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This is the guide to playing pvp the conclave and in it are listed current issues affecting the conclave negatively

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this is the guide to playing pvp in warframe (this guide is always being updated)

( this PVP Conclave guide is available on this profile in the ''about me'' tab ) 

important: warframe was made originally for pc as a result to be able to compete effectively in the conclave you will need to use mouse and keyboard 

as controller is not fast / precise enough. (However it is possible to play in the conclave with a controller given the correct procedure and settings.)

what makes warframes pvp different: unlike most pvp shooters your used too, warframe pvp is faster than most, it requires you to have complete syn energy between your warframe movement and your weapon aim. 

by having the correct mods,correct weapons,warframe, correct dpi and in game sensitivity settings you will be equipped to participate in the conclave,

understand this, those that give up too soon will never improve, it will take time to get used to this type of unique pvp.

How this guide has been worded: this pvp guide has been worded in a way to give a mental image of the scenario being described so players will be able to replicate them without a visual demonstration. In this guide are all the knowledge and gameplay tech that is used in the conclave. Each point is put in a O bullet point for clarity and each bullet point follows a chronological order through the guide and the videos are time stamped to show the exact scenario taking place. 


O Hip fire most of the time

player using hipfire:

Warframe: How to Get to the Abyssal Zone - Prima Games
O while parkouring and jumping you need to hip fire (do not ads as doing so will cause slow reaction time)
O Ads only for longer ranges (ads means aim down sights in warframe its called aim)

player using ads:

Warframe Update 2.22 Storms Out for October 18; Full Patch Notes Listed for  Abyss of Dagath - MP1st

O when you are using ads and if an opponent is landing accurate shots on you or if the opponent is moving to the (left or right) side using aim glide / aim glide slide 

How to counter this tech:

if an opponent is moving to the right

while using ads, move your warframe to left while moving your cross hair reticle to the right (this will allow your warframe to dodge oncoming bullets and help align your cross hair for accurate shots)

if an opponent is moving to the left

while using ads, move your warframe to right while moving your cross hair reticle to the left

Move line Icons & Symbols (when using ads if an opponent moves to the left/right you need to move in the opposite way but move your cross hair reticle in the same direction as the opponent)


O waframe mobility in the conclave is the most important stat: the higher the mobility the faster all parkour actions will be and increases the range of some parkour actions i.e from 5 meters to 10 meters to 15 meters.

movement mechanics affected by mobility are the following (forward bullet jumping, bullet jumping to the sky, sliding, roll dodge, wall climbing, jumping)

O warframe mobility should be minimum at 0.9 ( equip conclave +mobility or -mobility mods to increase or decrease your warframe's mobility )   

warframe conclave stats: see mobility

Conclave Warframe Stats - UI - Warframe Forums

O light weight warframes start with 1.00 mobility (lowkey) while heavier warframes start with lower mobility 0.4 (rhino), choose light weight 
O after bullet jumping, tap aim, to cancel out the bullet jump animation
O after bullet jumping, you can roll

O after bullet jumping into the sky or jumping down from great height, tap slide to stop fall animation lock (when your warframe places hands on floor)
O avoid using aim glide, only use aim glide with semi automatic weapons (latron) or snipers
O mouse DPI settings should be from 400 - 750 ( the lower the DPI makes your aim more precise )
O mouse in game settings for look,aim,scoped sensitivity should all be set to 0/0/0 or 1 / 1 / 1 ( if you do not it will conflict with the mouse DPI settings) (can make it abnormally fast)

(in game settings should be lower, while the mouse DPI settings should be higher)

O crouching in the settings should be set to Hold ( this will allow you to play at a faster paste ) 

in the settings turn off  ''crouch button is toggle''


O when crouching, hip fire your weapon ( it makes your hip fire more stable by lowering the look  sensitivity)

O when crouching ads fire your weapon (it makes your ads more stable by lowering the aim sensitivity)

(when crouching it makes the cross hair reticle sway less this what is ment by the game lowers the sensitivity)

player crouching:

Excalibur Umbra missing collision with syandana - Mission Specific -  Warframe Forums

O double tap roll then hold it (to shorten the travel distance of the roll)
O if a player is fleeing, you must predict the direction they will go and have good aim to take them out 
O use melee weapons for movement ( example you can slide attack in mid air to turn your warframe around, so you don't fall off ledges )
O the best weapon for slide attacking in mid air are daggers

player using slide attack in mid air: to not fall off ledge

O in order to bullet jump 5x in a row (bullet jump towards a wall then press, back + jump) or (left / right + jump) rinse and repeat while your warframe is facing the wall (your cross hair reticle does not need to face the wall)

in waframe when a player uses bullet jump, then  jumps into a wall / object this will reset their bullet jump allowing them to use bullet jump a 2nd time - rules of this tech

player bullet jumping  consecutively to climb wall: vertically



player bullet jumping consecutively to travel: horizontally


Player bullet jumping consecutively  to travel: horizontally to different objects to stay in the air (this is used in the conclave to escape or avoid gun fire)


O armour determines how many hits your health can take before your warframe dies (different frames have different armour)

O the health of the warframe will also affect how many hits it can take before dying  (choose a warframe with good amount of health and armour to get the best deal)

O while in the air use melee slam attacks, to choose where to land 

player using melee slam attack to choose where to land:

O after using a melee slam attack, (use roll to cancel the slam attack animation)

O melee slam attacking then rolling can also be used while hip firing

player hip firing their weapon, they then use melee slam attack then roll dodge to reset their warframe's action, to do other things:

O while in the air use melee slam attack to quickly descend (during when the slam attack animation is playing, use roll dodge to cancel it) - this tech is slightly different as you are using roll dodge during the slam attack animation not after

player using melee slam attack to descend from air quickly (while the slam attack animation is playing,they use roll dodge to cancel it:


O there is a slam attack and a heavy slam attack (heavy slam attack can only be used when a melee weapon is drawn / equipped)

O heavy slam attacks deal  more damage and have a wider range  than a slam attack

O while in the air if you use a heavy attack it will turn into a heavy slam attack (you do not need look with the cross hair reticle to the ground)

O heavy slam attack and slam attack 5x in a row by repeatedly jumping / forward bullet jumping and pressing melee (heavy slam attack is much easier to execute)

O heavy melee slam attacks / melee slam attacks when they hit an opponent, it will cause the knock down status effect (the opponent will be trying to get back up) - this gives you more chances to deal additional damage (use a shot gun to finish them in 1 hit)

O use any heavy slam attack / slam attack to counter a player that is using slide attack 5x in a row (as a slam attack will cause knockdown stopping their slide attack asap)

player using heavy slam attack (leaves an energy crack on the floor) and slam attack:


O after using slam attack , use slide attack to continue attacking 

O the wiki to heavy slam attack and slam attack https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee#Slam_Attack

O some weapon melee attacks can be used to travel (they are faster than a bullet jump or roll dodge )

( example the melee weapon tipedo with its conclave stance equipped by holding block and moving forward while pressing melee,then rolling ) - players can use it to travel

player using melee attack to travel (during when the melee animation is playing, the player interrupts it with a roll dodge) allowing them to travel far: 


O when using a gun, use aim glide, then hold slide  to quickly level change (equip the conclave mod ''air thrusters'' to increase slide while in the air)

O when using a melee weapon, use aim glide (block), then hold slide to quickly close the distance then follow up with a slide attack

( when you hold slide also hold block as this will stop you from taking lot of damage )

O melee slide attacks 5x in a row, ( tap slide and weapon melee attack at the same time, repeatedly) (slide attacks are stronger than normal melee attacks)

(can defeat you in 1 hit)

O when using slide attack with claws, fist, sparring weapons they will cause knock down status effect

O slide attacks have more range as you are moving and attacking at the same time (the horizontal attack motion allows you to damage multiple opponents)

player using melee slide attack consecutively:

O while in the air some weapons allow slide attacks 5x in a row or more (if their weapon attack speed is high enough) 

O when slide attacking in the air, you can roll (use this for travelling and to reach different zones)

player using slide attack in the air then rolling to travel:


example:  Nami skyla prime / Tipedo / Ankyros (these weapon's can slide attack 5x in a row or more while in the air use this to travel) 

Warframe Weapon Encyclopedia - Nami Skyla Prime (2023) - YouTube Tipedo mp3 mp4 flv webm m4a hd video indirAnkyros - Warframe Guide - IGN

(also equip the conclave mod ''martial fury'' to boost a melee weapon's attack speed)

How Do I Figure Out My Weapon Damage? : r/Warframe(melee weapon attack speed)


O melee weapons can do head shots (however this will not deal more damage) only gun/bow type weapons can do head shots in order to deal more damage)

player using melee weapon hammer: this weapon's attacks and stance use motions that reach the head 

O when using any melee weapon stance in the conclave (use roll dodge to interrupt its combo sequence this will stop you from getting animation locked)

player using melee weapon stance combo, they then use roll dodge to cancel the animation lock:


O instead of sprinting use forward bullet jump, its faster and you can hip fire your weapon

O when using forward bullet jump ( tap slide and melee attack to do a slide attack, this allows you to use melee quickly)

player using forward bullet jump:

O  weapons like talons ( if they hit an opponent, it will cause knockdown this is because of the unique passive effect the weapon comes with)

talon's weapon specifications: unique passive effect knockdown

Warframe Talons Riven Build - Sticky Bombs

O weapons like acra plasmor (if they inflict the radiation status effect, during team death match,it will turn on friendly fire, allowing that player to shoot down their own team mates and their own team mates will appear as an opponent not ally in their screen)

arca plasmor weapon specifications: deals radiation type damage  

Warframe Arca Plasmor - Status Build


O weapons like rakta dagger have a passive effect that allows them to remain undetected on the conclave map (player wont appear as a red dot)

not even ivara's passive effect works on this weapon

rakta dagger weapon specifications: passive effect remain undetected on a map (dagger must be drawn to use the effect) 

Rakta Dark Dagger Build - Warframe Blog


O weapon like zakti fires pellets like a grenade launcher these can summon area of effect gas clouds that have the status effect gas damage. ( this gas damage will deal damage over time, even if the player who shot this dies during gameplay) - use this weapon if you are using a controller / if your aim is not precise

zakti weapon specifications: deals gas type damage

Zakti is the first weapon with innate Gas damage : r/Warframe

O weapons like ignis spray flames, the spray will deal heat damage which is effective against armour (health), the ignis is a closed ranged weapon and the player must keep the flames on their opponent for it to be effective. (use warframes with high mobility that can quickly come closer to an opponent)

ignis weapon specifications: deals heat type damage - use this if you are using a controller / your aim is not precise

Warframe: Ignis Wraith Revisited after the rework 2018 - Update 22.13.3+

O weapons like zar cause explosions this is because of the blast type damage that it come with, the blast damage is a great way to deal damage to multiple players at the same time as it has a wide area of effect

Zarr weapon specifications: deals blast type damage - use this if your using a controller / if your aim is not precise

Warframe Zarr 3D Model By Elisha Smith (@emsmith2), 47% OFF

O weapons like simulor drop energy orbs onto the ground that deal magnetic damage type, this is highly effective against opponent's shields and stop a target's shield regeneration

Simulor weapon specifications:deals magnetic damage type -use this if your using a controller / if your aim is not precise

Steam Community :: Guide :: Synoid Simulor (Rythim Man's Guide)

All damage types that are found in warframe (click the time stamps of the damage type you want to learn about)



O melee heavy attacks deal the most damage  but their wind up is slow (frame rate)

O when sliding, heavy attacks can be used O when forward bullet jumping, heavy attacks can be used but (it will turn into a heavy slam attack)

O the best weapon for heavy attacks is the rapier it has the fastest (wind up) melee heavy attacks.

(rapier heavy attack has the most range as the warframe will leap forward when using it, while other weapons heavy attacks are very static and stationary)

O if you intend to use another weapon's heavy attack use furax wraith / fragor prime as they start with 2x combo multiplier (increasing your heavy attack damage) 

O when using heavy attacks with a weapon that is static and stationary, 1. use heavy attack (as the heavy attack animation is playing) 2. use forward bullet jump

or 1. use heavy attack (as the heavy attack animation is playing) 2. use slide (these manuvres will give increase the lunge (range) distance of any heavy attack) 

player using rapier heavy attack:

O the wiki to heavy attacks https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee#Heavy_Attack

O the wiki to combo multiplier https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee_Combo

O if you want to travel fast to the end of a map (bullet jump to sky, double jump, hold aim glide) you will gain lot of forward momentum

Player using bullet jump, double jump, aim glide:


O How to do aim glide roll  ( during aim glide, hold aim glide, then roll in any direction (ideal is rolling left / right ) your warframe will roll in low gravity - use this if an opponent shoots at you this will allow you to dodge oncoming bullets when you are aim gliding

O when bullet jumping to the sky or jumping use roll (dodge) to the left / right / back to change direction quickly (this is used to escape or pursue a fleeing opponent)

player bullet jumping to the sky then using roll (dodge) to move in the same direction:


O How to move while in ADS ( during Ads, hold ads, then slide in any direction (ideal is sliding back ) your warframe will stay in ads and allow you to move around

player in Ads, using slide to move around:

O after rolling you can jump / double jump or slide

O after sliding you can roll

O after rolling you can ads ( during the roll animation, hold ads, the warframe will instantly transition into ads at the end) - useful to use around corners

O after sliding you can ads ( during the slide animation, hold ads, the warframe will instantly transition into ads at the end) - useful to use when entering a door way or room

O how to do aim glide slide ( bullet jump into the sky, hold slide, then hold aim glide ) - aim glide slide is faster and travel distance is much farther 

player using aim glide and aim glide slide:


O during aim glide the cross hair reticle can be rotated 360@ degrees ( this allows the warframe to fire in all direction )

player using aim glide by turning cross hair reticle  behind their warframe, the warframe has turned around can fire behind them


O warframe's can keep wall climbing and hip fire their weapon to the right / left / back (this will allow you to avoid all melee attacks that is happening below you i.e melee slide attack frenzy) 

O when using wall climbing and hip fire ( keep pressing jump in the direction of the wall, keep hip firing ) 

additional advice when wall climbing ( You can at any time use melee slam attack or use forward bullet jump then melee slam attack ) - to quickly level change from high to low scenarios.

player is continuously wall climbing and hip firing their weapon to the left: currently with the parkour update, warframes do wall hops (this tech is still possible) 


O how to make sprinting easier

in the settings turn off ''hold to sprint'' this will allow you to tap sprint once and the warframe will sprint continously

Warframe Rush - Warframe Items - Overframe     (warframe sprinting)


for controller players:
look - aim - aim scoped sensitivity should between these ranges 20 - 15 - 12 - 8 - 6 

example make hip fire look a lower number 5  while aim ads a high number 8 

( if your hip fire look is too low i.e 5, you will have trouble battling warframes with mobility that are 0.9 and higher )

important: playing with a controller use ads for precision (to guranteed to hit your opponent)  and hip fire for random shots (not guaranteed to hit your opponent)

If you are unable to find the best settings: set your controller to these settings and see if you play better 

O Look sensitivity 10/12  Aim sensitivity 13/15  Aim sensitivity scoped 13/15  (these numbers are good enough with most frame's mobility)

O Look sensitivity 36 Aim sensitivity 43 Aim sensitivity scoped 50 (these numbers are for players that have fast human reflexes and thumbstick control)

Follow these controller sensitivity settings (as your able to land shots keep increasing your sensitivity)

Look sensitivity 22 Aim sensitivity 21 Aim sensitivity scoped 21 field of view 55 hud scale 84 (level 1)

O Look sensitivity 26 Aim sensitivity 28 Aim sensitivity scoped 28 field of view 55 hud scale 84 (level 2)

O Look sensitivity 29 Aim sensitivity 32 Aim sensitivity scoped 32 field of view 55 hud scale 84 (level 3)

O Look sensitivity 35 Aim sensitivity 35 Aim sensitivity scoped 35 field of view 55 hudscale 84 (level 4)

(if you decide to use field of view 52, use R3 to move around the camera to quickly see your surroundings and use roll dodge backwards to create distance)

Controller Maximum threshold  and Controller Axial Deadzone:

O using steam input, to automatically calibrate your controller thumbsticks should be sufficient

O however if players choose to use the calibration from warframe controller settings they will need to disable steam input first and turn off steam support for all controllers then set their deadzone,threshold,axial deadzone.

example of steam input for controllers (turn all these off)

I've never really understood what the enable steam input options do. Can  someone please explain them to me? Do I always need to keep it on? What  does it do? When should

if you are unable to find the best settings: set your controller to these settings and see if you player better

O Left stick dead zone 20  Left stick axial deadzone 10 left stick maximum input threshold  95 

O right stick dead zone 20 right stick axial deadzone 10  right stick maximum input threshold 95 

O trigger press threshold 15  trigger release threshold 27 

PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.11 - Page 3 - PC Update Notes - Warframe  Forums


Controller button changes ( to change controller button inputs, you will have to turn off steam input)

O for controller change L1 to the jump button ( this will allow you to jump (parkour) and fire your weapon like mouse and keyboard players)

O change L2 button to the slide and crouch button

O change R1 button to the fire button

O change R2 button to the aim / aim glide button

O change the D pad to all your ability buttons A  B C D  ( these button input changes are based on preference, choose inputs you are comfortable with)

O change the square button to the melee attack button

O change the circle button to the reload / context action button

O change the X button to the reverse camera button


biologia roccia mento warframe ps4 gamepad sbavatura flessibile Quanto sopra

Best controller to use in the conclave: O playstation 4 controller O its slim and not bulky O allowing players to use the controller claw method 

the controller claw method is a tech of holding a controller with a claw grip allowing fast access to inputs while keeping the fingers on the thumbsticks L3 and R3

controlller claw method demonstration: using playstation 4 controller


Here are list of DPI and In Game settings used by some players: 

Dpi 3200 Look 8 Aim 8 Scope 8 field of view 73 Hud scale 100 

Dpi 2200 Look 8 Aim 10 Scope 10 field of view 50 Hud scale 100

Dpi 1600 Look 8 Aim 10 Scope 10 field of view 55 Hud scale 100 (The cross hair reticle is faster but the closer zoom given by lower fov works)

Dpi 1600 Look 4 Aim 4 Scope 5 field of view 73 Hud Scale 100 (use this if you want to react to everything quickly, requires steady wrist control)

DPI 1600 Look 0 Aim 0 Scope 1 field of view 78

DPI 1400 Look 6 Aim 8 Scope 8 field of view 90 Hud Scale 50 (use this if you feel 1600 dpi is slightly too fast by making the hud scale small it improves focus)

DPI 900 Look 1 Aim 2 Scope 5

DPI 800 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1

DPI 750 Look 0 Aim 2 scoped 5   (i have found this is the best as its not too fast or too slow, able to shoot down most mobility types)

DPI 700 Look 1 Aim 4 scoped 5  field of view 90 Hud Scale 165 (use this if you feel 750 dpi is slightly too fast)

DPI 600 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1

DPI 530 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1

DPI 500 Look 1 Aim 2 scoped 3 ( field of view 75 )

DPI 400 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1 ( field of view 90 )

DPI 400 Look 0 Aim 0 scoped 0

DPI pointer:

start with a low DPI as you get used to it, increase the DPI to higher levels 

once the low dpi is very easy, increase the dpi and test yourself how well you can manage the dpi increase.

Mouse and Keyboard pointers:

O high sensitivity will use small wrist flicks and finger movements

O low sensitivity will use wide flicks and swipes, may even require to move your arm 


Best gaming mouse for conclave choose a mouse with many buttons: O logi tech G502 HERO O razer basilisk v2

Logitech G502 HERO vs Razer Basilisk V2 - Which Mouse Is Better?



what button inputs should be assigned to the mouse: the button input listed below should be assigned as they require instant access

O how to fire weapon O how to ads / aim glide O how to slide / crouch  O how to reload weapon O how to swap weapon O how to roll (dodge) 

O how to do melee attack O how to switch a weapon's firing modes

( These gaming mouse have been chosen based on utility over connection or performance (while they do have great performance as well) as they have 11 buttons you can assign, allowing for quick access to different controls and in the conclave fast access and quick reaction are key)

(They have 5 different dpi settings that can be assigned, these mouse are able to instantly change dpi settings during gameplay) 


Field of view decreasing, it makes the camera closer to your warframe / increasing it, makes the camera more far away from your warframe:

( hip fire is more affected by this than ads ) 

how to use this feature in the conclave:

O in the settings make the field of view 90 while the hud scale 180 (this keeps the camera far but makes the cross hair reticle bigger) - this should be used if you want to focus on  spatial awareness of your surroundings

O in the settings make the field of view 75 while the hud scale 150 (this keeps the camera close but makes the cross hair reticle smaller) - this should be used if you want to focus on aiming and precision and to see everything up close

in the settings player changing their field of view from low to high making the camera zoom from being closer to being far:


what do i mean by parkour and hip fire ( parkour refers to any movement i.e jumping, hip fire refers to firing a weapon without ads )

O example while running back, keep jumping, and  hip fire your weapon

O example while running forward keep jumping and hip fire your weapon 

O while standing still, keep jumping and hip fire your weapon

O while running to the left, keep jumping, and hip fire your weapon

O while running to the right, keep jumping, and hip fire your weapon

( these scenarios are excellent ways to make it difficult for your opponent to get a good aim on you as you are constantly level changing

from low to high and high to low.

Add in sliding:

O when your jumping and hip firing, sliding allows you to change direction quickly (see the conclave mod ''gun glide'' that boosts wep stats during slide)

During Sliding, Press Jump:
O this will make you jump towards the opponent and continue hip firing your weapon this will reset your warframe's parkour so you can use slide a 2nd time (rinse and repeat the following jump and hipfire - use slide - while sliding - press jump - use slide)

player constantly jumping / bullet jumping and sliding (parkouring) then hip firing their weapon:

O when you are parkouring and hip firing your weapon, as you are approaching any opponent at close range use melee slide attack to deal fast damage

player parkouring and hip firing their weapon as they approach their opponent they use melee slide attack:



Melee Block advantage and disadvantages: sniper vs Bow / Cross Bow (projectile) 

O when wielding any melee weapons, hold ads to block 
O when using melee block all snipers will be made ineffective as they wont be able to damage you (head shot or body shot)

O however arrows from bows / cross bows /  any projectile type attack can still damage you (headshot or body shot) this is because of the punch through effect

see the conclave mod ''impenetrable offense'' which boost blocking and reduces damage taken by 30%

warframe in melee blocking animation:

Dev Workshop - Melee Rework Phase 2: TECHNIQUE - Developer Workshops -  Warframe Forums

                                             Buy Vectris Prime set Warframesniper    Best Sniper After Buff - Weapons - Warframe Forumsbow

Ballistica Rakta | Wiki Warframe Español | Fandomcrossbow


The video below demonstrates how to use a sniper in the conclave: for clarity purposes i will explain in words
 Spot opponent location manually by moving with your warframe ( do not use sniper ADS to spot opponent location as you are playing slow)

O use sniper scope circle -o- o as the guide to land your shots (do not use the small dot  . at the centre as this is harder to see)

important: the only time the small dot . at the centre should be used when sniping, is when the opponent is so far way that the sniper scope circles are not able to cover the radius of the opponent's body.

VECTIS VS VECTIS PRIME - General Discussion - Warframe Forums

O when sniping use opponent's name hud, (keep your ads scope under this to land head shots) 

Two Small Suggestions For Vulkar/snipers - Art, Animation, & UI - Warframe  Forums

O if an opponent is coming towards you, (ideally retreat backwards and reposition yourself, always maintaining a big distance) 

O sniper ads 4x scope should be used for close range battles like how hip fire is used with other weapons 

No scope option for sniper rifles and generally weapons that use scopes -  Weapons - Warframe Forums

O sniper ads 6x / 8x should be used for long range battles like how ads is used with other weapons

What are snipers good for? - Weapons - Warframe Forums

we can see under the sniper there is a shot combo hud: this means if the first shot landed successfully on the opponent, the 2nd shot will deal more damage. (this 2nd shot can be chosen on a different opponent. (shot combo cant be used in the conclave)

how to snipe in the conclave: demonstration video

If players do not want to use the scope the sniper comes with: in the settings they can turn off ''use sniper scope''

when a player uses ADS with any sniper it will now display a regular cross hair reticle:

Changes to HUD settings - Use Sniper Scopes - Art, Animation, & UI -  Warframe Forums

How to use a shotgun in the conclave: The most important aspect is the bullet spread (each bullet deals damage) as a result to deal maximum damage all the bullet pellets must connect on the opponent: this is achieved by your distance from your opponent. And the stat called damage fall off (range) how far a shotgun can fire and deal damage until it deals low damage or no damage at all.

see shotgun bullet spread image:  the closer the player the less bullet spread / the farther the player the more bullet spread

example of damage output: 2.5 feet (distance) would deal 100% damage

10 feet (distance) would deal 60% damage (as some of the bullet will miss) because of bullet spread

O use a warframe with high mobility to get most effective use for shotguns (high mobility warframes are faster at coming closer to an opponent)

O use a warframe with invisibility to move undetected on the map and away from an opponent's line of vision (as invisibility wears when a weapon is fired, an ideal weapon to use would be a shotgun as it deals huge damage from 1 shot unlike an assault rifle that requires multiple shots) 

Shotgun Damage Falloff - Weapons - Warframe Forums


Some shotgun's spread isn't as Random as I thought they were.(how bullet spread looks in game)

(the closer the player is to the wall the less bullet spread and this ensures every bullet pellet hits the opponent dealing 100% damage)

(also the shotgun weapon stat ''damage fall off'' range (will determine how far a shotgun is able to deal damage or deal low or  no damage)

video below demonstrates how close you want to be to an opponent to reduce bullet spread: when using any shotgun

The best beginner friendly shotgun is the boar / boar prime/sobek:


cratera Concorrentes fora boar prime Joint Luz suéterBoar Prime Set - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe MarketSobek - Warframe SuckGame - YouTube

O with its high accuracy it makes sure the bullet pellets travel to their intended target without deviating (see pvp stats in conclave arsenal)

(if you use the weapon skin zobov shotgun skin, it will change boar's accuracy stat from low to high)

( the sobek starts with medium accuracy and the zobov shotgun skin affects this too) 

O accuracy in warframe also means the longer a weapon is fired the less accurate it becomes (but weapons with high accuracy can fire for longer and stay accurate)

(equip conclave mods that boost accuracy and reduce recoil, to make your shotgun pin point accurate) ''double barrel drift'' and ''soft hands''

boar vs sobek:

(the sobek has a much higher damage fall off allowing it to reach longer ranges than boar but the boar has a higher fire rate allowing it to deal damage at a faster paste)

(the sobek has more magazine making it more forgiving if a player misses shots, equip conclave mods for more magazine) ''loaded capacity''

O the boar / boar prime/ sobek fire in full auto like an assault rifle allowing players to use this weapon and pursue a fleeing opponent and aim track with ease

O this is the wiki to all shotguns (select conclave to see pvp stats) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Shotgun

O this is the wiki to accuracy https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Accuracy

O this is the wiki to damage fall off (range) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Falloff

in warframe if you do not understand a weapon stat: by moving your mouse pointer to a stat a detailed explanation will be given

New Basmu stats (i.e. pls undo Phage/Phantasma nerf) - Weapons - Warframe  Forums(example of stats being displayed,move cursor to any)


if you are starting out in the conclave and your movement is not fast or complex i.e predictable: (use Frost and have fast, accurate excellent aim)

O recommendation would be to use a tanky warframe with high armour (this stat can be viewed in the conclave arsenal) ideally Frost

(unlike like other frames, frost armour makes him take more shots to be defeated)

O there's an alternative playstyle in the conclave, where you can move slow provided your aim and accuracy are excellent, this is because while you are easy to hit, your aim is so good that the opponent will be taken out instantly before they have a chance to inflict any major damage to you and using a frame with high armour makes the opponent work more harder to damage you.

O when using a high armour warframe like frost / atlas /chroma / nidus equip conclave mods, that boost defence at the process of - mobility 

conclave mods such as (anti flak plating,armoured evade. armoured recovery,armoured acrobatics)

O also equip conclave mods that boost your warframe's health and shield

conclave mods such as (calculated spring,overcharged,tempered bound)

1 loadout slot upon mastery, what does it do? - Players helping Players -  Warframe Forums

(snow globe,use this ability to negate all gun fire from the outside, but you can fire your weapon from the inside and any opponent inside will have their melee slowed, the weakness of this ability, is opponent's can enter it) 

QoL Suggestion] Frost's snow globe with a visible health number. :  r/Warframe

(unique passive ability of frost, is if any opponent strikes him with melee attacks, they will be inflicted with the cold status effect which will slow down their movement and melee attack speed by 50%)

Warframe | Frost in 1 minute - YouTube


O see frost's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Frost/Abilities

Here are  warframes that are great starter warframes in the conclave:

O Volt  (use volt's shield to negate all gun fire and any opponent that makes contact it will cause knock down this abilitiy's weakness is melee attacks.

how to use this on a conclave map, go by a wall or a corner then use the shield this will cover all your vulnerable spots (i.e your back) - best camping tech

also use this while wall latching. - best defence

Steam Community :: Guide :: How to Volt (outdated)

pick up the shield as an portable armour (if you point the cross hair reticle to the sky, the shield will protect volt from all attacks from the sky)

how to counter volt shield: using weapons with damage types that have area of effect explosions i.e blast damage example: fire corinth's air blast to the sides of volt's shield 

I don't recall Volt's shield doing this before.


( speed use this ability to boost your movement speed and parkour and melee weapon attack speed, weapon reload speed)

Warframe: Volt (speed)


Warframe: Volt(shock this ability has infinite range, while its weak it can damage another player at the end of the map and damage a player using melee block as its a status effect attack, this attack can also damage another player that is using volt shield)



(unique passive ability of volt, is while he is travelling on the ground he will gain additional 10 damage, this will be released from the next shotgun pellet he uses or when hitting with any melee weapons)

Volt Proto is alright : r/Warframe(volt with a shotgun)

O see volt's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Volt/Abilities


O Rhino ( use rhino's iron skin it will absorb all damage and then cause a self buff which is an over shield the weakness of this ability is no energy orbs can be picked up while this is active )
how to counter iron skin: wait for an opponent to cast it (as during the start up of the cast rhino is invincible), then shoot rhino at the head as  this will reduce their over shield quickly

the more powerful a weapon the faster they will destroy rhino's iron skin (overshield) example using a sniper. 

using status effects that ignore shields and deal damage to health slash / toxin type damage

Rhino Iron Skin not appearing visually in some situations - Art & Animation  - Warframe Forums

(Rhino roar use this ability to boost all attack damage from weapons and abilities)

Warframe: Rhino(rhino roar)

(Rhino charge use this ability to deal huge melee damage, use this attack to counter any player using melee slide attack 5x in a row, as this attack will cause knockdown) 

Warframe: Rhino (rhino charge)


(unique passive ability of rhino is if he falls from great height or bullet jumps to the sky then makes contact with the ground it will send out a shock wave of energy from his feet which will deal impact damage in a 6 meter radius)

O see rhino's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Rhino/Abilities


O Lowkey (use lowkey's decoy ability to gain another ally in battle that damages any opponent in range)

Warframe Loki Build 2024 Guide [6 Effective Builds] - YetGamer

(invisibility use this to conceal your presence on the map lowkey (wont appear as a dot on the conclave map) and  use it to escape, the weakness of this ability is if any attack is used it will were off and energy orbs cannot be picked up while this ability is active)

(the warframe with the best invisibility is ash (very hard to spot) then lowkey the worst is ivara (very easy to spot)

important: do not equip feet ephemera on your warframe, during movement they leave behind an energy trail (thus exposing your location during invisibility)

Loki Invisibility Filter Problems - Art & Animation - Warframe Forums

(radial disarm use this to force all opponent's to use melee weapons and stop them from using gun weapons for 1-2 seconds, this ability deals damage but its low)

Irradiating Disarm (アビリティ増強MOD) | WARFRAME(PS4)備忘録

( switch teleport  use this ability to switch places with an opponent and cause confusion )

Loki | Warframe Wiki | Fandom(switch teleport)

tips on how to use this ability in the conclave:

O in the conclave use switch teleport to change places with another player, to get them killed while you escape

O in the conclave if a player is coming towards you use switch teleport to switch places and inflict them with confusion, then take them out

O in the conclave fall off a ledge where below is certain death and use switch teleport to change places with another player that is in a safe area, (ideally a player that is chasing you from behind) they will fall to their death while your safe. maps like outpost are best to use for this ability as this map is full of areas that players can fall to their death

The Glast Gambit – Orokin Archives(conclave map outpost)


( unique passive ability of loki is his wall latch it's the longest out of all other warframes around 10x longer (60 seconds wall latch duration), during wall latch using ads and scope sway will be reduced allowing for greater stability and precision )

O see loki's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Loki/Abilities


O zephyr (use zephyr to stay in the air longer and gain longer duration when using aim glide)

Warframe's Zephyr Gets A Big Upgrade In Next Update - GameSpot

( zephyr's tornado, summons tornadoes on the map that have area effect damage as they move around on their own, these tornadoes stay on the map for a few seconds damaging all players that make contact) - stay close to your tornadoes and use this as a defense tech to stop all players from using melee on you

Warframe: Zephyr(tornado)


O see zephyr's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Zephyr/Abilities


O excalibur (use excalibur's ability radial blind to blind all other player's screen for 1 second like a flash bang grenade)

Warframe Excalibur radial blind by dlcawakened on DeviantArt

(slash dash for fast melee that inflicts the ''impair'' status effect on the opponent for 2 seconds that stops them from jumping,bullet jumping and sprinting)

6 Forma Excalibur Build by ninjase - The Hidden Blade | Slash Dash Excalibur  - Overframe (slash dash)  


( exalted blade use this ability to send out multiple energy projectiles, great at close and mid ranges ) - excalibur's passive effect works on this ability as its a sword - according to players

Steam Workshop::Excalibur Warframe Exalted Blade Slow (exalted blade)

(unique passive ability of excalibur is he gains 5% weapon attack speed and damage increase when wielding the following weapons skana,dragon nikna, destreza)

Skana | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom (excalibur with skana)


O see excalibur's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Excalibur/Abilities 


Other warframes conclave wiki: read each warframe's passive and 4 main abilities choose the one that is best for you

           4 abilities: (effects that use energy)                                     Passives: (are effects that require no energy to use)

ash https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Ash/Abilities   (when equipped with any nikina, will put slash status effect on any opponent)

atlas https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Atlas/Abilities (gains more armour called rubble and immune to knockdown effects)

chroma https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Chroma/Abilities  (has extra parkour mid air jump and bullet jump)

nidus https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Nidus/Abilities  (uses mutation stacks and can recover health)

gaara https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Gara/Abilities  (able to create a radial blind for 10 seconds when exposed to bright areas)

vauban https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Vauban/Abilities  (all deployable gadgets are bigger than their pve counterparts)

oberon https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Oberon/Abilities (immune to impair status effect)

neckros https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Nekros/Abilities (can health regen for 6 seconds after killing an opponent)

mirage https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Mirage/Abilities (faster roll dodge by 25% )

khora https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Khora/Abilities (has a kavat companion that fights with her)

hydroid https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Hydroid/Abilities (melee slam attacks summon a giant tentacle for 5 seconds)

inaros https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Inaros/Abilities (can regen 3 health by per second)

ivara https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Ivara#Abilities (can see all players on the mini map as red dots 50 meters range)

the complete list to all usable warframes in the conclave and their passives: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Passives/Conclave

to see a warframe's ability and passive link them in game message tabs like this: [excalibur]

Riven Trading Tab! - General - Warframe Forums by putting a warframes name in [  ]  brackets it creates a link that can be clicked


The warframe passive effects listed on this guide is from the warframe wiki, however if you want to see the most updated passive effects of a warframe head to the conclave aresenal then click on the warframe passive ability (as some passive have been changed slightly from the wiki):

example: according to the warframe wiki excalibur would get 5% melee attack boost and 5% melee attack speed boost when using skana,destreza,dragon nikini  now in game the passive effect says he gets 5% melee attack damage and melee attack speed boost for all swords.

O a warframe has passive effect for pve and pvp, there is a slight difference between them

passive effect shown in game next to the warframe's 4 abilities:

How To Craft And Play Excalibur – Warframe

in warframe there are 4 dots under the cross hair reticle (these represent your warframe's 4 abilities): dot 1 dot 2 dot 3 dot 4 (1st 2nd 3rd 4th ability)

O for each coloured dot means you have enough energy to use that ability

O for each un coloured (grey) dot means you do not have enough energy to use that ability  

O blue coloured dot means the ability that is set to fast cast by double tapping the input

( in the interface settings 4 dot feature can be turned off / on go to ''show ability dots on reticle'' )

see the 4 dots under the cross hair reticle coloured and not coloured (grey):

Question from new player: what do the dots below the reticle mean? : r/ Warframe


if a warframe ability keeps defeating you in 1 hit or dealing huge damage:

O switch to melee weapon and equip the conclave mod ''stand ground''  this conclave mod will reduce damage from warframe abilities by 60%

when blocking with a melee weapon.

O blocking will work where you are looking (where your cross hair reticle is) not where your warframe is facing


if you want to block place the cross hair reticle in the direction of where your opponent is:


if the opponent is in front of you use melee block

if the opponent is above your warframe;s head point the cross hair reticle to the air

if the opponent is below your warframe's feet point the cross hair reticle to the ground


player using a warframe ability that can defeat you in 1 hit: frost's avalanche 


(auto blocking does not work in the conclave) - where your warframe will automatically block all gun/melee without you pressing anything)

manual blocking (is when the warframe will only block when you hold ads / aim glide):

O to use manual block (weapon switch to a melee weapon) now to use block you will have to hold ads

O manual block works while you are on the ground or when jumping

(when using melee block you can move backwards by pressing slide) - this works with automatic and manual blocking but automatic is easier to use it with)

if you want to travel on ground and air as a invincible fortress move while blocking with melee

what does blocking do:

O blocking negates all damage from the front (only status effects can damage you) toxin and slash are highly effective

O blocking can negate melee attacks and gunfire but it cannot negate arrows from bows /  cross bows (ballistica)

O different weapons have different blocking angles example: dual swords blocking angles is 60 degrees while a dagger is 45 degrees

(however in the conclave all melee weapons have the same blocking angle) - acccording to players

see the diagram of what is blocking angle: green is safe red is danger (as the weapon won't be able to block from that angle)

Dev Workshop - Melee Rework Phase 2: TECHNIQUE - Developer Workshops -  Warframe Forums



How to counter a player that is using melee block:

O the main weakness are bows especially the bow daikyu, it can still damage and defeat a player in 1 hit this is because of the punch through effect

O another weapon is cross bows like the ballistica, it can still damage and k.o in 1 hit

O another way is to shoot the player that is melee blocking, from the sides or back (their blind spots) where their weapon's blocking angle does not cover

O use weapons that cause a denotation/explosion (area of effect) and fire these to the sides of the player that is blocking example weapon like: zakti, corinth air burst, penta - as they cause a area of effect (you do not need hit the player directly,but shooting them next to the opponent it will work) the status effect will damage them

O use your own melee attacks (use slide attack 5x in a row, its fast and you can move around this will allow you to get behind your opponent and their block to their back where you can deal damage)

O use heavy slam attack's this will cause the opponent to be knocked down, while they are still in blocking animation (while they try to get back up) use a shotgun on them and defeat them in 1 hit

What if gun fire is coming from the air (above your warframe's head):

O when melee blocking, point your cross hair to the air (in the direction of your opponent's gun fire) 

O if you do not the melee block will fail and you will take damage 

opponent is above the warframe's head: the player must point their cross hair reticle to the air (point it to the location of the opponent) to use melee block successfully

How to beat Vay Hek in Warframe


player using melee block: manual block vs auto block and blocking angle (the degrees the weapon is able to block)


O the blocking wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee#Blocking


warframe conclave the best melee build: (best because it procs slash debuff on the opponent when he hits with any katana) - ash passive effect

O the slash status effect makes it so that when ash hits an opponent with a nikini weapon, it will ignore their shields and damage their health defeating them fast

O the slash debuff will deal damage overtime meaning that the player only needs to hit them once to start dealing damage

Ash Prime - Warframe drops Ash + Nikini   Nikana Prime | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom+ conclave stance  Fateful Truth


O use ash prime O equip a nikini (katana) weapon O equip the conclave stance mod ''fateful truths'' (this build wont use any guns only melee weapon)

O volt can also be used for this (as volt passive effect will boost melee damage by 10 and his volt shield will negate all gunfire allowing you to melee freely and his volt speed will boost weapon attack speed and warframe parkour)


follow and repeat this attack sequences:  each attack sequence used is for different effects

hold melee block - use keen cut ( use 1st strike only) - hold melee block - use keen cut (this tech allows you to move around fast and attack and block)


hold melee block - use sudden strike (use 1st strike only) - use keen cut (use 1st strike only)   (this tech is to deal high damage in a short amount of time) 


hold melee block - use sudden strike (use 1st strike only) - sudden strike (use 1st strike only) (this tech will stop any player using slide attack 5x in a row)

(as it will cause the ''knock down'' effect) (this also can defeat any player with 2 hits)


How to move with this build:

O do not use forward bullet jump instead sprint while always holding melee block

How to evade with this build:

O while holding melee block ,use roll dodge 

How to approach an opponent shooting at you with this build:

O while holding melee block (use this to get closer), use slide attack 1x, hold melee block (this tech will neutralise a player's gunplay)

conclave mods that can be equipped on ash: these are primarly focus on making the melee build faster and deal more damage and increasing defence:

O sword alone O sharpened blade O martial fury O impenetrable  offense (this will reduce your attack power by 10% but the slash debuff wont be affected)

O anticipation (as defense in case an opponent uses knock down on you) O armoured evade

O armoured recovery (decreases your slide but boost defence, as this build wont be making use of sliding)

overcharged gives you overshield (more shield) after dying O relentless assault  

O no current leap (increases mobility allowing for faster parkour and increased travel distance) O stand ground 

O if you want to do faster parkour (equip +mobility mods) -this will increase the speed of your rolling and roll travel distance


player using nikini with the conclave stance mod equipped video 0.50 (uses  sudden strike) video 1.47 (uses keen cut) 


O see conclave mod nikini weapons https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Fateful_Truth (scroll down to bottom to see visual demo of stance combos)

O see the slash status effect https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage/Slash_Damage (this status effect does damage over time)


Other melee builds used in the conclave: limbo / chroma equipped with the hammer weapon fragor

O use limbo any abilities that allow you to send other player's to the void (when a player is in the void they will lose all their shields) leaving only their Health (can be defeated faster)

O use chroma's vex armour to strengthen your own armour and increase the damage output of any weapon (allows you to 1 hit opponent's with a melee weapon)

O equip the melee weapon hammer ''fragor'' use its heavy slam attack (this damage output is very high) with limbo / chroma abilities it can 1 hit any opponent

O the heavy slam attack will cause knock down on the opponent (yellow silhouette) even if the opponent uses melee block, they will still be knocked down, strike them again with the heavy slam attack to defeat them in 1 hit.

Pin on Warframe       limbo                      or                           chroma Chroma/Prime | WARFRAME Wiki PT-BR | Fandom                                  + fragor  Warframe Fragor - Warframe Fragor Builds - Overframe

(use limbo's ability that sends to the void)       (use chroma's vex armour to strengthen your defence ''armour'' and damage output of weapons)     (use heavy slam attacks)


O in warframe you can parry other melee attacks, you must equip a melee weapon then tap block before you are hit with any melee to parry them.(after a successful parry you can use finisher)

important: this works on pve enemies but this has not been tested whether or not it works on pvp enemies in the conclave.

the developers should allow players to use parry on all other melee attacks except slam attacks.

how to make it more technical: if a player gets parried, they can still parry back (same as the parry feature from the drifter from the duviri quest)

player using parry on a melee attack, then using finisher to defeat the enemy in 1 hit:


The minimap in the conclave will display a red a dot (this means a player's location has been exposed) and all players can see them:

O if a player fires their gun  they will appear on the mini map as a red dot 

O if a player shoots at an opponent while equipped with a conclave mod like ''night stalker'' this will reveal that opponent on the mini map as a red dot

mini map displaying red dots: ( these are all the players who's location have been exposed )  

The new Battery icon is slowly making excavation a chaos on the minimap,  new icons shoud be half of the size they are and there are different colors  than yellow you know. :

O use weapons that have noise ''silent'' status to remain undetected on the map (the weapon stats can be viewed in the conclave arsenal)

O use melee weapons to remain undected on the map

Warframe Paris Prime Critical Riven Build

O the wiki to silent weapons https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Silent


The status effect hud can be seen by the warframe's health and shield hud (when first inflicted it will display the name of the status effect)

O blue status effects are positive O red status effects are negative  

HILFE, what do they mean?!? : r/Warframe


HILFE, What Do They Mean?!? R/Warframe, 43% OFF (blue postive = buff      /        red negative = debuff)


a conclave exclusive status effect ''impair'' this status effect can be used by some melee attacks / warframe abilities

O this status effect stops the opponent from jumping / bullet jump / and sprinting for 2 seconds

the player is in impair state: warframe covered in blue aura

As per request, the speedy boi's wallpaper : r/Warframe

O the wiki to the impair status effect https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Impair#Status_Effect


another conclave status effect ''knock down'' this status effect can be caused by melee attacks / some warframe abilities

O this status effect causes an opponent to proned to the ground making them vulnerable to ground finishers (can defeat in 1 hit)

O to use a ground finisher press the melee attack near a knocked down opponent

the player is in knocked down state: 

Knockdown From Enemies Can Cause You To Be Permanently Stuck On The Floor.  /unstuck Does Nothing At All. - General - Warframe Forums

O the wiki to the knockdown status effect  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Knockdown 

O the wiki to ground finisher https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Finisher#Ground_Finisher


Use a conclave map as your defense: many of the maps have stairs use this to crouch (for cover) peek over (stand up) fire your weapon

(this tech will only work if the stairs have high elevation)

O walk to the end and stop at the 4th  stair case (or any stair case that covers your warframe's whole body when crouching but allows you to stand  and fire your weapon without your shots from being blocked by the stair case)

player standing:

Can't walk through the Orokin Trim Rings, - Missions & Levels - Warframe  Forums

O when you are at the 4th stair case stop and crouch (use the stair case as your cover) then stand and fire your weapon 

(this tech is cover and peek over)

player crouching:

Can't walk through the Orokin Trim Rings, - Missions & Levels - Warframe  Forums


Use vertical objects as your defence: many maps in conclave have pillars use the pillars as cover (covers your frame's body) while you fire your weapon

O in warframe  you can reverse your camera by pressing a button input

player using the reverse camera feature: (this shifts the cross hair reticle to the left/right of the warframe's shoulders)

example of scenario: camera has been reversed to the right (over the warframe's right shoulder)

the bullets dont get blocked by the wall that is closest to the warframe's body, the bullets will travel to where ever the cross hair reticle is

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIrB3tJfBK6ATMrSj6x555jsbh8YXEhNDGJR9a2UPV_JOOfyVM (player using the vertical object(wall) as cover, while pointing cross hair reticle at the opponent, and is able to fire at them, dealing damage)  


how to get conclave standings:
O complete daily challenges (daily challenges will appear on screen when you start a conclave match, daily challenges change each day) 
O play matches consecutively and get kills and pick up oro
O tenshi can reward you with 50,000 standing as you complete weekly challenges (daily challenges contribute to this, weekly challenges will reset each week) 

O there is discrepancy whether an affinity booster works in gaining more conclave standings

Ranking up to Mistral in Conclave - Warframe

See icon left daily challenges right icon weekly challenges:

How to check Conclave mission progress

player receiving conclave items from teshin by message:

BUG] Last time i checked, teshin is not ordis : r/Warframe


conclave loadouts:

O players will be given a few conclave loadouts from the start (1 at the start)

O players will unlock more conclave load outs as they rank up with teshin 

O players can use their conclave standings to purchase more conclave slots from teshin

O each conclave load outs can have a primary, secondary, melee weapon assigned

O during a match when a player is respawning in after dying, they will be given the option to change their conclave load outs

conclave load outs located at the bottom of the screen:

Steam Community :: Guide :: So You Wanna PvP: A Recruit's Guide to Conclave

conclave loadout slot: given as an item by teshin see silver icon

You can buy warframes(only excal , mag and volt ) from conclave : r/Warframe

important: after purchasing a new conclave loadout / unlocking a new conclave loadout, you have to head to the main conclave arsenal in your oribitor

then give a name to each of your conclave loadouts to activate them. When they are activated they can be used. 

if they are not activated they will not appear on the conclave menu for you to customize.

example: see where it says  load out slot (it means this load out has not been activated) to activate you must click on it and rename it

Why only 20 load out slots? - General Discussion - Warframe Forums

when starting new in the conclave

When you are at the conclave ranks of misterel and whirlwind you will have the option to turn on or off ''recruit conditioning'' by turning this on

this will make it so that you are matched up against inexperienced players.

(however this featue will be removed once you have ranked to tempest in the conclave and you cannot go back to it)

important: this feature is being exploited by some veteran players in the conclave to farm k/d they beat new and beginner players to forever have a perfect score

and stats, these veteran players never rank up to the rank of tempest as doing so will remove the recruitment feature.

see conclave menu bottom right recruit conditioning: can be turned on / off

Warframe - Conclave - Warframe Game Guide | gamepressure.com

see all the ranks in conclave (each time you rank up) more perks and features are unlocked:

Unable to rank up in Conclave, standing over max - General - Warframe Forums


Conclave arsenal: in this arsenal all weapon stats that are shown will display their pvp stats only (the weapon's pvp stats are different from its pve stats)

what weapon to pick non prime / prime:  non prime weapons have higher damage output than their prime versions (this can be viewed in the conclave arsenal) 

example Lex is more powerful than Lex prime in the conclave (but the lex prime has a higher fire rate)

Warframe Lex - Warframe Lex Builds - OverframeLex Prime Set - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe Market

example gorgon is more powerful than gorgon wraith in the conclave (this can be viewed in the conclave arsenal)

Gorgon | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomGorgon Wraith Set - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe Market

example dera is more powerful than dera vandal in the conclave (but the dera vandal has more magazine capacity)

Warframe Dera - Warframe Dera Builds - OverframeWarframe Dera Vandal - Warframe Dera Vandal Builds - Overframe

example opticor is more powerful than opticor vandal in the conclave

Warframe Opticor - Warframe Opticor Builds - OverframeWarframe Opticor Vandal - Warframe Opticor Vandal Builds - Overframe                           


Ackbar's Tenno Report: Review: Synapse (U31.7.1)



(The weapon stat comparison can be viewed in the conclave arsenal. you will need to have obtained both weapons)

O weapons with more magazine allow you to fire your weapon longer before having to reload  / switch

How to practice your aim by using enemies in warframe (flying enemies that move quickly and swiftly)

O keep a time limit of how fast you defeated all the spawned enemies

O keep improving your time 

O use your warframe's body to align your cross hair to your targets (instead of moving the cross hair manually)

O external software include using aim labs (aim labs is free and can be downloaded directly from steam / kovacs/ the finals shooting range 

Developers need to add warframe enemies into simularcum with different mobility (players can practice their aim shooting down fast moving parkouring enemies )

Different aiming methods on mouse and keyboard: and Aimlabs:

How to use aimlabs: after you finish a game in aim labs move onto the next game do not repeat the same game as you will not learn new scenarios that can occur during gameplay.


Aim Tracking:

O  is the ability to keep your cross hair reticle on target while the target is moving

O moving the cross hair reticle at consistent speed can it be moved slower / faster to match the target's movement speed

Hud size and Screen aspect ratio:

set your in game hud size  to something smaller and change the screen aspect ratio to something thinner this will allow you to see 

everything that is happening on screen quickly without needing to scan a larger wider screen.

Hud scale: try to reduce it or increase it (makes your cross hair reticle smaller or larger)

Adjust Hud margins: you can move hud closer or further away from your character

How To Adjust HUD Scale In Warframe

O in warframe you can decrease the Hud scale this will make your cross hair reticle smaller (this helps with focusing and aiming )

O In warframe you can increase the Hud scale this makes your cross hair reticle larger (this helps with character movement) - ideal if your aim isn't that precise / struggle to see small things

example of large cross hair reticle:

Valorant crosshair guide | Rock Paper Shotgun 


example of small cross hair reticle:Top 10 CSGO Best Crosshairs (Used By The Best Players In The World) |  GAMERS DECIDE


What Hud Scale should you start with:

Set the Hud scale in warframe settings to 250 (make the cross hair reticle big)

then as you become accustomed to it, reduce the hud scale settings to 210 (make the cross hair reticle slightly smaller)

(each time your able to aim and land your shots, keep decreasing the Hud Scale)


Screen aspect ratio (try to fit everything in)

Best Graphics Settings for Warframe - The Escapist

Customise hud colours: scroll down to  go to ''reticle'' 

Mission Interface – WARFRAME Support

the reticle tab will allow you to change the colour of the cross hair reticle (choose a colour you can see easily regardless of light/dark zones)

How to always red crit : r/Warframe

example: of different cross hair reticle colours (choose something highly saturated and bright)



Another cross hair reticle option for higher visibility: choosing legacy 


O In warframe your cross hair reticle will change colour from default to red this also applies in the conclave

default reticle colour: when not pointed at a enemy unit

A small guide for the new secret area in the Sanctum tileset. : r/Warframe

red cross hair reticle colour: when pointed at a enemy unit

What are these target things on the ground? : r/Warframe


How to make opponents in the conclave more visible and easier to spot: in the settings turn on 

O Enemy highlights O Enemy highlight colour choose a bright colour i.e red O Enemy highlight intensity to 100 (this will make the silhouette stronger)

now when you play conclave all hostile warframes (opponents) will be covered in a red silhouette and you will be able to spot them from meters away.

Warframe Abyss of Dagath update adds new accessibility features - Can I  Play That?

how enemy units with highlights will appear during gameplay: covered in a red silhouette 

Eximus Reborn: Dev Workshop R/Warframe, 51% OFF


conclave weapon damage types: impact / puncture / slash

O impact is effective against shields O puncture is effective against health O slash is neutral to shield and health 

when choosing your primary secondary melee weapons try to choose a combination of weapons that are good at each of the damage types 

example: this will allow you to first take out the opponent's shields, switch weapon, then take out the opponent's health.


How to acquire Conclave mods:

O can be purchased from teshin in the earth strata relay with conclave standings

Current mission says to track down Teshin. Well, I found him. (I know The  War Within mission means I actually have to go to the mission node, but  this is amusing to

O while some can be acquired by ranking up their conclave ranks and gaining them as offerings from teshin

Conclave Syndicate] Typhoon Rankup Reward, Working As Intended? (Image) -  General - Warframe Forums

O each conclave mod has a 2.48% chance to drop at the end of a conclave match  

Better Rewards From Conclave (Endo) - Conclave - Warframe Forums

O some conclave mods drop from pve enemies like the sentients in lua

Warframe killer: Shadow stalker — BHVR(sentient enemy in lua drop conclave mods)


conclave mods that are mentioned above: + is positive - is negative stat

Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomHolster | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomImpenetrable Offense

Gun Glide | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomMartial FuryStand GroundNight Stalker





but for recoil - is positive + is negative stat 

Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom

some weapons have mods exclusive to them

Category:PvP Mods | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave mods converted to PvE : r/WarframeCategory:PvP Mods | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom


these conclave mods allow you to change your weapon's damage type to a specific damage type of your choosing:

Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom


Zoom mods these conclave mods will increase (+ symbol) or decrease (- symbol) magnification of objects when the player uses ADS / Aim Glide: 

Zoom | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomZoom | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom 

( having too much + zoom will make it difficult to shoot opponents at mid and close range. if a player intends to use high amount of +zoom, then it would be advisable to battle opponents at long range )  

O Best weapons for +zoom would be semi automatic rifles (latron,grinlok) as these weapons deal lot of damage with a single bullet.

O the wiki to increasing or decreasing zoom https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zoom


Have multiple copies of the same conclave mod: rank each one up rank 0/1/2/3/4/5/ rank max (this will allow you to have different zoom levels)


Zoom | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom rank 0 -10% rank 1 -20% rank 2 -30% rank 3 -40% rank 4 -40% rank 5 -60% (each rank gives different - zoom levels)


Zoom | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandomrank 0 +20% rank 1 +40% rank 2 +60% rank 3 +80% (each rank gives different +zoom levels)


These conclave mods boost abilities of their respective warframe:

I really hope this Augment gets a rework too along with the new Decoy  Changes. Any attempt to use this afterwards will always kill Loki first and  that makes this useless. :Ice Wave Impedance - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe MarketTIL one of the most powerful augments in the game is still exclusive to  conclave : r/Warframe



These conclave mods boost defence: use these with a warframe that have high armour like frost / atlas / chroma / nidus

Damage Reduction | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomDamage Reduction | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomDamage Reduction | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomArmored Acrobatics | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom




These conclave mods boost health, shield and contribute to shield regen: use these with a warframe that have high armour like frost / atlas

/chroma / nidus

Tempered Bound | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomCalculated SpringOvercharged



O see all conclave mod and their effects here https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:PvP_Mods


Potential new effect for weapons in the conclave: knock back the enemy moa uses a attack with knock back effect, the player uses roll to negate its effect


current dilemma that is affecting the conclave negatively
O lack of transparency with conclave in this game mode, information or guide to help players understand it is non existent, no explanation is given (to how the conclave mods work or warframe stats affect their parkour and how weapons have pvp stats )

O in dedicated servers, some weapons in conclave are banned as there is a bug, where they are using PVE stats / PVE features not PVP
( this needs to be fixed )

O all weapons in the conclave need to have balance applied to them, so that they have positive and negative to their stats no weapon is too good that it outshines another weapon, while keeping each weapon unique i,e dont play the same

pvp gun weapon changes: how to weaken or strengthen a gun: by tweaking the following to make it balanced
O gun weps with  high fire rate should make a gun weaker while a gun with a low fire rate should make a gun stronger
O gun weps with low magazine capacity should have increased damage ( 20 magazine gun deal more damage than a 30 magazine gun)

its pellet spread O its recoil (how stable is it when fired)   
O its recoil pattern (when fired which direction does it recoil towards)  (horizontally or vertically or diagonally or both)
O its bullet drop (damage fall off) ( how far can it fire and deal damage until it deals no damage)
O  its range O its damage O its accuracy O its hip fire
O its reload speed O its rate of fire O its magazine capacity O its draw speed (how quickly it can be bought out)  
O its velocity (how fast do the bullets travel)
O its status effect % chance O its status effect duration

O in the conclave there is no skilled based match making as a result players with low K/D are being placed in matches with player with high K/D (players should be allocated matches based on their K/D with other players who are of similar K/D)

O the warframe's  movement mechanics (parkour) are too fast as a result it becomes very difficult to shoot down a moving warframe

all parkour speed should be reduced by 20% or be exactly at 50% or
there needs to be a limit to warframe mobility. i.e max mobility  of all warframes can be 0.6 (ideal 0.8)

(making 0.6 the max mobility in the conclave is the most ideal for balance, even with a controller, players can just about play without feeling their aim is too slow or not precise as compared to pc players)

O weapon's attack speed should determine a weapon's attack power (damage), meaning a high attack speed will make a weapon attack weaker while a low attack speed will make a weapon attack stronger

O Request to add in parrying feature to melee weapons (that's used in the duviri quest) melee weapons by using timing can parrying all other melee weapon attacks but not slam attacks.

O there needs be more diverse conclave mods that offer more defence  and function changes to weapons and warframes 

example a conclave mod that reduces effectiveness of an opponent's warframe ability i.e being hit with a warframe ability your warframe won't die  on the 1st hit, it will stay alive with 1 health, but if hit again it will die)   - defence conclave mod

example a conclave mod that allows semi automatic rifles to fire by holding the input instead of having to repeatedly tap the input (auto fire) - function change conclave mod   

High possibility that bots and cheaters are playing the conclave, the bots have aim that cannot mis and are always pin point accurate, they also ignore certain players and only focus on a selected player to battle. If cheating exist in other pvp shooters, the same possibility will exist for warframe (DE may need to put in systems to scan every player's data for abnormality)

O some veteran players are farming K/D by staying in the RC (recruitment condition), by manipulating the conclave system, they battle new and beginner players for K/D by not ranking up their conclave standings past 2, they can forever stay in the RC. This needs to be changed once a player has achieved certain amount of kills or K/D they should be moved to NON RC and they cannot go back to RC.

a players k/d can be viewed on their profile 

Improving new conclaver's experience - Conclave - Warframe Forums


O lack of anything new, the conclave needs new mods, warframes, weapons, rewards to keep it fresh.


O during conclave matches all players should have infinite ammo (this will alllow players to continuously battle without needing to search for ammo)

the developers can decide should all secondary weapons have infinite ammo only  or primary and secondary both

Steam Workshop::Infinite Pistol Ammo    example of infinite ammo: 20 / NA 


Warframe Conclave Guide - General Information



Png - Conclave Warframe Clipart (#668716) - PikPng


Additional Conclave support:

There are many warframe conclave discord you can join ( these discord everything related to warframe conclave activities )
O banned weapons that cant be used (as some weapons are bugged and using PVE stats/perks not PVP)
O dedicated servers hosted by the owners of the discord, if you want to know if your in a dedicated server, a message will pop up in the squad tab

player using squad tab: a message in white color will appear at the top when you are in a dedicated server 

Players in the wrong squad chat channel - General - Warframe Forums


O https://discord.com/channels/315396989787439118/753636670040965150  discord name: goonclave (this has bot that interacts with player questions)

O https://discord.com/channels/144519729044783104/325229366600531970  discord name: conclave (this bot displays data from player questions)

(these discord servers have a highly informative conclave guide that answers all player question instantly)

O main info related to active conclave https://conclave.gg/  (shows active servers and banned weapons click red circle icon to see banned weapon list)

( if a banned weapon is used in a dedicated server, the player will be removed from the match, and will have to either have a 10 minute penalty before they can rejoin or rejoin instantly.

No Littering Flat Icon | FluentUI Emoji Flat Iconpack | Microsoft by clicking on the red circle icon it will display all banned weapons in a dedicated server


O when a player plays any conclave match in a dedicated server their battle data will be added to the conclave.gg website (this allows you to see what weapons dominate in the conclave) 

O  currently north america in the afternoon has the most players playing conclave

O you can  send invites to players you have previously played conclave with ( see invite tab)

Bug] Is this menu bug common? : r/Warframe


O you can also join conclave sessions of players that are in your friend/recent list (you dont need to wait around sending invites for other players to join)

by the username of each player, the activity they are in will appear, if you see conclave, select their name then  join their session

important: when you play conclave matches with any player always send them a friend request (as they are regular players in the conclave especially if you see them multiple times in the conclave) they will always be playing conclave therefore their conclave sessions will always be active.By adding them to your friend list you will be able to join their conclave matches by going to communication - friend tab - join session

Getting back to Warframe after a short break, and this is how my friend list  look like... : r/Warframe

O in the setting you can increase your match making ping limit to 350 / 400 / no limit

(this will expand your search when playing conclave however the higher the ping the more desync and lag there will be)   

Matchmaker ignoring Ping Limit? - Multiplayer - Warframe Forums

O conclave mods and be  bought / sold / traded with other players, this is the quick way to get conclave mods so you can customize your build and play style (conclave mods can also be used in PVE activities)

O the complete wiki to conclave  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave#Damage_Mechanics


Frequently asked questions:

O warframe wiki vs in game information in terms of reliability, always choose in game information as the warframe wiki is managed by the warframe community therefore prone to errors / not updated.

O why cant some warframes / weapons be used in the conclave, this is because of balancing not all warframes and weapons have been balanced yet to be able to function as intended in the conclave (as a result Developers may remove or add warframes / weapons into the conclave).

Edited by windflamestormblizzard
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1 minute ago, (PSN)SABRETOOTH1971 said:

Well when they add the bonus 50k back to the game for completing all the weekly challenges, so I can at least afford to buy some of the stuff I'm missing, then I will start playing more often.

its still the same as when you last played, you get 50k standings for completing weekly challenges

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-06-18 at 5:44 PM, nerfinator6 said:

That's a whole lotta things to learn just so I can keep getting curbstomped, no thanks

nerfi i would recommend the following to start in conclave

1. focus on the aiming and aim tracking (use aim labs its free and can be downloaded through steam etc)

2. then finding the best dpi and sensitivity settings for you (aiming is the most important in pvp)

3. also find the best field of view and hudscale that allow you to see and play effectively) 

4. learning the jump and slide while hipfiring or aim gliding (ads) (this parkour tech is most often used)

5. choosing the best weapons for you go with assault rifle (its more forgiving if you miss shots)

6. choose the best warframe for you (choose a frame that helps with a playstyle your going for)

(this guide contains the basics and advanced tech, focus on the basic tech first and then move onto the advanced tech)

On 2024-06-18 at 6:32 PM, Okami_Amaterasu said:

Why on Earth did you post this. Half of the screenshots in this aren't even from Conclave and there are much better sources to learn how to play Conclave from. This is a novel length post that only serves to confuse.

theres no straight  foward guide that teaches how the conclave works

everything listed is in O bullet points for clarity.

each bullet point follows a chronological order to demonstrate what's being discussed.

Edited by windflamestormblizzard
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5 hours ago, -Gwanox said:

Man gets gaped by everyone in conclave then drops a 200 page guide in a forum that no one reads.

not true people like conclave and forums, they dont know where to learn the techs from cause the other players are too busy feeding their 

ego  or they dont have the mental ability to make a indepth understandable readable guide that makes sense.



3 hours ago, Okami_Amaterasu said:

The volt shield methode

the mouse and keyboard method's better

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5 minutes ago, windflamestormblizzard said:

not true people like conclave and forums, they dont know where to learn the techs from cause the other players are too busy feeding their 

ego  or they dont have the mental ability to make a indepth understandable readable guide that makes sense.

But your guide does not make any sense. New players should probably seek an actual experienced player for help, not whatever this is.

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O Ads only for longer ranges (ads means aim down sights in warframe its called aim)

While this is the case, ADSing at short ranges is perfectly viable if the target is not immediately threatening you or is turreting you and doing a poor job at it, as ADS's main advantage is the ability to slow down your camera speed when needed and, most importantly, providing you with a better picture of the target though zoom.


O waframe mobility in the conclave is the most important stat

O warframe mobility should be minimum at 0.9 ( equip conclave +mobility or -mobility mods to increase or decrease your warframe's mobility )   

There are merits to both slow frames and fast frames: it is very possible to get away with far lower than 0.9 mobility especially when melee movement enters the picture.


O light weight warframes start with 1.00 mobility (lowkey) while heavier warframes start with lower mobility 0.4 (rhino)

While light warframes do start with a 1.0 mobility stat, 1.0 meaning that the mobility is the same as PvE (with the exception of slides), heavy frames start with 0.8. The only possible base mobility values for warframes are 1.0, 0.9 and 0.8.


O mouse DPI settings should be from 400 - 750 ( the lower the DPI makes your aim more precise )

While mouse dpi shouldn't be too high due to Warframe's atrociously high sensitivity scale, you can definitely get away with much higher than 750.


O mouse in game settings for look,aim,scoped sensitivity should all be set to 1 / 1 / 1 ( if you do not it will conflict with the mouse DPI settings)

It is recommended to set them to a low value like 0 or 1 due to the previously mentioned sensitivity scale, not due to "conflicts with the mouse DPI settings", whatever that means.


O when crouching, hip fire your weapon ( it makes your hip fire more stable by lowering the look  sensitivity)

O when crouching ads fire your weapon (it makes your ads more stable by lowering the aim sensitivity)

Both of these are false, your sensitivity does not change if you're crouching.


O double tap roll then hold it (to shorten the travel distance of the roll)

This is not a real mechanic.


O armour determines how many hits your health can take before your warframe dies (different frames have different armour)

Health effective HP is dependent on both the armor value and the health value. Both of these vary from frame to frame, not just armor.


( when you hold slide also hold block as this will stop you from taking lot of damage )

Blocking is classified as cheesing and is quite likely that it will lead to counter cheesing in retaliation, vastly increasing the actual damage taken along a match usually in the form of cheesy 1-2 taps with little counterplay.


O while in the air some weapons allow slide attacks 5x in a row (if their weapon attack speed is high enough)

They allow for slide attacks an unlimited number of times, 5 is an arbitrary number here.


example:  Nami skyla prime / Halikar / Tipedo / Ankyros (these weapon's can slide attack 5x in a row while in the air use this to travel)

Halikar and other weapons in the glaive category cannot slide attack while airborne: attempting to input a slide attack in the air will result in a regular air attack instead.


O melee weapons can do head shots (use melee attacks that reach the head this will deal critical damage)

Melee weapons do not have headshot multipliers. Hitting the head with melee is the exact same as hitting the body.


O  weapons like talons and zarr ( if they hit an opponent, it will cause knockdown this is because of the blast type damage that they come with)

Talons knocks down as a mechanic of the weapon itself. Zarr and other blast element weapons do not knock people down in Conclave except for their user if they happen to get hit by their own explosive AoE.


O weapons like rakta dagger have a passive effect that allows them to remain undetected on the conclave map (player wont appear as a red dot)

I am not sure that this is the case.


O weapon like zakti fires pellets like a grenade launcher these can summon area of effect gas clouds that have the status effect gas damage. ( this gas damage will deal damage over time, even if the player who shot this dies during gameplay) - use this weapon if you are using a controller / if your aim is not precise

Refer to the previous point on cheesing and its consequences.


ignis weapon specifications: deals heat type damage - use this if you are using a controller / your aim is not precise

Ignis' range is too short to be of any use other than a mild nuisance outside of Recruit Conditioning.


O the best weapon for heavy attacks is the rapier it has the fastest (wind up) melee heavy attacks.

Rapier heavy attacks don't deal that much damage. If for some reason someone wanted to suffer the heavy attack spam playstyle, which I don't recommend due to how nonviable it is, Furax Wraith and Fragor Prime are both weapons better suited for this, as they possess an innate 2x starting combo multiplier, which increases their heavy attack damage by said amount. You can then compensate for the stationary heavy attack wind-up by performing a bullet jump as soon as the animation begins.


O if you want to travel fast to the end of a map (bullet jump to sky, double jump, hold aim glide) you will gain lot of forward momentum

If you want to travel across a map much faster, you may instead perform a Mexian maneuvre, dubbed so by the player who discovered it.
To perform it, do a melee combo with momentum generation and during said momentum, roll and weapon swap while doing so. Afterwards, jumping is highly advised since touching the ground will kill your momentum albeit not mandatory.
This also doubles as a chasing tool.

Video example


O after rolling you can jump / double jump or slide

O after sliding you can roll

To clarify these rules: each time you touch the ground or perform a wall jump, the following maneuvers are refreshed:

  • A single regular jump (basic spacebar jump)
  • A single choice between a regular jump or bullet jump
  • A single roll

In addition, you may perform a slide at any time that you are not in a bullet jump, jump or roll animation. Of note is that firing a weapon cancels all jump animations so if you were to be firing an automatic weapon and jumped without interrupting fire, you could slide immediately as the jumping animation would be overtaking by the firing one.


player is continuously wall climbing and hip firing their weapon to the left:

This animation has been removed from the game for years now, with the introduction of parkour 1.0. Wall climbs are not present in the game, only wall hops and wall latches.


Best gaming mouse for conclave choose a mouse with many buttons: O logi tech G502 HERO O razer basilisk v2

Please do not recommend heavy ass mice. These mice are ass. Look up actual mice reviewers for information on proper mice.


O in the settings make the field of view 90 while the hud scale 180 (this keeps the camera far but makes the cross hair reticle bigger) - this should be used if you want to focus on  spatial awareness of your surroundings

O in the settings make the field of view 75 while the hud scale 150 (this keeps the camera close but makes the cross hair reticle smaller) - this should be used if you want to focus on aiming and precision and to see everything up close

Low FoV is not at all recommended. On a shooter with this level of mobility, being able to see your surroundings properly is critical.


O when you are parkouring and hip firing your weapon, as you are approaching any opponent at close range use melee slide attack to deal fast damage

Refer yet again to the previous section on cheesing. To reiterate: cheesing is not recommended at all especially for new players as this will both affect their growth and get them counter cheesed by far better players.


Melee Block advantage and disadvantages: sniper vs Bow (projectile) 

O when wielding any melee weapons, hold ads to block 
O when using melee block all snipers will be made ineffective as they wont be able to damage you (head shot or body shot)

O however arrows from bows / any projectile type attack can still damage you (headshot or body shot) this is because of the punch through effect

see the conclave mod ''impenetrable offense'' which boost blocking and reduces damage taken by 30%

Ignoring the whole cheesing point that I initially made precisely about melee blocking, there's a couple of points wrong here:

  • Projectiles do not go through melee block;
  • Impenetrable Offense is a useless mod as melee block's damage reduction in Conclave is 100%, the same as PvE.


O sniper ads 4x scope should be used for close range battles like how hip fire is used with other weapons 

O sniper ads 6x / 8x should be used for long range battles like how ads is used with other weapons

Going for max zoom unless absolutely necessary is highly recommended if you intend to go for headshots, as higher zoom levels have higher headshot multipliers. The only exceptions to this rule are the Rubico series and the Lanka.
I'd also like to add that with the spread reduction on weapon swap mods, pictured below, equipped on your primary and secondary (they are both active and stack when a weapon swap is performed), you can also hipfire your sniper rifle while being mobile, albeit at the cost of any scope-in headshot damage bonuses that they may have.




we can see under the sniper there is a shot combo hud: this means if the first shot landed successfully on the opponent, the 2nd shot will deal more damage. (this 2nd shot can be chosen on a different opponent. (shot combo cant be used in the conclave)

Not wrong but irrelevant. Do not include non-relevant information in an already overly long guide as this does nothing but clutter it up with pointless information.


How to use a shotgun in the conclave: The most important aspect is the bullet spread (each bullet deals damage) as a result to deal maximum damage all the bullet pellets must connect on the opponent: this is achieved by your distance from your opponent.

see shotgun bullet spread image:  the closer the player the less bullet spread / the farther the player the more bullet spread

example of damage output: 2.5 feet (distance) would deal 100% damage

10 feet (distance) would deal 60% damage (as some of the bullet will miss) because of bullet spread

The spread point is somewhat moot due to the previously mentioned "spread reduction on weapon swap mods" reducing spread by 80%, this further stacking with Double Barrel Drift to achieve pinpoint accuracy.


The real range limiter on shotguns is actually their falloff distance: every shotgun features a linear falloff distance in which their damage ramps down until they hit their minimum possible damage.


The best beginner friendly shotgun is the boar / boar prime

Not quite, a much better beginner friendly shotgun would be Sobek, having a massive base 20 mag capacity that can be further extended to 26, providing it with over 10 seconds of mag duration, all while having the longest max range distance of all shotguns, reducing the movement barrier of entry.


O with its high accuracy it makes sure the bullet pellets travel to their intended target without deviating (see pvp stats in conclave arsenal)

(if you use the weapon skin zobov shotgun skin, it will change boar's accuracy stat from low to high)

Both of these statements are false. The Boar does not have innately high accuracy. It is actually quite inaccurate (and the Zobov shotgun skin does not at all affect its accuracy). What you likely witnessed were the previously mentioned "spread reduction on weapon swap mods" reducing the spread displayed in the arsenal.


conclave mods such as (anti flak plating,armoured evade. armoured recovery,armoured acrobatics)

Once again: cheese. Damage reduction mods are a classic cheese method due to how strong they are compared to their tradeoff especially because they stack, albeit manipulatively.


O Volt  (use volt's shield to negate all gun fire and any opponent that makes contact it will cause knock down this abilitiy's weakness is melee attacks.

Volt's shield is one of the biggest cheese abilities in the game, arguably top 2 beaten only by perhaps Iron Skin.


O Rhino ( use rhino's iron skin it will absorb all damage and then cause a self buff which is an over shield the weakness of this ability is no energy orbs can be picked up while this is active )

how to counter iron skin, wait for an opponent to cast it (as during the start up of the cast rhino is invincible), then shoot rhino at the head as  this will reduce their over shield quickly

Speak of the devil, here's Iron Skin. The cheese itself. The ability is not counterable because the proper way to use it is when you're under fire as it will absorb damage that would otherwise hurt you and instead use it to increase the overguard amount.


O Lowkey (use lowkey's decoy ability to gain another ally in battle that damages any opponent in range)

Loki's Decoy is potentially cheese, albeit it's somewhat weapon dependent as Loki in Conclave uses your primary weapon instead of being Lato-locked like in PvE.
Usually if an ability looks to good, it usually is. A good rule of thumb is: every single Warframe in Conclave with no exceptions whatsoever has at least one ability that is not properly balanced.


O in the conclave fall off a ledge where below is certain death and use switch teleport to change places with another player that is in a safe area, (ideally a player that is chasing you from behind) they will fall to their death while your safe. maps like outpost are best to use for this ability as this map is full of areas that players can fall to their death

This does not work consitently: switch teleport often fails to switch the locations of players, especially when cast midair, instead simply teleporting the Loki to the target player.


( unique passive ability of loki is his wall latch it's the longest out of all other warframes around 10x longer (60 seconds wall latch duration), during wall latch using ads and scope sway will be reduced allowing for greater stability and precision )

Scope sway has been removed from the game years ago.


O zephyr (use zephyr to stay in the air longer and gain longer duration when using aim glide)

Zephyr is not recommended due to how incredibly crippling her passive is: low gravity is a massive downside even to an unusually tanky frame like Zephyr.


( zephyr's tornado, summons tornadoes on the map that have area effect damage as they move around on their own, these tornadoes stay on the map for a few seconds damaging all players that make contact) - stay close to your tornadoes and use this as a defense tech to stop all players from using melee on you

And here we have the top 3 cheese ability: Zephyr Tornadoes. They can be infused with extra damage, they have a massive AoE, they knockdown and to top it all off they do not have a line-of-sight requirement on their AoE.


(slash dash for fast melee that inflicts the ''impair'' status effect on the opponent for 2 seconds that stops them from jumping,bullet jumping and sprinting)

This is Excal's cheese ability: hitting Slash Dash guarantees you a kill against players that don't know melee movement due to removing all other movement tools save for rolls. Since most good players know how to perform melee movement, this is nothing but a way for new players to cheese other new players.


(unique passive ability of excalibur is he gains 5% weapon attack speed and damage increase when wielding the following weapons skana,dragon nikna, destreza)

The passive effect is not limited to those specific weapons, Excalibur's passive applies to the following weapon categories:

  • Swords (inlcuding his own Exalted Blade)
  • Dual Swords
  • Nikanas
  • Rapiers


gaara (able to create a radial blind for 10 seconds when exposed to bright areas)

This passive is disabled in Conclave.


vauban (all deployable gadgets are bigger than their pve counterparts)

Vauban is not in Conclave.


hydroid (melee slam attacks summon a giant tentacle for 5 seconds)

This passive was removed with the Hydroid rework: tentacles are no longer spawned in both Conclave and PvE.


inaros (can regen 3 health by per second)

Inaros is currently bugged and this passive has no effect.


ivara (can see all players on the mini map as red dots 50 meters range)

The range is much shorter than that in Conclave. It is 20 meters I believe?


automatic blocking (is when the warframe will block with out you doing anything):

O to use automatic block (when using a gun, use a melee attack, this will bring out your melee weapon) now you will be able automatically block

O auto block works while you are on the ground or when jumping (automatic block cannot be used in the conclave)

Again, why mention it in a Conclave guide if it's irrelevant to Conclave?


what does blocking do:

O blocking negates all damage from the front (only status effects can damage you) toxin and slash are highly effective

O different weapons have different blocking angles example: dual swords blocking angles is 60 degrees while a dagger is 45 degrees

  • Traditional Slash effects do not exist in Conclave;
  • Weapons all have the same block angle in Conclave.


How to counter a player using melee block:

O the main weakness are bows especially the bow daikyu, it can still damage and defeat a player in 1 hit this is because of the punch through effect

Again: punchthrough from bows, or any other weapon for that matter, does not affect melee blocking. Arrows will be blocked like any other weapon.

I'm sure there's many more mistakes going forward but I have lost interest in this post by this point.

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Look I appreciate that this probably took a long time to compile and write out, but you're getting clowned on because there's quite a bit of misleading or outright misinformation in your thread. Writing a guide that's ostensibly meant for less experienced or new players to Conclave being novel length doesn't really help, either.

I don't want to dogpile on more, because it's still not a bad thing to be enthusiastic. But next time please try to be more concise and double check the information you're putting in your thread. Warframe has never been good at conveying mechanical information be it PvE or PvP, so it's always a good idea to double check in Simularcum or private match before claiming anything.

Edited by traybong111
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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, traybong111 said:

Look I appreciate that this probably took a long time to compile and write out, but you're getting clowned on because there's quite a bit of misleading or outright misinformation in your thread. Writing a guide that's ostensibly meant for less experienced or new players to Conclave being novel length doesn't really help, either.

I don't want to dogpile on more, because it's still not a bad thing to be enthusiastic. But next time please try to be more concise and double check the information you're putting in your thread. Warframe has never been good at conveying mechanical information be it PvE or PvP, so it's always a good idea to double check in Simulacum or private match before claiming anything.

i understand that part, thats why the guide is being constantly updated to improve any inadequacy, but what i dont understand is the over reactive reactions from players who never gave a flying zephyr to promote the conclave in a positive way criticizing a guide for existing. 

This guide is for new players . players wanting to learn to expand their knowledge about different techs.

to add to that some of the information listed here is from the warframe wiki which says different things to what shows in game 

to add more some of the information listed is also from advice ive taken from different players who play the conclave

the guide is mentioning how things should work (it will not highlight bugs or errors currently causing anything to function differently)

if the players that are upset, that are commenting knew what a guide was by defintion is to demonstrate all gameplay techs that exist to encourage different playstyle regardless of if its cheese / whatever that means is. warframe isnt another generic shooter it has gameplay techs unique to it and these techs should be encouraged.

some techs are mentioned from pve this is included in the conclave guide for the sole purpose to give a full picture  of how different mechanics exist in warframe. Those taking  objections to gameplay techs, dont like the decisions the developers have made in what a player is allowed to do in the conclave.

My recommendation would be to go out more cause playing too much conclave fried circuits for some.


Edited by windflamestormblizzard
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Le 18/06/2024 à 11:55, windflamestormblizzard a dit :

this is the guide to playing pvp in warframe (this guide is always being updated)

( this PVP Conclave guide is available on this profile in the ''about me'' tab ) 

important: warframe was made originally for pc as a result to be able to compete effectively in the conclave you will need to use mouse and keyboard 

as controller is not fast / precise enough. (However it is possible to play in the conclave with a controller given the correct procedure and settings.)

what makes warframes pvp different: unlike most pvp shooters your used too, warframe pvp is faster than most, it requires you to have complete syn energy between your warframe movement and your weapon aim. 

by having the correct mods,correct weapons,warframe, correct dpi and in game sensitivity settings you will be equipped to participate in the conclave,

understand this, those that give up too soon will never improve, it will take time to get used to this type of unique pvp.

How this guide has been worded: this pvp guide has been worded in a way to give a mental image of the scenario being described so players will be able to replicate them without a visual demonstration. In this guide are all the knowledge and gameplay tech that is used in the conclave. Each point is put in a O bullet point for clarity and each bullet point follows a chronological order through the guide and the videos are time stamped to show the exact scenario taking place. 


O Hip fire most of the time

player using hipfire:

Warframe: How to Get to the Abyssal Zone - Prima Games
O while parkouring and jumping you need to hip fire (do not ads as doing so will cause slow reaction time)
O Ads only for longer ranges (ads means aim down sights in warframe its called aim)

player using ads:

Warframe Update 2.22 Storms Out for October 18; Full Patch Notes Listed for  Abyss of Dagath - MP1st

O waframe mobility in the conclave is the most important stat: the higher the mobility the faster all parkour actions will be and increases the range of some parkour actions i.e from 5 meters to 10 meters to 15 meters.

movement mechanics affected by mobility are the following (forward bullet jumping, bullet jumping to the sky, sliding, roll dodge, wall climbing, jumping)

O warframe mobility should be minimum at 0.9 ( equip conclave +mobility or -mobility mods to increase or decrease your warframe's mobility )   

warframe conclave stats: see mobility

Conclave Warframe Stats - UI - Warframe Forums

O light weight warframes start with 1.00 mobility (lowkey) while heavier warframes start with lower mobility 0.4 (rhino), choose light weight 
O after bullet jumping, tap aim, to cancel out the bullet jump animation
O after bullet jumping, you can roll

O after bullet jumping into the sky or jumping down from great height, tap slide to stop fall animation lock (when your warframe places hands on floor)
O avoid using aim glide, only use aim glide with semi automatic weapons (latron) or snipers
O mouse DPI settings should be from 400 - 750 ( the lower the DPI makes your aim more precise )
O mouse in game settings for look,aim,scoped sensitivity should all be set to 0/0/0 or 1 / 1 / 1 ( if you do not it will conflict with the mouse DPI settings) (can make it abnormally fast)

(in game settings should be lower, while the mouse DPI settings should be higher)

O crouching in the settings should be set to Hold ( this will allow you to play at a faster paste ) 

in the settings turn off  ''crouch button is toggle''


O when crouching, hip fire your weapon ( it makes your hip fire more stable by lowering the look  sensitivity)

O when crouching ads fire your weapon (it makes your ads more stable by lowering the aim sensitivity)

(when crouching it makes the cross hair reticle sway less this what is ment by the game lowers the sensitivity)

player crouching:

Excalibur Umbra missing collision with syandana - Mission Specific -  Warframe Forums

O double tap roll then hold it (to shorten the travel distance of the roll)
O if a player is fleeing, you must predict the direction they will go and have good aim to take them out 
O use melee weapons for movement ( example you can slide attack in mid air to turn your warframe around, so you don't fall off ledges )
O the best weapon for slide attacking in mid air are daggers

player using slide attack in mid air: to not fall off ledge

O in order to bullet jump 5x in a row (bullet jump towards a wall then press, back + jump) or (left / right + jump) rinse and repeat while your warframe is facing the wall (your cross hair reticle does not need to face the wall)

in waframe when a player uses bullet jump, then  jumps into a wall / object this will reset their bullet jump allowing them to use bullet jump a 2nd time - rules of this tech

player bullet jumping  consecutively to climb wall: vertically



player bullet jumping consecutively to travel: horizontally


Player bullet jumping consecutively  to travel: horizontally to different objects to stay in the air (this is used in the conclave to escape or avoid gun fire)


O armour determines how many hits your health can take before your warframe dies (different frames have different armour)

O the health of the warframe will also affect how many hits it can take before dying  (choose a warframe with good amount of health and armour to get the best deal)

O while in the air use melee slam attacks, to choose where to land 

player using melee slam attack to choose where to land:

O after using a melee slam attack, (use roll to cancel the slam attack animation)

O melee slam attacking then rolling can also be used while hip firing

player hip firing their weapon, they then use melee slam attack then roll dodge to reset their warframe's action, to do other things:

O while in the air use melee slam attack to quickly descend (during when the slam attack animation is playing, use roll dodge to cancel it) - this tech is slightly different as you are using roll dodge during the slam attack animation not after

player using melee slam attack to descend from air quickly (while the slam attack animation is playing,they use roll dodge to cancel it:


O there is a slam attack and a heavy slam attack (heavy slam attack can only be used when a melee weapon is drawn / equipped)

O heavy slam attacks deal  more damage and have a wider range  than a slam attack

O while in the air if you use a heavy attack it will turn into a heavy slam attack (you do not need look with the cross hair reticle to the ground)

O heavy slam attack and slam attack 5x in a row by repeatedly jumping and pressing melee (heavy slam attack is much easier to execute)

O heavy melee slam attacks / melee slam attacks when they hit an opponent, it will cause the knock down status effect (the opponent will be trying to get back up) - this gives you more chances to deal additional damage (use a shot gun to finish them in 1 hit)


player using heavy slam attack (leaves an energy crack on the floor) and slam attack:


O after using slam attack , use slide attack to continue attacking 

O the wiki to heavy slam attack and slam attack https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee#Slam_Attack

O some weapon melee attacks can be used to travel (they are faster than a bullet jump or roll dodge )

( example the melee weapon tipedo with its conclave stance equipped by holding block and moving forward while pressing melee,then rolling ) - players can use it to travel

player using melee attack to travel (during when the melee animation is playing, the player interrupts it with a roll dodge) allowing them to travel far: 


O when using a gun, use aim glide, then hold slide  to quickly level change (equip the conclave mod ''air thrusters'' to increase slide while in the air)

O when using a melee weapon, use aim glide (block), then hold slide to quickly close the distance then follow up with a slide attack

( when you hold slide also hold block as this will stop you from taking lot of damage )

O melee slide attacks 5x in a row, ( tap slide and weapon melee attack at the same time, repeatedly) (slide attacks are stronger than normal melee attacks)

(can defeat you in 1 hit)

O when using slide attack with claws, fist, sparring weapons they will cause knock down status effect

O slide attacks have more range as you are moving and attacking at the same time (the horizontal attack motion allows you to damage multiple opponents)

player using melee slide attack consecutively:

O while in the air some weapons allow slide attacks 5x in a row or more (if their weapon attack speed is high enough) 

O when slide attacking in the air, you can roll (use this for travelling and to reach different zones)

player using slide attack in the air then rolling to travel:


example:  Nami skyla prime / Tipedo / Ankyros (these weapon's can slide attack 5x in a row or more while in the air use this to travel) 

Warframe Weapon Encyclopedia - Nami Skyla Prime (2023) - YouTube Tipedo mp3 mp4 flv webm m4a hd video indirAnkyros - Warframe Guide - IGN

(also equip the conclave mod ''martial fury'' to boost a melee weapon's attack speed)

How Do I Figure Out My Weapon Damage? : r/Warframe(melee weapon attack speed)


O melee weapons can do head shots (however this will not deal more damage) only gun/bow type weapons can do head shots in order to deal more damage)

player using melee weapon hammer: this weapon's attacks and stance use motions that reach the head 

O when using any melee weapon stance in the conclave (use roll dodge to interrupt its combo sequence this will stop you from getting animation locked)

player using melee weapon stance combo, they then use roll dodge to cancel the animation lock:


O instead of sprinting use forward bullet jump, its faster and you can hip fire your weapon

O when using forward bullet jump ( tap slide and melee attack to do a slide attack, this allows you to use melee quickly)

player using forward bullet jump:

O  weapons like talons ( if they hit an opponent, it will cause knockdown this is because of the unique passive effect the weapon comes with)

talon's weapon specifications: unique passive effect knockdown

Warframe Talons Riven Build - Sticky Bombs

O weapons like acra plasmor (if they inflict the radiation status effect, during team death match,it will turn on friendly fire, allowing that player to shoot down their own team mates and their own team mates will appear as an opponent not ally in their screen)

arca plasmor weapon specifications: deals radiation type damage  

Warframe Arca Plasmor - Status Build


O weapons like rakta dagger have a passive effect that allows them to remain undetected on the conclave map (player wont appear as a red dot)

not even ivara's passive effect works on this weapon

rakta dagger weapon specifications: passive effect remain undetected on a map (dagger must be drawn to use the effect) 

Rakta Dark Dagger Build - Warframe Blog


O weapon like zakti fires pellets like a grenade launcher these can summon area of effect gas clouds that have the status effect gas damage. ( this gas damage will deal damage over time, even if the player who shot this dies during gameplay) - use this weapon if you are using a controller / if your aim is not precise

zakti weapon specifications: deals gas type damage

Zakti is the first weapon with innate Gas damage : r/Warframe

O weapons like ignis spray flames, the spray will deal heat damage which is effective against armour (health), the ignis is a closed ranged weapon and the player must keep the flames on their opponent for it to be effective. (use warframes with high mobility that can quickly come closer to an opponent)

ignis weapon specifications: deals heat type damage - use this if you are using a controller / your aim is not precise

Warframe: Ignis Wraith Revisited after the rework 2018 - Update 22.13.3+

O weapons like zar cause explosions this is because of the blast type damage that it come with, the blast damage is a great way to deal damage to multiple players at the same time as it has a wide area of effect

Zarr weapon specifications: deals blast type damage - use this if your using a controller / if your aim is not precise

Warframe Zarr 3D Model By Elisha Smith (@emsmith2), 47% OFF

O weapons like simulor drop energy orbs onto the ground that deal magnetic damage type, this is highly effective against opponent's shields and stop a target's shield regeneration

Simulor weapon specifications:deals magnetic damage type -use this if your using a controller / if your aim is not precise

Steam Community :: Guide :: Synoid Simulor (Rythim Man's Guide)

All damage types that are found in warframe (click the time stamps of the damage type you want to learn about)



O melee heavy attacks deal the most damage  but their wind up is slow (frame rate)

O melee heavy attacks can be used while sliding

O the best weapon for heavy attacks is the rapier it has the fastest (wind up) melee heavy attacks.

(rapier heavy attack has the most range as the warframe will leap forward when using it, while other weapons heavy attacks are very static and stationary)

O if you intend to use another weapon's heavy attack use furax wraith / fragor prime as they start with 2x combo multiplier (increasing your heavy attack damage) 

O when using heavy attacks with a weapon that is static and stationary, 1. use forward bullet jump 2. use heavy attack (this manuvre will give you more range to get closer)

player using rapier heavy attack:

O if you want to travel fast to the end of a map (bullet jump to sky, double jump, hold aim glide) you will gain lot of forward momentum

Player using bullet jump, double jump, aim glide:


O How to do aim glide roll  ( during aim glide, hold aim glide, then roll in any direction (ideal is rolling left / right ) your warframe will roll in low gravity

O when bullet jumping to the sky or jumping use roll (dodge) to the left / right / back to change direction quickly (this is used to escape or pursue a fleeing opponent)

player bullet jumping to the sky then using roll (dodge) to move in the same direction:


O How to move while in ADS ( during Ads, hold ads, then slide in any direction (ideal is sliding back ) your warframe will stay in ads and allow you to move around

player in Ads, using slide to move around:

O after rolling you can jump / double jump or slide

O after sliding you can roll

O after rolling you can ads ( during the roll animation, hold ads, the warframe will instantly transition into ads at the end) - useful to use around corners

O after sliding you can ads ( during the slide animation, hold ads, the warframe will instantly transition into ads at the end) - useful to use when entering a door way or room

O how to do aim glide slide ( bullet jump into the sky, hold slide, then hold aim glide ) - aim glide slide is faster and travel distance is much farther 

player using aim glide and aim glide slide:


O during aim glide the cross hair reticle can be rotated 360@ degrees ( this allows the warframe to fire in all direction )

player using aim glide by turning cross hair reticle  behind their warframe, the warframe has turned around can fire behind them


O warframe's can keep wall climbing and hip fire their weapon to the right / left / back (this will allow you to avoid all melee attacks that is happening below you i.e melee slide attack frenzy) 

O when using wall climbing and hip fire ( keep pressing jump in the direction of the wall, keep hip firing ) 

additional advice when wall climbing ( You can at any time use melee slam attack or use forward bullet jump then melee slam attack ) - to quickly level change from high to low scenarios.

player is continuously wall climbing and hip firing their weapon to the left: currently with the parkour update, warframes do wall hops (this tech is still possible) 


O how to make sprinting easier

in the settings turn off ''hold to sprint'' this will allow you to tap sprint once and the warframe will sprint continously

Warframe Rush - Warframe Items - Overframe     (warframe sprinting)


for controller players:
look - aim - aim scoped sensitivity should between these ranges 20 - 15 - 12 - 8 - 6 

example make hip fire look a lower number 5  while aim ads a high number 8 

( if your hip fire look is too low i.e 5, you will have trouble battling warframes with mobility that are 0.9 and higher )

important: playing with a controller use ads for precision (to guranteed to hit your opponent)  and hip fire for random shots (not guaranteed to hit your opponent)

If you are unable to find the best settings: set your controller to these settings and see if you play better 

O Look sensitivity 10/12  Aim sensitivity 13/15  Aim sensitivity scoped 13/15  (these numbers are good enough with most frame's mobility)

O Look sensitivity 36 Aim sensitivity 43 Aim sensitivity scoped 50 (these numbers are for players that have fast human reflexes and thumbstick control)

Follow these controller sensitivity settings (as your able to land shots keep increasing your sensitivity)

Look sensitivity 22 Aim sensitivity 21 Aim sensitivity scoped 21 field of view 55 hud scale 84 (level 1)

O Look sensitivity 26 Aim sensitivity 28 Aim sensitivity scoped 28 field of view 55 hud scale 84 (level 2)

O Look sensitivity 29 Aim sensitivity 32 Aim sensitivity scoped 32 field of view 55 hud scale 84 (level 3)

O Look sensitivity 35 Aim sensitivity 35 Aim sensitivity scoped 35 field of view 55 hudscale 84 (level 4)

(if you decide to use field of view 52, use R3 to move around the camera to quickly see your surroundings and use roll dodge backwards to create distance)

Controller Maximum threshold  and Controller Axial Deadzone:

O using steam input, to automatically calibrate your controller thumbsticks should be sufficient

O however if players choose to use the calibration from warframe controller settings they will need to disable steam input first and turn off steam support for all controllers then set their deadzone,threshold,axial deadzone.

example of steam input for controllers (turn all these off)

I've never really understood what the enable steam input options do. Can  someone please explain them to me? Do I always need to keep it on? What  does it do? When should

if you are unable to find the best settings: set your controller to these settings and see if you player better

O Left stick dead zone 20  Left stick axial deadzone 10 left stick maximum input threshold  95 

O right stick dead zone 20 right stick axial deadzone 10  right stick maximum input threshold 95 

O trigger press threshold 15  trigger release threshold 27 

PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.11 - Page 3 - PC Update Notes - Warframe  Forums


Controller button changes ( to change controller button inputs, you will have to turn off steam input)

O for controller change L1 to the jump button ( this will allow you to jump (parkour) and fire your weapon like mouse and keyboard players)

O change L2 button to the slide and crouch button

O change R1 button to the fire button

O change R2 button to the aim / aim glide button

O change the D pad to all your ability buttons A  B C D  ( these button input changes are based on preference, choose inputs you are comfortable with)

O change the square button to the melee attack button

O change the circle button to the reload / context action button


biologia roccia mento warframe ps4 gamepad sbavatura flessibile Quanto sopra


Here are list of DPI and In Game settings used by some players: 

Dpi 3200 Look 8 Aim 8 Scope 8 field of view 73 Hud scale 100 

Dpi 2200 Look 8 Aim 10 Scope 10 field of view 50 Hud scale 100

Dpi 1600 Look 8 Aim 10 Scope 10 field of view 55 Hud scale 100 (The cross hair reticle is faster but the closer zoom given by lower fov works)

Dpi 1600 Look 4 Aim 4 Scope 5 field of view 73 Hud Scale 100 (use this if you want to react to everything quickly, requires steady wrist control)

DPI 1600 Look 0 Aim 0 Scope 1 field of view 78

DPI 900 Look 1 Aim 2 Scope 5

DPI 800 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1

DPI 750 Look 0 Aim 2 scoped 5   (i have found this is the best as its not too fast or too slow, able to shoot down most mobility types)

DPI 700 Look 1 Aim 4 scoped 5  field of view 90 Hud Scale 165 (use this if you feel 750 dpi is slightly too fast)

DPI 600 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1

DPI 530 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1

DPI 500 Look 1 Aim 2 scoped 3 ( field of view 75 )

DPI 400 Look 1 Aim 1 scoped 1 ( field of view 90 )

DPI 400 Look 0 Aim 0 scoped 0

DPI pointer:

start with a low DPI as you get used to it, increase the DPI to higher levels 

once the low dpi is very easy, increase the dpi and test yourself how well you can manage the dpi increase.

Mouse and Keyboard pointers:

O high sensitivity will use small wrist flicks and finger movements

O low sensitivity will use wide flicks and swipes, may even require to move your arm 


Best gaming mouse for conclave choose a mouse with many buttons: O logi tech G502 HERO O razer basilisk v2

Logitech G502 HERO vs Razer Basilisk V2 - Which Mouse Is Better?



what button inputs should be assigned to the mouse: the button input listed below should be assigned as they require instant access

O how to fire weapon O how to ads / aim glide O how to slide / crouch  O how to reload weapon O how to swap weapon O how to roll (dodge) 

O how to do melee attack O how to switch a weapon's firing modes

( These gaming mouse have been chosen based on utility over connection or performance (while they do have great performance as well) as they have 11 buttons you can assign, allowing for quick access to different controls and in the conclave fast access and quick reaction are key)


Field of view decreasing, it makes the camera closer to your warframe / increasing it, makes the camera more far away from your warframe:

( hip fire is more affected by this than ads ) 

how to use this feature in the conclave:

O in the settings make the field of view 90 while the hud scale 180 (this keeps the camera far but makes the cross hair reticle bigger) - this should be used if you want to focus on  spatial awareness of your surroundings

O in the settings make the field of view 75 while the hud scale 150 (this keeps the camera close but makes the cross hair reticle smaller) - this should be used if you want to focus on aiming and precision and to see everything up close

in the settings player changing their field of view from low to high making the camera zoom from being closer to being far:


what do i mean by parkour and hip fire ( parkour refers to any movement i.e jumping, hip fire refers to firing a weapon without ads )

O example while running back, keep jumping, and  hip fire your weapon

O example while running forward keep jumping and hip fire your weapon 

O while standing still, keep jumping and hip fire your weapon

O while running to the left, keep jumping, and hip fire your weapon

O while running to the right, keep jumping, and hip fire your weapon

( these scenarios are excellent ways to make it difficult for your opponent to get a good aim on you as you are constantly level changing

from low to high and high to low.

Add in sliding:

O when your jumping and hip firing, sliding allows you to change direction quickly (see the conclave mod ''gun glide'' that boosts wep stats during slide)

During Sliding, Press Jump:
O this will make you jump towards the opponent and continue hip firing your weapon this will reset your warframe's parkour so you can use slide a 2nd time (rinse and repeat the following jump and hipfire - use slide - while sliding - press jump - use slide)

player constantly jumping / bullet jumping and sliding (parkouring) then hip firing their weapon:

O when you are parkouring and hip firing your weapon, as you are approaching any opponent at close range use melee slide attack to deal fast damage

player parkouring and hip firing their weapon as they approach their opponent they use melee slide attack:



Melee Block advantage and disadvantages: sniper vs Bow / Cross Bow (projectile) 

O when wielding any melee weapons, hold ads to block 
O when using melee block all snipers will be made ineffective as they wont be able to damage you (head shot or body shot)

O however arrows from bows / cross bows /  any projectile type attack can still damage you (headshot or body shot) this is because of the punch through effect

see the conclave mod ''impenetrable offense'' which boost blocking and reduces damage taken by 30%

warframe in melee blocking animation:

Dev Workshop - Melee Rework Phase 2: TECHNIQUE - Developer Workshops -  Warframe Forums

                                             Buy Vectris Prime set Warframesniper    Best Sniper After Buff - Weapons - Warframe Forumsbow

Ballistica Rakta | Wiki Warframe Español | Fandomcrossbow


The video below demonstrates how to use a sniper in the conclave: for clarity purposes i will explain in words
 Spot opponent location manually by moving with your warframe ( do not use sniper ADS to spot opponent location as you are playing slow)

O use sniper scope circle -o- o as the guide to land your shots (do not use the small dot  . at the centre as this is harder to see)

important: the only time the small dot . at the centre should be used when sniping, is when the opponent is so far way that the sniper scope circles are not able to cover the radius of the opponent's body.

VECTIS VS VECTIS PRIME - General Discussion - Warframe Forums

O when sniping use opponent's name hud, (keep your ads scope under this to land head shots) 

Two Small Suggestions For Vulkar/snipers - Art, Animation, & UI - Warframe  Forums

O if an opponent is coming towards you, (ideally retreat backwards and reposition yourself, always maintaining a big distance) 

O sniper ads 4x scope should be used for close range battles like how hip fire is used with other weapons 

No scope option for sniper rifles and generally weapons that use scopes -  Weapons - Warframe Forums

O sniper ads 6x / 8x should be used for long range battles like how ads is used with other weapons

What are snipers good for? - Weapons - Warframe Forums

we can see under the sniper there is a shot combo hud: this means if the first shot landed successfully on the opponent, the 2nd shot will deal more damage. (this 2nd shot can be chosen on a different opponent. (shot combo cant be used in the conclave)

how to snipe in the conclave: demonstration video

If players do not want to use the scope the sniper comes with: in the settings they can turn off ''use sniper scope''

when a player uses ADS with any sniper it will now display a regular cross hair reticle:

Changes to HUD settings - Use Sniper Scopes - Art, Animation, & UI -  Warframe Forums

How to use a shotgun in the conclave: The most important aspect is the bullet spread (each bullet deals damage) as a result to deal maximum damage all the bullet pellets must connect on the opponent: this is achieved by your distance from your opponent. And the stat called damage fall off (range) how far a shotgun can fire and deal damage until it deals low damage or no damage at all.

see shotgun bullet spread image:  the closer the player the less bullet spread / the farther the player the more bullet spread

example of damage output: 2.5 feet (distance) would deal 100% damage

10 feet (distance) would deal 60% damage (as some of the bullet will miss) because of bullet spread

O use a warframe with high mobility to get most effective use for shotguns (high mobility warframes are faster at coming closer to an opponent)

O use a warframe with invisibility to move undetected on the map and away from an opponent's line of vision (as invisibility wears when a weapon is fired, an ideal weapon to use would be a shotgun as it deals huge damage from 1 shot unlike an assault rifle that requires multiple shots) 

Shotgun Damage Falloff - Weapons - Warframe Forums


Some shotgun's spread isn't as Random as I thought they were.(how bullet spread looks in game)

(the closer the player is to the wall the less bullet spread and this ensures every bullet pellet hits the opponent dealing 100% damage)

(also the shotgun weapon stat ''damage fall off'' range (will determine how far a shotgun is able to deal damage or deal low or  no damage)

video below demonstrates how close you want to be to an opponent to reduce bullet spread: when using any shotgun

The best beginner friendly shotgun is the boar / boar prime/sobek:


cratera Concorrentes fora boar prime Joint Luz suéterBoar Prime Set - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe MarketSobek - Warframe SuckGame - YouTube

O with its high accuracy it makes sure the bullet pellets travel to their intended target without deviating (see pvp stats in conclave arsenal)

(if you use the weapon skin zobov shotgun skin, it will change boar's accuracy stat from low to high)

( the sobek starts with medium accuracy and the zobov shotgun skin affects this too) 

O accuracy in warframe also means the longer a weapon is fired the less accurate it becomes (but weapons with high accuracy can fire for longer and stay accurate)

(equip conclave mods that boost accuracy and reduce recoil, to make your shotgun pin point accurate) ''double barrel drift'' and ''soft hands''

boar vs sobek:

(the sobek has a much higher damage fall off allowing it to reach longer ranges than boar but the boar has a higher fire rate allowing it to deal damage at a faster paste)

(the sobek has more magazine making it more forgiving if a player misses shots, equip conclave mods for more magazine) ''loaded capacity''

O the boar / boar prime/ sobek fire in full auto like an assault rifle allowing players to use this weapon and pursue a fleeing opponent and aim track with ease

O this is the wiki to all shotguns (select conclave to see pvp stats) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Shotgun

O this is the wiki to accuracy https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Accuracy

O this is the wiki to damage fall off (range) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Falloff

in warframe if you do not understand a weapon stat: by moving your mouse pointer to a stat a detailed explanation will be given

New Basmu stats (i.e. pls undo Phage/Phantasma nerf) - Weapons - Warframe  Forums(example of stats being displayed,move cursor to any)


if you are starting out in the conclave and your movement is not fast or complex i.e predictable: (use Frost and have fast, accurate excellent aim)

O recommendation would be to use a tanky warframe with high armour (this stat can be viewed in the conclave arsenal) ideally Frost

(unlike like other frames, frost armour makes him take more shots to be defeated)

O there's an alternative playstyle in the conclave, where you can move slow provided your aim and accuracy are excellent, this is because while you are easy to hit, your aim is so good that the opponent will be taken out instantly before they have a chance to inflict any major damage to you and using a frame with high armour makes the opponent work more harder to damage you.

O when using a high armour warframe like frost / atlas /chroma / nidus equip conclave mods, that boost defence at the process of - mobility 

conclave mods such as (anti flak plating,armoured evade. armoured recovery,armoured acrobatics)

O also equip conclave mods that boost your warframe's health and shield

conclave mods such as (calculated spring,overcharged,tempered bound)

1 loadout slot upon mastery, what does it do? - Players helping Players -  Warframe Forums

(snow globe,use this ability to negate all gun fire from the outside, but you can fire your weapon from the inside and any opponent inside will have their melee slowed, the weakness of this ability, is opponent's can enter it) 

QoL Suggestion] Frost's snow globe with a visible health number. :  r/Warframe

(unique passive ability of frost, is if any opponent strikes him with melee attacks, they will be inflicted with the cold status effect which will slow down their movement and melee attack speed by 50%)

Warframe | Frost in 1 minute - YouTube


O see frost's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Frost/Abilities

Here are  warframes that are great starter warframes in the conclave:

O Volt  (use volt's shield to negate all gun fire and any opponent that makes contact it will cause knock down this abilitiy's weakness is melee attacks.

how to use this on a conclave map, go by a wall or a corner then use the shield this will cover all your vulnerable spots (i.e your back) - best camping tech

also use this while wall latching. - best defence

Steam Community :: Guide :: How to Volt (outdated)

pick up the shield as an portable armour (if you point the cross hair reticle to the sky, the shield will protect volt from all attacks from the sky)

how to counter volt shield- using weapons with damage types that have area of effect explosions i.e blast damage example: fire corinth's air blast to the sides of volt's shield 

I don't recall Volt's shield doing this before.


( speed use this ability to boost your movement speed and parkour and melee weapon attack speed, weapon reload speed)

Warframe: Volt (speed)


Warframe: Volt(shock this ability has infinite range, while its weak it can damage another player at the end of the map and damage a player using melee block as its a status effect attack, this attack can also damage another player that is using volt shield)



(unique passive ability of volt, is while he is travelling on the ground he will gain additional 10 damage, this will be released from the next shotgun pellet he uses or when hitting with any melee weapons)

Volt Proto is alright : r/Warframe(volt with a shotgun)

O see volt's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Volt/Abilities


O Rhino ( use rhino's iron skin it will absorb all damage and then cause a self buff which is an over shield the weakness of this ability is no energy orbs can be picked up while this is active )
how to counter iron skin, wait for an opponent to cast it (as during the start up of the cast rhino is invincible), then shoot rhino at the head as  this will reduce their over shield quickly

Rhino Iron Skin not appearing visually in some situations - Art & Animation  - Warframe Forums

(Rhino roar use this ability to boost all attack damage from weapons and abilities)

Warframe: Rhino(rhino roar)

(Rhino charge use this ability to deal huge melee damage)

Warframe: Rhino (rhino charge)


(unique passive ability of rhino is if he falls from great height or bullet jumps to the sky then makes contact with the ground it will send out a shock wave of energy from his feet which will deal impact damage in a 6 meter radius)

O see rhino's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Rhino/Abilities


O Lowkey (use lowkey's decoy ability to gain another ally in battle that damages any opponent in range)

Warframe Loki Build 2024 Guide [6 Effective Builds] - YetGamer

(invisibility use this to conceal your presence on the map lowkey (wont appear as a dot on the conclave map) and  use it to escape, the weakness of this ability is if any attack is used it will were off and energy orbs cannot be picked up while this ability is active)

(the warframe with the best invisibility is ash (very hard to spot) then lowkey the worst is ivara (very easy to spot)

important: do not equip feet ephemera on your warframe, during movement they leave behind an energy trail (thus exposing your location during invisibility)

Loki Invisibility Filter Problems - Art & Animation - Warframe Forums

(radial disarm use this to force all opponent's to use melee weapons and stop them from using gun weapons for 1-2 seconds, this ability deals damage but its low)

Irradiating Disarm (アビリティ増強MOD) | WARFRAME(PS4)備忘録

( switch teleport  use this ability to switch places with an opponent and cause confusion )

Loki | Warframe Wiki | Fandom(switch teleport)

tips on how to use this ability in the conclave:

O in the conclave use switch teleport to change places with another player, to get them killed while you escape

O in the conclave if a player is coming towards you use switch teleport to switch places and inflict them with confusion, then take them out

O in the conclave fall off a ledge where below is certain death and use switch teleport to change places with another player that is in a safe area, (ideally a player that is chasing you from behind) they will fall to their death while your safe. maps like outpost are best to use for this ability as this map is full of areas that players can fall to their death

The Glast Gambit – Orokin Archives(conclave map outpost)


( unique passive ability of loki is his wall latch it's the longest out of all other warframes around 10x longer (60 seconds wall latch duration), during wall latch using ads and scope sway will be reduced allowing for greater stability and precision )

O see loki's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Loki/Abilities


O zephyr (use zephyr to stay in the air longer and gain longer duration when using aim glide)

Warframe's Zephyr Gets A Big Upgrade In Next Update - GameSpot

( zephyr's tornado, summons tornadoes on the map that have area effect damage as they move around on their own, these tornadoes stay on the map for a few seconds damaging all players that make contact) - stay close to your tornadoes and use this as a defense tech to stop all players from using melee on you

Warframe: Zephyr(tornado)


O see zephyr's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Zephyr/Abilities


O excalibur (use excalibur's ability radial blind to blind all other player's screen for 1 second like a flash bang grenade)

Warframe Excalibur radial blind by dlcawakened on DeviantArt

(slash dash for fast melee that inflicts the ''impair'' status effect on the opponent for 2 seconds that stops them from jumping,bullet jumping and sprinting)

6 Forma Excalibur Build by ninjase - The Hidden Blade | Slash Dash Excalibur  - Overframe (slash dash)  


( exalted blade use this ability to send out multiple energy projectiles, great at close and mid ranges ) - exaclibur's passive effect works on this ability as its a sword - according to players

Steam Workshop::Excalibur Warframe Exalted Blade Slow (exalted blade)

(unique passive ability of excalibur is he gains 5% weapon attack speed and damage increase when wielding the following weapons skana,dragon nikna, destreza)

Skana | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom (excalibur with skana)


O see excalibur's conclave wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Excalibur/Abilities 


Other warframes conclave wiki: read each warframe's passive and 4 main abilities choose the one that is best for you

           4 abilities: (effects that use energy)                                     Passives: (are effects that require no energy to use)

ash https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Ash/Abilities   (when equipped with any nikina, will put slash status effect on any opponent)

atlas https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Atlas/Abilities (gains more armour called rubble and immune to knockdown effects)

chroma https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Chroma/Abilities  (has extra parkour mid air jump and bullet jump)

nidus https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Nidus/Abilities  (uses mutation stacks and can recover health)

gaara https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Gara/Abilities  (able to create a radial blind for 10 seconds when exposed to bright areas)

vauban https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Vauban/Abilities  (all deployable gadgets are bigger than their pve counterparts)

oberon https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Oberon/Abilities (immune to impair status effect)

neckros https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Nekros/Abilities (can health regen for 6 seconds after killing an opponent)

mirage https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Mirage/Abilities (faster roll dodge by 25% )

khora https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Khora/Abilities (has a kavat companion that fights with her)

hydroid https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Hydroid/Abilities (melee slam attacks summon a giant tentacle for 5 seconds)

inaros https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Inaros/Abilities (can regen 3 health by per second)

ivara https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Ivara#Abilities (can see all players on the mini map as red dots 50 meters range)

the complete list to all usable warframes in the conclave and their passives: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Passives/Conclave

to see a warframe's ability and passive link them in game message tabs like this: [excalibur]

Riven Trading Tab! - General - Warframe Forums by putting a warframes name in [  ]  brackets it creates a link that can be clicked


The warframe passive effects listed on this guide is from the warframe wiki, however if you want to see the most updated passive effects of a warframe head to the conclave aresenal then click on the warframe passive ability (as some passive have been changed slightly from the wiki):

example: according to the warframe wiki excalibur would get 5% melee attack boost and 5% melee attack speed boost when using skana,destreza,dragon nikini  now in game the passive effect says he gets 5% melee attack damage and melee attack speed boost for all swords.

O a warframe has passive effect for pve and pvp, there is a slight difference between them

passive effect shown in game next to the warframe's 4 abilities:

How To Craft And Play Excalibur – Warframe

in warframe there are 4 dots under the cross hair reticle (these represent your warframe's 4 abilities): dot 1 dot 2 dot 3 dot 4 (1st 2nd 3rd 4th ability)

O for each coloured dot means you have enough energy to use that ability

O for each un coloured (grey) dot means you do not have enough energy to use that ability  

O blue coloured dot means the ability that is set to fast cast by double tapping the input

( in the interface settings 4 dot feature can be turned off / on go to ''show ability dots on reticle'' )

see the 4 dots under the cross hair reticle coloured and not coloured (grey):

Question from new player: what do the dots below the reticle mean? : r/ Warframe


if a warframe ability keeps defeating you in 1 hit or dealing huge damage:

O switch to melee weapon and equip the conclave mod ''stand ground''  this conclave mod will reduce damage from warframe abilities by 60%

when blocking with a melee weapon.

O blocking will work where you are looking (where your cross hair reticle is) not where your warframe is facing


if you want to block place the cross hair reticle in the direction of where your opponent is:


if the opponent is in front of you use melee block

if the opponent is above your warframe;s head point the cross hair reticle to the air

if the opponent is below your warframe's feet point the cross hair reticle to the ground


player using a warframe ability that can defeat you in 1 hit: frost's avalanche 


(auto blocking does not work in the conclave) - where your warframe will automatically block all gun/melee without you pressing anything)

manual blocking (is when the warframe will only block when you hold ads / aim glide):

O to use manual block (weapon switch to a melee weapon) now to use block you will have to hold ads

O manual block works while you are on the ground or when jumping

(when using melee block you can move backwards by pressing slide) - this works with automatic and manual blocking but automatic is easier to use it with)

if you want to travel on ground and air as a invincible fortress move while blocking with melee

what does blocking do:

O blocking negates all damage from the front (only status effects can damage you) toxin and slash are highly effective

O blocking can negate melee attacks and gunfire but it cannot negate arrows from bows /  cross bows (ballistica)

O different weapons have different blocking angles example: dual swords blocking angles is 60 degrees while a dagger is 45 degrees

(however in the conclave all melee weapons have the same blocking angle) - acccording to players

see the diagram of what is blocking angle: green is safe red is danger (as the weapon won't be able to block from that angle)

Dev Workshop - Melee Rework Phase 2: TECHNIQUE - Developer Workshops -  Warframe Forums



How to counter a player that is using melee block:

O the main weakness are bows especially the bow daikyu, it can still damage and defeat a player in 1 hit this is because of the punch through effect

O another weapon is cross bows like the ballistica, it can still damage and k.o in 1 hit

O another way is to shoot the player that is melee blocking, from the sides or back (their blind spots) where their weapon's blocking angle does not cover

O use weapons that cause a denotation/explosion (area of effect) and fire these to the sides of the player that is blocking example weapon like: zakti, corinth air burst, penta - as they cause a area of effect (you do not need hit the player directly,but shooting them next to the opponent it will work) the status effect will damage them

O use your own melee attacks (use slide attack 5x in a row, its fast and you can move around this will allow you to get behind your opponent and their block to their back where you can deal damage)

O use heavy slam attack's this will cause the opponent to be knocked down, while they are still in blocking animation (while they try to get back up) use a shotgun on them and defeat them in 1 hit

What if gun fire is coming from the air (above your warframe's head):

O when melee blocking, point your cross hair to the air (in the direction of your opponent's gun fire) 

O if you do not the melee block will fail and you will take damage 

opponent is above the warframe's head: the player must point their cross hair reticle to the air (point it to the location of the opponent) to use melee block successfully

How to beat Vay Hek in Warframe


player using melee block: manual block vs auto block and blocking angle (the degrees the weapon is able to block)


O the blocking wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee#Blocking


warframe conclave the best melee build: (best because it procs slash debuff on the opponent when he hits with any katana) - ash passive effect

O the slash status effect makes it so that when ash hits an opponent with a nikini weapon, it will ignore their shields and damage their health defeating them fast

O the slash debuff will deal damage overtime meaning that the player only needs to hit them once to start dealing damage

Ash Prime - Warframe drops Ash + Nikini   Nikana Prime | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom+ conclave stance  Fateful Truth


O use ash prime O equip a nikini (katana) weapon O equip the conclave stance mod ''fateful truths'' (this build wont use any guns only melee weapon)

O volt can also be used for this (as volt passive effect will boost melee damage by 10 and his volt shield will negate all gunfire allowing you to melee freely and his volt speed will boost weapon attack speed and warframe parkour)


follow and repeat this attack sequences:  each attack sequence used is for different effects

hold melee block - use keen cut ( use 1st strike only) - hold melee block - use keen cut (this tech allows you to move around fast and attack and block)


hold melee block - use sudden strike (use 1st strike only) - use keen cut (use 1st strike only)   (this tech is to deal high damage in a short amount of time) 


hold melee block - use sudden strike (use 1st strike only) - sudden strike (use 1st strike only) (this tech will stop any player using slide attack 5x in a row)

(as it will cause the ''knock down'' effect) (this also can defeat any player with 2 hits)


How to move with this build:

O do not use forward bullet jump instead sprint while always holding melee block

How to evade with this build:

O while holding melee block ,use roll dodge 

How to approach an opponent shooting at you with this build:

O while holding melee block (use this to get closer), use slide attack 1x, hold melee block (this tech will neutralise a player's gunplay)

conclave mods that can be equipped on ash: these are primarly focus on making the melee build faster and deal more damage and increasing defence:

O sword alone O sharpened blade O martial fury O impenetrable  offense (this will reduce your attack power by 10% but the slash debuff wont be affected)

O anticipation (as defense in case an opponent uses knock down on you) O armoured evade

O armoured recovery (decreases your slide but boost defence, as this build wont be making use of sliding)

overcharged gives you overshield (more shield) after dying O relentless assault  

O no current leap (increases mobility allowing for faster parkour and increased travel distance) O stand ground 

O if you want to do faster parkour (equip +mobility mods) -this will increase the speed of your rolling and roll travel distance


player using nikini with the conclave stance mod equipped video 0.50 (uses  sudden strike) video 1.47 (uses keen cut) 


O see conclave mod nikini weapons https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Fateful_Truth (scroll down to bottom to see visual demo of stance combos)

O see the slash status effect https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage/Slash_Damage (this status effect does damage over time)


Other melee builds used in the conclave: limbo / chroma equipped with the hammer weapon fragor

O use limbo any abilities that allow you to send other player's to the void (when a player is in the void they will lose all their shields) leaving only their Health (can be defeated faster)

O use chroma's vex armour to strengthen your own armour and increase the damage output of any weapon (allows you to 1 hit opponent's with a melee weapon)

O equip the melee weapon hammer ''fragor'' use its heavy slam attack (this damage output is very high) with limbo / chroma abilities it can 1 hit any opponent

Pin on Warframe       limbo                      or                           chroma Chroma/Prime | WARFRAME Wiki PT-BR | Fandom                                  + fragor  Warframe Fragor - Warframe Fragor Builds - Overframe

(use limbo's ability that sends to the void)       (use chroma's vex armour to strengthen your defence ''armour'' and damage output of weapons)     (use heavy slam attacks)


The minimap in the conclave will display a red a dot (this means a player's location has been exposed) and all players can see them:

O if a player fires their gun  they will appear on the mini map as a red dot 

O if a player shoots at an opponent while equipped with a conclave mod like ''night stalker'' this will reveal that opponent on the mini map as a red dot

mini map displaying red dots: ( these are all the players who's location have been exposed )  

The new Battery icon is slowly making excavation a chaos on the minimap,  new icons shoud be half of the size they are and there are different colors  than yellow you know. :

O use weapons that have noise ''silent'' status to remain undetected on the map (the weapon stats can be viewed in the conclave arsenal)

O use melee weapons to remain undected on the map

Warframe Paris Prime Critical Riven Build

O the wiki to silent weapons https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Silent


The status effect hud can be seen by the warframe's health and shield hud (when first inflicted it will display the name of the status effect)

O blue status effects are positive O red status effects are negative  

HILFE, what do they mean?!? : r/Warframe


HILFE, What Do They Mean?!? R/Warframe, 43% OFF (blue postive = buff      /        red negative = debuff)


a conclave exclusive status effect ''impair'' this status effect can be used by some melee attacks / warframe abilities

O this status effect stops the opponent from jumping / bullet jump / and sprinting for 2 seconds

the player is in impair state: warframe covered in blue aura

As per request, the speedy boi's wallpaper : r/Warframe

O the wiki to the impair status effect https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Impair#Status_Effect


another conclave status effect ''knock down'' this status effect can be caused by melee attacks / some warframe abilities

O this status effect causes an opponent to proned to the ground making them vulnerable to ground finishers (can defeat in 1 hit)

O to use a ground finisher press the melee attack near a knocked down opponent

the player is in knocked down state: 

Knockdown From Enemies Can Cause You To Be Permanently Stuck On The Floor.  /unstuck Does Nothing At All. - General - Warframe Forums

O the wiki to the knockdown status effect  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Knockdown 

O the wiki to ground finisher https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Finisher#Ground_Finisher


Use a conclave map as your defense: many of the maps have stairs use this to crouch (for cover) peek over (stand up) fire your weapon

(this tech will only work if the stairs have high elevation)

O walk to the end and stop at the 4th  stair case (or any stair case that covers your warframe's whole body when crouching but allows you to stand  and fire your weapon without your shots from being blocked by the stair case)

player standing:

Can't walk through the Orokin Trim Rings, - Missions & Levels - Warframe  Forums

O when you are at the 4th stair case stop and crouch (use the stair case as your cover) then stand and fire your weapon 

(this tech is cover and peek over)

player crouching:

Can't walk through the Orokin Trim Rings, - Missions & Levels - Warframe  Forums


how to get conclave standings:
O complete daily challenges (daily challenges will appear on screen when you start a conclave match, daily challenges change each day) 
O play matches consecutively and get kills and pick up oro
O tenshi can reward you with 50,000 standing as you complete weekly challenges (daily challenges contribute to this, weekly challenges will reset each week) 

O there is discrepancy whether an affinity booster works in gaining more conclave standings

Ranking up to Mistral in Conclave - Warframe

See icon left daily challenges right icon weekly challenges:

How to check Conclave mission progress

player receiving conclave items from teshin by message:

BUG] Last time i checked, teshin is not ordis : r/Warframe


conclave loadouts:

O players will be given a few conclave loadouts from the start (1 at the start)

O players will unlock more conclave load outs as they rank up with teshin 

O players can use their conclave standings to purchase more conclave slots from teshin

O each conclave load outs can have a primary, secondary, melee weapon assigned

O during a match when a player is respawning in after dying, they will be given the option to change their conclave load outs

conclave load outs located at the bottom of the screen:

Steam Community :: Guide :: So You Wanna PvP: A Recruit's Guide to Conclave

conclave loadout slot: given as an item by teshin see silver icon

You can buy warframes(only excal , mag and volt ) from conclave : r/Warframe

important: after purchasing a new conclave loadout / unlocking a new conclave loadout, you have to head to the main conclave arsenal in your oribitor

then give a name to each of your conclave loadouts to activate them. When they are activated they can be used. 

if they are not activated they will not appear on the conclave menu for you to customize.

example: see where it says  load out slot (it means this load out has not been activated) to activate you must click on it and rename it

Why only 20 load out slots? - General Discussion - Warframe Forums

when starting new in the conclave

When you are at the conclave ranks of misterel and whirlwind you will have the option to turn on or off ''recruit conditioning'' by turning this on

this will make it so that you are matched up against inexperienced players.

(however this featue will be removed once you have ranked to tempest in the conclave and you cannot go back to it)

important: this feature is being exploited by some veteran players in the conclave to farm k/d they beat new and beginner players to forever have a perfect score

and stats, these veteran players never rank up to the rank of tempest as doing so will remove the recruitment feature.

see conclave menu bottom right recruit conditioning: can be turned on / off

Warframe - Conclave - Warframe Game Guide | gamepressure.com

see all the ranks in conclave (each time you rank up) more perks and features are unlocked:

Unable to rank up in Conclave, standing over max - General - Warframe Forums


Conclave arsenal: in this arsenal all weapon stats that are shown will display their pvp stats only (the weapon's pvp stats are different from its pve stats)

what weapon to pick non prime / prime:  non prime weapons have higher damage output than their prime versions (this can be viewed in the conclave arsenal) 

example Lex is more powerful than Lex prime in the conclave (but the lex prime has a higher fire rate)

Warframe Lex - Warframe Lex Builds - OverframeLex Prime Set - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe Market

example gorgon is more powerful than gorgon wraith in the conclave (this can be viewed in the conclave arsenal)

Gorgon | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomGorgon Wraith Set - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe Market

example dera is more powerful than dera vandal in the conclave (but the dera vandal has more magazine capacity)

Warframe Dera - Warframe Dera Builds - OverframeWarframe Dera Vandal - Warframe Dera Vandal Builds - Overframe

example opticor is more powerful than opticor vandal in the conclave

Warframe Opticor - Warframe Opticor Builds - OverframeWarframe Opticor Vandal - Warframe Opticor Vandal Builds - Overframe                           


Ackbar's Tenno Report: Review: Synapse (U31.7.1)



(The weapon stat comparison can be viewed in the conclave arsenal. you will need to have obtained both weapons)

O weapons with more magazine allow you to fire your weapon longer before having to reload  / switch

How to practice your aim by using enemies in warframe (flying enemies that move quickly and swiftly)

O keep a time limit of how fast you defeated all the spawned enemies

O keep improving your time 

O use your warframe's body to align your cross hair to your targets (instead of moving the cross hair manually)

O external software include using aim labs (aim labs is free and can be downloaded directly from steam / kovacs/ the finals shooting range 

Developers need to add warframe enemies into simularcum with different mobility (players can practice their aim shooting down fast moving parkouring enemies )

Different aiming methods on mouse and keyboard: and Aimlabs:

How to use aimlabs: after you finish a game in aim labs move onto the next game do not repeat the same game as you will not learn new scenarios that can occur during gameplay.


Aim Tracking:

O  is the ability to keep your cross hair reticle on target while the target is moving

O moving the cross hair reticle at consistent speed can it be moved slower / faster to match the target's movement speed

Hud size and Screen aspect ratio:

set your in game hud size  to something smaller and change the screen aspect ratio to something thinner this will allow you to see 

everything that is happening on screen quickly without needing to scan a larger wider screen.

Hud scale: try to reduce it or increase it (makes your cross hair reticle smaller or larger)

Adjust Hud margins: you can move hud closer or further away from your character

How To Adjust HUD Scale In Warframe

O in warframe you can decrease the Hud scale this will make your cross hair reticle smaller (this helps with focusing and aiming )

O In warframe you can increase the Hud scale this makes your cross hair reticle larger (this helps with character movement) - ideal if your aim isn't that precise / struggle to see small things

example of large cross hair reticle:

Valorant crosshair guide | Rock Paper Shotgun 


example of small cross hair reticle:Top 10 CSGO Best Crosshairs (Used By The Best Players In The World) |  GAMERS DECIDE


What Hud Scale should you start with:

Set the Hud scale in warframe settings to 250 (make the cross hair reticle big)

then as you become accustomed to it, reduce the hud scale settings to 210 (make the cross hair reticle slightly smaller)

(each time your able to aim and land your shots, keep decreasing the Hud Scale)


Screen aspect ratio (try to fit everything in)

Best Graphics Settings for Warframe - The Escapist

Customise hud colours: scroll down to  go to ''reticle'' 

Mission Interface – WARFRAME Support

the reticle tab will allow you to change the colour of the cross hair reticle (choose a colour you can see easily regardless of light/dark zones)

How to always red crit : r/Warframe

example: of different cross hair reticle colours (choose something highly saturated and bright)



Another cross hair reticle option for higher visibility: choosing legacy 


O In warframe your cross hair reticle will change colour from default to red this also applies in the conclave

default reticle colour: when not pointed at a enemy unit

A small guide for the new secret area in the Sanctum tileset. : r/Warframe

red cross hair reticle colour: when pointed at a enemy unit

What are these target things on the ground? : r/Warframe


How to make opponents in the conclave more visible and easier to spot: in the settings turn on 

O Enemy highlights O Enemy highlight colour choose a bright colour i.e red O Enemy highlight intensity to 100 (this will make the silhouette stronger)

now when you play conclave all hostile warframes (opponents) will be covered in a red silhouette and you will be able to spot them from meters away.

Warframe Abyss of Dagath update adds new accessibility features - Can I  Play That?

how enemy units with highlights will appear during gameplay: covered in a red silhouette 

Eximus Reborn: Dev Workshop R/Warframe, 51% OFF


conclave weapon damage types: impact / puncture / slash

O impact is effective against shields O puncture is effective against health O slash is neutral to shield and health 

when choosing your primary secondary melee weapons try to choose a combination of weapons that are good at each of the damage types 

example: this will allow you to first take out the opponent's shields, switch weapon, then take out the opponent's health.


How to acquire Conclave mods:

O can be purchased from teshin in the earth strata relay with conclave standings

Current mission says to track down Teshin. Well, I found him. (I know The  War Within mission means I actually have to go to the mission node, but  this is amusing to

O while some can be acquired by ranking up their conclave ranks and gaining them as offerings from teshin

Conclave Syndicate] Typhoon Rankup Reward, Working As Intended? (Image) -  General - Warframe Forums

O each conclave mod has a 2.48% chance to drop at the end of a conclave match  

Better Rewards From Conclave (Endo) - Conclave - Warframe Forums

O some conclave mods drop from pve enemies like the sentients in lua

Warframe killer: Shadow stalker — BHVR(sentient enemy in lua drop conclave mods)


conclave mods that are mentioned above: + is positive - is negative stat

Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomHolster | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomImpenetrable Offense

Gun Glide | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomMartial FuryStand GroundNight Stalker





but for recoil - is positive + is negative stat 

Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom

some weapons have mods exclusive to them

Category:PvP Mods | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave mods converted to PvE : r/WarframeCategory:PvP Mods | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom


these conclave mods allow you to change your weapon's damage type to a specific damage type of your choosing:

Conclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomConclave | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom


Zoom mods these conclave mods will increase (+ symbol) or decrease (- symbol) magnification of objects when the player uses ADS / Aim Glide: 

Zoom | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomZoom | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom 

( having too much + zoom will make it difficult to shoot opponents at mid and close range. if a player intends to use high amount of +zoom, then it would be advisable to battle opponents at long range )  

O Best weapons for +zoom would be semi automatic rifles (latron,grinlok) as these weapons deal lot of damage with a single bullet.

O the wiki to increasing or decreasing zoom https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zoom


Have multiple copies of the same conclave mod: rank each one up rank 0/1/2/3/4/5/ rank max (this will allow you to have different zoom levels)


Zoom | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom rank 0 -10% rank 1 -20% rank 2 -30% rank 3 -40% rank 4 -40% rank 5 -60% (each rank gives different - zoom levels)


Zoom | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandomrank 0 +20% rank 1 +40% rank 2 +60% rank 3 +80% (each rank gives different +zoom levels)


These conclave mods boost abilities of their respective warframe:

I really hope this Augment gets a rework too along with the new Decoy  Changes. Any attempt to use this afterwards will always kill Loki first and  that makes this useless. :Ice Wave Impedance - Buy and Sell orders | Warframe MarketTIL one of the most powerful augments in the game is still exclusive to  conclave : r/Warframe



These conclave mods boost defence: use these with a warframe that have high armour like frost / atlas / chroma / nidus

Damage Reduction | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomDamage Reduction | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomDamage Reduction | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomArmored Acrobatics | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom




These conclave mods boost health, shield and contribute to shield regen: use these with a warframe that have high armour like frost / atlas

/chroma / nidus

Tempered Bound | WARFRAME Wiki | FandomCalculated SpringOvercharged



O see all conclave mod and their effects here https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:PvP_Mods


Potential new effect for weapons in the conclave: knock back the enemy moa uses a attack with knock back effect, the player uses roll to negate its effect


current dilemma that is affecting the conclave negatively
O lack of transparency with conclave in this game mode, information or guide to help players understand it is non existent, no explanation is given (to how the conclave mods work or warframe stats affect their parkour and how weapons have pvp stats )

O in dedicated servers, some weapons in conclave are banned as there is a bug, where they are using PVE stats / PVE features not PVP
( this needs to be fixed )

O all weapons in the conclave need to have balance applied to them, so that they have positive and negative to their stats no weapon is too good that it outshines another weapon, while keeping each weapon unique i,e dont play the same

pvp gun weapon changes: how to weaken or strengthen a gun: by tweaking the following to make it balanced
O gun weps with  high fire rate should make a gun weaker while a gun with a low fire rate should make a gun stronger
O gun weps with low magazine capacity should have increased damage ( 20 magazine gun deal more damage than a 30 magazine gun)

its pellet spread O its recoil (how stable is it when fired)   
O its recoil pattern (when fired which direction does it recoil towards)  (horizontally or vertically or diagonally or both)
O its bullet drop (damage fall off) ( how far can it fire and deal damage until it deals no damage)
O  its range O its damage O its accuracy O its hip fire
O its reload speed O its rate of fire O its magazine capacity O its draw speed (how quickly it can be bought out)  
O its velocity (how fast do the bullets travel)
O its status effect % chance O its status effect duration

O in the conclave there is no skilled based match making as a result players with low K/D are being placed in matches with player with high K/D (players should be allocated matches based on their K/D with other players who are of similar K/D)

O the warframe's  movement mechanics (parkour) are too fast as a result it becomes very difficult to shoot down a moving warframe
there needs to be a limit to warframe mobility. i.e max mobility  of all warframes can be 0.6 (ideal 0.8)

(making 0.6 the max mobility in the conclave is the most ideal for balance, even with a controller, players can just about play without feeling their aim is too slow or not precise as compared to pc players)

O weapon's attack speed should determine a weapon's attack power (damage), meaning a high attack speed will make a weapon attack weaker while a low attack speed will make a weapon attack stronger

O Request to add in parrying feature to melee weapons (that's used in the duviri quest) melee weapons by using timing can parrying all other melee weapon attacks but not slam attacks.

O there needs be more diverse conclave mods that offer more defence  and function changes to weapons and warframes 

example a conclave mod that reduces effectiveness of an opponent's warframe ability i.e being hit with a warframe ability your warframe won't die  on the 1st hit, it will stay alive with 1 health, but if hit again it will die)   - defence conclave mod

example a conclave mod that allows semi automatic rifles to fire by holding the input instead of having to repeatedly tap the input (auto fire) - function change conclave mod   

High possibility that bots and cheaters are playing the conclave, the bots have aim that cannot mis and are always pin point accurate, they also ignore certain players and only focus on a selected player to battle (DE may need to put in systems to scan every player's data for abnormality)

O some veteran players are farming K/D by staying in the RC (recruitment condition), by manipulating the conclave system, they battle new and beginner players for K/D by not ranking up their conclave standings past 2, they can forever stay in the RC. This needs to be changed once a player has achieved certain amount of kills or K/D they should be moved to NON RC and they cannot go back to RC.

a players k/d can be viewed on their profile 

Improving new conclaver's experience - Conclave - Warframe Forums


O lack of anything new, the conclave needs new mods, warframes, weapons, rewards to keep it fresh.


O during conclave matches all players should have infinite ammo (this will alllow players to continuously battle without needing to search for ammo)

the developers can decide should all secondary weapons have infinite ammo only  or primary and secondary both

Steam Workshop::Infinite Pistol Ammo    example of infinite ammo: 20 / NA 








Additional Conclave support:

There are many warframe conclave discord you can join ( these discord everything related to warframe conclave activities )
O banned weapons that cant be used (as some weapons are bugged and using PVE stats not PVP)
O dedicated servers hosted by the owners of the discord, if you want to know if your in a dedicated server, a message will pop up in the squad tab

player using squad tab: a message in white color will appear at the top when you are in a dedicated server 

Players in the wrong squad chat channel - General - Warframe Forums


O https://discord.com/channels/315396989787439118/753636670040965150  discord name: goonclave (this has bot that interacts with player questions)

O https://discord.com/channels/144519729044783104/325229366600531970  discord name: conclave (this bot displays data from player questions)

(these discord servers have a highly informative conclave guide that answers all player question instantly)

O main info related to active conclave https://conclave.gg/  (shows active servers and banned weapons click red circle icon to see banned weapon list)

( if a banned weapon is used in a dedicated server, the player will be removed from the match, and will have to either have a 10 minute penalty before they can rejoin or rejoin instantly.

No Littering Flat Icon | FluentUI Emoji Flat Iconpack | Microsoft by clicking on the red circle icon it will display all banned weapons in a dedicated server


O when a player plays any conclave match in a dedicated server their battle data will be added to the conclave.gg website (this allows you to see what weapons dominate in the conclave) 

O  currently north america in the afternoon has the most players playing conclave

O you can  send invites to players you have previously played conclave with ( see invite tab)

Bug] Is this menu bug common? : r/Warframe


O you can also join conclave sessions of players that are in your friend/recent list (you dont need to wait around sending invites for other players to join)

by the username of each player, the activity they are in will appear, if you see conclave, select their name then  join their session

important: when you play conclave matches with any player always send them a friend request (as they are regular players in the conclave especially if you see them multiple times in the conclave) they will always be playing conclave therefore their conclave sessions will always be active.By adding them to your friend list you will be able to join their conclave matches by going to communication - friend tab - join session

Getting back to Warframe after a short break, and this is how my friend list  look like... : r/Warframe

O in the setting you can increase your match making ping limit to 350 / 400 / no limit

(this will expand your search when playing conclave however the higher the ping the more desync and lag there will be)   

Matchmaker ignoring Ping Limit? - Multiplayer - Warframe Forums

O conclave mods and be  bought / sold / traded with other players, this is the quick way to get conclave mods so you can customize your build and play style (conclave mods can also be used in PVE activities)

O the complete wiki to conclave  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave#Damage_Mechanics


Frequently asked questions:

O warframe wiki vs in game information in terms of reliability, always choose in game information as the warframe wiki is managed by the warframe community therefore prone to errors / not updated.

O why cant some warframes / weapons be used in the conclave, this is because of balancing not all warframes and weapons have been balanced yet to be able to function as intended in the conclave (as a result Developers may remove or add warframes / weapons into the conclav

Holy yap.


No thanks. Conclave is dead and crossplay made it unplayable for anybody who isn't on PC.


The correct way to play conclave is to get a friend and complete conclave challenges together because nobody actually wants to play this unbalanced garbage

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Dubsurf123 said:

Holy yap.


No thanks. Conclave is dead and crossplay made it unplayable for anybody who isn't on PC.


The correct way to play conclave is to get a friend and complete conclave challenges together because nobody actually wants to play this unbalanced garbage

there are top players in the conclave using a controller, they gave some inputs in the best controller settings to use

i would recommend using O ps4 controller.(or any controller that lets you use the claw grip method) and O using the claw grip method

can you list what you consider unbalanced in the conclave is (weapons,warframes abilities,mechanics (gameplay techs) ) 

Edited by windflamestormblizzard
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Le 21/06/2024 à 08:36, windflamestormblizzard a dit :

there are top players in the conclave using a controller, they gave some inputs in the best controller settings to use

i would recommend using O ps4 controller.(or any controller that lets you use the claw grip method) and O using the claw grip method

can you list what you consider unbalanced in the conclave is (weapons,warframes abilities,mechanics (gameplay techs) ) 

I'm in the community. The top players on controller are a minority and is still an unrealistic expectation of the playerbase to achieve. PC is still far superior in terms of skill gap and movement tech, and playing claw isn't healthy or ideal for a LOT of people, especially for a largely barren mode that isn't the main focus of this game. Anybody in the conclave community would agree with this notion.

I don't need to list what is already well known. Refer to the ban list on the various dedicated servers people have (which happens to be the only way you'll find a match nowadays)

There is a long list, but they will literally shut the server down if they see you running a Sigma & Ocatanis for example.

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3 hours ago, Dubsurf123 said:

I'm in the community. The top players on controller are a minority and is still an unrealistic expectation of the playerbase to achieve. PC is still far superior in terms of skill gap and movement tech.

the only way to make it balanced for pc vs console or controller players, my suggestion was to reduce the max mobility from 1.2 to 0.8

at least then that would slow down the movement tech (all parkour).

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il y a 54 minutes, windflamestormblizzard a dit :

the only way to make it balanced for pc vs console or controller players, my suggestion was to reduce the max mobility from 1.2 to 0.8

at least then that would slow down the movement tech (all parkour).

Wouldn't be such a bad idea. Right now combat is a mess and isn't even enjoyable to watch for the average person.

Of course, enthusiasts of conclave will fight tooth and nail to say otherwise, but that why the mode is the way it is now

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Dubsurf123 said:

Wouldn't be such a bad idea. Right now combat is a mess and isn't even enjoyable to watch for the average person.

Of course, enthusiasts of conclave will fight tooth and nail to say otherwise, but that why the mode is the way it is now

i agree the conclave is not appealing to the majority

1. parkour is too fast (if console player or controller players participate they are at a disadvantage)

2. theres overpowered tech available i.e the melee builds ive demonstrated in the guide = there needs to be a gameplay tech to counter this

3. some warframe abilities are overpowered ive demonstrated in the guide = there needs to be a gameplay tech to counter this 

4. some weapons are overpowered (using pve perks) as to why they are banned in the conclave = these weapons needs to be fixed to expand available weapon roster in pvp

5. melee blocking has too many advantages makes most guns useless = melee block needs to have draw back = a block gauge that depletes when it depletes to 0

the melee block will be broken for a few seconds and cannot melee block (the melee block will regen back to 100%) 

6. theres no guide to gameplay tech or how the conclave works, most players are thrown into the gladiators den to fend for themselves = which i was able to change by making a conclave guide to equip the gladiators (players) with weapons and armour (gameplay tech)

these are only some of the core things that needs to be changed to make conclave appealing.




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On 2024-06-22 at 8:36 PM, Dubsurf123 said:

Wouldn't be such a bad idea. Right now combat is a mess and isn't even enjoyable to watch for the average person.

Of course, enthusiasts of conclave will fight tooth and nail to say otherwise, but that why the mode is the way it is now

It is a bad idea. Without mobility, Warframe's gameplay is completely inferior to most other shooters. Reducing mobility will do nothing but kill the existing playerbase while adding no new players, since the reason Warframe players don't play Conclave is because they don't enjoy PvP in the first place.

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Le 23/06/2024 à 15:43, Tachmag a dit :

It is a bad idea. Without mobility, Warframe's gameplay is completely inferior to most other shooters. Reducing mobility will do nothing but kill the existing playerbase while adding no new players, since the reason Warframe players don't play Conclave is because they don't enjoy PvP in the first place.

No, not at all.

When less than 1% of the playerbase actively plays conclave and everyone else despises it, that's more indicative of a bad PVP experience rather than a distaste for PVP in general — this to me is not negotiable.

It's not a balanced experience in the slightest, and the only people resisting change are the less than 50 active players in the community discord who think they know best because they know nothing else.

When mediocrity is the norm, they will fight to protect that norm rather than consult the broader playerbase. 

At this point I'd rather see an honest attempt at a change rather than letting the mode continue to rot. Right now it's just elitists on PC stomping everyone, and friends cheating the weekly challenges to get conclave rewards because it's near impossible for the average player to get standing in a reasonable amount of time.

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On 2024-06-25 at 4:18 PM, Dubsurf123 said:

When less than 1% of the playerbase actively plays conclave and everyone else despises it, that's more indicative of a bad PVP experience rather than a distaste for PVP in general — this to me is not negotiable.

And why would it not be? You can just look at the feedback whenever PvP is mentioned. You immediately have people stating that they don't want any resources invested into PvP because they personally don't care for PvP. This is a recurring sentiment. It is not farfetched to think that players who come for a PvE grindy looter-shooter only come for that experience and nothing else.


On 2024-06-25 at 4:18 PM, Dubsurf123 said:

It's not a balanced experience in the slightest, and the only people resisting change are the less than 50 active players in the community discord who think they know best because they know nothing else.

When mediocrity is the norm, they will fight to protect that norm rather than consult the broader playerbase.

Of course the people who did stick around with the gamemode for over 10 years understandeably don't want it to be changed into something different. Especially when it would change the gamemode according to the "broader playerbase", who have spent no more thinking about Conclave than they do taking a S#&$.

As for the balance point, Conclave is decently balanced. The problem is that the few things that are broken are ridiculously so. And they are extremely easily fixable and would most definitely not require a gamemode rework.


On 2024-06-25 at 4:18 PM, Dubsurf123 said:

At this point I'd rather see an honest attempt at a change rather than letting the mode continue to rot. Right now it's just elitists on PC stomping everyone, and friends cheating the weekly challenges to get conclave rewards because it's near impossible for the average player to get standing in a reasonable amount of time.

Great, you want to see and attempt. And the existing playerbase wants to actually enjoy the gamemode instead of having their fun removed because some guy who doesn't play it wants DE to take a likely failed gamble in order to attract a larger playerbase by making the gamemode generic, grounded shooter slop.


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