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Name Your Top 5 Most Fun Weapons In Game


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Soma. My first really good weapon. A genuine bullet hose. Just mows enemies down in windrows. It's still a rush to use.


Twin Gremlins. Mostly for the same reasons as above. Also, the sound and reload animations. Pinning enemies to walls is just too cool.


Glaive. Dark Sector tie-in. Cuts enemies in half and, again, just really cool animations. Also, gets clunky swords off the assorted spikes on Trinity's back.


Boar Prime. What a shotgun should be--if it had a rotary magazine and multiple barrels. Absolute close range mayhem. Just fun to use.


Flux rifle. Cutting enemies into twitching chunks never gets old. Also, laser beams!


Honoable mention to the Supra and Dera. Fun weapons, mostly for the same reasons seen above, but with some significant downsides that sees them relegated to only occasional or very situational use.

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1. Penta - Even though sometimes a bad bounce will put me on the ground, One shotting anything under level 40 is sick.

2. Akvasto - I like the stopping power of these guns and the ability to unload a bit when needed. Plus they have near sniper accuracy

3. Dakra Prime - This is my current favorite melee weapon. It hits like a truck and there are only a few things I won't attempt to melee with it.

4. Soma - I like the Synapse a lot, but I think I like the Soma a bit better. The high crit rate has me unloading 1-3k shots like crazy, plus it has great first shot accuracy.

5. I am leaving this one open. There are a few good choices for me here. Glaive Prime, Twin Wraith Vipers, Akboltos, Dual Zoren , Latron Prime and others I all occasionally toss on my loadout and have fun with.

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Sobek - Decent damage, large magazine size (drum), good accuracy and full auto. What is there not to like? Well, maybe its potentially razor sharp buttstock.

Penta - One word: airburst.

Dread: When it was new, it had the shortest charge duration and highest arrow projectile velocity. Had more fun using it than Paris.

Flux Rifle - The first of its kind in Warframe. Wish the death beam was more powerful though.

Plasma Sword - Dishes out surprisingly high crit charge damage at times. Only melee weapon I've Formaed 4 times.

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Penta: It is just plain FUN!!!


AkLex: I just feel like beast Mode when I hear them firing


Despair: Because I got it from the Stalker


Orthos Prime: Dual Blades on a staff... With BLING^^


Latron Prime: My first Prime weapon... And it is a good one

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Galatine *WOOSH* *SPLSSHHHH* (blood splatter of 5 enemies in one swing)

Stug (fun as heck to spam with a fire rate mod)

Drakgoon (although new, the visible ricochet is unbelievably fun to spam)

Kunai with punch-through... cuz impaling multiple targets... right...?

Dread or Paris... whatever else you can impale enemies with...

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  • 2 months later...

1.MK1-Braton -becouse is the first weapon that you can get

2.Soma -becouse is a Soma what better expination can exist

3.Glavie -Becouse you can throw it :)

4.All bows -they are Bows that cool they are

5.Ogris -is a Rocket Launcher + using with Loki and cast Invizibilyti they don't hear when I fire how cool is that?

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1.MK1-Braton -becouse is the first weapon that you can get

2.Soma -becouse is a Soma what better expination can exist

3.Glavie -Becouse you can throw it :)

4.All bows -they are Bows that cool they are

5.Ogris -is a Rocket Launcher + using with Loki and cast Invizibilyti they don't hear when I fire how cool is that?


Hi necro

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5: Penta - Grenade launcher with nice explosions and awesome damage. 

4: Magistar - A sweet-looking flanged mace that feels good to swing.

3: Embolist - Cute bug-spray. And I always loved gas guns.

2: Hek - A choked, long-barrelled heavy shotgun? As a shotgun fan in games, this gun had me excited at the start

1: Lex - Was always a fan of the high-caliber heavy pistols. Love the sound, the accuracy and the feel of blasting a head to bits across a catwalk.

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4 : Kestrel. Launch, send things flying. Unfortunately seems bugged until melee 2.0. :/

3 : Penta. Remote handled grenades is always fun. Always.

2 : Tysis. Procs, procs, procs, even more procs... Did I mention procs ?

1 : Castanas. Like penta, with more procs. And it's a damn MINE-KUNAI ! MINE-KUNAI BOYS ! Also sticks anywhere.

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In no order...


Synapse: Deadly, corrosive lightning bolts. Rewards/requires in your face combat.


Dual Vastos: (I hate the name Akvasto) Accurate single shots on lesser targets but I mostly love opening them up and destroying everything in their direct path. Space cowboy!


Dual Ichor: Animations, especially the stealth kill where you jump up on their shoulders and neck slice.


Orthos/Prime: Mainly pre-2.0 like people mentioned but I still enjoy this thing.


Ogris:  Penta is good too but something about dealing with the limitations of the Ogris during fast paced combat appeals.  Thinking in angles and proximity at high speed instead of placing rounds directly on the target makes it fun.  Well, that and the distinct possibility of killing myself if I mistime or misjudge.

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1 Marelok (Im a huuuuge revolver fan and I adore the grineer so...yea luv it)

2 Gorgon (cus nothing outsmarts bullet.)
3 Tetra ( max firerate and you have an amaizing anti-grineer LMG)
4 Drakgoon ( with tainted shell its a grineer railgun HNGGG)
5 Jet kittag (weeeeeeeeee)

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