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Frost really needs one ability completely changed


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His 1, 2 and 3 basically all do the same: AoE cold damage and status

2 does more damage than 1 and costs more energy

3 does more damage than 2 and costs more energy

And 3 strips armor, but that's just detail. They all feel the same, they all share the same purpose. It's never really clear when to use which.

One of them should be changed to let's say a buff or whatever. Like "icy armor". Just not another cold AoE spell.



my suggestion would be to get rid of his 2, but add that spiky things animation to his 1 (because they look cool)

then make his 4 a channeled spell, just to add more character. would also help with scaling: stronger enemies? hold longer.

maybe his new 2 could be an Aura, enemies within range gain 1 stack of cold every X seconds. For every stack applied, Frost and allies within range gain armor (buff is capped and decays slowly when leaving range or disabling ability).

Augment: just making this viral would be too strong, everyone would use it as the kit is already way too frosty. So let's say all cold stacks already present on the enemy when entering the aura are turned into viral. That way there's also a synergy with his other abilites. Also reduced range comes with this so this synergy works better.

Edited by supernils
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I always liked the visuals on his Ice Wave. It's just that it doesn't do anything special but to spread Cold procs in a cone.

An idea that floated around was that the enemies hit by Ice Wave would grow icicles on them. You can kill the enemy or directly shoot the icicle to shatter it, then it would deal Cold and Puncture damage/procs in an area, which compliment each other well (both status increase weapon crits), and make an effective support skill (enemies so slow and deal less damage).

Then combo with Biting Frost for superb damage numbers.

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How about no.

As much as his 1 & 2 seem to be just his "subsume slots", that's forgetting that Cold status increases critical damage, and that armor on enemies has been insanely nerfed.

Frost has received nothing but buffs since Veilbreaker, and it pleases me, as a Frost main, but really there's no point to buffing him every other patch. He's already basically the perfect defensive frame with the best protection spell in the game, gets to protect his whole team with overguard from an augment, prevents enemies from doing anything with cold procs... but cold procs also increase everyone's dps and he also gets access to armor strip, and also gets increased damage on fully frozen targets. What more could you possibly want?

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Frost ain't my ballgame but spitballing that it might be interesting to have a skill that converts nearby cold procs into some other kind of advantage. What comes to mind is watching Kirby freeze an enemy and then kick them at another one. I'm, of course, not saying that Frost needs to kick ice sculptures at the Grineer but the idea of being able to capitalize on a Frozen enemy in a unique way on Frost seems interesting to me, and certainly not redundant. Though whether or not Warframe's design peculiarities would allow this to be viable.. I am not sure.

EDIT: Yes I am aware of Biting Frost's existence but I was thinking of a more active way to go about this whole cause trouble with a frozen enemy thing.

Edited by Ventura_Highway
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Frost 1-2 are easily the worst because they are essentially the same ability and the 2 is abit better. So they could be combined for sure and if the frame had been created in this day and age they would have been more unique and distinguishable. But his 3 and 4 are fine and good.

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My current idea for making Frost's kit more interesting is to change his 1 to have a 'pull' effect.

1. Enemies within the AoE range of the 1 are pulled together.

2. Enemies outside of AoE *that are already Frozen* get pulled towards the AoE (but not necessarily to the center)

This sort of grouping would feel so good and make Frost's 1 radically more interesting, distinct, and useful. It would also give Frost the only Pull that applies to Frozen enemies, I think?

This is my dream :D

I don't think working on Frost's 2 makes as much sense since it's the slot on most builds that will be Helminth'd over. You would never remove his 4, you'd probably not want to remove 3, and if you don't remove 3 you probably want 1 since it can break the globes. So then 2 is what's left.

Edited by insanitybit
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10 hours ago, insanitybit said:

My current idea for making Frost's kit more interesting is to change his 1 to have a 'pull' effect.

1. Enemies within the AoE range of the 1 are pulled together.

2. Enemies outside of AoE *that are already Frozen* get pulled towards the AoE (but not necessarily to the center)

This sort of grouping would feel so good and make Frost's 1 radically more interesting, distinct, and useful. It would also give Frost the only Pull that applies to Frozen enemies, I think?

This is my dream :D

I don't think working on Frost's 2 makes as much sense since it's the slot on most builds that will be Helminth'd over. You would never remove his 4, you'd probably not want to remove 3, and if you don't remove 3 you probably want 1 since it can break the globes. So then 2 is what's left.

That seems reasonably fair to me, comparing it to other gathers like Axios/Bastille (Vortex also strips armor to justify its 100 cost imo)/Larva (25 energy, great but also very, very essential to playing Nidus. You don't have a working gameplay loop without Larva on Nidus imo). Again I'm not really a Frost player but having a gather ability tied to the same move that blows up your Snow Globe seems like an issue waiting to happen, though.

I wonder if they could move Freeze to the 2/50 energy slot and give it a bit more impact while moving Ice Wave to the 1 slot and giving it the 25 cost and transferring the ability to detonate Snow Globes. There's also the matter of making Freeze Force work, (I hate this family of augments) but I think making it so that using the ability at, be it Freeze or Ice Wave to give the elemental damage buff would work. I argue that this is how Thermal Sunder's augment works.

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