelled out so you grasp it. It practically never fails.

That bunny headpiece I'd welcome. Would fit perfectly on an alternate savage setup rocking dual ichors and the skin/pelt syandana.

I'm not sure what is so hard to understand with the dislike for the specific bunny ears we have/will get. They arent a bunny hat, they arent a helm with pieces shaped like ears, they are just two bunny ears, fluffy bunny ears, things you expect to see on children or furries or in Fortnite. As I would just hate a "viking helmet" with a plastic look in WF, but love to see a "real" one or a WF perverted on. Hildryn would for instance look completely out of place with actual bone horns on her prime, but the dragon(ship)-esque horns fit perfectly.

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30 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Since nothing is actually removed from them

Their ability to express themselves is being removed from them. You don't care. They do.

31 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Because we see people walking around in similar outfits.

You're welcome to share examples of Ostrons with fish on their heads. I've taken a walk through and see none. They wear hats, certainly. Like Teasonai's hat:


Which is made from... drum roll...


Not fish.

28 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I hope you are aware that the helmet you showed is inspired by actual functioning samurai helmets of the past?

And the ears can't also be inspired by actual functioning animal-eared headdresses of the past?


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Posted (edited)

Anyways, now that Dante is here we have a better idea of how the permanent ears are actually going to work. And, in true DE fashion, they've chosen a weird and convoluted way to go about this.

8 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Ostarus Headgear ย 
Manifest the joys of blossoming flowers and hopping Rablits in any season.

A new Auxiliary cosmetic will be hopping into the in-game Market on April 3rd @ 2 PM ET! Adorn your Warframe with a pair of floppy ears that are sure to make even the most confident of Rablits jealous.ย 

They feature the tech implemented in our new Kubrow Fur Updates to give them a true fluffy feel.

Unlike its seasonal predecessor (Lepus Headgear), the Ostarus Headgear is a permanent Market item and, once purchased, is yours to wear all year round! ย 

Note On Seasonal Items:ย 
The Lepus Headgear will continue to return each year to the in-game Market for Credits in its usual time-limited fashion. There are currently no plans to make other seasonal items into upgraded and permanent in-game Market items, but we may reassess that in the future.ย 

DE didn't just update the Lepus Headgear and make it permanent the way it seemed on stream, they actually created a second set of ears. And it's only the second set which is permanent. And probably also a plat item. And it doesn't sound like the second set is even going to be seasonal?


I'm not upset or anything, just a little... confused?

Because it's kind of the worst of every world, innit? The people who wanted a permanent Lepus Headgear still don't have it, it's only the Ostarus Headset that's permanent. If you prefer the older look, too bad I guess? And DE is still going to have to devote someone's time, however little it is, to running the script to remove the Lepus Headgear every year. And because of that, they'll still have to deal with people complaining about it. They still have no solution for any of the other silly cosmetics like the mustaches (which are for cancer awareness among other health advocacy issues) or the inner tube or the pumpkin head. The people concerned about muh Korean MMO now have permanent non-seasonal Rablit ears on the market to give their fears more credence. There's still no toggle to hide any of these kinds of silly cosmetics for those that don't like them. And the people who don't want a toggle are now able to spend actual money on another of these cosmetics, which just gives their concerns more weight and is now a roadblock that will need to be considered.

All DE had to do was not run the removal script this year. Instead they've chosen this? Very strange way to go about it.

Edited by PublikDomain
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On 2024-03-27 at 12:01 PM, PublikDomain said:

Their ability to express themselves is being removed from them.

Woah, this hypothetical toggle removes your ability to customize your frame on your account?!ย  We gotta look into this function the playerbase is talking about!ย  On a serious note, I hate how this mindset is in other games now.ย  I was praying this discussion was exclusive to XIV... ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ

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