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Jade Light being OP is OK, but

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...c'mon, it has to come with a downside.

I'm fully OK with it destroying you (not the Defense objectives, but I believe this will be promptly solved anyway), that's the almighty Jade Light after all, can't be a smally small pew pew that scratches behind your left ear. But it needs some visibility to not change Warframe from "kill everyone" to "just run around until it's gone lol".


1. Make the Eximus casting Jade Light identifiable.

2. Give a countereffect to Eximus casting Jade Light

An idea that could solve both stuff : Jade Light would become an active channeled ability, with a specific animation like one arm in the air or toward the player, with a shiny icon on top of his head. It would immobilize him and it being a channeled ability means that any stun/fear/ragdoll (after getting rid of overguard) would cancel the beam.

That way, you know which Eximus is casting Jade Light, so you can focus accordingly instead of just trying to shoot wherever you see Eximus enemies, they have a big "OP, but" ability that no one would be against I guess.

What do you think ?


Edited by Chewarette
small typos
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Also, the attack needs to have a LOS check for the Eximus unit casting it. We tried to open a door that had eximus units behind it, and just attempting to operate the two switches was an instant death, as there were enough elites on the other side to keep the beams going permanently.

It's really rather annoying.


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59 minutes ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

while it's 2-shotting you ah yes

It doesn't move at light speed. If you see it forming over you, roll forward, then spin around and shoot it.

It does do too much damage, though. 

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il y a une heure, ScorpDK a dit :

Also, the attack needs to have a LOS check for the Eximus unit casting it. We tried to open a door that had eximus units behind it, and just attempting to operate the two switches was an instant death, as there were enough elites on the other side to keep the beams going permanently.

It's really rather annoying.


This is my problem with Jade Eximus : sometimes I just can't see where they are, they can be behind a locked door or somewhere else. The only thing I know is that I have five green beams above me and I can't identify who is creating them.

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One specific problem with the Jade eximus infested is that some infested are coded to drain energy from the player on ANY attack hit, even if your frame is immune to damage (Revenant's 2, Valkyr's 4). Meaning if the jade light even grazes you, your energy drops to ZERO. This is probably more of a problem with the infested enemy itself, the jade light compounds the problem because it constantly tracks players from very far away.

Edited by Neightrix
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