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i feel like dante is too good ?


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I'm guessing the nerf is going to go something like this:

  1. The overguard cap from Light Verse is now respected by Triumph (no more exceeding overguard cap using precision intensify)
  2. Triumph overguard regen on kill cannot activate if the frame has no current overguard, and ends if overguard breaks
  3. Tragedy's damage multiplier is cut by at least 30% (or something to that effect)
  4. Just for good measure, Dark Verse's range and damage are cut by 50% and 30% respectively in Helminth only (because all new frames have their abilities nerfed in Helminth)
  5. The base duration of all of all Final Verse effects is cut by 33% (30 second base instead of 45)
  6. Some other change I cannot even imagine that makes us all go "Huh!?! WHY!?! That wasn't even what made him good; this only makes him feel worse to play!"

And then I can go back to playing something else, instead of using the fun new frame because he feels fun to play.

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After playing around with him(and really, really enjoying him) the only nerfs that should be worth considering are his numerous invulnerability periods on ability casts and maybe how easily he can get max og cap. His damage is great but I don't see it as a problem especially when looking at nezha's new augment.

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   I'm in the belief that tuning should happen, specifically in his overguard cap and potentially in the damage multiplier on Tragedy. Being able to keep a constantly refreshing shield-gate on your entire team the way he can is incredibly powerful, especially as it does not require hitting enemies. I highly doubt he will be nerfed into unplayability; I just think his cap may be slightly overtuned for how easy it is to constantly refresh it, while killing enemies with 3,3,4. As far as tragedy goes, I could see the damage multiplier going down to somewhere like 2/2.5, as with how he is currently, it is almost too easy too easy to bring the multiplier around 10x, which results in down-right criminal damage for very low energy investment. However, it would be nice if Word Warden got some sort of buff to compensate, as a locked 30% slightly saddens me. Ultimately, I do not think Dante is game-breakingly broken, I just feel a slight tuning would make the frame overall more fun to play with, as currently my build feels almost complete with little to no investment outside of his exalted. 


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TBH i hope what they nerf about him is how much overguard he gives to allies and not to himself, if people hate being supported that much then maybe they shouldn't

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello! I'm popping my head in here to provide some dev insight related to this conversation. 

As Dante Unbound nears one full week since its launch, the team has been reading and collecting feedback in all areas, including Dante himself. 

To remind us of our nerfing philosophy, we do not nerf things unless it AUTOMATES PLAY, is DISRUPTIVE to a squad, or is DOMINANT in states.

We are currently happy with how favored Dante is and recognize that nerfs typically have a negative connotation. With that in mind, we are reviewing early stats with an open mind to ensure we don't leave room for disruptive or dominant play styles. Any tweaks done to Dante will be to ensure he is still performing strongly, just not disruptive or dominant. 


hello, appreciate the insight, the concern of a lot of players aside from balance as of now seems to be more so about how it makes it harder to play certain frames such as chroma or inaros because they cant reliably use Hunter Adrenaline, as overguard stops them from taking hp damage, could there be anyway to make it so those niche cases can work with overguard somehow ?

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I'm actually angry this got attention from DE so quick while exalted melee issues continue to be ignored. I know that's off topic, but holy crap that response was fast. Most people I know have only just pulled Dante out of the oven, myself included, and already folks are asking for nerfs and DE's being transparent about where they are with it.
Meanwhile we beat the exalted weapon topic to death for weeks and never heard a peep about it.

For real: put an exilus slot, an arcane slot, and remove the mod restrictions on Dante's tome (and the other exalted weapons) first, then we can talk about him being "overpowered" and I might take it seriously. As of right now, exalteds are so far behind that even though his tome has *STELLAR* stats, people still see it as the subsume slot.
Put those same stats on the normal tome and it would be seen as a must-use secondary, even without the ability to use multiple tome mods at once, just because you also get an exilus slot and secondary arcanes.

Sorry, I know this is somewhat topic adjacent, but it still feels somewhat relevant to me.

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1 hour ago, Waeleto said:

Are you guys happy now ? i hope you are

The FIRST warframe we got in years that was PERFECT on release, no need for hot fix buff or band aid augments and yall had to complain about him to get nerfed as soon as he released as if this was league of legends

Can't wait for dante to join the caliban and pre-augment styanax gang because people hate fun

oh dude trust me if DE is doing somehting it isnt because a single person like me or anyone else said it, DE looks at feedback and makes their own judgment, what the player base says is an opinion not a fact, so is mine, me stating what i think wont single handedly lead up to anything, i also agree with you on what should probably be tweaked being the overguard share with teammates and not how much he can get for himself at cap


38 minutes ago, Anova3 said:

I'm actually angry this got attention from DE so quick while exalted melee issues continue to be ignored. I know that's off topic, but holy crap that response was fast. Most people I know have only just pulled Dante out of the oven, myself included, and already folks are asking for nerfs and DE's being transparent about where they are with it.
Meanwhile we beat the exalted weapon topic to death for weeks and never heard a peep about it.

For real: put an exilus slot, an arcane slot, and remove the mod restrictions on Dante's tome (and the other exalted weapons) first, then we can talk about him being "overpowered" and I might take it seriously. As of right now, exalteds are so far behind that even though his tome has *STELLAR* stats, people still see it as the subsume slot.
Put those same stats on the normal tome and it would be seen as a must-use secondary, even without the ability to use multiple tome mods at once, just because you also get an exilus slot and secondary arcanes.

Sorry, I know this is somewhat topic adjacent, but it still feels somewhat relevant to me.

i feel like the exalted weapons just tend to get a bad rep because a lot of them are just an extra weapon to people, dante's tome is incredibly powerful if you can build some firerate and multishot on it, but people just dont like an ability just being "extra book" but yeah an exilus would def not hurt as they dont change the power of the weapon all too much and are usually more QoL mods


3 hours ago, crazywolfpusher said:

Some of the coolest skills animations, engaging gameplay, excels at damage and survivability. Is just the perfect caster frame.

I don't think that him being too good is a problem. Setting the bar this high might be for sure. I would be very disappointed if Jade end up not nearly as polished.


I'm still sad about Voruna kit animations. They are non-existent, can't get over it even though she is absurdly strong.. Sadly I was expecting something similar to Gyre or Styanax. Now looking at Dante make it worse for me.




i agree 100%, its not a problem to have a powerful frame out the bat, but some people suggest Dante should be a standard, while i do think a lot of other frames will need a hand because of their out dated or just weaker kits in comparison, i dont think a frame this perfect should be normal, i dont mean perfect as in polished, every frame needs to be polished and feel good to play but i mean how dante has a tool for every job at any given time kind of perfect

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello! I'm popping my head in here to provide some dev insight related to this conversation. 

As Dante Unbound nears one full week since its launch, the team has been reading and collecting feedback in all areas, including Dante himself. 

To remind us of our nerfing philosophy, we do not nerf things unless it AUTOMATES PLAY, is DISRUPTIVE to a squad, or is DOMINANT in states.

We are currently happy with how favored Dante is and recognize that nerfs typically have a negative connotation. With that in mind, we are reviewing early stats with an open mind to ensure we don't leave room for disruptive or dominant play styles. Any tweaks done to Dante will be to ensure he is still performing strongly, just not disruptive or dominant. 


I hope you guys do more than just a knee-jerk change and look at anti-synergy in the game.  There are quite a few "buffs" that other players would rather not have, but have no way of not getting if a squad mate gives them - barring playing solo or forming groups without certain frames.

Lots of abilities that are "good" that actively make mission completion take longer.  Things like that.

But I feel like that's a symptom of just a lack of cohesive planning, since Waframe has over 50 frames now.  Most games don't have 50 classes, so they have a lot less anti-synergy in them.  It really shows on some frames that don't want Overguard (seemingly the big issue here, though it's not limited to Dante), don't want Volt's buff (though you guys added the backflip), don't want invis, don't want a shock mote, don't want the Rift, etc.  It doesn't help that CC is largely undesired on the mission that, from a design perspective, wants it the most (basic defenses) because CC there usually only accomplishes one thing - slowing down completion times.

But I suspect you'll make Dante less desirable to play (to an extreme), and then in a year give him an augment that brings him back, ala Styanax.

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3 hours ago, Malziel said:

Quite frankly, I think Dante should be the standard by which new frames are judged, going forward. So often we get frames with interesting ideas but poor performance. Sometimes this can be alleviated with the Helminth system (Gyre and Pillage, for example,) but having a frame that's just incredible right out of the box has been a shockingly rare experience. Perhaps the squad buffs he gives might be a bit on the high end, but I think the other support frames we have should be looked at instead, and raised to Dante's level. Every single friend I have who's come back for this update has been more then pleasantly surprised with how good Dante is, it would be a real shame to ruin that.

i dont think any adjustments will ruin anything, mind you NO ONE wants that to happen, the people who want nerfs or are fine with how he is, no one wants him to be BAD, thats just dumb to want one of your options in the game be objectively bad, i dont think if DE adjusts him they will ruin anything about him

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How about instead of nerfing / tweaking Dante, how about someone at DE takes a pass at Overguard as a whole?  Dante isn't the issue since you can pretty much do the exact same thing with Styanax and Frost.   Fix the interaction with Health Damage, Mods, Abilities, and Arcanes so that things work consistently with OG or make a percentage of OG loss count towards that interaction and problem solved.  Tweaking/nerfing one frame is a temporary / bandaid fix instead of fixing the problem as a whole.

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1 hour ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

I'm guessing the nerf is going to go something like this:

  1. The overguard cap from Light Verse is now respected by Triumph (no more exceeding overguard cap using precision intensify)
  2. Triumph overguard regen on kill cannot activate if the frame has no current overguard, and ends if overguard breaks
  3. Tragedy's damage multiplier is cut by at least 30% (or something to that effect)
  4. Just for good measure, Dark Verse's range and damage are cut by 50% and 30% respectively in Helminth only (because all new frames have their abilities nerfed in Helminth)
  5. The base duration of all of all Final Verse effects is cut by 33% (30 second base instead of 45)
  6. Some other change I cannot even imagine that makes us all go "Huh!?! WHY!?! That wasn't even what made him good; this only makes him feel worse to play!"

And then I can go back to playing something else, instead of using the fun new frame because he feels fun to play.

i dont think dark verse or his damage are the target of anyone's concern, his damage is fine, strong yes but nothing over the top. if they do change something im guessing it will be about the overguard somehow and not his damage, we already have good damage in the game anyway. and i dont think they will ever nerf him to a point of not being fun? that would be bad for both DE and for the player base

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1 minute ago, Xenevier said:

i dont think dark verse or his damage are the target of anyone's concern, his damage is fine, strong yes but nothing over the top. if they do change something im guessing it will be about the overguard somehow and not his damage, we already have good damage in the game anyway. and i dont think they will ever nerf him to a point of not being fun? that would be bad for both DE and for the player base

I made that list based on changes to new frames that DE has done in the past. I will be pleasantly surprised if most of it does not happen.

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4 minutes ago, Droghan said:

How about instead of nerfing / tweaking Dante, how about someone at DE takes a pass at Overguard as a whole?  Dante isn't the issue since you can pretty much do the exact same thing with Styanax and Frost.   Fix the interaction with Health Damage, Mods, Abilities, and Arcanes so that things work consistently with OG or make a percentage of OG loss count towards that interaction and problem solved.  Tweaking/nerfing one frame is a temporary / bandaid fix instead of fixing the problem as a whole.

THIS!!! 100%

If they nerf his overguard as a whole he'll still be giving overguard and preventing those abilities/arcanes/mods from working you'll just have made him worse and less fun and less survivable (which will hurt him so much in high levels)
If they lower the overguard his gives to allies he'll still be giving overguard and again still preventing those mods/arcanes/abilities from working
(obviously everything i said here is applicable to both styanax and frost too)

The most obvious answer is not nerfing overguard that Dante himself gains but making it so he doesn't give a single overguard to allies which is ignoring the problem but any other solution when it comes to his 2-2-4 will not solve the problem

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4 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

THIS!!! 100%

If they nerf his overguard as a whole he'll still be giving overguard and preventing those abilities/arcanes/mods from working you'll just have made him worse and less fun and less survivable (which will hurt him so much in high levels)
If they lower the overguard his gives to allies he'll still be giving overguard and again still preventing those mods/arcanes/abilities from working
(obviously everything i said here is applicable to both styanax and frost too)

The most obvious answer is not nerfing overguard that Dante himself gains but making it so he doesn't give a single overguard to allies which is ignoring the problem but any other solution when it comes to his 2-2-4 will not solve the problem

aside from the whole talk on dante's balance, there has to be a way to make OG work with stuff like hunter's adrenaline, because if you want to nerf any of these 3 overgaurd sharers, the problem just like you said it still is there, chroma or inaros get a nerf basically when they are in a lobby with someone who gives them overguard as they cant take HP damage anymore, i do agree with your take to a degree, overguard itself i dont think needs that huge of a nerf but i think it should get more synergy with other stuff like hunter's adrelanie for example

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Frames certainly have gotten bugfixes or changes to things that didn't work, but this is definitely noteworthy.Frame was live for all of about 5 days before the developer decides "yep that's enough usage, let's start looking at the nerf"
Context, from the dev shorts video via reddit

Do any of you remember such nerf speed previously?


Edited by Kaiga
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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello! I'm popping my head in here to provide some dev insight related to this conversation. 

As Dante Unbound nears one full week since its launch, the team has been reading and collecting feedback in all areas, including Dante himself. 

To remind us of our nerfing philosophy, we do not nerf things unless it AUTOMATES PLAY, is DISRUPTIVE to a squad, or is DOMINANT in states.

We are currently happy with how favored Dante is and recognize that nerfs typically have a negative connotation. With that in mind, we are reviewing early stats with an open mind to ensure we don't leave room for disruptive or dominant play styles. Any tweaks done to Dante will be to ensure he is still performing strongly, just not disruptive or dominant. 


There's a number of disruptive frame/abilities and Dante ain't one of them. Consider the following, to name a few:

  • Wisp shock motes
  • Limbo in general
  • Frost globes
  • Speed buffs

Where's the scrutiny for them? They're disruptive to other players universally, not with just a select few setups.

It's not Dante's fault that Chroma is archaic and in dire need of a rework. As for Hunter Adrenaline/Rage, they should just get tweaked as Overguard is a relatively new mechanic that will presumably only be getting more and more common, so the issue is bound to resurface. Not like Dante is the sole culprit here either, as Styanax and Frost apply Overguard to other players as well. They merely don't happen to be the most recent and therefore highly used frame.

As for the dominant aspect, again, there's a number of dominant frames that have been dominant for years with not so much as a glance being given their way. The only thing Dante has going for him compared to them is that he can do more than one job pretty well, but he doesn't excel at any of them.

I'd be all in on support for nerfing him if it was warranted in comparison to things that have already existed in the game for ages, but there's just no way to argue that is the case.

Edited by vFlitz
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On 2024-03-31 at 8:03 PM, Waeleto said:

It's really fascinating that there is a select group of people on the forums who CONSTANTLY ask for nerfs to almost everything and what's even funnier is that you won't find this sentiment anywhere else, not in-game chat or reddit or twitter or discord, it's just here.

People have this trend of hating on anything that is good/popular/new until it's nerfed to the ground and then proceed to ask "why did this warframe get a band aid augment ?" because it got nerfed to the ground, perhaps it's a group of people who are clinging to a version of warframe that existed 10 years ago or other who want everyone to play in the manner that they want or an a team comp as if it's overwatch.

It's getting really tiring opening the forums and only seeing nerf this or nerf that, and i'm not saying stuff getting nerfed is wrong completely in a pve game, the aoe and afk strategies were 100% deserved but it just feels like this certain group just wants the game to go back to it's 2014 era with EVERYTHING that is good or strong nerfed, it's literlaly asking for the fun factor to be removed from the game.

youre mixing stuff up dude, no one wants dante to be bad, youre going way way overbaord with your stuff, and saying you havent seen it in reddit or in game ??? maybe we're playing a different game but dude let me just point out i on my reddit account literally replied to a comment you put on a post asking for the same thing to happen, how do you say you havent seen this on reddit when you literally commented on a post about it, i have also seen people being vocal about it in game and region chat a couple of times.

no one is asking for a nerf that will ruin the warframe, people are asking for adjustments that will prevent power creep from happening, no one wants to remove fun, that would be dumb and a lose lose for everyone. people you disagree with arent your enemy dude, they dont hate you or your game, at the end of the day we're all playing the same game and want it to be as good as possible


On 2024-03-31 at 8:17 PM, UnstarPrime said:

With respect, let people have their bad opinions.  Or respond to their bad opinions with your good opinions.  But it seems unhelpful to make an entirely new meta-thread about how some people on the internet have opinions you disagree with.

i dont know how or why some people tend to think by the logic of "if they disagree with me they are wrong and deserve to be hated", like what ... respect should be given to anyone no matter what side they stand on in an argument and oh lemme tell you ive seen a lot of disrespect in the past few days about this whole thing towards others and myself as well ...


On 2024-03-31 at 9:45 PM, PublikDomain said:

When surveyed by DE themselves the majority of players report valuing build customization, gear balance, cooperative missions, and difficult content, and a majority of players feel that powercreep should be avoided.

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This is reality. The game has powercrept to the point where the consequences can't be ignored or hand-waved away, and it's obvious to anyone paying even a little bit of attention. The starting level for content in quests and on the starchart is getting higher and higher. DE says out loud that they have trouble developing content that challenges us, and they're constantly inventing new ways to counter player power like Damage Attenuation or Overguard or random gear or no gear at all. Console hosts can't even spawn enough enemies to match the current level of player power, for one player let alone four! And it's becoming more and more common to see complaints that some players feel they don't even get to play anymore because one person can hog the entire game to themselves. The AoE and AFK nerfs were made in part because of this very problem!

All that really seems to have changed is that this majority of players aren't putting up with the tired "just play solo" retorts anymore.

jesus christ i agree with literally everything here, people have the audacity to say the game is too easy and they arent challenged then ask for stronger and stronger tools, whats the point of the game if a gun or a warfarme or whatever trivializes the whole experience, just like how people dont have fun when a thermal titania rolls the map, its the same when a character makes theirs null of any use...

power creep is a thing, and people have the uneducated argument of "well look at this or that example" as if its good that we have more than enough of these examples, i think its a bad argument that people bring up that their frame cant work in Level 1000+ SP or on Level cap endless runs as if that wasnt meant to be the case, just raising enemy Hp or Damage or Armor wont make the game more challenging in a meaningful or fun way, give players tools to work with im all for that but giving them an arsenal of tools for every usecase possible then seeing how the game difficulty is now low is not a surprise 


On 2024-04-01 at 2:33 AM, PublikDomain said:

Ah, the typical dismissal of official data. The surveys were not only available to the forums, they were spread on the subreddit as well. The 2022 survey was even posted to the sub directly by DE themselves. Please try to get your history right before making excuses. And the survey's sample size is also included: almost 28 thousand people responded to the 2019 survey, and a little over 70 thousand people responded to the 2022 survey. That's quite a lot of bored, disgruntled vets!

It is still a majority. And there was also no option to say that powercreep is good, only that it had no impact good or bad or that you were unsure. There is no "defacto for it", that's just wishful interpretation of the data. The group saying powercreep has no impact should include both people who think it's neutral and the people who think it's positive, as there was no option to say that it is positive on its own. The negative group is an undivided 35.24% and the neural and positive groups together make up that 35.04%. Undecided players made up the remainder and cannot be assumed to be for or against powercreep. So unless you're choosing to believe that all of the people saying "powercreep has no impact" are actually saying "powercreep is great and we should have more", I don't see why you think that this minority is actually a majority? Or do you believe that the people saying "we don't know if it's good or bad" are actually saying "powercreep is great and we should have more" too?

How convenient that you've chosen to count the neutral response as negative. The people rating Gear Balance as only 1/5 or 2/5 are only 15%. The people rating Gear Balance as 4/5 or 5/5 make up 54. For co-op missions it's the same story: 1/5 and 2/5 only make up 20%, 4/5 and 5/5 make up 53.6%. Only 11.5% rated difficult content as a 1/5 or 2/5, while 61.4%(!) rated it a 4/5 or 5/5. And this trend continues over time, too. In the 2022 survey results DE spelled out clearly what they took from this:

Huh! And this is, for their part, something DE has continually tried to achieve.

You and I both know this doesn't make one lick of difference to what I'm saying. Here, I'll swap the word for you:

See? I'm still saying the exact same thing. Players have powercrept/"""progressed""" far past what the game can handle, and this is having obvious negative consequences on both the game itself and on its development.

I think you should read more and generalize less. Did DE refer to fissures when explaining why Wukong and AoE weapons were being adjusted? No? Strange... They just talked about how disruptive this gameplay was and how many people were asking for something to be done about it.

this man has more data to back up his claims than dante himself ever could lmao


On 2024-04-01 at 4:45 AM, 0_The_F00l said:

I feel OP has opinion bias ,

I have seen both requests for nerfs and buffs , and buff requests tend to be more than nerf requests.

Both are necessary for a healthy live service game , and players are entitled to have their opinions for both as well.

the argument of "people who want nerfs are wrong because i dont want nerfs" seems to be very common among people, OP is one ive seen all over the place with this loud opinion, on my post and others, and very very stingy on my post specifically, i dont get how short sighted you can be as to say everyone is wrong and im right, even if that was the case thats not how you talk to people

On 2024-04-01 at 9:39 AM, SDGDen said:

ya know, it kinda does say something when someone makes the statement "nerf crowd is dominating the forums" and the first ten reactions to their post are all people who fully agree.

if the nerf crowd WAS dominating the forums, you'd expect to see someone immediately make the claim that either they aren't or that it's a good thing.



anyways, hi. its me. i'm the nerf crowd. and uh, unpopular opinion but: warframe doesn't have an endgame BECAUSE DE listened to the "please dont nerf my OP gear" crowd. yes, that's you. congrats, you've made it onto the blame show.

DE has listened to the community as a whole for YEARS, and the community as a whole apparently thinks nerfs are bad and buffs are good (Which is an emotional reaction because buffs feel good and nerfs simply don't)

that same community has NO CLUE how game design works, why even in a power fantasy PVE game you need balance and why nerfs are an important part of game balance.


the game is boring in the endgame because literally one player with one of MANY builds can take every last drop of challenge out of the game. if you want challenge you literally have to play solo and explicitly use severely underpowered setups (effectively nerfing yourself back down to early-mid game. then what did you do all that grind for to get to endgame?) 

the game is so easy that there's been multiple points in time where a monkey could have successfully completed end-game content. the solution to this is system-wide nerfs. nerfs to the ammo economy, nerfs to AOEs, nerfs to the energy economy, nerfs to survivability, a full enemy rebalance. we need these things to put the game back in a place where it can provide an endgame.


preach brother, buffs arent bad or good, nerfs arent bad or good, a frame being too weak or too strong is bad, when you give players every tool they need to reach level cap, whats the challenge :\ and then they say the game is too easy, de fix game being too easy ... what

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At this point I feel like the devs are pushing all the buttons they have at random, and I find it very concerning. Of course this all stems from the game factually being beta without the beta tag (which is why you feel offended by it, because you thought this was a finished game and not an experiment), but even so, way too random.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello! I'm popping my head in here to provide some dev insight related to this conversation. 

As Dante Unbound nears one full week since its launch, the team has been reading and collecting feedback in all areas, including Dante himself. 

To remind us of our nerfing philosophy, we do not nerf things unless it AUTOMATES PLAY, is DISRUPTIVE to a squad, or is DOMINANT in states.

We are currently happy with how favored Dante is and recognize that nerfs typically have a negative connotation. With that in mind, we are reviewing early stats with an open mind to ensure we don't leave room for disruptive or dominant play styles. Any tweaks done to Dante will be to ensure he is still performing strongly, just not disruptive or dominant. 


If you take from Dante, you must also give to Dante.

  • Give him more base fire rate on Noctua
  • Give him faster base casting speed (he's a wizard after all!)
  • Give him the ability to input commands directly after casting his 4 and dashing (remove the input delay)
  • Give him a way to activate tome mods without needing to cripple Noctua (it wants a lot of mods as it is...)
  • Give him less jittering recoil on Noctua (with no good way to reduce it since it has no exilus...)
  • Give him a usable 2nd ability. On its own, it is of limited use. It is only fodder for his 4.
  • Give him less ear-bleed sound effects.
  • Give him better FX on his 4th ability.

Give to Dante, give...

And, if we're considering Dante dominant, then do we also consider Saryn dominant? Or Gyre as a mobile AoE nuke/CC powerhouse? Let's not overreact to FOTM streamers and their nuke setups that a percentage of the playerbase can pull off. And, let's not talk about the new augments yet, right? Those are pretty strong too...

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It's really disappointing that the moment we get something fun DE decides to listen to the "PLEASE NERF" crowd, i guess every new warframe we get has to either get a hotfix buff/bandaid augment/remain a B tier warframe.

Dante is what every new warframe and rework should be but the fun police won't allow it.

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4 minutes ago, PrimeEnjoyer said:

If you take from Dante, you must also give to Dante.

  • Give him more base fire rate on Noctua
  • Give him faster base casting speed (he's a wizard after all!)
  • Give him the ability to input commands directly after casting his 4 and dashing (remove the input delay)
  • Give him a way to activate tome mods without needing to cripple Noctua (it wants a lot of mods as it is...)
  • Give him less jittering recoil on Noctua (with no good way to reduce it since it has no exilus...)
  • Give him a usable 2nd ability. On its own, it is of limited use. It is only fodder for his 4.
  • Give him less ear-bleed sound effects.
  • Give him better FX on his 4th ability.

Give to Dante, give...

And, if we're considering Dante dominant, then do we also consider Saryn dominant? Or Gyre as a mobile AoE nuke/CC powerhouse? Let's not overreact to FOTM streamers and their nuke setups that a percentage of the playerbase can pull off. And, let's not talk about the new augments yet, right? Those are pretty strong too...

And most importantly, if they nerf HIS OWN overguard then i'm expecting a nerf to that of styanax and frost as well, i have relatively the same build on all 3 of them and all 3 of them give both me and my squad 60-70k, there is no reason to nerf this part in dante and not them

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4 minutes ago, PrimeEnjoyer said:

If you take from Dante, you must also give to Dante.

  • Give him more base fire rate on Noctua
  • Give him faster base casting speed (he's a wizard after all!)
  • Give him the ability to input commands directly after casting his 4 and dashing (remove the input delay)
  • Give him a way to activate tome mods without needing to cripple Noctua (it wants a lot of mods as it is...)
  • Give him less jittering recoil on Noctua (with no good way to reduce it since it has no exilus...)
  • Give him a usable 2nd ability. On its own, it is of limited use. It is only fodder for his 4.
  • Give him less ear-bleed sound effects.
  • Give him better FX on his 4th ability.

Give to Dante, give...

And, if we're considering Dante dominant, then do we also consider Saryn dominant? Or Gyre as a mobile AoE nuke/CC powerhouse? Let's not overreact to FOTM streamers and their nuke setups that a percentage of the playerbase can pull off. And, let's not talk about the new augments yet, right? Those are pretty strong too...

if DE decides to adjust dante it was because he had too much already, it makes no sense to take from one part and give in another part if he already has too much to work with, i get what you're saying but a lot of the stuff you say is the character's innate flaw that SHOULD exist in everyone of them, for example sacrificing damage for tome mods is 100% normal, it would be insane if you could have both the supportive capabilities of tome mods and the damage output of the noctua

the 2nd ability is not fodder for his 2, thats the way his kit works man, if you put it that way the 2 casts of his 3 dont do nearly as much as 334, thats how his kit works, you have 4 abilities yes but the real way his kit is meant to play is the 4 combos you can do with 2 and 3

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I find it strange they're saying they're looking into nerfing him because he "dominates".

Of course people are flocking to the actually good, hyped up and easy to farm brand new Warframe, which was released just before a 4 day weekend.


Give it at least 2 weeks before you decide too many people play him.

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