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Why Are People Douchebags?


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This is a weird thing to ask I know. I just don't understand it.


-People are racist

-People are just A-holes

-People killing each other for freaking PS4s and Xbones

-Companies ripping people off with terrible products and service (Microsoft's Windows and Xbone/Youtube's new policy etc.)

-NSA, spying on allies of the country; not to be a conspirator but I am not gonna believe all the BS the government tells us



-People swearing at each other like it's nothing

-Hacking/stealing (why play a multiplayer game if you are going to hack? where is the difficulty); mind you, they are not the same people who make the hacks :S

-Trolling/shouting in the microphone 


Many more things to add but I just don't understand. Nothing to do with the fact that I am against those things, it is that I do not understand them. I understand revenge, hatred and such but pure retardation is out of my league.


PS. Just needed to get this off my chest.

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Well if you want a reason it's most likely just a byproduct of the more parts of human nature (Greed, vanity, hatred, envy, sadism, overall jerkishness) amplified with no real  consequences (at least in gaming), some odd belief that they are right, or the fact they simply don't care.
Also about companies being jerks, just focus on greed. It'll honestly explain 99.9% of all the issues.


Also, good job getting this off your chest?

Happy Holidays Tenno

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Power and money...it brings out the evil side of people. That's my take on it. 

I disagree. Power and money aren't the cause of such behavior, as I see them as neutral. Give a kind hearted person money or power and they will find ways to benefit more than themselves. I'd say Bill Gates would be the prime example of this. Whether they are abused or not depends on the person who gains them. People who are selfish, violent and rude display these characteristics with or without them. It's hardwired into them from early on in life for various reasons (Feel free to debate Nature vs Nurture). Power and money, however, do allow them more ways to escape consequences for their bad actions.


That's the way I see it anyway.


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Most of the actions listed in the OP are caused by fear, an evolutionary byproduct of a living creature's strive to keep living. Fear of what? It depends, but now it is often of financial insecurity, boredom, other people, or missing out on something.

For a long time, we have condemned that which we deemed different because we believed that difference was dangerous. It was a reaction caused by both natural means and some conscious decisions.


Now, in the modern age, we can manipulate our technology and social environment to freely act out our desires and speak of our hatred. This is strengthened by anonymity on the internet, as said by others.

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because made up Monetary 'Currency' systems drive the entire world.


the only thing anyone cares about, is this 'Currency'. it is the only thing that matters in life.


since it's the only thing that matters, people will do whatever it takes to obtain more of it. and children are raised on these notions, that 'Currency' is the only thing that matters.


hence, the actions of Humanity. 



it is that simple.



that is not the drive for most things on the Internet, however. that's mostly just competition because 'everyone' needs to get their.... up and feel better than everyone else. because... i don't actually know.



People swearing at each other like it's nothing

by the way, those words are only 'bad', because people decided they needed 'bad' words to use, so they chose words and made them that way.


they are the same as any other word in the English language. they describe an action, object, time, person, place, etc.

words explain meaning. their meaning is written in stone.


a word is not 'bad' or 'good'. it is a word. the only reason you think of them to be a 'swear', is because society decides the words are 'bad'. but they are not. sh*t defines fecal matter, nothing more. Et Cetera. 

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Anonymity can bring out both the best and worst in people.


Fear of concepts which are foreign to you and facing changes to your lifestyle can often create bigotry. Dislike of anything that goes against your faith/beliefs, etc.


Many reasons.


This is exactly what I was going to say.


Anonymity gives people the ability to satisfy their deep rooted need to be jerks to one another. Luckily not EVERYONE is that way. But too many.



by the way, those words are only 'bad', because people decided they needed 'bad' words to use, so they chose words and made them that way.


they are the same as any other word in the English language. they describe an action, object, time, person, place, etc.

words explain meaning. their meaning is written in stone.


a word is not 'bad' or 'good'. it is a word. the only reason you think of them to be a 'swear', is because society decides the words are 'bad'. but they are not. sh*t defines fecal matter, nothing more. Et Cetera. 


Of course, most of the words that we consider 'bad' today were made that way by the Normans when they conquered England in 1066. They did NOT approve of the words that were used by everyone from king on down in Anglo-Saxon society and banned many of them, some on pain of DEATH.


Today? The internet's anonymity allows people to act out however they wish with little fear of repercussion. Some people will maintain civilized behavior even when surrounded by total internet savages. Others will devolve to act the same as said savages when given the chance. There is little that can currently be done about it though.


Its when said internet savages get out of high school and go into the workplace with the attitudes cultivated by years of internet usage that it can get... amusing.

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Like another put it, it's really just "Human Nature". People have instinctive behavior to compete. In a very broad explanation for competing, it can include wealth, ability, race, gender, intelligence, anything really. Anything that can in some way be based on competition can bring out the dark side of things. 

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This is a weird thing to ask I know. I just don't understand it.


-People are racist

-People are just A-holes

-People killing each other for freaking PS4s and Xbones

-Companies ripping people off with terrible products and service (Microsoft's Windows and Xbone/Youtube's new policy etc.)

-NSA, spying on allies of the country; not to be a conspirator but I am not gonna believe all the BS the government tells us



-People swearing at each other like it's nothing

-Hacking/stealing (why play a multiplayer game if you are going to hack? where is the difficulty); mind you, they are not the same people who make the hacks :S

-Trolling/shouting in the microphone 


Many more things to add but I just don't understand. Nothing to do with the fact that I am against those things, it is that I do not understand them. I understand revenge, hatred and such but pure retardation is out of my league.


PS. Just needed to get this off my chest.

This whole thread is like its named a "#$&(% bag".

To fully understand why governments are acting like this is to understand people who live in those countries.

Lets take NSA (where there are a lot of others agencies that do more or less - yet still take a part on it)

- NSA is not spying its allies. If NSA did spy on them it means that in fact they are enemies, or planing to ally themselves with enemies.

- Did people actually forgot Echelon?

Collecting information about people, social engineering, ownership of the information / copyrights.

- Today companies are reliving government in collection of all information, invigilation and studying of human behaviors. This has become a profitable business, and people are giving in to the common practice of giving away their data and other are forced to - to get anything, and due to this its legal to spy on them.

The ownership of information / copyrights.

- The question is posed can there be a digital copyrights? Can You actually steal anything in the internet even though You are not stealing anything? Ex.

In this short story i will explain few common things that are seen as illegal due to our outdated copyright standards:

Joe went to GameStop and brought a new game

Joe won the game, and though

"yeah now that I brought the game

Option A:

A: I will give it to my Alex."

Alex looked at the game, and played

few times, then uploaded it on the internet.

Option B:

Yes I love the game, I want to modify it so my character isn't black negro (Sorry Joe is a racist he likes to play with white person - oh my the controversy)

Option C:

He throws away the disc - leaving their copyright holder company in danger that someone not authorized will look and copy this disc...

Notice what would happen in a real world if we take a book.

Someone brought the book and then decided that he'll use it as a toilet paper

A: Toilet Paper copyright holder: No You cannot use this book, You can only use our toilet paper...

My response is like WTF?!

B: Book publisher You cannot use our book as a toilet paper, in fact You cannot give it to your sister after You've read it. You cannot throw it into garbage and we don't want it to be posted back to us either.

Please remember what would happen if BMV, Honda, Buick or any other car manufacturing company told You that You cannot kick Your own car, or draw on your car. Even though the car is not warranted anymore because its old car...

To all of those people who think they can impose such; yes You win. Because in today's world You force normal person to give you all the info You want from him, and he cannot expect that You will not sell his information to another company or give it to terrorist organization or some science project that he did not consent to.

This will ultimately down the road *(30-40years) will lead to bloody revolution in which people will hang from street lanterns, and communistic countries will prosper... because we as a dumb f***ks wanted to behave like french nobility. No food? Eat the cake there's plenty of it...


Ok now lets jump to people...

Why are they behaving like this? Its rather simple.

They do not hear others over how great they are. (thats the problem for both parties)

Yes people are racist, and some may consider me a racist person, because of what I am about to tell.

The Afro-Americans *(I think its the best example)

They think white folk will threat them equal, but in fact they do not want that. They want white folk to give them free stuff or they'll cry that their African warlord sold them to dutch or english slave traders. Oh my...

If they want to be treated equal they need to adopt our laws and traditions. If they can't they can go back to Africa, and make themselves a country they want there where their homeland lies. They are free now, why can't they go back to their homelands in Africa?

To them maybe my redemption?:

Look what American people gave to You. You had nothing, You were sold by Your own people in Africa like a meat or bananas. Look where You are now. You can have everything, what American person could have. Back in Europe we would put You to gas chambers like another nation without a country Jews. But this time we would have typical gas chambers and Hitlers in every country. Even today in Europe You are viewed as subspecies. *(except Ireland and maybe France)

Thats fin


Next one

Arabs (Kebabs) v Catholics

Respect their Culture, law if You are in their country

This is for all nations... If you don't well we have all the crap we have going on.

and we could go on...

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I'm going to response on each number using my experiences here. :3

1-People are racist

2-People are just A-holes

3-People killing each other for freaking PS4s and Xbones

4-Companies ripping people off with terrible products and service (Microsoft's Windows and Xbone/Youtube's new policy etc.)

5-NSA, spying on allies of the country; not to be a conspirator but I am not gonna believe all the BS the government tells us



6-People swearing at each other like it's nothing

7-Hacking/stealing (why play a multiplayer game if you are going to hack? where is the difficulty); mind you, they are not the same people who make the hacks :S

8-Trolling/shouting in the microphone 

1.) Most people can endure the different looks of every individual. There are only just some who are "perfectionists" in their own ways that only they want themselves to exists and others don't. To me, I hate racists just as much as racists hate other people. :l


2.) Buttheads are buttheads. Some had their spare time trolling the internet but had their own lives to live in. There just a handful of true knuckleheads out there that wanted the fun for themselves, because they got too corrupted by the internet.


3.) Gaming greed, one of my favored classics to see people hurt each other to get what they want. This is basically a spoiled childish behavior, as there is a new game, they'll simple hog it in and then, as expected, get easily bored with it then tries something else. :l


4.) I hate Bill Gates, since he is the true Alad V to begin with. I mean, the real Alad V (the character of this game) works strong and true by salvaging Tenno with his own hands, while Bill Gates just simply steals other's blueprints. :(


5.) Ah, the secret groups. Many conspired this but failed to strongly provide evidence of it either by the reason that they are too scared to show it out due to instant death of oneself and his/her family or is because these groups just simply discarded people out to play the role as the conspirators themselves. I don't blame you for this.


6.) I don't exactly why do people simply swear in a common basis. I'm more of a guy who would say "Shikes", "Son of a socket wrench", "Sandwich!" or "Pop-tarts" just to get off the immorality of people saying unchurchly things.


7.) The people who use hacks are just simply those who do not have any skill in gaming at all, and instead took the advantage of their actual programming skills to force exploit every characteristic of game. If they find other players too hard to PvP, they'll simply "hack" them to death.


8.) Or Trolling in general.

- Like in number 2, people just had spare time to irritate others just for the fun of it, being sadistic and all. Though I had two way you could do to encounter these guys and get out with yourself satisfied is to:


(a) have a decent set of comebacks to have them provoked instead, or simply troll them back or

(b) get a hold of yourself for at least 5 minutes to get them saying profanity and bashing in order for you to report them to the moderators for banning.




Yeah. :3

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