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Jade needs a skin

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My fiance has saved up money from a very limited income and purchased Jade on day 1. We were both very excited for her based on the marketing footage.


When she finally got Jade after the long wait, she was really shocked to see that she was pregnant. It wasn’t made clear in the marketing materials at all, neither of us spotted it after looking multiple times. 

It’s especially upset my fiance because we had a miscarriage late last year. Playing as a pregnant warframe is the last thing she wanted and it’s a sore reminder of what we lost. It even upsets me a bit. It feels like we were heavily misled on this, and judging from comments on reddit we’re not the only ones feeling weird about this.

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I am so very sorry for your Fiance. Truely.

These kind of situations is why I advocate for either a Remodel, Free skin or Toggle for Jade.
Despite not having kids of my own, I am still very uncomfortable with Jades design, and don't feel it's appropriate for a game like Warframe. I'm clearly not the only one, as you said, looking around on Reddit and the forums, there's a lot of discomfort about the design direction, at least for the playable frame. I don't mind the story one, that felt fine.

All of my friends, many who are mothers, feel the same way. DE really need to listen to this feedback more than any before honestly. This can hit many people very deeply, and the rage, disappointment and discomfort isn't coming from anger this time, it's from sadness and morals.

I hope they listen and, at the very least, provide a toggle or free skin, that way everyone is happy. Those who don't want to be reminded constantly on their frame, won't need to be.

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Thanks for your sympathy, it was a really horrible time for us both and having this bring it all back up was shocking.

There should definitely be a toggle or something. The idle animation would also need to be reworked for a non-pregnant version. Its odd that DE wouldn’t think of the people this would hurt but I guess that’s that.

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29 minutes ago, DudeleeG2 said:

It’s especially upset my fiance because we had a miscarriage late last year. Playing as a pregnant warframe is the last thing she wanted and it’s a sore reminder of what we lost. It even upsets me a bit. It feels like we were heavily misled on this, and judging from comments on reddit we’re not the only ones feeling weird about this.

I am all for visibility (jade being pregnant) but this specifically is why we need alternatives and I most definitely agree with you!

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Agreed. There should be options for people and the marketing material should have made this much clearer than it was - it was very misleading and has led to dragging up painful memories.

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Condolences, losing like that changes everything...it gets easier with time and communication, but speaking from experience, it's completely acceptable to feel as you do now.

I was avoiding bringing it up, pitching it up to it being crazy thoughts; but, really appreciate it being brought up properly by someone who has faced their grief.

I'll play her as is regardless, but from another in the same boat, I do wish there was a toggle for the bad days.

3-years in, wish I had your resolve to face reality.

Best of wishes, hope you will find your way foward.

Edited by PhiZero
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Yeah don't blame this stupid frame decision on women - plenty of us women find the concept of playing as a pregnant frame uncomfortable (for various reasons).

OP - I am very sorry for your loss, and for others in a similar position. 

This is one of the main reasons I think having the playable Jade with the pregnant belly (and animations) is insensitive and unnecessary, and while a toggle or alternative skin helps address the discomfort of the player using that frame, it doesn't address the issue of seeing others in relays/squads.  Which could have been avoided by making her playable model without the pregnant belly.

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I can't relate to your case, but for me as a former military bringing a pregnant woman near battle is not really comfortable. I am aware it's a fictional game and there is zero real world impact when I play as Jade. But a game is supposed to be recreational not make me feel I'm going against my principles. I was fine with her pregnancy on the quest as it made sense in story, but as a playable frame I wish there was a toggle to turn it off.


PS: now I know why stalker hates us. We are wearing his dead wife's corpse...

Edited by Waizard13
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4 minutes ago, Waizard13 said:

I can't relate to your case, but for me as a former military bringing a pregnant woman near battle is not really comfortable. I am aware it's a fictional game and there is zero real world impact when I play as Jade. But a game is supposed to be recreational not make me feel I'm going against my principles. I was fine with her pregnancy on the quest as it made sense in story, but as a playable frame I wish there was a toggle to turn it off.


PS: now I know why stalker hates us. We are wearing his dead wife's corpse...

Oddly enough, he apparently nopes out and just leaves his drops if there's a Jade in the mission when he attacks. Would be funny if he fought you even harder because of that though.

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5 hours ago, DudeleeG2 said:

There should definitely be a toggle or something. The idle animation would also need to be reworked for a non-pregnant version. Its odd that DE wouldn’t think of the people this would hurt but I guess that’s that.

IIRC there are 2 idles in that animation set, one is that one, the other is more normal, but rarer, so it could be as simple as just disabling that idle when the non-pregnant skin is chosen


really wish DE had seen this coming (how did they not?), or at least would react in some way, letting us now that we are heard

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Just now, AL_aegir said:

IIRC there are 2 idles in that animation set, one is that one, the other is more normal, but rarer, so it could be as simple as just disabling that idle when the non-pregnant skin is chosen


really wish DE had seen this coming (how did they not?), or at least would react in some way, letting us now that we are heard

Idle animation is tied to animation set (Noble/Agile). There's no randomness, there's only one idle per set.

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3 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Idle animation is tied to animation set (Noble/Agile). There's no randomness, there's only one idle per set.

thought i read that somewhere, havent used her idles myself (also, question that came to mind, what if the noble animations of jade get applied to other frames?)

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1 minute ago, AL_aegir said:

thought i read that somewhere, havent used her idles myself (also, question that came to mind, what if the noble animations of jade get applied to other frames?)

Noble doesn't do the belly rub that I keep hearing about, that one must be the Agile idle. I use Noble for basically every frame, because Noble sets are pretty much universally superior to Agile sets.

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Its reassuring to hear other people agree, and thanks for the kind words from those that understand and especially have been in the same position - it sucks. It’s never nice to be reminded of it, but most of the time you can avoid any potential triggers. This one surprised us both after she’d already spent the money.

We wouldn’t have minded as much if the pre-release stuff had been more honest and shown Jade as a pregnant woman. Whilst it still would have been a little triggering, It would have been an easy skip with no hard feelings because we don’t go through life expecting to never be reminded. But the way DE marketed this feels like we were misled. The stuff shown of jade before her launch seemed to deliberately hide her belly area, almost as if DE knew it wouldn’t be popular or something, IDK. 

I really hope they see this and decide to be a bit more thoughtful about stuff like this in future.

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Spoilers aren’t really something that bothers me but if its something they care about it doesn’t stop them adding an option or alternative skin still. Besides, its more about it being misleading than anything else.

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I agree that it's weird playing as a Pregnant Warframe (which are words I never imagined I'd be saying xD) but the struggles we all deal with in life should not be the reason they give us an alternative skin or change the original.

It's like someone complaining about Dagath because a family member very saddly committed [A NOT GOOD THING], and because of the hole in her head, it makes them remember. While that is very sad, we can't expect the entire world to change it's shape just for us.

I'd be more inclined to them giving us an alternate skin due to the fact that #1 she already gave birth to Warframe Jesus, #2 she really shouldn't be fighting while preggos, and #3 again, it's kinda weird to play as a preggo Warframe xD

Though my heart does go out to anyone who has experienced tragedies that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

Edited by BionicFreak
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Absolutely agree with OP, it feels weird playing as a pregnant warframe with a transparent glowing belly (which screams "shoot me here") in a game with energy projectiles flying left and right. I love the angelic part of her design, but the giant transparent belly is so off-putting that I feel less compelled about playing her. An alternative, optional design without the transparent glowing pregnant belly would be very welcome. Maybe remodel the belly as an auxiliary that can be toggled on/off.

On a related note, the fact that none of her marketing material shows this very important part of her design, on an item that can be bought with real life currency, is a bit dishonest. Even her in-game diorama in the in-game market hides her pregnant belly behind her "wings". This is the type of thing that should be better visible to buyers, to avoid situations like of the author of this thread.

Edited by p_silveira
made it clearer in the first phrase.
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As I said, normally we manage triggers the best we can. And you’re right that expecting a company to cater to individual traumas isn’t realistic. But i’m showing how it has affected her because she was surprised by it as the marketing material was misleading. As I said, neither of us would have had a problem had the marketing shown it properly. My fiance would have just skipped Jade and managed her trigger that way. The way DE went about this didn’t allow her that - and fair enough if you want to say that they don’t owe anyone that, but the amount of people who also seem to be feeling tricked shows that there was a lack of transparency in the marketing, and that can lead to any number of issues with customer dissatisfaction, her trauma being one  example of that.


I’m not using her trauma for my own needs, she’s been next to me as I have written all of this and these are as much her feelings as they are mine. She just isn’t the type to engage in public discussion so I’m doing it instead.

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