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Slots Need To Go


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Both Warframe slots and weapon slots need to be taken out of the game. Their whole thing is just a money grab gimmick. They only hinder the game experience for players who can't afford to use money on virtual currency and want to grab a free to play game to play for free. Why make such an essential thing such as space for warframes and weapons be only obtainable through money purchases? Seriously, the excuse that you can "sell items so that you can make space" is just stupid, because I want to KEEP all the items that I take time to gather both the credits and the components to build them. For me, this slot system is worse than RGN or wait times.

they make it a money grab gimmick because that's the hook that get players to put their money into the game.

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Paid ten bucks for this game so far, both times when I got discounts from the daily rewards. Got all the warframe and weapon slots I need, and have a bit left over. And I have all of the frames.


Are you really telling me you're not willing to pay even the price of a simple meal for slots?

Edited by Genomax
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anyone wanna tell me how many slots you have for free? i dont wanna run into problems >__>

got free two slots along with a Bratato because of promo codes from random websites.



Nevermind... I thought you're asking how to get 'free' slots. You were just asking how many 'default' slots.

Edited by faustias
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Personally I don't like the concept of having something like expanded slots behind a pay wall, but ever since they introduced trading for mods once you hit Mastery Rank 3 you can easily get the platnium to purchase the expansion slots.


Total points to get to rank 3 is 22,500 according to the wiki.

Assuming you have 2 frames at this point and both maxed out that's an easy 12,000 mastery points right there.

Now you're left with 10500 points and that's already covered if you maxed out your 3 starter weapons.

Now if you don't have that second warframe you just need to level 2 more additional weapons which still isn't hard.


Maxed out common mods that are in high demand such as dmg mods and elemental mods can get you a good amount. So my best advice and just stick to until you reach rank 3 and can trade. 


Honestly DE can make more money through better cosmetic items that are set at a reasonable price more than anything. Look at Dota 2 and League where skins range from $5-30 depending on the quality and how much it drastically changes the character and its actions. The interchangable helmets and the scarves are a nice start but they can do more and do different armor types for each warframe.

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-I just think it's sad that we think microtransactions are still okay and even "expected." The feedback I'm getting here seems that a lot of us expect to spend a little money because that's the way it is, I guess. Many of you are saying to the OP "if you can't spend $1.75 then GTFO" but should that really be expected of us? It doesn't' have to be that way. It's like the build limits on everything. It's arbitrarily added to prey on the impatient. While it's a huge inconvenience, people really can't wait 1 day for a new weapon? Can you believe that the 1 min craft time items like OD keys have a Platinum "Rush" option? Are you joking? This is exploitative in the simplest sense.


-I'm guilty of buying slots etc because the game severely hampers your experience otherwise. I worked my butt off for the weapons I have and to level them up to max, in some cases, like with Forma involved, I leveled them up many times. That's great, but then selling them off for a PITTANCE (2000 for a maxed weapon?) just so I can try another weapon is silly. This isn't a problem that is restricted to the people who have spent Plat, Forma etc...I have friends who played for a while and really can't get into it because they don't want to sell off their hard-earned maxed weapons just to try a new one that they don't even know if they're going to like. They're not going to spend the money to get more slots and we shouldn't expect them to.


-Guess that's all I have to say about that. Objectively, the pricing in this game is exploitative. I didn't go to PopCap games and DL a trial version of some game and then 15 mins into it, a popup ad tells me to "buy the full version to experience level 5!" That's how WF feels sometimes, except that while much of the game is accessible to everyone to an extent, the game makes getting certain items such an inconvenience that I can't help but feel like it's that popup ad telling me "buy more slots to have a choice!"


-Objectively, the ONLY reason to not allow slots tied to an in-game mechanic like, say, Mastery Rank is to use the pay wall scheme to enforce microtransactions. $1.75 doesn't' kill you, sure, but all that spread around all of us is a lot of moolah DE's making. If D wants to make a game, then give it to me for $60 freaking dollars like every other game and we'll buy it. Just let me have my slots.

Edited by LordofTibera
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???? What's the difference?


Well, I believe it's a sense of entitlement and needing to not be wrong in the face of overwhelming logic leading to bizarre, twisting and tortured non-arguments in order to attempt to save face rather than admitting that the premise may have been wrong in the first place. 


Though it's possible I'm misreading the situation.  :)


(also Props to the OP for coming round and not doing what i just described, that's kind of refreshing in itself.)

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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And please do enlighten me on whats the difference between paying 60 dollars to buy the game and paying 60 dollars to buy plat and using that to buy slots?

The F2P/Freemium model works well because you don't have to buy slots unless you're an avid collector. If you're not its not that hard to sell the weapons that you only got for mastery while keeping the weapons you like.

Further, you can get all the slots you want through farming up rare mods and selling them. It goes right back to the most basic part of F2P: Either pay up or spend a lot longer getting everything.

So you can get slots without spending a dime. It will just take you some time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

PS4 player here. What a thread! I was really just trying to find out where I'm supposed to "buy" the slots. I can't seem to find them in the market. Do I have to buy a weapon or frame in order to get an additional slot? I was hoping you could just "buy a slot" and use it to extend the capacity of whichever inventory items you can hold. 

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Slots refers specifically to the caps on the number of warframes and weapons you can have in your inventory to choose from.  You can buy them in the inventory screen of the armory, I believe under Warframes and Weapons respectively for each slot.  Otherwise, if you try to claim a built frame or weapon you don't have a slot available for, it will immediately offer you the option of buying additional slots.

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Personally?  I like the slots system.  You start off with enough plat to buy a good 1-2 warframe slots and a good 0-8 weapon slots.  1 warframe slot and 4 weapon slots?   That is what? 3 warframes and 10 weapons or something around there?  That should get you to rank 2 pretty easily.


Then you can use the trading system to get more?




They do need warframe to be profitable despite being a f2p.  Free to play.  Doesn't mean Free to unlock everything in the game.  In this case, it is pretty close.  There are a few issues where important things are locked out for free players or PS4 players (Titan extractor prime, excalibur prime, skana prime, lato prime, etc.), but it is still better than some games.


I do think that they really need to make those exclusive warframes and items tradeable or obtainable in-game though (And I paid 140 usd for the titan extractor prime).  As in when  you trade it, have it reset the levels and such so that you can rank it up for mastery points and codex completion-even if you later trade it away.


Also, when you buy an item that uses a slot (warframe, weapon, sentinel), it adds a slot to your inventory and puts a reactor/catalyst on it.  So consider that as 26 (weapon), 40 (warframe), or 60 (sentinel) of the cost.


(I still would rather just make my gear over spending plat, but that is just me)

Edited by (PS4)ariaandkia
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Slots refers specifically to the caps on the number of warframes and weapons you can have in your inventory to choose from.  You can buy them in the inventory screen of the armory, I believe under Warframes and Weapons respectively for each slot.  Otherwise, if you try to claim a built frame or weapon you don't have a slot available for, it will immediately offer you the option of buying additional slots.


Thanks for the tip. Thought I was missing it somewhere in the market. I guess it will give me the option to buy when I need it. I've been refraining from claiming built weapons until it is time to equip them. 


Just so I'm planning properly and trying to resist my hoarder nature, how much are the slots? 

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While I agree there should be some way to obtain free slots, (likely 1 frame and weapon slot at mastery 5, maybe 2 at mastery 10) I don't think the current system needs to be revamped. Like the others have stated, you can pretty much acquire everything in the game for free. Being a console gamer, it's nothing for me to drop $60 on a game that I think I will really enjoy, and I am loving Warframe so much right now that I don't feel like I'm being robbed if I spend, say $10, on some plat to get more weapon/frame slots. Hell, I thought originally I'd be buying up potatoes and formas left and right and spending a big chunk of money, but even those items you can get pretty commonly for free. All that being said, it would be nice if they did an event where your reward was slots...

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Also it's a Free To Play for F*** sake.


Be glad there isn't a huge pay wall in this game.


Are we playing the same game?....Or do you just have so much money you don't notice it going out the window? A single potato costs a little over a $1 USD each. Each weapon costs the same as a normal video game, and warframes cost about the same as a release/console game. Asking for the ability to own the weapons and frames you made, without throwing them away later, is fairly reasonable.

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