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Le 31/03/2020 à 16:25, (PS4)ru2cool a dit :

Impact should be the same as puncture.  Also, I noticed that the value beside the "STATUS / SHOT" label is NaN%.

I'll discuss this with Kalb as he made a few changes in how things are called, but this value was previously called status probability. The status probability is the probability that at least one proc appears for the whole shot (including all the bullets). Obviously, if you have 100% status chance per bullet, you have 100% chance to have a status effect for the whole shot, it's common sense. But if you go above 100% per bullet, it messes up with the formula.

For now, and assuming the status/shot is just another name for the status probability (so no intent to display something different, gonna make this clear later today), it's just a display issue. We'll just remove this or set it to 100% when it should be 100%.

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I found a few bugs with the Warframe mods:

  • Intruder is now a parazon mod.
  • I was unable to place Preparation in the main slots or the exilus slot.  Also, there is a typo in the name.


Preparation only shows "+%" in the hover over description until it is downranked / upranked.  Then, it properly displays "+100%".

Edited by (PS4)ru2cool
Forgot to include one of the bugs
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-Fixed a typo in the name for the mod Preparation.
-Ironclad Flight had the wrong name and max rank value, it's now fixed.

-New utility mods for specific Warframes are currently bugged, they won't fit in the utility slot. The fix is ready, it'll be live soon.

-It's also possible that there are issues with French and/or Russian language. We'll investigate. Edit: French only.

Edit: French language issue will be fixed in the next update.

Edited by Stoi84
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3 hours ago, Albion-the-Asinine said:

Okay so... I'm not sure whether this is just a problem I'm having, but, the web page for the Dark Split-Sword is a little buggy atm.


Yep! Ran into two missing var declarations. Weapon should be fixed now, do let us know if you run into another issue with the weapon as I am unable to mess around with it right now as I intend on going to bed.

Edited by Kalbintion
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9 hours ago, FifthWheel said:

I can not edit any saved (private) build. Whenever I press "Edit" I receive error

"Save impossible. Check the errors.

  • Identical build already exists."

If this is your own private build, make sure you are logged in. If it is someone elses build you were linked to, you will need to copy it first to make changes. If neither are the case, please link to the build in question you are attempting to edit so we can take a look at it.

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10 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

If this is your own private build, make sure you are logged in. If it is someone elses build you were linked to, you will need to copy it first to make changes. If neither are the case, please link to the build in question you are attempting to edit so we can take a look at it.

I can't reproduce it anymore. All working fine now.

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On 2020-04-05 at 4:04 AM, FifthWheel said:

I can't reproduce it anymore. All working fine now.

Alright, if it does happen again do let us know and include a link to the build along with anything you were doing for editing the build.

Edit: If anyone wants an update on where Titania Prime and the two new primes are, he's our current list of things done image for the next site update. Got some stuff to finalize before it all goes live.

Edited by Kalbintion
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U27.3.6- Updates


  • Added Titania Prime


  • Added Corinth Prime
  • Added Pangolin Prime
  • Fixed Heavy Attack Wind-up Mods not affecting stats
  • Fixed NaN Status / Shot reported here
    • NOTE: This label has been reverted to "Status Probability" - this label means the chance of getting at least 1 (one) status effect in a shot. Therefore this value caps out at 100% as the math behind calculating this errors for anything bigger than 100% (hence the NaN result) - this will be changed in the future for a new definition of what I thought status probability meant. Stoi and I had a discussion about it but the math is a bit out of immediate grasp for the time we have available. If you're interested in helping with this one feature's math specific component, let us know in this thread and we can give details on what we want to do with it.


  • Added Split Flights
    • Note: Site is not prepped for a mod like that to allow stacking up to 4x while also having an event of on hit, so its not presently available, bear with us on this
  • Updated Killing Blow + Amalgam Organ Shatter to work on heavy attack wind-up stat


  • Fixed Short URL codes not redirecting properly due to relative directions due to a prior change
  • Fixed Short URL codes not redirecting properly when running across a private build that you do not own
  • Added Public Builds Account Sharing
    • So this is one of those features on my wish-list for a long time (before I was a dev w/ the site) that I got around to doing! In the Top Right Corner of your builds page when logged in, you will see a new button labeled "Share Public Builds" - Clicking on this will open a dialog with a link that you can copy and paste to friends. When you visit this link or they visit that link, all builds that are marked public for your account are listed there for easy browsing! No more needing to individually link every single build you ever made for your friends one at a time! This link will automatically show new public builds for your account too so no needing to resend link or anything. One time send and as long as they have it, they have your public build list!

To reiterate, the following are changes done by Stoi that were already live, you can see the original post here

  • Fixed a typo in the name for the mod Preparation
  • Ironclad Flight had the wrong name and max rank value
  • New utility mods for specific Warframes is fixed
  • Fixed an issue with the French language

Additional Comments

Some additional things, for the sake transparency, that are on our to-do list but no ETA are things such as: Railjack Builder, Kitguns, Zaws, Amps, Arcanes, Stat linking between builds, Multiple config tabs (like in-game offers), and more. But these are the more major ones. The railjack builder is being worked on by me and I will have at some point a beta version available of it that I would like to go live for initial testing and feedback on how its laid out etc. There is no ETA for this beta and/or release but I am currently working on it as long as DE doesnt introduce more things and there arent any other bugs found

Edited by Kalbintion
account -> build, wrong word
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Below are some bugs I would like to report:

  • Overshield / shield cost per second for Hildryn currently goes above the energy efficiency maximum of +75%.
    • To test this, I added a maxed rank narrow minded, fleeting expertise, and streamline.  The details screen showed the cost to be 1.8 for both of the channeled components of aegis storm.  In game, the best I could get was 6.25 which lines up with the cap.
  • Navigation to linked builds seems to be broken.
    • I created an Ivara build and linked my Smeeta Kavat build to it. However, when I clicked on the navigation link, I received a page error.
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Il y a 2 heures, (PS4)ru2cool a dit :

Below are some bugs I would like to report:

  • Overshield / shield cost per second for Hildryn currently goes above the energy efficiency maximum of +75%.
    • To test this, I added a maxed rank narrow minded, fleeting expertise, and streamline.  The details screen showed the cost to be 1.8 for both of the channeled components of aegis storm.  In game, the best I could get was 6.25 which lines up with the cap.
  • Navigation to linked builds seems to be broken.
    • I created an Ivara build and linked my Smeeta Kavat build to it. However, when I clicked on the navigation link, I received a page error.

I just made fixes for this, but the first issue will need some more testing that I can't do as I no longer play. Everything should go live in the next 24 hours.

Edit: Will include something for what is below this message too.

Edited by Stoi84
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4 hours ago, Albion-the-Asinine said:

Okay so, I don't know if anyone has noticed but, the armor value on Excal Prime is incorrect. Like Umbra, the armor value is at 300 armor, but the value on the Warframe Builder site says its 250?

Changed to 300, thanks for the report!

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10 hours ago, (PS4)ru2cool said:

Below are some bugs I would like to report:

  • Overshield / shield cost per second for Hildryn currently goes above the energy efficiency maximum of +75%.
    • To test this, I added a maxed rank narrow minded, fleeting expertise, and streamline.  The details screen showed the cost to be 1.8 for both of the channeled components of aegis storm.  In game, the best I could get was 6.25 which lines up with the cap.
  • Navigation to linked builds seems to be broken.
    • I created an Ivara build and linked my Smeeta Kavat build to it. However, when I clicked on the navigation link, I received a page error.


8 hours ago, (PS4)ru2cool said:

I just noticed that none of the sentinel / kubrow / kavat mods can be downranked.

Thanks again for the reports you have been giving us, they really do help with improving and fixing the site! The Hildryn fix that Stoi did has not been implemented at this time as the location he did it in may have had unintended side effects for other abilities but I can confirm that the lowest the game reports is 6.25 even with maxing efficiency and duration. We'll check out the possible side effects of his change for this over the next week or so when we have time and address it then.

The other two issues mentioned Stoi fixed should be live now though, let us know if there are any other issues with those.

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I don't mean to bother anyone with more bugs, but doesn't the Ceti Lacera have 100 electric damage along with it's physical damage types?



Edit: Also, and this is just a really small problem but, Excal Umbra and Excal Prime have the exact same stats with health, shields, armor and energy.

Edited by Albion-the-Asinine
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On 2020-04-09 at 5:25 PM, Albion-the-Asinine said:

I don't mean to bother anyone with more bugs, but doesn't the Ceti Lacera have 100 electric damage along with it's physical damage types?


Don't worry about! Without reports a lot of things like incorrect stats would never be fixed unless one of us happens across it. Thanks! Should be corrected for that now. Side note: need to see why it didnt have it because i used Stoi's tool I've talked about in the past in a previous post. Either it wasn't on the wiki at the time or theres a problem with the tool, hm.

Edit: Looks like it might be the tool Stoi made not accounting for something or other or the wiki did something odd or i have an outdated tool file.

Edited by Kalbintion
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Stoi84, I wanted to commend you on your work on Warframe Builder. You (and anyone who works with you on the project) are doing a great service to us all.

I wanted to mention -- Kuva Quartakk. When switching to the alt fire, the status chance is still listed at 33%. It should be reduced to 27%. Thought I should let ya know.

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On 2020-04-14 at 3:21 AM, Uwtig said:

Warframe Builder says that Gladiator mods give 15% crit chance per combo counter, when in-game it have 10% crit chance per combo counter.


13 hours ago, XennethKeisere said:

Stoi84, I wanted to commend you on your work on Warframe Builder. You (and anyone who works with you on the project) are doing a great service to us all.

I wanted to mention -- Kuva Quartakk. When switching to the alt fire, the status chance is still listed at 33%. It should be reduced to 27%. Thought I should let ya know.


5 hours ago, Soraxel said:

the mod Wildfire in Warframe builder says "Extra Fire Damage" while it should be "Heat"


Thanks for the reports all! All three problems have been fixed and are live. Let us know if there are any further issues.

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