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DE, do you actually WANT people to play?

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Tho its super easy to ''deal'' with the beam I agree its annoying for me only reason is it breaks my chill or focus but yeah its easy to deal with it

They should spawn far less than now 


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9 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

This was my original point. Clearly I dealt with the lasers in the mission and actually like the dynamic they add. They are just too frequently generated back to back. Jade eximus should have a cooldown. Getting a bunch in a row is terribly annoying.

I didn't expect three pages of responses. It -is- annoying. Let's just tone down the frequency a bit.

Again, is that Steel Path? Because the spawnrates in Steel Path are such that they shouldn’t be balanced for, since they’re 4-player’s worth of spawns for one player in endless modes

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3 hours ago, Merkranire said:

Again, is that Steel Path? Because the spawnrates in Steel Path are such that they shouldn’t be balanced for, since they’re 4-player’s worth of spawns for one player in endless modes

Yeah it's SP. I was solo. Maybe about 40-45 minutes into the mission. Hard to remember at this point but the green lasers were endless. 

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Yeah it's SP. I was solo. Maybe about 40-45 minutes into the mission. Hard to remember at this point but the green lasers were endless. 

Okay. And you see why they’re endless, right? Not a thing that would be experienced in the part of the game that has one player’s worth of spawns for one player

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8 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

tbh I was studying this a little more and I think the issue is exacerbated by the new jade missions because those guys are everywhere but I also think that adding a HARD line of sight requirement on the Jade eximus to cast this would go a long way into making it feel better


I mentioned the mission early isn't really the problem. Warframe has always been about the right tool for the job.

In fact the favorite frame gang have kinda hurt the difficulty of the game because they expected old Vauban to cruise through a Sorties Exterminate. That's not what he was made for. He's an Engineer theme frame and plays much like one. Sets up a room and onward to glory. Anyways. my part in this is certainly about their impact outside that mission. Defense, Excavation, frames that are good for those missions are yet again getting kicked around.

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the more I play the more I noticed the beams being problematic

on spy I got to a console just fine, my stealth wore off while hacking and INSTANTLY the green beam connected, I have no idea where the enemy was but it did feel like they have a targeting 6th sense

I noticed another thing, in any tight spaces where movement is limited the tops of these things clip outside of the ceilings and are untargetable, and as I mentioned above I couldnt seem to get jades "glory" to hit them so I am guessing similar won't so like Mesas #4?

so like half the time you can't even shoot the beams if you wanted


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2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

the more I play the more I noticed the beams being problematic

on spy I got to a console just fine, my stealth wore off while hacking and INSTANTLY the green beam connected, I have no idea where the enemy was but it did feel like they have a targeting 6th sense

I noticed another thing, in any tight spaces where movement is limited the tops of these things clip outside of the ceilings and are untargetable, and as I mentioned above I couldnt seem to get jades "glory" to hit them so I am guessing similar won't so like Mesas #4?

so like half the time you can't even shoot the beams if you wanted


Yeah the orb ending up in the ceiling is an issue but these are still issues the player has agency over dealing with.

In Spy missions you could kill the Eximus first, refresh your stealth first, or just use your Operator instead. While being in confined spaces can be dealt with by just rolling through the beam and getting out of said space. And both can be dealt with via the same old options of tanking it or having Silence on your build.

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16 minutes ago, trst said:

still issues the player has agency over dealing with

I have been playing around some more, noticed even more situations where the play can't do anything about the beams

if a jade happens to target you wile activating life support or are capturing a target goodluck

those are issues that "lock you in" and make you vunrable, funnily enough initiating an execute will just disable the beam!

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There's always a way to prevent to get into situations that makes you vulnerable, you don't want to interact with stuff while there are enemies around anyway, especially at high levels where anything can possibly 1-shot you, Jade Light or not, there's Void Mode for that.

As other said, this is solely a minor skill issue in a game that is mind-dumbing easy enough.

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