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I don't really like Jade

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I just don't think she's all that compelling personally and as a support/DPS frame she's kinda boring in my eyes. Her ability to fly is a very nice novelty but I find bullet jumping and parkour much more flexible for most missions. The buffs she offers are quite run of the mill with weapon damage, ability strength and shield regeneration.

Her 3rd ability gives her the ability to armor strip and slow enemies but the armor strip isn't immediate and has very limited range; in a squad setting I can definitely see other more powerful armor strips (Pillage, Fire Blast, Spores, Fracturing Crush, etc) making her 3 kind of useless outside of the fact that it can revive people from a distance. Or alternatively, people will have killed enemies before they were stripped and fully slowed.

Her first ability seems like it's more geared towards the synergy with her exalted weapon which is also geared towards DPS and creates a lot of visual noise and spam.

Overall she doesn't do anything exceptional with her kit, she has two aura slots so that's pretty original.

TLDR; I think she's pretty average, which is just down to personal preference; not saying she's a bad Warframe or anything of the sorts.

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She doesn't feel good tbh, Doesn't feel like a new warframe released in 2024 and certainly doesn't feel like she's on the same level as citrine/wisp which is just a sad state to release a warframe in.

Ig they pre-nerfed her to prevent dante situation form happening again but she just feels like mr fodder atm, She doesn't do anything special.

Edited by Waeleto
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10 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

She doesn't feel good tbh, Doesn't feel like a new warframe released in 2024 and certainly doesn't feel like she's no the same level as citrine/wisp which is just a sad state to release a warframe in.

Ig the pre-nerfed her to prevent dante situation form happening again but she just feels like mr fodder atm, She doesn't do anything special.

I guess before she released I was expecting a unique take on a support role. And yeah the main reason I don't really jive with her is how she doesn't particularly do anything special in my eyes when it comes to what she offers. When I saw previews of her gameplay I was a bit skeptical but held my thoughts until after she released and I wasn't really impressed with this addition

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1 seems OK, has obvious presence on the battlefield. I can see the area it's affecting, I can see damage numbers and lil markers floating over enemies. It doesn't seem to be killing anything, but I like the visuals.         The "damage vulnerability" goes unnoticed. The TTK anything is soo fast, it doesn't make a difference that I can see.


2 is boring, uninteresting. The buffs are nice, they're nice things, but I often forget to activate the ability because, I can't tell a difference between it being active or inactive.


3 is, it does what the description says. It's a bit slow at it, the enemies are often dead before I notice the effects of the ability on them. The ranged revival is the part of the ability "I notice", it's a lil nice to help revive allies while flying in 4


I like the 4. I usually don't like "flying abilities" but this one is OK. All the other abilities are castable while flying, the ability looks cool, lasers are cool. 

Edited by (XBOX)CaligulaTwily
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Cool beans, 56 other frames that might work for you (plus Helmith options to tweak with)

The circuit has for me been a saving grace after coming back from a long break and having a way to try all the new (and one old) frames out before considering if they are worth the effort of getting or not. 

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3 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Dante really ruined Warframes going forward. It's gonna be like this from now on. SMH 

Do you mean it as in dante was so strong so any new warframe is gonna seem bad compared to him or due mean in the sense that DE is afraid of releasing something so strong again so all warframes going forward will be bad on release ?
Because i feel like both of those assumptions are correct atm, i even said it during the dante drama, all new warframes will be bad on release

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2 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Do you mean it as in dante was so strong so any new warframe is gonna seem bad compared to him or due mean in the sense that DE is afraid of releasing something so strong again so all warframes going forward will be bad on release ?
Because i feel like both of those assumptions are correct atm, i even said it during the dante drama, all new warframes will be bad on release

Too strong, so now every future frame will feel weak, and it was such a fiasco since people paid real money to get him and were getting refunds. Now new frames will be auto gimped with maybe tweaks here and there to make them viable, and it's not fun; it's embarrassing. 

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Just now, OneOmniverse said:

Too strong, so now every future frame will feel weak, and it was such a fiasco since people paid real money to get him and were getting refunds. Now new frames will be auto gimped with maybe tweaks here and there to make them viable, and it's not fun; it's embarrassing. 

Sure dante was too strong but when comparing jade to supports like wisp/citrine or even oberon/trintiy she feels lacking, her 1 (ignoring the fact that it was nerfed from having an infinite duration) has horrible base range and duration, it provides a healing which is basically useless on it's own because health tanking without extra health/armor/dr backing it up is useless, her shield buff is weak and has no synergy with healing, her dmg buff is additive so it's useless, her armor strip is utter garbage, her exalted is SO mid i can't stress this one enough this weapon is just bad and it has also been pre nerfed 

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1 minute ago, OneOmniverse said:

How do you mean 

It's additive like chroma, not multiplicative like roar/eclipse, basically it's a serration type buff so it's literally useless 

Just now, Pneumanoultra said:

I suspect she'll get fixed with augment mods if she has issues, but it's kind of annoying when a frame needs a mod or helminth for their abilities to feel usable. 

the fact that a warframe released in 2024 needs an augment to be good is a joke honestly, augments should change playstyle not fix a flawed kit 

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3 hours ago, Aruquae said:

That's weird ngl, this is the most fun i've had in warframe in a looooooong while.
Of course, this is subject to opinion. Good thoughts all around

I like that people joy her. I like when players are overall happy and have more choices so even if I don't like her it's still a win.

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I was really looking forward to Jade because she was being marketed as the ultimate support. Basically what Trinity should be and more. Her kit isn't bad in general but it's weak and clunky.

Her 1 has short duration and small range. The fact you throw it means you need to use it with her 4 but if you do that you'll notice it doesn't synergize with using her exalted weapon because it stops shooting and there's a noticeable delay before shooting resumes. It doesn't heal defence objects or if it does the amount is not noticeable.

Her 2 is a toggle ability and those are never good because they always offer useless or borderline useless buffs and because cycling though them withou having the option to choose which buff is the default isn't user friendly. Her shield buff is nice but doesn't synergize with her 1. You either focus on HP, Shields, or OG. The weapon damage buff isn't multiplicative so it's hardly worth using. The Ability Strength buff isn't bad per say but we have sooo many sources of Ability Strength that another one is hardly needed. If you subsume Roar over her 2 you'll get a stronger version of two of her buffs in one ability without having to cycle.

Her 3 is also bad because the effects it provides take too long to reach their maximum effectiveness (be it full slowdown, defence strip, or revive) and you cannot make them work faster through mods. Also, if I wanted to revive people from afar, I would take Nekros. Reviving in general isn't an issue thanks to the Operator.

I like her 4. The flying is nice but she should adjust her vertical position through camera angle, like Titania or Wukong, because the current way slows her down and makes clunky to control in normal tiles. Her exalted weapon is weak and the alt fire costs too much energy. Compared to other exalted weapons, especially the likes of Peacemaker and Noctua, it feels really lackluster.


It reads like a lot of complaining but you'll hopefully realize those are all minor and easily resolvable issues but there's simply too many of them. Thanks to these issues, Jade ends up doing a lot of things but doesn't excel at any of them, which isn't desired now when we have frames which excel in singular fields so much they overshadow her entire support role (cough Dante cough Wisp cough). It makes me believe DE originally designed her well and then thought she's too strong and pre-nerfed her kit before release.

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35 minutes ago, Pneumanoultra said:

I suspect she'll get fixed with augment mods if she has issues, but it's kind of annoying when a frame needs a mod or helminth for their abilities to feel usable. 

I don't like the augment route and the helminth is something I've had a gripe with since it's addition. Most augments belong as a base part of a kit, like for example, one of Mag's augments allows her to detonate her bubbles at will; that feels like it should be apart of the base ability. If a Warframe needs tweaks imo they should add to the kit then figure out augments after.

As for Helminth I don't like how it can be used as a band aid for poor design on some Warframes. I think it's good for finding unexpected or powerful synergies that add to a warframe and shouldn't be used for fixing a warframe. So yeah I agree

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44 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Sure dante was too strong but when comparing jade to supports like wisp/citrine or even oberon/trintiy she feels lacking, her 1 (ignoring the fact that it was nerfed from having an infinite duration) has horrible base range and duration, it provides a healing which is basically useless on it's own because health tanking without extra health/armor/dr backing it up is useless, her shield buff is weak and has no synergy with healing, her dmg buff is additive so it's useless, her armor strip is utter garbage, her exalted is SO mid i can't stress this one enough this weapon is just bad and it has also been pre nerfed 

Citrine's my personal favorite support and I use her quite often. Her kit provides solid buffs and synergies she has a unique spin on the role.

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I was really looking forward to Jade because she was being marketed as the ultimate support. Basically what Trinity should be and more. Her kit isn't bad in general but it's weak and clunky.

Her 1 has short duration and small range. The fact you throw it means you need to use it with her 4 but if you do that you'll notice it doesn't synergize with using her exalted weapon because it stops shooting and there's a noticeable delay before shooting resumes. It doesn't heal defence objects or if it does the amount is not noticeable.

Her 2 is a toggle ability and those are never good because they always offer useless or borderline useless buffs and because cycling though them withou having the option to choose which buff is the default isn't user friendly. Her shield buff is nice but doesn't synergize with her 1. You either focus on HP, Shields, or OG. The weapon damage buff isn't multiplicative so it's hardly worth using. The Ability Strength buff isn't bad per say but we have sooo many sources of Ability Strength that another one is hardly needed. If you subsume Roar over her 2 you'll get a stronger version of two of her buffs in one ability without having to cycle.

Her 3 is also bad because the effects it provides take too long to reach their maximum effectiveness (be it full slowdown, defence strip, or revive) and you cannot make them work faster through mods. Also, if I wanted to revive people from afar, I would take Nekros. Reviving in general isn't an issue thanks to the Operator.

I like her 4. The flying is nice but she should adjust her vertical position through camera angle, like Titania or Wukong, because the current way slows her down and makes clunky to control in normal tiles. Her exalted weapon is weak and the alt fire costs too much energy. Compared to other exalted weapons, especially the likes of Peacemaker and Noctua, it feels really lackluster.


It reads like a lot of complaining but you'll hopefully realize those are all minor and easily resolvable issues but there's simply too many of them. Thanks to these issues, Jade ends up doing a lot of things but doesn't excel at any of them, which isn't desired now when we have frames which excel in singular fields so much they overshadow her entire support role (cough Dante cough Wisp cough). It makes me believe DE originally designed her well and then thought she's too strong and pre-nerfed her kit before release.

Regarding her 3, I'm surprised they made it function the way it does because DE knows the type of armor strip available to players and they should know that hers wouldn't work in a squad setting given its limitations on range and the fact that it isn't immediate.

She really has stiff competition when Dante and Wisp already exist as supports and I was expecting her to be able to compete with that or bring her own flavor of support to the game. I thought the reviving on sight thing was actually pretty cool but besides the two Aura mods I don't think there's anything interesting about her.

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5 hours ago, MutoManiac said:

The flying for me kills it. I really wanted another flying frame, but when we are used to Titania and Wukong, her flying is just so sad in comparison.

In terms of flying I think it'll be pretty hard to top Titania. Her implementation of flying was very well done and allows you a lot of mobility.

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