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Warframe is a game held back by how easy it is


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il y a 6 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

Come off it. This is 2024. You're gonna put my face into the ground? Enjoy the legal repercussions. I'm pretty sure the court won't accept "he kept telling me about my fallacies" as a good enough excuse to assault someone.

Right. Because you'd have to play the victim afterward. You threaten me that I wouldn't say that to your face, and when confronted to reality, you find legal excuse to threaten me some more. You can't accept any form of defeat and you'd have to cry to court about it. Unfortunately for you, being a narcissistic disorder and abusing people is a form of violence. Fortunately for me, I have 50 pages of proof of your abuse.


il y a 8 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

You're once again falling into the nirvana fallacy. I can assure you, I will never be able to come up with an endgame that 1) peaks every player's interest, and 2) no people whatsoever will have any complaints about it at all. So now what? Does that mean a good endgame can't exist? Go ahead. Tell me what it means. You keep repeating these idle details and implying certain things, but say what you're trying to say, Tough Guy.

We are talking about you here. Stop deflecting.

il y a 8 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

No. It didn't. I even gave you credit, saying I didn't really do the math on it, and I corrected it.

But we can see how far that gets me with you. You're so disingenuous it's sickening. I give you honesty, and you weaponize it against me.

But - nope - you're the hero in your own head canon!!

You didn't correct it. You evaded the issue by supposing we could change the whole concept for something else. Deflecting again, with not a single clue about game design and endgame.

il y a 10 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

Stop f---ing dodging. Deliver. I don't care if it's on a sticky note on my computer screen. Write it down and post it. Show. Stop redirecting. Show.

Show us all what it is that makes you assume I'm playing the normal star chart and can't clear SP, lol. Such a wild claim.

It's the truth. We know it.

il y a 10 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

When I feel like quoting about 72 posts, I'll go do that. It IS on my To Do List.

Consider it pending. I have not forgotten. And we both know I'm stubborn enough to do it. And, as always, I expect my time and effort to be totally wasted as you end up nitpicking maybe 2 or 3 words found on the side of the webpage somewhere, and you will go on a redirection spree with it.

I'm not considering it pending. It's another empty threat, like everything you say when you realize you are losing the argument. You want violence, and when it's accepted, you play the victim.

il y a 11 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

No - I said give me a list. I'm trying to meet you in your own conversation. Do your god damn due diligence and give me a list of what YOU are talking about so that I can respond accordingly.

Your evasion is gross.

We are talking about you. You say the game is too easy. What endgame do you play which is too easy ? You can't answer it. Run away little ballas.


Tick... Tock... One question to answer ; already ten posts of empty non-sense, and still no asnwer.

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Il y a 1 heure, 4thBro a dit :

Your evasion is gross.

Tick... Tock...

What endgame do you play ? You say the endgame is too easy and we need more. Which is it ? If you can't define the endgame, what's the more you want added ?

Tick... Tock...

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Il y a 1 heure, Zimzala a dit :

low self control.

Ho no ! I missed that. Damned, I wish I had time to eat pop corn too ! 🍿

Anyways, as 4thbro isn't ever going to answer the simple questions we ask him without making another mountain of fallacies, let's give your fellows viewers an educational break with Dr Phil about who we are talking to here :

And to have more insight about who they think they are, nothing better than the real deal ; actually aware of himself and doing therapy :

I hope it's going to be informative for all of you ; that it can help you in your lives to identify the Ballases creeping around you ; and that you could then be able to avoid being parasited and strenghten your identities.

And then understand why we can't have a normal conversation about the endgame here : 4thbro is trying to identify as a good player needing harder endgame, to be on the same level as other veterans talking here, all of that only to flatter his ego ; but as long as he can't explain and share with us his (non-existing) endgame experience, it becomes more and more obvious it's just another lie, to himself and to the world.

And what do they do when confronted with the facts and being debunked about who they are and what they do ? They run away and hide, in excuses and victimhood ; only to come strike again after a little time has passed when they aren't the subject of negative attention anymore. Or so they believe.


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On 2024-09-06 at 2:21 AM, dwqrf said:

You want to turn a Seer into a Brakk, and a Brakk into a Seer ?


On 2024-09-06 at 5:13 PM, Voltage said:

Sentinel weapons like Stinger need to exist for Sentinel weapons like Verglas (and now Prime) to feel significant.

But they don't! You can just equip the Verglas in isolation and simply use it to see that it does something valuable. Full disclosure, your comments about the Verglas prompted me to actually build one out, and I even lucked out on a Riven for it. 1st Companion Riven unveil, first reroll, CC/SC. Slapped it on my Helios and wow, it's killing enemies all on its own. And I didn't need to make a Stinger build to compare it to in order to determine that yes, having something kill the enemies without my input is quite valuable.

On 2024-09-06 at 5:13 PM, Voltage said:

How do you not even notice that you're comparing something that is used to kill enemies with a vehicle for transportation.

Because the "vehicle for transportation" has combat mods. Why shouldn't things that deal damage be compared to other things that deal damage?

We have all these mechanics and interactions that you yourself say are one of Warframe's strengths, but here I say "so let's make those mechanics and interactions actually useful" and what's your response?

On 2024-09-06 at 5:13 PM, Voltage said:

If you're playing Warframe to search for difficulty, you should quit and stop wasting your time.

Players would like to see Trials come back, in addition to some more challenging end game content
-Digital Extremes, 2022

Who is coping, here?

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il y a 3 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :


Le 06/09/2024 à 06:50, PublikDomain a dit :

For example, the Kuva Seer has a prohibitively high zoom, high recoil, a small magazine, little reserve ammo, a low fire rate, and a long reload. The Kuva Brakk does not. So I can devote 100% of my modding efforts to making my Brakk deal more and more damage, but if I do the same for the Kuva Seer it's going to handle like crap and not be enjoyable to use.

I didn't come to your house to write that on your computer with your account. Stop saying I'm lying when I'm just quoting you.

il y a 4 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Who is coping, here?

Still you. Go play some TFD and enjoy your perfectly flat boring game.

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14 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

But they don't! You can just equip the Verglas in isolation and simply use it to see that it does something valuable. Full disclosure, your comments about the Verglas prompted me to actually build one out, and I even lucked out on a Riven for it. 1st Companion Riven unveil, first reroll, CC/SC. Slapped it on my Helios and wow, it's killing enemies all on its own. And I didn't need to make a Stinger build to compare it to in order to determine that yes, having something kill the enemies without my input is quite valuable.

So what would be the drive for you to get another sentinel weapon? You already have good one. Players are interested in upgrades. You need something worse and make your way to the better gear. Thats the main drive for players for first 16 mrs. Most players dont care about mr, they care about what it unlocks.


14 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Because the "vehicle for transportation" has combat mods. Why shouldn't things that deal damage be compared to other things that deal damage?

They are there for the memes. Nothing more. Such things are also important. Not everything must be viable. Its fun to have some silly things in game for people to play around.


14 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Players would like to see Trials come back, in addition to some more challenging end game content
-Digital Extremes, 2022

Who is coping, here?

And you already got it. You are expecting something different than EDA and Netracels? Thats the "endgame" you can expect from warframe. This things works because you can play it with pugs. You will continue to get content that can be comfortably done in random squads because that kind of content works. Nobody wants to play a game mode that can be screwed by other players. There is a reason why people prefer to solo Spy sorties and archon hunts.

Edited by kuciol
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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

So what would be the drive for you to get another sentinel weapon? You already have good one. Players are interested in upgrades. You need something worse and make your way to the better gear. Thats the main drive for players for first 16 mrs. Most players dont care about mr, they care about what it unlocks.

Simple, as I've said over and over and over again: because you think it's cool. And if you don't think it's cool, then worst case it'd be the exact same Mastery grind that already drives players now. Do I need to repeat this again for you?

Now please, what currently drives you to get another sentinel weapon? You already have a good one. You need something better - players are interested in upgrades, after all. What drives you now?

10 minutes ago, kuciol said:

They are there for the memes. Nothing more.

Not the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but it's certainly up there.

10 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And you already got it.

And we'll get more.

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6 hours ago, dwqrf said:

You say the game is too easy. What endgame do you play which is too easy ?


29 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And you already got it. You are expecting something different than EDA and Netracels? Thats the "endgame" you can expect from warframe.

Since the Dwarf still has unsurprisingly refused to provide me with his list of what he believes to be WF's endgame, I will have to use Kuci's list in the meantime.



Of course I have played Netracells and EDA's.

The Dwarf likes to keep flinging around this thing about me not being able to do Steel Path (and still refuses to cite why he says this), but I'm sitting here doing Nets and EDA's, and complaining that they're too easy.

Carrying Nets can be fun in a way, for some small amount of time... But the design of the circle can be quite obnoxious, spawning in a place that promotes very minimal enemy spawning due to the game's mechanics. I've had a game where it took over 20 minutes to get the circle from 100% to 0% threat, and all the teammates were obeying the proper rules.

EDA's, however, have no semblance of fun whatsoever. People don't make builds so that ESO can punish them for using abilities. And people don't make build so that EDA's and Duviri can force them into using random other things instead.





So there you have it. I have answered your question - no thanks to you and your lack of assistance in defining the term that you yourself wanted me to address.

It is now time for you to answer mine. You ARE intending to play fair, aren't you?





6 hours ago, dwqrf said:

You didn't correct it. You evaded the issue by supposing we could change the whole concept for something else. Deflecting again, with not a single clue about game design and endgame.



As you can see... You just attempted to lie, hoping that your audience, and myself, would be too lazy to fact check your claim...

And look at how civil I was. Naturally, this is my reward. You lying about what was said.


In no way is my post evading the issue. I am directly fixing the issue that you mentioned. In what absolute f---ing omniverse is this me evading the issue, I ask you?


6 hours ago, dwqrf said:

It's the truth. We know it.

You can't just keep getting away with this.

(... dot gif.)


You can't just say "you suck and it's a fact and we all know it."

You have a duty to prove the things that you claim. We are ALL trying to do this but you. Even Kuci tries to prove his claims. But you do not. You just say exactly the kinds of things I just quoted. "I'm right, you're wrong, it's a fact and we all know it." WHEN does the evidence come in???


I now have to try to play both sides of the discussion - again - because you're just complete dead weight.


I'm ASSUMING you're referring to... some kind of profile statistic? When you say "blah blah normal star chart"?

Would that be correct?


The same stats page that says Tigris and Atomos are still my most used weapons, which I haven't used since 2019??? THAT stats page???

I'm pretty sure that I indeed have not finished the entire Steel Path star chart, that is correct. There was a time when I did, just out of boredom. What did it get me? Absolutely nothing to care about.

Then what happens? More content comes out. I don't know if I've finished SP Deimos star chart. I hate Deimos. I don't care to finish it.

Then what? Sanctum? I downloaded a big patch one day after coming back to WF to see what's up with it. Oh, what's this? Some Sanctum place.

I go there after doing the story. I do bounties. I do Netracells. I do EDA's.

Done & done.

Why would I even give enough of a crap to spend 30 to 60 minutes clearing these new SP star chart missions? To have it completed on my profile for when the Dwarf stalks it??? I really don't think you understand that some people don't care to do things that don't interest them. I have no compulsion to finish the SP star chart, or to rank up my MR, or to collect all the achievements, or what other mundane & irrelevant thing you might suggest. Those are empty, meaningless victories. You really wanna die on the hill that says it's "too difficult" for me to farm MR ranking??? Or the hill that says I'm incapable of clearing the SP star chart, when level 9999 enemies still don't suffice???





What are you even doing...

What random "catch phrase" are you going to reply with, I wonder.

Will it be stolen from me again, I wonder!






Still waiting for your response, Richard.

Edited by 4thBro
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il y a 26 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Quoting me saying what, you goof? Where in there do I say that I want the Seer to be a Brakk?

🎵 Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. 🎵

Damn you are dense.

Le 06/09/2024 à 06:50, PublikDomain a dit :

To be clear, I don't personally think weapons themselves need much in the way of stats rebalancing. Instead, I think the damage modding that dominates the weapon modding process should be reined in so A) there's a smaller range in power between top and bottom builds and B) more of your modding space and effort can be spent on non-damage things.

The reason most "bad" weapons are "bad" is only really because they have some big downsides that can only be fixed at the cost of power. (And other non-weapon systems are only "bad" because they can't scale nearly as much as weapons can). For example, the Kuva Seer has a prohibitively high zoom, high recoil, a small magazine, little reserve ammo, a low fire rate, and a long reload. The Kuva Brakk does not. So I can devote 100% of my modding efforts to making my Brakk deal more and more damage, but if I do the same for the Kuva Seer it's going to handle like crap and not be enjoyable to use.


Then you'd have a lot of guaranteed room in your builds to spend on things that aren't damage, damage you wouldn't need to spend those slots on in the first place.

You are saying that you want to mod the Seer for a better handling ( : closer to Brakk) because you don't want to be forced to mod for damage AND lose your damage output.
So you are saying you want the Seer to become more similar, gameplay wise, to a Brakk, but at no cost of damage while modding.
So you want to be able to make the Seer handle like the Brakk and still have the same result dps-wise.
You said it. It's right there. I can't lie when I'm just quoting you.
And that's just because you don't enjoy the native differences between the weapons.


il y a 17 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Not the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but it's certainly up there.


il y a 17 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

And we'll get more.

and sadly I don't even doubt that too.

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il y a 9 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

Since the Dwarf still has unsurprisingly refused to provide me with his list of what he believes to be WF's endgame, I will have to use Kuci's list in the meantime.

Thanks god someone made a list you could parasite only today, because you couldn't make one in 30 days. And now you say you do everything in that list like a good dog, but...

il y a 10 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

You have a duty to prove the things that you claim. We are ALL trying to do this but you. Even Kuci tries to prove his claims. But you do not. You just say exactly the kinds of things I just quoted. "I'm right, you're wrong, it's a fact and we all know it." WHEN does the evidence come in???

No proof whatsoever. No context, no frames choice, no builds, just "I played it and it was easy". HA ! You are a joke.


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1 minute ago, dwqrf said:

You are saying that you want to mod the Seer for a better handling ( : closer to Brakk) because you don't want to be forced to mod for damage AND lose your damage output.
So you are saying you want the Seer to become more similar, gameplay wise, to a Brakk, but at no cost of damage while modding.
So you want to be able to make the Seer handle like the Brakk and still have the same result dps-wise.
You said it. It's right there. I can't lie when I'm just quoting you.
And that's just because you don't enjoy the native differences between the weapons.

Isn't it fascinating how he will always & forever stick to his strategy???


I even made a god damn 1200 x 1600 image to help the Dwarf understand what the point being made was. So what's he do? Well...




This is a direct screenshot of what he does.

That ENTIRE post of mine, and he quotes the words... "You twist it."


And then continues onward into future pages to keep straw manning your point.


How much evidence do people need? This guy has ZERO intentions of genuine discussion.


Hard zero.





Still waitin' on you, Richard.

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il y a 15 minutes, 4thBro a dit :




As you can see... You just attempted to lie, hoping that your audience, and myself, would be too lazy to fact check your claim...

And look at how civil I was. Naturally, this is my reward. You lying about what was said.

You created an Endgame which was 25mn for a rotation A ; then remove 50% of it to make it 15mn for a rotation A, then removed another part for a 10mn mission including Railjack + mission type + boss.

Congrat, you created Corpus Railjack Parvos Sister's Showdown... ho wait that's already in game. BRUH.

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5 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

No proof whatsoever. No context, no frames choice, no builds, just "I played it and it was easy". HA ! You are a joke.




Did you just bank your entire position on the gamble of whether or not I have the patience to record & upload myself doing Nets and EDA???

That's... wild.





And do you even hear yourself? You sound like a comic book villain.

"You HAVE NO PROOF, Batman!!! Nyaaahhh!!! You are a JOKE, you see!!! HA!!!"

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il y a 21 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

I'm pretty sure that I indeed have not finished the entire Steel Path star chart, that is correct. There was a time when I did, just out of boredom. What did it get me? Absolutely nothing to care about.

Then what happens? More content comes out. I don't know if I've finished SP Deimos star chart. I hate Deimos. I don't care to finish it.

Then what? Sanctum? I downloaded a big patch one day after coming back to WF to see what's up with it. Oh, what's this? Some Sanctum place.

Why would I even give enough of a crap to spend 30 to 60 minutes clearing these new SP star chart missions? To have it completed on my profile for when the Dwarf stalks it??? I really don't think you understand that some people don't care to do things that don't interest them. I have no compulsion to finish the SP star chart, or to rank up my MR, or to collect all the achievements, or what other mundane & irrelevant thing you might suggest. Those are empty, meaningless victories. You really wanna die on the hill that says it's "too difficult" for me to farm MR ranking??? Or the hill that says I'm incapable of clearing the SP star chart, when level 9999 enemies still don't suffice???

Yup, you didn't play any endgame. Just because you claim "I don't care about it" ; which actually truly means "It's too difficult for me to do so I don't even try to do it".

Game's too hard for you. Period. You can't play it. You can't progress. You are stuck and it's only because you can't accept you are weak minded, don't have any discipline, and can't engage with harder content that takes longer to clear. You can't do it.

You can't even make a list of the endgame and have to wait 30 days for someone to give it to you. You can't even make your own build. If you did, you'd share it with us, to boast your magnificient ego ; but you don't do it, because you know it's pure trash and we are going to laught about it so hard even Mars is going to vibrate. You know we know, and we know you know. Keep playing dumb.

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1 minute ago, dwqrf said:

Yup, you didn't play any endgame. Just because you claim "I don't care about it" ; which actually truly means "It's too difficult for me to do so I don't even try to do it".

I'm going to be honest.

I find that people DRASTICALLY overuse the term "moving the goalpost." They apply it when it's not really applicable. It's actually a kind of rare fallacy!




But here we are. And I find myself, ACTUALLY for the first time in my life, having to call it out.


The first goalpost:

  • EDA's and Nets as endgame.

Turns out I've done those. Time to change the definition!


The second goalpost:

  • MR ranking and achievement hunting.


It never ends with you.





Please leave me alone, if you have no intentions of an honest discussion.





Still waiting on Richard.

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il y a 1 minute, 4thBro a dit :

Please leave me alone, if you have no intentions of an honest discussion.

The whole forum would like you to do the same. Can't you see ?

il y a 2 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

The first goalpost:

  • EDA's and Nets as endgame.

Turns out I've done those.

Once and you got carried ? Why don't you share us your builds bro ? I asked What's the endgame you play ? And with what build ? There is a context to it. You can't provide it and avoid the question.

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4 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Once and you got carried ? Why don't you share us your builds bro ? I asked What's the endgame you play ? And with what build ? There is a context to it. You can't provide it and avoid the question.


Oh my GOD you're getting desperate.


Once and got carried??? LMAOOOO


Share my builds??? How about you share yours? I've already shared my entire loadout screen, and what did you do? Mocked me, and said... something about the Power Rangers???

You're WAY BEHIND on your tab. You owe us a LOT, and yet all you keep doing is demanding more and more favors.

... You know what that sounds like?


A narcissist that thinks people owe him his every whim, but owes nobody else anything in return.


INTERESTING how this is all coming together, isn't it...

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1 minute ago, PublikDomain said:

But they don't! You can just equip the Verglas in isolation and simply use it to see that it does something valuable. Full disclosure, your comments about the Verglas prompted me to actually build one out, and I even lucked out on a Riven for it. 1st Companion Riven unveil, first reroll, CC/SC. Slapped it on my Helios and wow, it's killing enemies all on its own. And I didn't need to make a Stinger build to compare it to in order to determine that yes, having something kill the enemies without my input is quite valuable.

You completely ignored what I said about Verglas having the stats of base Glaxion. In isolation the weapon doesn't have impressive stats. It's by comparison that it ends up worth using by a substantial margin. The bar being "able to kill something on its own" as you said is where your whole comment falls apart and proves my point.

3 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Because the "vehicle for transportation" has combat mods. Why shouldn't things that deal damage be compared to other things that deal damage?

Because the damage of a K-Drive is irrelevant if that's not what it's used for. That's like comparing a gun to an apple because you can throw the apple at someone's head. ????

6 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

We have all these mechanics and interactions that you yourself say are one of Warframe's strengths, but here I say "so let's make those mechanics and interactions actually useful" and what's your response?

Nice attempt at cherry picking my comment from a completely different part of my response. If only you quoted just a few sentences further:

On 2024-09-06 at 8:13 PM, Voltage said:

I also loathe commenting on here with a person who dissects a comment one sentence at a time. Every time, and I mean every time, you lose yourself in each detail and miss the overall message of what the post was.

For other readers, here is the full context of what was conveniently cherry-picked:

On 2024-09-06 at 8:13 PM, Voltage said:

You can only accomplish your mission by destroying why Warframe is good, and finding a new audience to replace the current one. If you're playing Warframe to search for difficulty, you should quit and stop wasting your time. The game has always been a collectathon with easy content, experimental development ideas, and an endgame you need to make for yourself. This is why I keep asking for forced co-op content, because (in my perspective over 9 years playing) the only way the mind-numbing direction of gameplay becomes enjoyable to play in perpetuity.

And by the way, Warframe's strength in mechanical diversity is something you can already employ with all the power we've amassed over the years. The discussion of difficulty is completely separate from that fact. Players who feel that most of them aren't "useful" are only playing themselves. Knowledge of niche interactions are where discoveries come from like Nuke Trinity, Heat Inherit, Well of Life killing Thumpers, Steel Essence Stacking as Limbo, and how players farm Endo efficiently in the Arena. These discoveries and explorative builds aren't made from the player who can't see past the base damage number in their Arsenal UI. I have plenty of fun using what I know (which is quite a bit now) to reach goals I make for myself and breeze through content.

54 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Players would like to see Trials come back, in addition to some more challenging end game content
-Digital Extremes, 2022

There's not even any significance in that quote. They've been saying that since the day they removed Trials and players asked them about it. We've also gotten years of concrete evidence in the opposite direction that the status quo is not "challenging end-game content", whatever that's supposed to mean.

1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

Who is coping, here?

Anyone who believes Warframe's intrinsic endgame is derived from anything beyond keeping up with the live service. You know it, I know it, DE knows it, everyone knows it. Trials will never be returning in their original capacity or remotely close, because this playerbase proved that it was a poor return on investment. I would examine the last 6 years worth of updates and the changes made to the game since Trials were removed as a whole and then ask yourself if Warframe is moving in a direction that caters to this. Yes, we get a sprinkle of content here and there that add a bit more build consideration, but there are several more foundational changes that are clearly designed for the larger target audience of the game that generally despises the wish from that minority of players for vague "challenging end game content". I would certainly enjoy this kind of content, but I'm not kidding myself.


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il y a 43 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

It is now time for you to answer mine. You ARE intending to play fair, aren't you?

Let's talk about the endgame I play. Look at that :

First, let's talk about my codex progression ;




But that's just boring useless stuff that everybody can get easily, right ?
So let's talk about the mod collection :


Ho, that's okay, but what about conclave ?


Phew, okay, that's a lot of farm !
But do I own every arcane fullex maxed ?


Not exactly ! Still missing a few from EDA and Duviri, but as I'm doing Sanctum weekly and waiting for new Incarnons weapons, I can just wait and they will eventually drop. Of course, I'm also sitting on 20k Vosfor, and enough Plat to buy them if needed, but were would be the fun ?

Enough of that, what about a build I made myself ?
Here is my favorite weapon with a self made Riven (Critical Delay is hidden) :

It packs a punch ! Notice I had to change the base element from Toxin to Heat with the adjustment of resistance/weakness, so now I can have a Blast build instead of Viral. And Blast synergize really well with +%damage, AoE, and Rifle Elementalist.


So now, are you going to play fair and share with us anything YOU do, instead of parasiting some list someone else told you about ? Hum? Huuuummmmmmm ? Taking screenshot is hard for you ? I did all of that in 5mn. I guess you can't handle Warframe, that's all.

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32 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

 I have played Netracells and EDA's, but I'm sitting here doing Nets and EDA's, and complaining that they're too easy, have no semblance of fun whatsoever.

People don't make builds so that ESO can punish them for using abilities. And people don't make build so that EDA's and Duviri can force them into using random other things instead.

I have noticed myself that after getting my hands on frames like Jade/Dante or any frame with a Exalted Weapon for that matter that, EDA's random loadout thing has become a bit redundant, since that you can grab any weapon from the list and then just use the EW for the mission and sure some of the "modes" that you have to pick can be quite bad but when your frame can overcome it by ten-folds, I can fully see why it's just a cake walk.

So I can see where you are coming from, since you have to deliberately penalize yourself in order to get some challenge and hell I Main Dante, cuz he is just a frame that I enjoy but I will agree that he makes content I play a breeze, unless something zaps my EW or strips my OG away.


Tho, I must admit, when folks want the game to be harder, folks will only complain that it is "too hard" and then we're back the same topic at hand, endless loop, sadly. Hell I porb siad something stupid in a topic somewhere about a topic like this lol

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Il y a 4 heures, 4thBro a dit :

... You know what that sounds like?
A narcissist that thinks people owe him his every whim, but owes nobody else anything in return.
INTERESTING how this is all coming together, isn't it...

Thank you so much for saying that, it's EXACTLY what they talk about in these video (First one, time stamp 5:15) :

Il y a 7 heures, dwqrf a dit :


And to have more insight about who they think they are, nothing better than the real deal ; actually aware of himself and doing therapy :

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7 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Thank you so much for saying that, it's EXACLTY what they talk about in these video (First one, time stamp 5:15) :

*looks around*






... Look through your own posts..........





Hell. Do you know what I'm doing right now???

I just got out of the shower.

But now I'm about to do my EDA.

And upload it.



I literally CANNOT POSSIBLY IMAGINE you putting in the same effort because of anything I've said or asked of you.





... You're the bad guy, man...

Edited by 4thBro
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