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Defense Is No Longer Worth It.


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I was in a Orikin Derelict Defense mission and I kept on passing up prime gear to try for even better rewards, turns out I ended with a cheap fusion core and did not get any of the other gear that I "earned" by defending for ages. I think Endless Defense should award you all the mods and gear you get every 5 waves like survival does. I find it unfair when I spend a couple hours defending something to only get a cheap reward that has already been dropped a dozen times.


But this is just me being greedy.

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Just a random idea, but what If defense mission had a mission reward tree? Like when you do five waves, you receive two reward options and then the option to extract. Every time you do 5 waves, two rewards branch out of that mission, so every five minutes you could select the reward you want. That way, people hunting for keys, rare mods, or even blueprints can get what they want and keep farming for more.

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lest us forget that other gamemodes exist, however. those gamemodes should be worth playing as well. 


Raid missions were the perfect candidate for awarding items like how Vaults do. go in, steal the Artifact, get out, get a reward (presumably that artifact).

every mission should be worth playing.

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But this is just me being greedy.

u greedyness just earn you 1 like


B                                  :D

            B                      :D

                        B          :D

                                 B :D

     DEAL WITH IT        BD

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I don't understand why they've left Defense rewards so broken for so long. You'd think it'd be one of the first things they fix, seeing as it's the only "endgame" (lol) that we have.


I'm not so sure I agree with cumulative rewards.

However, the rewards MUST get better as you play. Getting to 40 waves and being offered a Fusion Core is a massive kick in the face.


Also, higher waves need to give more than one reward. Increase the reward count every 10 waves.

10 waves = 2 rewards

20 waves = 3 rewards

30 waves = 4 rewards


etc, etc.

This coupled with increasing rarity, getting to 40+ waves might actually be worth it.


Changed minutes to waves.

I'm talking about Defense, not Survival.

Edited by Nugget_
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Just a random idea, but what If defense mission had a mission reward tree? Like when you do five waves, you receive two reward options and then the option to extract. Every time you do 5 waves, two rewards branch out of that mission, so every five minutes you could select the reward you want. That way, people hunting for keys, rare mods, or even blueprints can get what they want and keep farming for more.


I don't understand why they've left Defense rewards so broken for so long. You'd think it'd be one of the first things they fix, seeing as it's the only "endgame" (lol) that we have.


I'm not so sure I agree with cumulative rewards.

However, the rewards MUST get better as you play. Getting to 40 minutes and being offered a Fusion Core is a massive kick in the face.


Also, higher waves need to give more than one reward. Increase the reward count every 10 minutes.

10 minutes = 2 rewards

20 minutes = 3 rewards

30 minutes = 4 rewards


etc, etc.

This coupled with increasing rarity, getting to 40+ minutes might actually be worth it.


I really like both of these, but let's mash them together for MAMXIMUM GREEDY MILK FACTOR.

At wave 5, you pick between two mods.

At wave 10, you choose between two pairs of rewards.

at wave 15, you decide on one of two groups of four rewards.

And so on, until you can't continue or until your game crashes from having too many rewards.

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Why not just have Defense give you all the rewards offered?

If you play for 40 waves, skipping the reward when offered eight times, if you take the reward on the ninth offering, I think you should get that reward, and all the ones previously offered.

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Why not just have Defense give you all the rewards offered?

If you play for 40 waves, skipping the reward when offered eight times, if you take the reward on the ninth offering, I think you should get that reward, and all the ones previously offered.

I think this is valid, or maybe we could set it so that rewards ACTUALLY get better and are more worthwhile. I only do defense for exp with my lowbie friends.

I also like the idea of a token system, I know that's being tossed around.

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Also, if you don't mind me sneaking in: It would be great if we could leave the defense mission on our own without the results screen appearing on our face and sealing our movement. 


Sometimes, i just don't have time to scavenge the whole room for the mods that i left on the corners. 

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I don't understand why they've left Defense rewards so broken for so long. You'd think it'd be one of the first things they fix, seeing as it's the only "endgame" (lol) that we have.


I'm not so sure I agree with cumulative rewards.

However, the rewards MUST get better as you play. Getting to 40 minutes and being offered a Fusion Core is a massive kick in the face.


Also, higher waves need to give more than one reward. Increase the reward count every 10 minutes.

10 minutes = 2 rewards

20 minutes = 3 rewards

30 minutes = 4 rewards


etc, etc.

This coupled with increasing rarity, getting to 40+ minutes might actually be worth it.

You sir. Are a genius.

How has someone not thought of this?

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I actually thought that the system works like that for a very long time, until one time I got some mod as an reward that I was looking for, but rest of the team was staying so I was like "hell yeah these guys are awesome, and I got my mod, of course I'll stay!"


5 waves and extraction later I felt bit disappointed.

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Just a random idea, but what If defense mission had a mission reward tree? Like when you do five waves, you receive two reward options and then the option to extract. Every time you do 5 waves, two rewards branch out of that mission, so every five minutes you could select the reward you want. That way, people hunting for keys, rare mods, or even blueprints can get what they want and keep farming for more.

I like it. You get two choices every 5th wave and at the end, when you extract, you get everything you chose up until that point PLUS both the rewards from that wave. So if you go to wave 20 you'll get a total of 5 rewards; 3 for the previous waves and 2 from the current wave. That way there's still an incentive to leave early if you get two good rewards.

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What if, instead of cumulative rewards or this (which is still a brilliant idea):


I don't understand why they've left Defense rewards so broken for so long. You'd think it'd be one of the first things they fix, seeing as it's the only "endgame" (lol) that we have.


I'm not so sure I agree with cumulative rewards.

However, the rewards MUST get better as you play. Getting to 40 minutes and being offered a Fusion Core is a massive kick in the face.


Also, higher waves need to give more than one reward. Increase the reward count every 10 minutes.

10 minutes = 2 rewards

20 minutes = 3 rewards

30 minutes = 4 rewards


etc, etc.

This coupled with increasing rarity, getting to 40+ minutes might actually be worth it.


We get 3* "reward tokens" on endless defence. We'll have 3 buttons instead of the 2 on the 5 wave milestones.


1st: "Lock/Claim/Select/Secure Reward & Continue"

2nd: "Continue(without the locking/spending-of-the-token"

3rd: "Lock/Claim/Select/Secure Reward & Extract/Exit".


Each time you pick the 1st option, you spend 1 token and secure that reward or you can hit the "Continue" without spending a token to wait for something better to lock in. Once you've "used" your last token the 1st button poofs, the "Continue" remains and the 3rd turns into "Extract/Exit" without a reward. Also after draining your tokens the "checkpoints" wouldn't display rewards anymore because I can imagine it would cause quite a bit of frustration to see something you wanted the most, come up just after you've spent your last token.


In my opinion, this would make Endless Defence more rewarding and at the same time would leave a valid replay reason.


*Value not set in stone

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i'm surprised players still do defend.  most populated missions are survival and that's the reasons. loot.


since xini got nerfed with no infected.  survival for loots, mobile defense for exp.  void for credit.

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I don't understand why they've left Defense rewards so broken for so long. You'd think it'd be one of the first things they fix, seeing as it's the only "endgame" (lol) that we have.


I'm not so sure I agree with cumulative rewards.

However, the rewards MUST get better as you play. Getting to 40 minutes and being offered a Fusion Core is a massive kick in the face.


Also, higher waves need to give more than one reward. Increase the reward count every 10 minutes.

10 minutes = 2 rewards

20 minutes = 3 rewards

30 minutes = 4 rewards


etc, etc.

This coupled with increasing rarity, getting to 40+ minutes might actually be worth it.

Personally if it was like this , then you would get 2 rares say like master thief and another one that I can't remember off my head . This would make the game easier and that's not what some people want. I rather have a choice between two random mods ,selecting one of them or continue for better ones. If by having round 10 giving two rewards , than the rounds would have to be a fusion core and a mod. By 100 minutes you would have like what  11 rewards that could be all rares or could be by chance. 

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Personally if it was like this , then you would get 2 rares say like master thief and another one that I can't remember off my head . This would make the game easier and that's not what some people want. I rather have a choice between two random mods ,selecting one of them or continue for better ones. If by having round 10 giving two rewards , than the rounds would have to be a fusion core and a mod. By 100 minutes you would have like what  11 rewards that could be all rares or could be by chance. 

If you're skilled enough, or have been playing long enough, to get to 100+ waves of defense, then I say you fully deserve the 10 rewards you are offered. (I need to edit my post. That's meant to say waves, not minutes. oops)

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