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@Trailgamer5: Added Deception 2.0. It's not very... deception-y, though, so the name could probably use a rethink. Also, having someone "pilot" the capital ships is radically out-of-genre, and doesn't really fit at all. Added the shotgun collection, too.

@Saberis: I'm... not sure what you're saying? But thanks... I think?

@General_Durandal: Could be cool, but something too Diablesque wouldn't happen. Anyway, that post can't really be added to the index...

@CeaselessSlim: Could be an interesting weapon... a little on the plain side IMHO, but I can see some potential. Added.

@MangoSmoothXL: I would welcome an expansion to Syndicates, although I'm a little hesitant to support invading the missions of other players. That's a little too... Dark Souls. No good experiences with that, here. Anywho, added.

@VertLeaf: Interesting idea. Might be the best of the... how to say it... medically-oriented frames I've seen? Yeah, that'll do. While I love the name Revenant, though, it really doesn't fit this frame very well, IMO.

@GunDownGrace: Updated the old Prizak link. Looks nice, I like it. It even comes with some very nice weaponry. Coolio :D

@Nick-Ka-Ka: Pretty cool sword and shield. Even if Regor is coming with another, we only have the one so far so it's a nice addition.

@DarkTails: I've got the same thing to say to you that I said to iscofield a bit back: you think you have enough topics? Each weapon doesn't need it's own topic, not when you're putting out so many. I put the Hellion Miniboss in, since it stands alone, but consolidate the others in a single collection topic, even if its just links to their individual topics--it's more convenient, and it takes up less space in the already somewhat cluttered index. Then I'll happily add it to the index.

@Slayer of hate: Added. It... doesn't look very Tenno. Or balanced. Kind of a gimmick weapon...

@unknow99: Added. A little too melodramatic a post, if you ask me, but it's an interesting thought and kind of nice that you have an extra language there (which I happen to speak ^-^)

@Akuma_Asura_: It would be nice to see single-wield claws (since that's effectively what this would have to be, animation-wise... DarkTails has a point in that regard) but I'm not sure DE will do it. I like the idea though, and it's been added.

@BeeOverlord: Oh yes, very yes. I suggested something like this a long time ago, but that was well before the Relays and Syndicates were things. This is the best trading/resource-conversion scheme I've seen yet. Added... and +1.

@Groverfield: Added. I like the idea, but... it needs some work. Meant for burst use or not, 50 and 100 energy per second are simply not viable for channeled abilities. Mesa's Peacemaker and Chroma's Effigy are most expensive channeled abilities in the game right now. Peacemaker only costs 25 to activate and drains 15 per second. Effigy costs 50 to activate, but only drains 10 per second. There is no precedent for your costs, they're unmaintable for more than two or three seconds--which is basically useless.

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@Trailgamer5: Added Deception 2.0. It's not very... deception-y, though, so the name could probably use a rethink. Also, having someone "pilot" the capital ships is radically out-of-genre, and doesn't really fit at all. Added the shotgun collection, too.

@Saberis: I'm... not sure what you're saying? But thanks... I think?

@General_Durandal: Could be cool, but something too Diablesque wouldn't happen. Anyway, that post can't really be added to the index...

@CeaselessSlim: Could be an interesting weapon... a little on the plain side IMHO, but I can see some potential. Added.

@MangoSmoothXL: I would welcome an expansion to Syndicates, although I'm a little hesitant to support invading the missions of other players. That's a little too... Dark Souls. No good experiences with that, here. Anywho, added.

@VertLeaf: Interesting idea. Might be the best of the... how to say it... medically-oriented frames I've seen? Yeah, that'll do. While I love the name Revenant, though, it really doesn't fit this frame very well, IMO.

@GunDownGrace: Updated the old Prizak link. Looks nice, I like it. It even comes with some very nice weaponry. Coolio :D

@Nick-Ka-Ka: Pretty cool sword and shield. Even if Regor is coming with another, we only have the one so far so it's a nice addition.

@DarkTails: I've got the same thing to say to you that I said to iscofield a bit back: you think you have enough topics? Each weapon doesn't need it's own topic, not when you're putting out so many. I put the Hellion Miniboss in, since it stands alone, but consolidate the others in a single collection topic, even if its just links to their individual topics--it's more convenient, and it takes up less space in the already somewhat cluttered index. Then I'll happily add it to the index.

@Slayer of hate: Added. It... doesn't look very Tenno. Or balanced. Kind of a gimmick weapon...

@unknow99: Added. A little too melodramatic a post, if you ask me, but it's an interesting thought and kind of nice that you have an extra language there (which I happen to speak ^-^)

@Akuma_Asura_: It would be nice to see single-wield claws (since that's effectively what this would have to be, animation-wise... DarkTails has a point in that regard) but I'm not sure DE will do it. I like the idea though, and it's been added.

@BeeOverlord: Oh yes, very yes. I suggested something like this a long time ago, but that was well before the Relays and Syndicates were things. This is the best trading/resource-conversion scheme I've seen yet. Added... and +1.

@Groverfield: Added. I like the idea, but... it needs some work. Meant for burst use or not, 50 and 100 energy per second are simply not viable for channeled abilities. Mesa's Peacemaker and Chroma's Effigy are most expensive channeled abilities in the game right now. Peacemaker only costs 25 to activate and drains 15 per second. Effigy costs 50 to activate, but only drains 10 per second. There is no precedent for your costs, they're unmaintable for more than two or three seconds--which is basically useless.

Thanks for the addition!


No wayyy.... You speak french too?! :o


(I don't get why it'd be too melodramatic though...)

Edited by unknow99
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And I had just renamed it after getting some suggestions, cause I didn't want to step on the toes of whoever made the "Spectre" warframe concept.

Yeah I saw, well at least you renamed it before Siubijeni actually saw this

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Alright. Hopefully adding Eidolon to the list will get more people talking about it. So far it seems to have a pretty high approval rating, but I'd really like more comments and mechanical feedback.

so,,,are you going to check this out?


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@Groverfield: No probs. Added "Valkyr's New Home" to the index, under quests. I like it, would be a nice change of pace. +1

@MG_Vex: Ooooh, Kusarigama variant. I dig it. Added.

@unknow99: No prob. I thought the parts where it was like "but wait, what's this? Oh, it's them being ninja..." etc were just a little bit overdramatizing/overselling the idea. I got a bit impatient with them is all. I might be the only one who dislikes it. Anywho, yeah, English is my native language, and French is the first I learned besides that (and the one I speak best). I took part in Le Grand Concours a few years back, and scored 13th in the nation. I also understand a fair amount of Romanian and Italian, plus a bit of Welsh and Japanese. Hobbies :P

@TwevOWNED: Interesting idea. I think I'm with NyxOOX in saying I personally don't like the scale you've proposed, but the basic idea and your thoughts behind it are intriguing. I put it in with the theme as "HEV-Mechs," the acronym meaning "Hostile Environment Vehicle." If you don't like that, I can change it. I was just trying to be specific :P

@LAME_NINJA: First off, please be patient :P I have a life, too, y'know. If it makes you feel better, I don't click the notifications when I know I don't have time to go through the Index, so every time I get on they're there to remind me. Moving on, the art is stellar... but (and I'm sorry if this sounds harsh) the abilities seem less than imaginative. They're all roughly equivalent to some existing ability (some have interesting twists, like that Spear of Judgement charge mechanic, but not enough to really make it new, I think), making him a cobbled frame with altered themes. Furthermore, there is a clear split in his abilities. The fact that many abilities are ignored in favor of others is something I don't like about Warframe, and this split between dark and light, near and far... well, it encourages that way too much, IMHO. Added.

@Synthoid: I quite like it. It's got a good feel for a stealth frame, and the dark theme is rather nice, too. At the same time, it doesn't come across as blatantly overpowered... something a lot of stealth "assassin" concepts fail to do. Don't feel like you need to worry about seniority so much, either. There are plenty of independent concepts that coincidentally have the same name--I always put the first/oldest at the top, and order them in descending seniority. There's already an Eidolon frame, too, for example. It's hard to find something completely untouched.

@Hunter126: Thanks for helping out Synthoid. +1 to you, good sir or sir-ette.

Edited by Siubijeni
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If I stuff all my concepts into one topic that's going to get horribly cluttered too. I understand it's a no-win situation lol


Thanks for adding the Hellion Boss, I'll just link to my concepts in my profile from now on to give you a breather.

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Thanks for the commentary Siubijeni. Now... if you don't mind me asking this (as off-topic as it may be); how do you make spoiler tabs on this forum? I don't wanna make my thread ridiculously long due to updates to the concept.

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@DarkTails: Spoiler tags really help with that... you can put each weapon into it's own spoiler, and even if you have multiple sections for each weapon... spoilers can be nested, so it doesn't really make a difference. I've organized the Index that way, as you can see. All of my topics are arranged that way. If you really don't want to put it all in one topic, you make several sub-topics... maybe one for primaries, one for secondaries, etc. Just... with the amount of topics you had, individually speaking, it's kind of excessive to link each one. A single post can only hold so many characters (which hasn't been a problem for the Index, yet), and only so many links (which has been a problem, and the reason it's split into two parts now). Up to you.


@Synthoid: Spoiler tags are done with a header and closer. In the following, replace all { } with [ ] and you'll be golden. {spoiler} is the header for a section of spoiler'd text. {/spoiler} closes the tag. I recommend putting the tags on their own lines (above and below the text), because even though it technically works when in-line with the paragraph, it is known to bug up, sometimes. Spoilers can also be nested inside each other for multi-layered organization. Example:



This is a spoiler. There is a spoiler inside this spoiler.


See? Spoiler-ception.


And if I want, I can have stuff on this side, too. Spoiler-sandwich.





This is a spoiler. There is a spoiler inside this spoiler.

See? Spoiler-ception.

And if I want, I can have stuff on this side, too. Spoiler-sandwich.

Edited by Siubijeni
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