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Jade Shadows - Dev Workshop: Enemy Resistances and Status Rework (LIVE!)


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Casual gamer here. Not sure if this will be read but I just want to touch on it from a practical (gaming time becomes limited while adulting) view point.

Devs -- whatever you do, please don't make it so that I need to sink at least a couple of forma into all my builds after the update, just to make weakness-matching work and playing end-game contents feasible. That's all I'm asking for.

That being said and as an aside, I still don't understand why armour is even a health type to begin with. Magnetic damage can deplete shields and that's great, but armour is not ordinarily removed through damage (e.g. it's not something I can just "break" by shooting at it a few times, like shields). Wouldn't it be more simple to do away with armour resistance/vulnerability against damage, and just turn armour into a percentage reduction like what you are already doing to the warframes, to be affected by the usual procs? I feel that will make modding easier because the players can focus on dishing out maximum damage against a certain health type. Personally after 2 years of playing I still don't know if a Grineer unit with Ferrite Armour is weak against Corrosive damage (not status), or Viral (not status), or both. Figuring out whether the Ferrite Armour or the Cloned Flesh is the "controlling" health before an armour strip always confuses the heck out of me.


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11 minutes ago, PaisleySnail said:

Devs -- whatever you do, please don't make it so that I need to sink at least a couple of forma into all my builds after the update, just to make weakness-matching work and playing end-game contents feasible. That's all I'm asking for.

this is something I'm most definitely concerned about with this as well...

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9 hours ago, Casardis said:

Yep yep. Adjusting Toxin this way would already bring light to Magnetic more as a starting point. You can't really bring Magnetic up to Toxin level because Toxin just ignores an entire mechanic of the game. Making Toxin in line with Slash sounds reasonable honestly.

It's why I'm curious how DE is going to balance the Health, Shields and Armor categories. They would need to really incentivize using correct elements by buffing their positives AND negatives. Like 90% extra damage or 90% less damage across the board. I shouldn't be using Viral and Heat for every faction with Armor, and we still can with these suggestions. 

I'm going to assume it literally means just one Health category, one Armor category and one Shield category. If that's the case, balancing should hopefully be much easier. I'm just really waiting to see what DE is going to do before coming to any conclusions, but at least from what's been shown, I don't think there's enough meat here. If it is just limiting the categories I'm not sure what this is actually going to change.

The good news is the Faction resistance actually doesn't change if you remove all Armor or Shields from an enemy, so in theory, Corrosive/Radiation/Heat would be best for Grineer again. Viral would basically only be used as a setup proc instead of a straight up damage option. More steps in the right direction.

Edited by Greysmog
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Making it so I don't need armor strip on every frame is a win for me. It just gets boring. If you want shields to matter make toxin not bypass it, it would be cool if it was like a ticking timebomb the moment the shield drops the toxin pops that could give us some nice synergies. Mostly I want you to stop being cowards about damage. Puncture should be a 200% crit buff multiplicative. Impact should instantly open enemies to finishers. Finishers suck anyway for KPM so it isn't gonna hurt anyone. Make slash not effect shields at all. Make gas OP again JUST DO IT its just a power fantasy game and there is no balance currently so start buffing things to match viral heat

Just mess with stuff and have fun.

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On 4/26/2024 at 5:32 PM, ShogunGunshow said:

... why would you? 

If you're running toxin, the entire point is to BYPASS shields. 

That’s fair, there are still enemies that are difficult to kill with just toxin

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Never understood how enemies can eat Ogris, Bramma, or Envoy explosions and not get turned into chunks. Fictional universe or not, I still find it difficult to believe that an equivalent of a missile or rocket can't turn a Grineer or Corpus footsoldiers into red paste on impact.

If you want Blast to be even blastier, it's gotta hit WAY harder than it currently does ingame. If I were to buff Blast as a status, I'd give it a % chance to instakill per proc for cannon fodder mobs and % chance per proc to deal a blast-weighted instance of true damage for special enemy-types like Eximus, heavies, and bosses. 

Edited by ZiIIion
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3 minutes ago, ZiIIion said:

Never understood how enemies can eat Ogris, Bramma, or Envoy explosions and not get turned into chunks. Fictional universe or not, I find it difficult to believe that a rocket can't turn a Grineer or Corpus trash mob into red paste on impact.


Yeah, this would make  sense.  But if you want sense, we should also turn ourselves and our squadmates into slightly larger chunks when firing explosive weapons at point blank range.  Rather than taking a little stagger, if that.

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2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Yeah, this would make  sense.  But if you want sense, we should also turn ourselves and our squadmates into slightly larger chunks when firing explosive weapons at point blank range.  Rather than taking a little stagger, if that.

It might be fun looking into that as a balancing suggestion though. 

Maybe Blast is a great option for taking out a specific unit and dealing additional Blast AoE damage when they die, similar to Acid Shells scaling (just obviously fix Toxic Lash and stuff like it). More Procs would be something like extra range, similar to Gas, so you might even want to consider Status Duration. Give me a reason to build for that DE seriously.

So that way you want to focus on weaker units like a Lancer to more easily wipe a room, or weaken a tougher unit and then blow them up to spread your damage out better. As long as Blast was more for Health and weaker against Armor and Shields I could totally see it being viable with more Status-focused builds. It makes sense with the faction it's supposed to be good against (the Infested) and makes it so Blast needs help to really clear rooms. Making it so they have to die also removes any strange invuln exploits, and buffs allied enemy units like Nekros' Shadows of the Dead.

It like like DE actually suggested this already with an early version of Blast before it was changed, but it was obviously overtuned. If it scales off of enemy base Health just like Acid Shells, and you make it so it only scales off of Blast damage itself (not all damage accrued, literally just the Blast damage itself on the weapon), it should be fine. Especially since there's stuff like damage falloff built in. Keep the stagger, make sure the range doesn't get out of hand, and you're done.

If scaling with enemy Health is too much, just make it deal a % of your total Blast damage on death to nearby enemies. 

"Blast: Our goal with Blast was to invoke an immediate and on-death effect to emphasize explosions.

Now, instead of Enemy inaccuracy, you detonate your enemies! When dealing a Blast Status Effect to an Enemy, the following will happen:

When Status is applied, deal a percentage of damage after a certain timeframe. Each Blast has its own timer, and goes after a second.

Accumulated Blast stacks incur on-death explosions using their combined damage from when initially dealt and forcing Stagger to affected (within explosion radius) enemies. Radius of triggered explosion via death may grow in radius per stack."

Edited by Greysmog
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2024/4/27 AM12点00分 , [DE]Sam 说:

Have a minimum threshold of any Enemy Armor.
      a. No armor-accessing Enemy will have below a certain minimum, Armor shouldn’t feel unimpactful

 oh no!

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Great changes overall, this is a step in the right direction and will make tuning the game much easier in the future.

I'm in the camp of nerf toxin vs shields and make shields bigger, magnetic would be super cool then.

My two cents on blast is it should light enemies on fire on a decen radius cause it would be super cool and I'll finally use blast. 

And my two cents on gas is that no matter what you do to it, as long as it creates a fart cloud I will not use it. Too much FX clutter in this game, I don't need fart clouds.

I'm out here screaming at clouds.

Also obligatory plea for automatic loadout changes depending on the kind of enemy in the map. Just a simple toggle in the mod pages of every weapon that when pressed activates a drop down menu where you can select a faction, and from then on whenever you have that weapon and enter a mission with that faction that's the mod page that will be active. This way I'll start using faction mods. I hope this isn't one of those things that sound relatively simple but are a nightmare to implement lol.


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3 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Yeah, this would make  sense.  But if you want sense, we should also turn ourselves and our squadmates into slightly larger chunks when firing explosive weapons at point blank range.  Rather than taking a little stagger, if that.

Except trash mobs are clones or actual people. You are a murder machine piloted by a psychopathic demon child with infinite void energy. 

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5 minutes ago, KingesPrime said:

Except trash mobs are clones or actual people. You are a murder machine piloted by a psychopathic demon child with infinite void energy. 

And yet this murder machine can itself be murdered by bullets, knives, teeth, and cattleprods, but not even have a hair knocked out of place by shooting their own feet with heavy ordinance. 

In other words, it's a game.  So don't think too hard about how that Grineer Shield Lancer should be reduced to its constituent molecules in the first explosion rather than the second one.

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On 2024-04-27 at 12:49 AM, NovaUmbral said:

If you want to make Magnetic GENUINELY good against Corpus, all you have to do is nerf Toxin. As long as Toxin is present and capable against corpus, Magnetic will never see the light of day and remain as an objectively bad elemental combination.

To everyone including the DEvs, please do not repeat the same historical mistake in a row. 

You've listened to the people who asked for nerfing Dante and you listened to face the massive opposition.

Instead of following your trend of nerfing the most overused stuff, try any other changes to decrease the overshadowing. 

Here's my suggestion: Remove "health" from all robotics type of enemies. The very concept of health doesn't make sense on robotics as toxin and viral affects that health. 

Think logically, how can you "infect" a machine with toxin or viral effects? My suggestion is to remove their health completely and keep only shields as a means of living. This will make toxin useless against half of the corpus and magnetic will get more usage. 

I don't know if this idea will reach DEvs, but I hope. Thanks for reading! 

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il y a 10 minutes, -DL-Warlord-27 a dit :

To everyone including the DEvs, please do not repeat the same historical mistake in a row. 

You've listened to the people who asked for nerfing Dante and you listened to face the massive opposition.

Instead of following your trend of nerfing the most overused stuff, try any other changes to decrease the overshadowing. 

Here's my suggestion: Remove "health" from all robotics type of enemies. The very concept of health doesn't make sense on robotics as toxin and viral affects that health. 

Think logically, how can you "infect" a machine with toxin or viral effects? My suggestion is to remove their health completely and keep only shields as a means of living. This will make toxin useless against half of the corpus and magnetic will get more usage. 

I don't know if this idea will reach DEvs, but I hope. Thanks for reading! 

Do you know that even at lvl9999, enemy shield are just useless, with or without toxin/viral build? The main reason we build toxin/viral is to clear trash corpus without armor, machinery corpus are just garbage, even demolist because they have weakspot anyway. Even after update, magnetic will still be useless, because it was never needed in the first place. Even more so in squad, where with just 2 frames, you can reach damage cap.

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1 minute ago, PurpleDraken said:

Do you know that even at lvl9999, enemy shield are just useless, with or without toxin/viral build? The main reason we build toxin/viral is to clear trash corpus without armor, machinery corpus are just garbage, even demolist because they have weakspot anyway. Even after update, magnetic will still be useless, because it was never needed in the first place. Even more so in squad, where with just 2 frames, you can reach damage cap.

That is not the case for many squads in the game. Not everyone reaches dmg cap 

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il y a 33 minutes, -DL-Warlord-27 a dit :

That is not the case for many squads in the game. Not everyone reaches dmg cap 

It wasn't a question, it's a fact, mirage + octavia = damage cap without armor strip, at lvl9999 you still do 100M, which is enough against any ennemies.
Also, sure everyone doesn't reach damage cap, but it's not needed in anyway, you can do endurance without ever reaching it with decent build. I'm not against QoL, but nerfing element and boosting element because half player base doesn't even try to build correctly is just wrong. It's just like how glaive prime is the most played weapon, why bother trying to build a weapon correctly when i can just to a trash build and oneshot everything? The problem isn't the element (mostly), it's the playerbase (also mostly).
I will keep my view on the subject, even if you nerf toxin/viral and buff magnetic, magnetic will still not be played, because even if you build corro against corpus for the lol, you will one tap ennemy shield if you build correctly even with wrong element.

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The changes to armor and shields are quite good, I'm glad that armor will finally stop reducing damage so absurdly, and the unique shield mechanic will finally become more important as enemies level up.
However, it seems to me that such changes will not make corrosion and magnetic important enough statuses. The problem is in the very idea of these two statuses. Each of them affects only one of the enemy's defense mechanics. If one of them affects damage more than the other, the logical solution would be to use only the status that will affect damage more strongly. (What is happening now, corrosion has a stronger effect on damage - it is used more often than magnetic.) If both statuses are equally important to damage, the most logical solution is to use both at the same time, which makes it worthless to separate them. Or don’t use them at all and look for a more universal approach.
I think it's worth making both statuses more useful for use across all factions. For example, you can make corrosion a status that will reduce both armor and shields, and give the magnetic status a new effect.

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22 hours ago, Biohazard_xPRx said:

Could it also mean that leaving 1% of the armor unstripped + the current Corrossive 75% buff/armor “bypass” is better than full strip even at level cap? 

They said they're collapsing health-types into per-faction and they won't change weakness/resistances in realtime if you strip armor or destroy shields, No more worries about fully stripping resulting in less damage 🙌


As well, Damage Resistances won’t change just because an Enemy’s Armor or Shields are removed; since they’re set per Faction, those Weaknesses (or Resistances) will continue to affect whatever Health Type they have equally.

Edited by HunterDigi
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On 2024-04-26 at 8:15 PM, TheKengineer said:

There's some interesting bits here. Some positive, some that doesn't seem to quite fit. Forgive me, this is going to be long but better now than after updates go live.

I like the concept of simplifying enemy health, armor, and shields to do away with the litany of types. Replacing that with faction/sub-faction types is a good concept and much easier to communicate to new players especially. 

However this example section:

I think this misunderstands the position of slash/viral and heat/viral in the meta. They're used for two reasons: They're strong, and they're reliable. The complex opportunities of using puncture, or corrosive, or radiation, or blast isn't what's holding them back from being used. Likewise the resistance to slash on armor is irrelevant to slash/viral builds. Players use slash and heat because they get the job done. Players don't use blast because it gets no job done, especially with the near total absence of machinery to fight.

Through any changes, it's important to keep the distinction between status and damage too. The reason slash/viral is still viable against the Murmur for example is because the slash penalty and viral penalty both do not apply to the effective portion of a slash/viral build. 

On the topic of armor Corrosive procs are definitely undertuned for fewer procs. Curiously though the workshop then goes on to focus on the armor aspect rather than defeating it. With armor strip options across a lot of gear, plus heavy damage options, damage type matching (including armor bypass like radiation vs alloy), slash procs, and emerald shards, killing armored enemies hasn't felt like an insurmountable challenge. I'm concerned that if armor gets capped low then armor debuffs will be without significant value, while if armor is capped high then the underlying nature of the equations hasn't changed. Taking the Heavy Gunner example, 10 corrosive procs "only" reduces the damage reduction from armor by less than 10%. However, it's increased the damage taken after armor from 2.7% to 12.18%, a 4.5x increase which is greater than 10 viral procs. (A scenario in which many would still use viral procs to enhance the slash procs they have, or use emerald shards to get the remaining 4 corrosive procs). 

Now repeat that same scenario but armor is capped at 2000. The damage reduction would be 86.96% before corrosive procs, 57.14% after corrosive procs. A whopping 29.8% decrease in absolute damage reduction value, yet only a 3.3x damage increase. **A lower starting armor value makes the same % armor reduction *worse*, not better.** 

Over the course of 14 corrosive procs on the 10815 armor enemy, the effective damage increase with each proc is:


If a more significant partial strip is desired, that last column is the one to focus on and smooth out (after of course a larger jump on the 1st proc, following the philosophy of 1 proc being significant on its own). For other sources of armor strip, notably abilities, players usually aim for a full strip because it's accessible. Why do half a job when doing the whole job is so easy and valuable? 

When it comes to dealing with armor then, I would suggest the focus be on ensuring the tools to partially defeat armor are sufficient to be worthwhile rather than - if I'm reading this right - redesigning armor entirely for enemies and making it scale differently than for players. Such a strip-focused approach then also doesn't call for health buffs which in turn doesn't nerf the TTK on setups which already full strip, such as the now well invested emerald archon shards.


On shields, how common is it for players to take breaks from killing the same unit long enough for shield regen to be important? I ask this as I consider the impact on a person pre- and post-change. The person who starts and finishes killing a shielded target without reloading would surely not give time for shields to regenerate more than a spit, so I wonder what difference they would see in gameplay. Meanwhile the person struggling, reloading to take on the unit, finds the wall even higher to climb due to the increased regen. This is on the assumption of shields not constantly regenerating while under fire, a change which could be both interesting and infuriating due to creating a minimum burst dps to beat a unit. I'd assume that the suggested answer would be to use magnetic which, while valid, leads nicely into the status changes.

  • Cold - here's a status I wouldn't have guessed needed buffs right now. It slows targets down so much it's trivial to hit weak spots and evade abilities, especially as they hang in gravity defying animations. I openly recommend it against demolishers for example, and it pairs nicely alongside corrosive already. Still, sounds fun for a lot of people so if it seems necessary, have at it!
  • Gas - here's a status I wouldn't have guessed only needed cosmetic improvements. To me, gas is exceptionally niche due to a small AoE, short lingering period, no elemental mod buff (except Valence Formation - Lavos wins again), and max 10 procs. If an 11th proc is applied, the 1st is removed even if it is stronger. No other damaging proc has such a limitation as standard. As I saw someone else succintly put it, the hard to see visuals are not the reason gas gets skipped. *My personal change* would be to remove the 10 proc cap for damage, keep the range cap, and then make the lingering gas cloud increase in duration based on procs on death. Not linearly, but such that applying a larger number of procs leaves a danger zone for a noticably longer period to help secure gas' identity separate from electric.
  • Magnetic - my number one issue with magnetic is it only affects one faction. Corrosive affects corpus and infested armor even if it's less common than grineer. Viral affects corpus health even if they also have shields. Magnetic has no effect on unshielded enemies making it overly niche. If looking to make a meta that doesn't favour so few types, making types more universal seems a strong win to me rather than doubling down on making magnetic the "correct choice" for corpus. *My personal change* would be to add a Disruption effect to magnetic. Similar to how magnetic drains *Tenno* energy, affecting abilities, it could disrupt *Enemy* abilities. For example, an enemy would have a 1/(1+x) chance of successfully casting an ability where x is the number of magnetic procs on them. By abilities, I mean the ones we block with Banshee's Silence, like grapples, eximus powers, that sort of thing. While this wouldn't affect all enemies, it certainly affects all factions to make magnetic be more than discount viral while also matching it closer to how we get affected. Boss type units can resist this by capping the procs they receive, or specifically ignoring the Disruption effect just as how Archons ignore Corrosion.
  • Blast - Please don't make this an "everything is AoE now!" status. I genuinely beg of you do not go down that road. Doubly so anything with lots of explodey effects to clog up my screen. *My personal change* is simple; Blast procs become the Viral of Overguard. Viral counters health, magnetic counters shields, corrosive counters armor, radiation counters buffs, gas counters groups, and blast can counter overguard. This gives it an all faction use that can be a serious contender against the cold-sharing viral and magnetic. Does the player want to deal more damage to all enemies of a faction, or do they want to overwhelm the overguard of the highest threat enemies? This would be especially useful to crowd control focused frames as a way to expedite their backup plan for the CC immune threats. 
  • Lastly, though not mentioned in the workshop, Toxin - I don't really want to see Toxin nerfed, but I am also aware that it rather invalidates any threat shields can present. I also wouldn't want to see Toxin lose its identity as a shield bypass damage and status. If however this does need balancing, *My personal change* would make current shields count as pseduo-armor against toxin. Toxin still bypasses them, but it has an increasingly hard time the more shields the target has. The numbers would ABSOLUTELY need balancing, but not only would this make toxin less oppressive against mainly shielded units, it also could be extended to Tenno to give shield hitpoint tanks more resilience against enemy toxin damage.


I've said a lot here, mostly criticism, but that's because praise takes fewer words. Much of this workshop looks good. I hope this feedback may inspire even more good.

- Just some dude on the internet :)

just bumping this don't mind me

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Magnetic and Corrosive need to become more universal. Not only for the sake of fighting the "wrong" faction, but also for the intended faction.

For example, if a tough Corpus unit has its shields broken, applying Magnetic does nothing further.


Magnetic - Also make targets have a chance to be struck once more by attacks (like a multihit / multishot effect). Say, 5% chance per proc, up to 50% at max stacks. Would certainly be useful for melee (faster combo points etc). This effect could also include that the enemy affected has a chance to have their own attacks deflected back at themselves, so it can also be a damage prevention tool.

Corrosive - Also make it add +3% flat critchance per status, for a max of 30% (or more, with emerald shards!). Voila, universal! What about Puncture then? Well...

Puncture - Instead of critchance bonus, it instead causes the enemy to suffer bonus true damage (ie armor ignore) on both the proccing attack and all subsequent attacks. Say, 5% per proc, up to 25% at max stacks. That ought to make it highly competitive with Slash as the antiarmor damagetype.

I got way more thoughts on the other elements, but this is long enough already, and the people that need to read it won't read this anyway...

Edited by Azamagon
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IMO, magnetic status should be more universal to be on line or just near with favourite ones. Some possible options of magnetic rework, for example:
- reducing movement and attack speed of affected enemyes with each stack (CC improvement, what also logicaly as "legacy" of cold, one of magnetic`s "progenitor" elements);
- "doom-doom bullets" effect: each shot received by magnetised enemy (including possibly friendlyfire) will apply 5% DOT for 5 sec (+n% with each stack); 
- increasing enemy vulnerability to ranged physical damage from bullets, arrows, other "hard" projectiles etc. (debuff inprovement, similar as working Mag`s Polarisation);
- increasing tenno damage multiplier for attacks against magnetized enemy (kinda buff agains affected enemyes, similar as working Mag`s Magnetize)...
Sure, it is to raw vision, just idea, but i hope some of this may be interesting as project.
Plz, note that possibly magnetic damage and status effect changes should be applyed for Mag`s abilityes too. Lets fix this current nonsense when abilityes of pure magnetic-based warframe dealing magnetic damage only, but not applying magnetic status ever. Why Mag designed to be uncapable for managing magnetic powers as good, as other element-based warframes capable to manage with their native elements? For example, why, when Saryn and Hydro are capable to apply corrosive statuses to enemyes, affected by their abilityes, Mag can`t do same with her native magnetic power? All of Mag`s abilityes are magnetic damage based, but no one of them intended to inflict magnetic status on affected enemyes. Is it fair?


Edited by DstroyR
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I dunno, in terms of new players it seems very good: "Oh, this picture here tells me to bring magnetic damage to this mission, I difinetley should try it!.. Oooh, nice, my braton deals 150 damage instead of regular 100, so cool!". And they will juggle their damage types while finishing starchart, but then: "Nah, viral+slash is universal, 0 care"

In terms of late game, it changes almost nothing. Powerful weapons will become more powerful, thanks to that armor cap, weak ones will see almost no change. +8-9% damage to my 50-150k slash damage per tick will feel so good. Some random automatic rifle that deals 100 damage per bullet to SP heavy grineer in the head will now deal 109 dmg per bullet in the head, while you will add them more health scaling, so... what's the point? Let's say I put corrosive on it and stripped enough armor do deal 50% more damage, and now I deal around ~160 dmg per bullet in the head. I could continue ranting on this, but I guess you get my point already

And why should I juggle my damage types? Viral+slash is universal. It helps to annihilate any armored enemies, and vs shielded enemies viral helps to deal more damage to deplete shields with single multishot shot, and single slash proc seals the deal. Single viral proc adds +50% damage, while magnetic will add, like, 100%? Will it really worth the bother to change your loadout?

Then, freeze damage. Again - no point for late game. Regular enemies could be killed with anything even on SP - there is no point in freezing them. The real target you want to freeze and deal tons of damage are so called "VIP" enemies - eximuses, archons, bosses, acolytes, rogue necramechs, etc, but you can't. So it will actually work only for enemies like heavy gunners and such. And, also. you will need a weapon, that can apply 10 (I guess it's 10 currently? I never use freeze element really) stacks really fast. Explosive weapons can't do this fast enough, which means, you need a rifle or shotgun or such for this purpose, which means single targeted weapon. So it means I should sacrifice my weapon slot for freeze weapon that will deal damage to single target and will be good only against heavy enemies, who my viral+slash weapon already deals very, very good? Nah, thanks, I'm good. Have fun with your freeze ray

You know, Phenmore is quite a universal weapon. If shoots a lot of bullets fast, so it can bypass your artificial damage cap for a single hit, it deals white damage, so it can bypass your artificial damage cap for critical hits. You see, where am I leading? Theese changes will do nothing with bulletsponges

I can deal with armor either with stripping it with abilities or simply with viral+slash combo. But the only real solution to bulletsponges are fast-shooting non-crit incarnon weapons like phenmore (or laethum or such), to pass different caps you applied to make enemies more "challenging". For example - if I will bring regular (maybe new mr fodder to level-up) non-incarnon weapon to corpus SP and meet coin-holder dude, I simply will not be able to bring him down in time, even more, 99% I will not be able to strip even 30% of his shields. Will magnetic damage help me with that? Seems like "no". Will freeze damage will help me with this? Well, probably "yeah", but only if weapon already have good status+crit chance+crit damage. Another example - rogue necramechs. They are already tiring to kill on SP. Even more tiring to kill them on Elite Deep Archemidia. I got cought too often in situations, where I literally spend 2 minutes to bring its hp down with crappy weapons I got offered this week, just for it to be fully heald in a second with red eximus, which I didn't noticed in time because trying to survive while killing necramech takes my full attention. And there are nothing you can do about it. Will +50-75% damage buff help with that? Well, a little, but not enough to see a difference.

So, so long it seems like theese changes are made for new players and tu buff corpus shields in late game, but there are no real qol changes for late game and bullet sponges


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