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Raising Awareness For Nyx



I have a problem. I am in the process of leveling up my Nyx. I am finding Nyx to be an amazing frame with an extremely powerful ability, namely Absorb. However, I want to know if anyone else has had problems using absorb due to teammates killing all enemies around me. I assumed mostly everyone around me knew that Nyx needs to take damage to give it out for Absorb, no? If you've had this problem, how have you dealt with it? It's driving me insane.

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When I play Nyx in a group, I mainly focus on Chaos and Mind Control. I just use Absorb as an "Oh damn, I am taking too much damage" button. In the end, when people in your group know that Absorb is an useful ability they let you use it; but when you have the scrubs that just want to have the most kills, you run into problems. 

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They helped her abit with absorb by having a minimum damage done even if she take no damage before if she took no damage she would do 0 damaged but now she has a base amount not sure how much then the damage taken is added on that.

I dont have so much problem with absorb as I got with mind control for that skill is a waste of space in group play as its now. They need to remake it so that other players cant kill the mind controlled target beside you or there not really any use to throw it to gain the buff or healing for the ancient healer. For chaos do the CC part much better but you gain no advantage of buffs and stuff like that with chaos.

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If the enemies around you are dying before your Absorb goes off, they weren't much of a threat to begin with. I consider the ability good solo, a decent mitigation of damage for an area (like protecting a pod), and the easiest way to save yourself if you can't withstand the hordes. Otherwise, Chaos is the ultimate ability for groups.

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I use absorb mainly as a panic button. If you ever get surrounded or if your shield runs out, just use absorb to buy some time and recharge your shields. I wouldn't use it as an offensive skill since its so slow at killing.

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If you're playing with a coordinated group though, Nyx's Absorb can be used offensively to great effect - much like how Nova's Antimatter Drop is used. Chaos can also take control of an Ancient Healer or Shield Osprey/Drone on Defense missions, which is very useful.

It can just be difficult sometimes to get the Nyx in position to use Absorb properly though, since her defenses are like wet tissue paper glued onto cardboard.

With PUG's though... I'd suggest sticking with Mind Control only. It's easier to not use Chaos, since PUG's will typically shoot the glowing enemies first.

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Go solo >.> Thats really the only way......



Aaaand there is another reason why ppl like to play alone... 

*adding another reason to the hundreds of reasons to play alone with a sad face...*


But no, DE still forcing multiplayer with stupid things like better drop rates that we don't need when soloing of course... or... oh wait...

*Feels like I got screwed again by DE in the...*

And DE loves it... and I hate it... again...

Edited by H0PE
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I play to play w/ my friends - so Solo is not what I want to do. I got nyx up to 30 and while I like her, I rarely use her because of people poaching absorb kills. I will pull her out from time to time w/ my friends who are all smart enough to know - anything hanging around nix when she is meditating is already dead... so like all intelligent Tenno - they look for targets that still need killing.


Baddiess around Nyx = Dead man walkin....  unless your playin w/ scrubs.

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Aaaand there is another reason why ppl like to play alone... 

*adding another reason to the hundreds of reasons to play alone with a sad face...*


But no, DE still forcing multiplayer with stupid things like better drop rates that we don't need when soloing of course... or... oh wait...

*Feels like I got screwed again by DE in the...*

And DE loves it... and I hate it... again...

It's a coop game. It always has been.

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It really comes down to coordination that you can't expect in a random group.  A lot of people are guilty of killing everything right after a Nyx pops their absorb and it has as much to do with turning our brain off and blindly killing than it does not understanding the power of Nyx.  It isn't really arrogance or ignorance as much as it is just not paying attention and going about being efficient killers ourselves.


Also sometimes you have the same thought as another player at about the same time, and both hit ults at the same time.  Some 4 powers are more instant than others, and I know i've done it, thought oh its time to kill everything, and hit 4 and then noticed... oops guess that absorb isn't going to get much.


As others have said, in a random group chaos is just more useful more often, and in most groups probably the only frame ability you will need to use.

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One time my host was lagging as I was playing nyx...... at just the right moment I used absorb as lag was hitting.... and while absorb was activated I was able to move around at a little bit faster than my run speed. It felt like exactly what absorb needs and actually gives you a reason to build up your duration to use it (for longer chance to place yourself/extra time with increased movement speed)

it felt so perfect might actually just go suggest it to a dev

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Absorb isnt used for damage, it is used for protecting specific target. In defense you can use it to panic protect the pod, shield teammate while he is reviving downed one, etc.



You should be more creative with it. Absorb isnt about the damage, it is about being able to use it when Absorb is needed. Being big &#! ball that attracts everything helps alot with finding uses for it.

Edited by RoboDog
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Absorb is a defensive skill, use it to draw aggro from teammate/cryopod. Think of it like an uber-decoy, where your team can use the advantage that they are not getting fired at and move into a good position to kill, with the added bonus that if this is not the case it can do good damage itself. If you don't like that you are not getting many kills then Nyx is not for you; Just play Nova like everyone else.


Seriously though, there are frames that kill faster and to greater effect, let them do it. I find when I play with, and as, support frames they happily chip in some damage to the absorb pot, but let the offensive frames deal the deeeps.

Edited by Amorphous_Sofa
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Absorb is good in survival or defense. I've seen it used with laser traps in the void and it appeared to do amazing things so my main interest is in how lasers effect the damage output. I'd like to see it do radiation damage if it doesn't already. Use it when other players are very far away. or. Use it when there at least 20 mobs in the effect area.  

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