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Update 36: Jade Shadows


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21 hours ago, (PSN)SABRETOOTH1971 said:

You swapped impact and puncture!! Are you kidding me?! My weapon builds are based on the higher of the IPS for faction builds. Doubt 3 forma are going to cover it, don't you, DE.

This.  I don't understand the logic, and essentially my weapons for Corpus (impact) are now for Grineer and those for Grineer (puncture) are now for Corpus.  Of all the changes this update makes, this one is the most pointless and, frankly, idiotic.

21 hours ago, (PSN)SABRETOOTH1971 said:

You swapped impact and puncture!! Are you kidding me?! My weapon builds are based on the higher of the IPS for faction builds. Doubt 3 forma are going to cover it, don't you, DE.

This.  I don't understand the logic, and essentially my weapons for Corpus (impact) are now for Grineer and those for Grineer (puncture) are now for Corpus.  Of all the changes this update makes, this one is the most pointless and, frankly, idiotic.

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8 minutes ago, anonimus_riga said:

You overdid it with the jade beams. No damage cap, no matter how much health or armor you have - dead in few seconds, and beam actively follows you!

What's next, some beam that at all times is behind your back and one shots you?! 

What are you trying to achieve, that you cannot chose tactical position and need to run around like a clown?
That you cannot stay in place to revive someone?
Like there is not enough things trying to kill players. NO ONE looks above their heads, its human nature. VERY ANNOYING addition!


In the meantime, until DE decides to change anything in Ascension, Wukong has good longevity. Using his Defy skill I was able to rez players when lasers were active and i did get hit by them, then I used Cloud Walker to heal or Operator and Magus Repair.
Ascension is a clown-walk-mode. xD

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38 minutes ago, Irishspongie said:

This.  I don't understand the logic, and essentially my weapons for Corpus (impact) are now for Grineer and those for Grineer (puncture) are now for Corpus.  Of all the changes this update makes, this one is the most pointless and, frankly, idiotic.

This.  I don't understand the logic, and essentially my weapons for Corpus (impact) are now for Grineer and those for Grineer (puncture) are now for Corpus.  Of all the changes this update makes, this one is the most pointless and, frankly, idiotic.

Impact aka kinetic impacts are displaced more via tech shields and deal less, while penetrative munitions (puncture) can pierce through shielding with the inverse for grineer armor, that are strong against pinpoint force but weak against that force applied in larger areas.

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16 часов назад, Irishspongie сказал:

Exceedingly obvious to anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to what was going on

Buddy, you want me to believe that the hardcore, greedy, selfish bureaucrat that was presented to be like any other Corpus Captain — a.k.a. smart, cunning, obsessed with pleasing daddy Parvos — would betray him and Corpus on a whim just beacuse she saw [main character] holding an infant?

I was paying attention, you know. And I am not that much of a sucker for the good'ol "awwww, he has a baby, let's spare him" trope, if it's done wrong, without a proper build-up. Captain Xeto was shown to be willing to "personally deliver it" to Sisterhood and Parvos himself. And there was no build-up for her to suddenly go "OH TEH NOES! HE HAS A BABEH, CEASE FIRE!". She ain't a cartoon villain, you know. This isn't OK, KO. People die in this galaxy, mostly by our hands. Kids are born indebted on Fortuna and other similar colonies and live their whole lives as slaves. One kid got even assimilated into Infestation, with it wearing poor boy's visage like a suit, the Gray Strain parading around disguised as him, fooling stray ships into "resquing" him.

Seriously. DE needs to either add more scenes/dialogue in the quest regarding Xeto's moral compass, or change the whoile scene to something more believable.
Personally - Umbra dropping out, cutting the whole squad to ribbons, patting the [main character] on the shoulder in solidarity and leaving.

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What the hell is going on with the drop rates?! I farm this event on Steel Path for HOURS, and I didn't get a SINGLE drop in two days: neither the new warframe parts nor its new weapons.

Is that a new way to humbly ask us to BUY everything from the shop, DE? A weapon costs 300 new resources, you get apx. 16 pcs of the resource per run, 8-10 mins per run. So you need ~2,5h to get a single item. Korean drop rates for no-lifers, huh? So maybe Nexon's TFD won't be that bad after all.

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3 minutes ago, -J-a-c-k- said:

What the hell is going on with the drop rates?! I farm this event on Steel Path for HOURS, and I didn't get a SINGLE drop in two days: neither the new warframe parts nor its new weapons.

Is that a new way to humbly ask us to BUY everything from the shop, DE? A weapon costs 300 new resources, you get apx. 16 pcs of the resource per run, 8-10 mins per run. So you need ~2,5h to get a single item. Korean drop rates for no-lifers, huh? So maybe Nexon's TFD won't be that bad after all.

The drop tables were implemented wrong, it's getting fixed in the hotfix coming out now.

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8 minutes ago, -J-a-c-k- said:

What the hell is going on with the drop rates?! I farm this event on Steel Path for HOURS, and I didn't get a SINGLE drop in two days: neither the new warframe parts nor its new weapons.

Is that a new way to humbly ask us to BUY everything from the shop, DE? A weapon costs 300 new resources, you get apx. 16 pcs of the resource per run, 8-10 mins per run. So you need ~2,5h to get a single item. Korean drop rates for no-lifers, huh? So maybe Nexon's TFD won't be that bad after all.

I thought only mine whom having suck RNG, soft locked new warframe now for the first 48 hours.... hmmmm new moves by DE.

Edited by DioBurhando
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I just finished the quest and I have to ask is this the kind of schlock were gonna get in warframe 1999? oh boy

also since the new DE took over more of the warframes are starting to look goofy,can we go back to do cool warframes


lmagine getting a pregnat frame before the werewolf frame, lol

-what up with this new lighting engine, depending of the light things look wet or change materia,it looks really bad

-Nice try DE but your not gaslighting me, this skin didn´t look like this at launch it was change years after purchase  and that is a scam

original                                                                                                                                               after crappy change



original                                                                                                                                           after crappy change



more examples on video





-or this other skins that you change months after purchase?

just like nidus above nyx deluxe was also change

the small is before is mor noteceable on the white color






more skins examples od skins changes here:


-valkyr carnivex skin broken, I already reported this but nothing has been fix



-more broken skins lol

nyx deluxe



-emder deluxe



-khora spikes cant be colored

-gauss feet still broken 

-voidshell skin materials are inconsistent, they look different on each warframe, which defeat the purpose of this kind of skin 

-beam weapons have screen shake, even with that option disable on the settings

-the new lights that your adding to averything are too obnoxious, even when using black colors you can turn it off

this is the ferlarx with black energy





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  • Added a “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” setting to the Accessibility menu.
    • Toggling this on will allow you to shoot manual trigger weapons (including Semi, Burst, and Charge Trigger types) continuously on a singular input. 

And yet still no option to toggle off auto-melee. :(

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Could you undo the Ceramic Dagger bug fix but add that secondary weapons also trigger it to the description in a future patch? This bug was in the game for 14 months and one of my favorite builds utilized it. I get that's it's not intended behavior but that didn't stop the team from letting Secondary Outburst keep its critical damage buff.

Edited by Cuga-san
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On 2024-06-18 at 6:48 PM, Hexerin said:

That's not what I'm talking about. Pablo stated that the speed at which the ramping cost accumulates would be reduced.

It is though? It went from +10 per second to +4 per second. What is that, if not the speed at which the energy drain ramps up?

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after the update sevagoth got 2 new bug, the old augment shadow haze don't give base crit chance, and when you reap enemies effected by sow insted of taking damage of max healt they take it of current healt and it is not effected by the damage vulnerability of reap

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On 2024-06-18 at 5:19 PM, [DE]Megan said:

It’s important to note that only the player trading requires MR 11 and not the receiver. 

  • We needed to address an issue with exploitative Legendary Arcanes farming and ban-evasion account creation used to trade Legendary Arcanes. Other options we experimented with had the risk of innocent players getting caught in the crossfire of the ban-evasion subjects. When we took a look at Trading stats we found that a very small number of players below Mastery Rank 10 trade Legendary Arcanes, and therefore decided to go this route. This is purely a means of deterring the bad actors and ensuring legitimate trading for players

so you nerfed plat farming with arcane grace/barrier flipping is what you're saying...

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Fridging a woman to provide character development to her male lover only: Check.

Making sure the child-looking Operator is in character by helping to take away its pain by being in transference link with a dying woman giving birth where you play (or watch, input not actually required) a minigame to become an epidural such that I can no longer take the story seriously: also check.

The Orokin making pregnant people into warframes is believable. The cliches and hiring a meme voice actor I really like...to do 8 seconds of dialogue: the real horror.

A lot of the qol updates, the music, and ascension game mode: fantastic.

But please, writing department, the only thing I liked was the c-section.


Edited by P._I._Staker
forgot to spoiler
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Le 18/06/2024 à 17:19, [DE]Megan a dit :

Topaz Archon Shards have been changed to grant Shields from enemies hit by Blast Damage to enemies killed with it.

  • The description in-game has always stated “Kills” but this was not actually the case - Shields were being regenerated from enemies hit with Blast Damage. While we understand that this changes the efficacy of the perk and deviates away from what players have been used to, the change was made to avoid photosensitivity issues resulting from Shields breaking and recharging quickly in certain scenarios (ex: Mesa’s Peacemaker Regulators with Blast Damage).

WHY? that make this perk literally useless in real situation and make the topaz shards more useless than ever thank you DE now i need to change all my warframes builds and shards this nerf wasn't needed and all for what ''photo sensitivity'' seriously?

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8 hours ago, P._I._Staker said:


Uh, spoilers?

I haven't played this quest yet, so I'm not sure if serious or not. But if true then you spoiled plot points of the quest for me.

Edited by SteveCutler
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On 2024-06-18 at 10:43 AM, GreyEnneract said:
  • Status Effects no longer inherit Energy Colors, so players can more easily identify when an enemy is affected by a Status Effect.

    Not gonna lie this kinda ruined the update for me.

    Literally no one complained about this, and it looked cool as hell.
    The status effects are already quite visible, and even hover above the enemy.
    Now it's not even an option, just removed.
    Very lame and a worthless change.

Literally getting to see enemies burst into teal flame or zap with red lightning was one the the cooler visual effects in the game and was just in general a nice customization option.

removing this was definitely not a good idea in my opinion.

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Dear DE, I want to say a big, enormous




For either buffinng most of the Damage/Status types

or just making them Neutral.

Edited by KVenom
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On 2024-06-18 at 6:19 PM, [DE]Megan said:

*Changing loadouts from Navigation*

Let me just say, this change is *fantastic*! I always hated having to go all the way back to the armory to change the tiniest thing, this is so much better!

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