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Is this normal for the community?



So I’m pretty new. I don’t have maps/missions memorized. I dropped in on a squad in the middle or possibly even back half of a mission and had to get my bearings. Next thing you know I see in squad chat

”Man you are slow”

I explained I was new and then was told to go off myself. 

First time experiencing this with this community. I do know toxic people exist in every community I was just wondering if it was super common in Warframe lol.

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It happens, but it's not common.  It's not exactly ubiquitous for people to use chat at all, but generally it's not outright hostile when they do.  And I think even people who are jerks are a little more likely to make an effort to be nice when they realize somebody is new.  

Like in every game, some people are scum though.

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3 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

It happens, but it's not common.  It's not exactly ubiquitous for people to use chat at all, but generally it's not outright hostile when they do.  And I think even people who are jerks are a little more likely to make an effort to be nice when they realize somebody is new.  

Like in every game, some people are scum though.

I’m not shocked by it just wanted to know if it’s normal here. It’s definitely not what I’ve experienced mostly here. Usually people have been helpful on anything even if my questions may have been dumb to them lol.

5 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

It is normal for people to have the maps/missions memorized.

It's not normal for someone to be a $&*^ about it.

You can report players like that to support if you'd like: https://www.warframe.com/support

I’m not interested in reporting people. I’m sure he felt justified I guess. Just going to keep learning.

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I am sorry that happened to you. Nothing warrants that sort of random hostility. 

Thankfully, I would say thats relatively rare though. Though you know, such things can be hard to quantify. I am only going off my own experiences, and what I see from others. I have like a few thousand hours of play time, and only came across such types of hostility 4 or 5 times? Also in those instances, they were hostile, but they weren't randomly hostile to people being slow, the issue was slightly more nuanced. 

So I would say its relatively rare, but I also can't make the promise that you won't encounter it again either. People have different fortunates and experiences. 

Always feel free to ask any questions and to go at your own pace. Just some general basic life etiquette may apply here and there, (like keeping an open mind and being receptive to others can be good, especially if they are good intentioned, but older more experienced players shouldn't be pressuring newer players to be faster, let alone something to be hostile and rude over, so thats on them, and not on you). 

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Ok, so being slow as a new player? Totally normal. Everyone had this phase. As you start to play the game, you’ll learn new tricks that’ll help you navigate through missions a lot faster. Having toxic teammates? That’s kinda rare for this game. Sure there are some here and there but majority of the community are good people willing to lend you a hand. So my advice? Play more of the game, learn and explore more. And if you are worried about toxic randos, there’s no shame in doing a mission solo.

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51 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I am sorry that happened to you. Nothing warrants that sort of random hostility. 

Thankfully, I would say thats relatively rare though. Though you know, such things can be hard to quantify. I am only going off my own experiences, and what I see from others. I have like a few thousand hours of play time, and only came across such types of hostility 4 or 5 times? Also in those instances, they were hostile, but they weren't randomly hostile to people being slow, the issue was slightly more nuanced. 

So I would say its relatively rare, but I also can't make the promise that you won't encounter it again either. People have different fortunates and experiences. 

Always feel free to ask any questions and to go at your own pace. Just some general basic life etiquette may apply here and there, (like keeping an open mind and being receptive to others can be good, especially if they are good intentioned, but older more experienced players shouldn't be pressuring newer players to be faster, let alone something to be hostile and rude over, so thats on them, and not on you). 


30 minutes ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

Ok, so being slow as a new player? Totally normal. Everyone had this phase. As you start to play the game, you’ll learn new tricks that’ll help you navigate through missions a lot faster. Having toxic teammates? That’s kinda rare for this game. Sure there are some here and there but majority of the community are good people willing to lend you a hand. So my advice? Play more of the game, learn and explore more. And if you are worried about toxic randos, there’s no shame in doing a mission solo.


1 minute ago, MutoManiac said:

I don’t bother chatting, it just leads to no good. Much better to just ignore the garbage people since they are just looking to pick on someone cause they have sad lives. It is rare and there are lots of normal decent players, so don’t let it get you down.

Thank you all for the input.

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17 hours ago, (XBOX)S3NS3I ROSHI said:

So I’m pretty new. I don’t have maps/missions memorized. I dropped in on a squad in the middle or possibly even back half of a mission and had to get my bearings. Next thing you know I see in squad chat

”Man you are slow”

I explained I was new and then was told to go off myself. 

First time experiencing this with this community. I do know toxic people exist in every community I was just wondering if it was super common in Warframe lol.

So most of the warframe community that are well versed in the game are not like that person. As we rather want to help are baby tenno grow into big strong independent murder machines.

Chances are you got into a mission with one of the elitist douches that think they are hot S#&$, they didnt care you were new an all cared was completing the mission as fast as possible to move onto there next thing they wanted to do.

Tip on how to move faster is the slide then jump to do forward bullet jump
Press Left stick like a button to spring, then press Left bumper while moving will make you do a slide an doing a jump while mid slide flings you forward to make you get through the mission faster.
While standing still holding Left bumper an looking upward an jump is a vertical bullet jump, which helps you get to higher areas much easyier.
You can sorta extend your aim glide by releasing aim quickly an re-aim to allow your aim glide duration to be abit longer at cost of some height

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17 hours ago, (XBOX)S3NS3I ROSHI said:

So I’m pretty new. I don’t have maps/missions memorized. I dropped in on a squad in the middle or possibly even back half of a mission and had to get my bearings. Next thing you know I see in squad chat

”Man you are slow”

I explained I was new and then was told to go off myself. 

First time experiencing this with this community. I do know toxic people exist in every community I was just wondering if it was super common in Warframe lol.

Bro we were all new once. sorry this happened don’t let it reflect on the community it’s a big game you will run into plebs, but 90% of the time everyones chill and would probably try and guide, don’t let it put you off and keep going tenno:)

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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Sorry that happened.  The overwhelming experience for me has been the odd moan not realising someone might be new, but as soon as that is understood then they'll protect the newbie at all costs in the mission, offer clan invites, help with builds and even offer free kit.

On the flip side as a returning player I saw a game mode that didn't exist and clicked on it to see what it was.  On joining some welcoming soul thought I was using the "wrong" warframe for the mission and instructed me to uninstall the game.  

So, welcome to WF, and please don't let the idiots put you off.

Also use chat, even if it's just to say hello at the start of a mission or a gg at the end.

Edited by (PSN)BAM-BAM-73
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For the most part, that's pretty uncommon here. Sadly, it does happen, but it's rare. Most times, those of us who have been here a while meet new people and go "stick with me, I'll guide you through." and I've watched entire squads slow down to escort a new player through difficult spots. It's luck of the draw, and it seems like you just happened upon one person who is a jerk. It happens, but welcome to Warframe, always feel free to reach out and ask for help. We dont let new users fight alone.

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One thing that's great about Warframe's community "in general" is the degree of concern most players seem to have for teammates, and especially for new players. Even "elitism" will usually be flaunted in a way that benefits everyone: "Oh my newb teammate is bleeding out? I want to be the first one there for the revive."  As others said already, you should definitely see the occasional jerk as an exception to be shrugged off.

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Am 1.7.2024 um 03:09 schrieb (XBOX)S3NS3I ROSHI:

So I’m pretty new. I don’t have maps/missions memorized. I dropped in on a squad in the middle or possibly even back half of a mission and had to get my bearings. Next thing you know I see in squad chat

”Man you are slow”

I explained I was new and then was told to go off myself. 

First time experiencing this with this community. I do know toxic people exist in every community I was just wondering if it was super common in Warframe lol.

not really. but I only play "hard mode" (called steel path here) with pimped stuff. so there is actually 0% reason for complaints.

in chat I mostly only see "gg" or "ggs".

problems, aggression, lies and provocations only exist in forums and similar platforms. but that is due to human psychology and can hardly be avoided.

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