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Warframe is a game held back by how easy it is


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On 2024-08-13 at 12:02 PM, dwqrf said:

Warframe community has a forum held back by 4thbro.

You mean like the endgame you don't engage with ?

Nobody ever said we don't want DE to add more content. Nobody. Ever.
Being Happy with the current state of the game is spontaneous : We like the game how it is now. Are we going to like to like the game in the future ? Maybe, maybe not ; but we cannot know until the update drop and that we play it. And until then, we are not going to speculate about liking content we don't even know yet. Being able to accept and enjoy the current state of the game has nothing to do with wanting/not wanting some content implementations.

Meanwhile, you create some super awesome content in your head and you believe that if we don't like it and agree with your point of view, we aren't going to like the next update and are actually actively against any change. What ? Are you the Mind behind DE ? No you aren't, in fact, you don't even know what Warframe endgame is about, and therefor you cannot even represent anyone of the endgame community, being at best a casual midgame player.

Let me give you a concrete example : I want a remake of the Scanner to make it more user friendly and quicker/easier to use. The First Descendant scan tool was actually really nice. Because you don't even consider the Codex as a part of Warframe, you don't like it, and you don't engage with it : do I have to assume you take the side of preventing DE for upgrading the Scanner ? So you are actively against making the game better and more user friendly ? I should throw a tantrum because you don't want to improve the game. Your own logic.






And let's finish with a last point :

Are those people in the room with us right now ?

Perfect response. Thanks for this!

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On 2024-08-02 at 3:38 PM, trst said:

My advice: find some gimmick setups to play around and focus your builds on that. And instead of just "removing all your mods" or some other nonsense just find some limitations you're comfortable with. 

If only Elite Deep Archimedea was more like that than the mess that’s it’s current form

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On 2024-08-02 at 3:40 PM, Zahnrad said:

You could remove Shield Gating from Warframe, that would make things more difficult but I doubt that is what anyone wants.

Path of Exile, it's fun to play through the campaign but then you reach a point where everything oneshots you, without anything like shield gating and you are forced to pick a mandatory meta archetype that everyone else is running during that same season.

That was also how Endurance Runs was before shield gating was introduced. Not only enemies could reach OHKO territory for every frame, they can do that from out of nowhere due to their accuracy being very high as well, up to aimbot levels of accuracy without invis which also made invincibility the meta without invis. With shield gating, you have time to recover from that one hit instead of being randomly dead.

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On 2024-08-13 at 2:02 PM, dwqrf said:

Warframe community has a forum held back by 4thbro.

You mean like the endgame you don't engage with ?

Nobody ever said we don't want DE to add more content. Nobody. Ever.
Being Happy with the current state of the game is spontaneous : We like the game how it is now. Are we going to like to like the game in the future ? Maybe, maybe not ; but we cannot know until the update drop and that we play it. And until then, we are not going to speculate about liking content we don't even know yet. Being able to accept and enjoy the current state of the game has nothing to do with wanting/not wanting some content implementations.

Meanwhile, you create some super awesome content in your head and you believe that if we don't like it and agree with your point of view, we aren't going to like the next update and are actually actively against any change. What ? Are you the Mind behind DE ? No you aren't, in fact, you don't even know what Warframe endgame is about, and therefor you cannot even represent anyone of the endgame community, being at best a casual midgame player.

Let me give you a concrete example : I want a remake of the Scanner to make it more user friendly and quicker/easier to use. The First Descendant scan tool was actually really nice. Because you don't even consider the Codex as a part of Warframe, you don't like it, and you don't engage with it : do I have to assume you take the side of preventing DE for upgrading the Scanner ? So you are actively against making the game better and more user friendly ? I should throw a tantrum because you don't want to improve the game. Your own logic.






And let's finish with a last point :

Are those people in the room with us right now ?

Hello? Based department?

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On 2024-08-13 at 12:02 PM, dwqrf said:

Let me give you a concrete example : I want a remake of the Scanner to make it more user friendly and quicker/easier to use. The First Descendant scan tool was actually really nice. Because you don't even consider the Codex as a part of Warframe, you don't like it, and you don't engage with it : do I have to assume you take the side of preventing DE for upgrading the Scanner ? So you are actively against making the game better and more user friendly ? I should throw a tantrum because you don't want to improve the game. Your own logic.

Correct. If you were to suggest that the Codex scanner should be improved, and a bunch of bellends started going on and on about how "we like the Codex scanner the way it is now" and "can you even define what an improved Codex scanner would look like" and "just use the Synthesis Scanner" and "you're not even a part of the Codex completion community", you should not put up with such lame gatekeeping and you should push back on it.

Like here, imagine you make your Codex improvement thread and you get this in response:


3) I don't know what's more pathetic. That you somehow got it into your head that I have a problem with DE trying to make the Codex scanner better or the fact that you think trotting out example after example of your own poor reading comprehension is some kind of own instead of just embarrassing.

I don't know how many more times I have to say it. 

The Codex babies will never be happy here because every time DE makes something like Synthesis Scanner or Data-Parse Widget or Cross-Matrix Widget they're gonna be crying about how it's "not REAL Codex improvements" not "real" scanner etc.

And they usually have things to say like oh we scan too quick we're too fast we're too this we're too that.  

"Sorry that doesn't conform with your idea of being a Codex completionist" BRUH. This is physically painful at this point it's clear you have no idea what I even meant by that comment and you don't care, you just wanna take the ball and run with it.

Why don't you ask if you don't understand?

The rest of this post is just trying to flip the table around. 

Bruh. There's all this stuff DE has added to the game. Like the Sol-Battery Widget. And Codex babies in this very thread are still crying about how none of it is good enough and none of it counts. 

You should just accept this kind of wonderfully thoughtful and level-headed response to your request?

Edited by PublikDomain
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il y a une heure, (PSN)ErydisTheLucario a dit :

Hello? Based department?

Hello ? How may I help you ?


il y a 25 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

You should just accept this kind of wonderfully thoughtful and level-headed response to your request?

Yes, I should accept it as is it : other people opinions. And therefor, either stop arguing with people that don't think my way and don't accept my point of view ; or else, reconsider my own point of view because I'm maybe in the wrong and biased by my own experience. Yes, it's possible, even for internet people.

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2 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Yes, I should accept it as is it : other people opinions. And therefor, either stop arguing with people that don't think my way and don't accept my point of view ; or else, reconsider my own point of view because I'm maybe in the wrong and biased by my own experience. Yes, it's possible, even for internet people.

Would you apply that standard to OP's opinions? Or to 4th's?

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il y a 8 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Would you apply that standard to OP's opinions?

Yes, he has a point. Warframe has a easy combat part once modded correctly and having knowledge of the game's mecanics. But maybe he was wrong to think that was all Warframe has to offer ; dismissing the difficulty to actual spend a lot of time farming and grinding stuff, being cosmetics or codex, considered as endgame by many.

il y a 12 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Or to 4th's?

Which opinions ? The ones stating that he is bored, that we are all strawmaning, using fallacies, making him the victim when he is the obvious agressor ; which brought nothing to the conversation, the subject, or the topic. Thoses ?

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Just now, dwqrf said:

Which opinions ? The ones stating that he is bored, that we are all strawmaning, using fallacies, making him the victim when he is the obvious agressor ; which brought nothing to the conversation, the subject, or the topic. Thoses ?

Sure. If you believe that you "should accept [other peoples opinions] as it is" and should "stop arguing with people that don't think my way and don't accept my point of view", why argue with 4th? And have you reconsidered your point of view for potential bias?

3 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

But maybe he was wrong to think that was all Warframe has to offer ; dismissing the difficulty to actual spend a lot of time farming and grinding stuff, being cosmetics or codex, considered as endgame by many.

And maybe you're wrong for thinking that he should be happy with what Warframe currently has to offer?

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il y a 11 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

why argue with 4th?

Because he is setting the forums on fire because of his hurt ego. And I don't like that, and I feel compeled to act.

il y a 12 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

And have you reconsidered your point of view for potential bias?

I do. I'm trying to. I wouldn't mind a good slap letting me know I'm wrong. Your input is appreciated but I still don't have enough informations from you (or him) to make me believe I'm that wrong.

il y a 13 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

And maybe you're wrong for thinking that he should be happy with what Warframe currently has to offer?

I don't think I am. It's important in life to be able to appreciate what the universe has to offer. It's important ALSO to try to change things according to our needs and desire. To try. But if it doesn't succeed, you are only left with acceptance, which isn't easy for a lot of people. You need growth to be able to do so. You have the right to come to the forums and share "I don't feel like the endgame is enough for me" ; but not claim "The endgame isn't enough". Those are different things. One's opinion isn't universal truth.

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1 minute ago, dwqrf said:

Because he is setting the forums on fire because of his hurt ego. And I don't like that, and I feel compeled to act.

Which is - quite literally - how many of us feel about those who come to these kinds of threads to set the forums on fire because someone that isn't them asked for something.

4 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

You have the right to come to the forums and share "I don't feel like the endgame is enough for me" ; but not claim "The endgame isn't enough". Those are different things. One's opinion isn't universal truth.

But DE themselves often talk about how the endgame isn't enough? This is well-supported by official statements and surveys and can be seen in DE's own actions as they produce more and more content to meet this demand.

For example, Rebecca gave an interview in 2018 where she mentioned that the main reason people leave the game is because "it's gotten to easy for them".


"When people talk about “I’m bored of Warframe” typically it’s because it’s gotten too easy for them."

The official survey in 2019 showed clearly that the majority of players:

  1. Value gear balance
  2. Value cooperative missions
  3. Value difficult content

Which was affirmed again in 2022's official survey where DE concluded in part that:


Players would like to see Trials come back, in addition to some more challenging end game content

And then you have the long history of content that DE rolled out that they described as being endgame or challenging. EDA being the most recent example:


Deep Archimedea is a weekly challenge with three missions that must be completed in a single sequence.
Deep Archimedea has an extremely high difficulty level and is designed to really put you and your Arsenal to the test.

Before that it was Archon Hunts:


These missions are intended to be challenging, so select your loadouts carefully to overcome your obstacles and take down your opponents.

Steel Path:


It is time to take on a new challenge. The Origin System is ever-changing. Our enemies grow more powerful - only the Tenno with true mastery of their Arsenal will overcome what awaits us.
If you are not ready for this challenge, fear not, it’s not going anywhere. One day you may be prepared to take The Steel Path. 



A new type of challenge is available to players that have completed the entire Solar Map!
Note: Failure is a rare thing in Warframe, in the month of September only 2.5% of all missions were Failed. Prepare yourself for a new reality where failure may become the norm for these missions - can you overcome the odds!?



Sortie Missions are difficult endgame Missions for experienced Tenno that can be completed alone or with a group.

And so on. This pattern tracks all the way back to the beginning. T4 Void Keys, Nightmare missions, Solar Rail Conflicts, Raids, etc.

There are also all the balance changes DE has made, like ammo and AoE nerfs to prevent automation and disruptive gameplay, as well as all of the mechanics DE have introduced like Damage Attenuation, damage adaptation, proc caps, invincibility, overguard, boss fight phases, forced mechanics, and so on to try and support this kind of content. And it hasn't been easy, but they want to make this kind of content anyways.


The thing we miss most about them is having to coordinate with the team. That's our white whale right now. It's a coordination-based mission.

So given that DE has said that most of the time when people leave it's because the game has gotten too easy for them, and that they've shown in surveys with 50-70k responses that players want a challenge, cooperation, and balance, and that they have continuously added content meant to fit this niche since the earliest days of the game, and have made balance decisions and added mechanics to support it... is it really just an opinion that "the endgame isn't enough"? If it is, it's an opinion the game's developers sure seem to share.

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il y a une heure, PublikDomain a dit :

is it really just an opinion that "the endgame isn't enough"? If it is, it's an opinion the game's developers sure seem to share.

Sure, the combat endgame isn't enough; and to build a proper endgame, the devs have first to change a lot of things : nerf all the cheesable tools. Nerf invisibility. Nerf the stacking DR. Nerf the double dipping of Roar. And so on. You cannot do otherwise because any "endgame" content will be cheesed by ONE meta tool which maybe even the devs didn't see coming. Remember Scarlet Spear ? Ho god a lot of sentient, what should we do ? Play limbo ; Game over. Hard content develloped in month thrown out of the window by one single spell.

And by nerfing everything, they are going to anger a lot of people, and they are also going to make the game bland where power fantasy slowly disapear because nothing, no one, and no tool, will be above anything else. I'm wouldn't really mind really, but a lot of people would.

When they added Steel Path ; its was just for the lolz. Because adding drops to the gamemode (except cosmetic) was going to create a big issue : If endgame content is a baseline for farming ; then everybody would farm there using meta tools. If endgame was just there for the funs, it was a waste of development time as nobody would actually play it. (But, why ?). So they had to actually add content to Steel path, and by doing so, they also had to make it more accessible, by nerfing it, few times, which was contrary to the idea of hard and challenging content.

EDA brought a different of endgame. Sure, the combat part is a little bit spicier ; because of the higher levels, the archon hunt modifier, the EDA modifiers on mission type and additionnal malus you choose to get ; but the most original endgame approach is the one tested in Duviri : what about forcing players to use random weapons, making the variety of a built arsenal relevant to the content we have to clear ? It's one of the most hated point of EDA, which in personnaly find refreshing. Unlike Duviri, we cannot use decree to boost with steroid a random loadout ; so we have to build and mod accordingly. And that's difficulty.

So the devs have to consider both for a endgame : nerf the overpowered things, and create new engaging content. And they are doing it. Zariman was great. Sanctum is great. For a lot of players, level 80-100+ is already endgame. High level bounties and Netracell/EDA can be challenging. For a harder playerbase, endless Zariman and Sanctum, in new gamemodes where level go up really fast is a good endgame to farm really high amount of Essence or Vosfor. For Codex Hunter and completionist, they also offer quite a grind (as any content would).

So I don't see where this idea of "DE doesn't create any endgame content" come from. They do. Since 2018, they added quite a lot of things to the game. If you breeze through it and become bored of it it's not really the lack of content which is the issue, especially if you dismiss huge part of the grind the cosmetics and codex offer.

So if you want my opinion in a nutshell :
You want harder combat endgame ? Be careful what you wish for, it comes with a cost.
You want more to do ? Are you sure you already did everything the game has to offer ?

And then, there is people like 4thbro answering : "So you are saying you don't want DE to add more content to the game ????111!!? rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

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21 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

And then, there is people like 4thbro answering : "So you are saying you don't want DE to add more content to the game ????111!!? rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

 Which is exactly how these kinds of responses come off:

22 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Sure, the combat endgame isn't enough; and to build a proper endgame, the devs have first to change a lot of things : nerf all the cheesable tools. Nerf invisibility. Nerf the stacking DR. Nerf the double dipping of Roar. And so on. You cannot do otherwise because any "endgame" content will be cheesed by ONE meta tool which maybe even the devs didn't see coming. Remember Scarlet Spear ? Ho god a lot of sentient, what should we do ? Play limbo ; Game over. Hard content develloped in month thrown out of the window by one single spell.

And by nerfing everything, they are going to anger a lot of people, and they are also going to make the game bland where power fantasy slowly disapear because nothing, no one, and no tool, will be above anything else. I'm wouldn't really mind really, but a lot of people would.

You say you wouldn't mind it, but then list off this doom and gloom about how everything would need to be nerfed and the game would all of a sudden be "bland" as the "power fantasy slowly disappears" and "but someone might get upset". So it shouldn't be surprising that people read all this and get an implied "and so I don't want anything to happen".

Now you say...

4 hours ago, dwqrf said:

or else, reconsider my own point of view because I'm maybe in the wrong and biased by my own experience.

... so are you open to reconsidering this point of view that nerfs would make the game bland or take away the power fantasy? I can explain why that idea is flawed using simple math and easily-replicated examples.

26 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

When they added Steel Path ; its was just for the lolz. Because adding drops to the gamemode (except cosmetic) was going to create a big issue : If endgame content is a baseline for farming ; then everybody would farm there using meta tools. If endgame was just there for the funs, it was a waste of development time as nobody would actually play it. (But, why ?). So they had to actually add content to Steel path, and by doing so, they also had to make it more accessible, by nerfing it, few times, which was contrary to the idea of hard and challenging content.

EDA brought a different of endgame. Sure, the combat part is a little bit spicier ; because of the higher levels, the archon hunt modifier, the EDA modifiers on mission type and additionnal malus you choose to get ; but the most original endgame approach is the one tested in Duviri : what about forcing players to use random weapons, making the variety of a built arsenal relevant to the content we have to clear ? It's one of the most hated point of EDA, which in personnaly find refreshing. Unlike Duviri, we cannot use decree to boost with steroid a random loadout ; so we have to build and mod accordingly. And that's difficulty.

So the devs have to consider both for a endgame : nerf the overpowered things, and create new engaging content. And they are doing it. Zariman was great. Sanctum is great. For a lot of players, level 80-100+ is already endgame. High level bounties and Netracell/EDA can be challenging. For a harder playerbase, endless Zariman and Sanctum, in new gamemodes where level go up really fast is a good endgame to farm really high amount of Essence or Vosfor. For Codex Hunter and completionist, they also offer quite a grind (as any content would).

So I don't see where this idea of "DE doesn't create any endgame content" come from. They do. Since 2018, they added quite a lot of things to the game. If you breeze through it and become bored of it it's not really the lack of content which is the issue, especially if you dismiss huge part of the grind the cosmetics and codex offer.

I don't see where the idea that "DE doesn't create any endgame content" comes from either, since it's so obvious that endgame is one of DE's goals. It's been one of their goals forever, and they've constantly made changes to support it. So I don't see where "DE shouldn't create any endgame content" comes from either, because they do. Or where the opposition to DE nerfing things or balancing the game comes from, because sometimes they nerf things and balance the game anyways.

And of course the lack of content isn't the issue, people breezing through it and becoming bored is. Like OP says "if this game had even a modicum of difficulty at higher levels, it would be capable of all that combat depth, which is what's being advertised". "When people talk about “I’m bored of Warframe” typically it’s because it’s gotten too easy for them." But a lot of very loud voices staunchly oppose the game having even a modicum of difficulty, either because they don't want that kind of content to be developed or because they don't want any of the changes necessary to support that content to be made.

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il y a 7 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

You say you wouldn't mind it, but then list off this doom and gloom about how everything would need to be nerfed

Yes, adding harder content by nerfing powerful tools isn't something I personnally care about, because I don't feel concerned, I don't play the meta. I don't need to : I'm trying to play the game the way the devs intended too, and not follow any special meta that youtubers and dumb players praise. I've never needed to adapt a Torid. I played once a Revenant ballerina. For Lotus' sake, I'm a Caliban main. And I play what I want just because I want to play it. Not because it's that efficient, not because of his look, or lore. Just because I like to play the stuff I like to play, and it's even better if it works. I have fun using all the tools Caliban offer, which are relevant to the meta without being obnoxious game breakers. Now Caliban is going to be buffed (?), and ho damn, I'll hate to see ma boy becoming popular. He was strong enough before, buffing him isn't necessary.

Nowadays I'm playing Dante. And Dante isn't that different from Caliban in my gameplay. I have access to some form of resistance buff to self and allies ; some aggro diversion ; and some enemy debuff. Dante is just more confortable to play with a easier modding and overall longer spell duration. People think Dante is OP, and Caliban Z Tier. Well, for me, they aren't that far apart. Does Dante deserves a nerf and Caliban deserves as a buff ? I think Dante should be nerfed but I don't think Caliban should be buffed.

Any case, Caliban is going to be changed to be more popular. Surely, it's going to be some sort of buff. For me, it's annoying, because that will blur even more the difference I perceive (and that's subjective) between Caliban and Dante, making me having a harder time choosing which one to play, and why. It's going to extend my choice potential, but reduce the actual impact of the choice. It's going to make the gameplay more bland. But if it's what the devs decide to do, fine by me, that won't take away my appreciation of the game overall, that'll just force me to switch my mind around a few things. I don't mind change. And I can't tell yet if i'll like or dislike the change.

But I'm only one rare player. Considering Caliban's popularity, the devs have no issue whatsoever to change him. Who is gonna be annoyed by that ? Well... practically nobody. So they can do it freely, and even give him to everyone in the process (why?). Instead of nerfing Dante (again) which would result in another outcry, they'd rather buff Caliban. Fair enough. So maybe instead of nerfing everything meta they'll just end up buffing everyone. Great, in people mind, that's different ; but for me, that's exactly the same.

But a side effect of buffing every underdog will result in making everyone too powerful for the content becoming then... easier. The actual issue at hand.

But I'm one of the lucky few. The changes to my weapons and frames happens only so rarely because they aren't any close to any observed meta. And if changes, it's often buffs. So I generally can say that it doesn't really bother me, concern me, and I'll even be really happy to see the meta being destroyed. But because I'm not a sadist and I actually have a lot of empathy, I'm sad for all those people who invested blindly in meta gear without actually learning the ropes of the game. But you get what you deserve : by abusing tools (which were just cheesing tool) and made the meta by being one more user of X or Y, you participated in its popularity, and directly, the deserved nerf.

In fact, on a opposite thought, as some point when I realized Caliban was played so little, I even stopped playing it to make sure he will get buffed. What a funny world.

il y a 44 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

 Which is exactly how these kinds of responses come off:

I don't see any similarities.


il y a 43 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

I can explain why that idea is flawed using simple math and easily-replicated examples.

Please do.

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il y a 5 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Sure, which of these two gifs better represents your idea of Warframe's "power fantasy"? Which Aklato looks more powerful?

Neither, I don't have any context. What are the enemy level ? Which weapon is modded ? Are you using external buffs ? Are you referring to TTK ? Does TTK have any relevant relation to power fantasy ? Compared to what ? What's the TTK of your spell in the same context ?  What the TTK difference of said weapon and said spell with modding and without modding ? Are you actually advocating to change the overall TTK of the game as an illusion for challenge and endgame ?

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11 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Neither, I don't have any context. What are the enemy level ? Which weapon is modded ? Are you using external buffs ? Are you referring to TTK ? Does TTK have any relevant relation to power fantasy ? Compared to what ? What's the TTK of your spell in the same context ?  What the TTK difference of said weapon and said spell with modding and without modding ? Are you actually advocating to change the overall TTK of the game as an illusion for challenge and endgame ?

Pick one and I'll explain what the context is. Which looks more subjectively powerful, however it is you interpret that question? We'll get to the rest of your questions later.

Edited by PublikDomain
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à l’instant, PublikDomain a dit :

Pick one and I'll explain what the context is. Which looks more subjectively powerful, however it is you interpret that question?

I can't pick one, because it's irrelevant. Power fantasy is about being able to destroy the enemies without a sweat. In both case, they are both dead. If you prefer a quick death, or a slow death (and make the whole game being either fast paced or sluggish) won't change the fact that you can kill enemies easily. If the whole game is about using a full magazine to kill one single enemy, so be it. But then every enemy is like that, and I'd expect for a good game that it would be somehow the case before modding, as modding will strongly adjust the TTK to make the power fantasy come to reality. It's a question of game design.

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4 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Power fantasy is about being able to destroy the enemies without a sweat.

Then would you agree with me in saying that the enemy in B was defeated with less sweat than the enemy in A? It was defeated in 2 shots vs I think 13.

Edited by PublikDomain
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It's easy to get into and have fun with, but games like this are always hard to master at end game level. The challenge is in build and weapon crafting for the really hard stuff. That's what I like about these types of games. 

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il y a 8 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Then would you agree with me in saying that the enemy in B was defeated with less sweat than the enemy in A? It was defeated in 2 shots vs I think 13.

It's irrelevant without context What was the difference of TTK before/after modding in game A and B ?

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Just now, dwqrf said:

It's irrelevant without context What was the difference of TTK before/after modding in game A and B ?

Both are the same game. The TTK in clip A is 2.6s (though I missed a few shots) and the TTK in clip B is 0.4s.

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il y a 1 minute, PublikDomain a dit :

Both are the same game. The TTK in clip A is 2.6s (though I missed a few shots) and the TTK in clip B is 0.4s.

So I have to suppose A is not modded and B modded ? That's a great power improvement from mods and hard work, I like it !

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