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Can we keep Stalker?

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I really liked the quest and the theme surrounding it but i was really hoping that it would've ended with Stalker becoming a good guy and joining as a playable Warframe in the main game. I know that would interfere with the actual Stalker enemy mechanic but after playing as him through the whole quest, i was really hoping that he would be playable outside the quest and not just another quest exclusive segment like in The New War. I don't know what else to type, i like Jade of course but i wanted to play as him too.

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Agreed, i really want a fully playable stalker in the arsenal or AT LEAST his helmet

Also i'm so tired of everyone saying "BuT yOu CaN pLaY hIm In DuVirI" like i don't want to be forced to play a garbage mode to play with a single warframe who has a very low chance of appearing 💀

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I think having enemies turned to allies shows a great story development. After the new war we should gave had a 3rd star chart beyond steel path with narner variants because corpus and grineer back to business as usual while the sentient threat is nigh feels lazy...

But I digress. Yes, Stalker as a frame would be great.

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sadly not, but:


a line from Ordis in the Larunda Relay suggests that Stalker might be temporarily, canonically, living aboard the Orbiter with us, he says something like "it used to just be me and the Operator, but now there's SO MANY people aboard!". we already have Helminth and Umbra, now it seems to imply Stalker and the "jade child" are with us as well, especially since Hunhow messages us after the quest saying that Stalker can't live in his old place anymore because it's just too painful for him emotionally.

this also means Hunhow is all on his lonesome now as well.. kinda feel bad for him to be honest, Stalker and him have been homies for like six years straight and now he's moving out.


Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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46 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

sadly not, but:

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a line from Ordis in the Larunda Relay suggests that Stalker might be temporarily, canonically, living aboard the Orbiter with us, he says something like "it used to just be me and the Operator, but now there's SO MANY people aboard!". we already have Helminth and Umbra, now it seems to imply Stalker and the "jade child" are with us as well, especially since Hunhow messages us after the quest saying that Stalker can't live in his old place anymore because it's just too painful for him emotionally.

this also means Hunhow is all on his lonesome now as well.. kinda feel bad for him to be honest, Stalker and him have been homies for like six years straight and now he's moving out.


If stalker is living with us there should be no problem making him playable since it's basically the same as umbra (who as we can deduce from jade shadows quest is still with us and playable) there really is nothing preventing them from doing it 

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On 2024-06-19 at 6:58 AM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

sadly not, but:

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a line from Ordis in the Larunda Relay suggests that Stalker might be temporarily, canonically, living aboard the Orbiter with us, he says something like "it used to just be me and the Operator, but now there's SO MANY people aboard!". we already have Helminth and Umbra, now it seems to imply Stalker and the "jade child" are with us as well, especially since Hunhow messages us after the quest saying that Stalker can't live in his old place anymore because it's just too painful for him emotionally.

this also means Hunhow is all on his lonesome now as well.. kinda feel bad for him to be honest, Stalker and him have been homies for like six years straight and now he's moving out.


Unfortunately, he's not talking about the orbiter. He's referencing the busy relay. That said, that doesn't rule out Stalker living in a relay, but he isn't living with us in the orbiter.

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On 2024-06-19 at 1:15 AM, VisionAndVoice said:

You still have Duviri. And maybe they keep Stalker invasion option even post Belly of the Beast.

Duviri sucks, and the invasion stalker is very eh because his weapons suck outside of hate. I'd prefer a copy of him for the arsenal to be retooled to better specifications fitting his abilities.

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On 2024-06-19 at 12:10 PM, Waeleto said:

Agreed, i really want a fully playable stalker in the arsenal or AT LEAST his helmet

Also i'm so tired of everyone saying "BuT yOu CaN pLaY hIm In DuVirI" like i don't want to be forced to play a garbage mode to play with a single warframe who has a very low chance of appearing 💀

On 2024-06-19 at 11:06 AM, drakolich21 said:

It's clear they're setting up more story with him, making him a warframe would just ruin that.

13 hours ago, Dwarf_King said:

Duviri sucks, and the invasion stalker is very eh because his weapons suck outside of hate. I'd prefer a copy of him for the arsenal to be retooled to better specifications fitting his abilities.

I think it is really funny how you can answer the first quote with the second, then someone essentially just repeats the first quote days later without reading the rest of the forum thinking they are adding to the conversation. Read the forum before repeating comments people


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I was hoping for this too as Stalker is honestly a better Ash. (As an Ash main this red Crit me irl to type) 

However, I actually think we WILL get Stalker "soon". As it looks as though DE is making him a slow burn acquisition. 

To get him and Jade in one quest is too rewarding and....let's be honest, let's be REAL HONEST.

If DE had given us Stalker in this quest, he would have 100% overshadow (pun unintended) Jade.

Hell, even now folks are more interested in Stalker than Jade. (Makes sense though as Stalker has been in game for so long. He has also been desired as an addition for over a decade. Which is absolutely ridiculous when you think about it.) 

They are doing with Stalker what I had wished they had done with Umbra to be honest. 

IE: Letting us see his POV, fight his battles as HIM (not us piloting) and the slow burn story building is honestly an epic way to deliver Stalker to our arsenals.

I've been patient for over 10 years now...

I can wait a little longer.

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Am 19.6.2024 um 07:13 schrieb Sacred346:

I really liked the quest and the theme surrounding it but i was really hoping that it would've ended with Stalker becoming a good guy and joining as a playable Warframe in the main game. I know that would interfere with the actual Stalker enemy mechanic but after playing as him through the whole quest, i was really hoping that he would be playable outside the quest and not just another quest exclusive segment like in The New War. I don't know what else to type, i like Jade of course but i wanted to play as him too.

Is not needed because Warframe Skills are already available. And unfortunately his skill set hardly makes sense.

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