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I'm Curious If People Actually Like Grinding?(Updated :d)


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Love grinding when I can see I'm making progress. I dont like grinding when its a blind grind. Doing the same missions over and over again without being able to know if the next few will even get you any closer to your goal is kinda annoying and not fun to me.

Edited by Brontolith
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I don't really mind grinding when i know what is the reward, which unfortunately is not the case on Warframe, everything on this game is RNG based and i feel like grinding blindly is pretty much pointless and tiresome. Which is one of the reasons why i pretty much don't really play anymore other than like 1 mission per day.

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I'd say the main reason why I don't mind the grind in Warframe as much is because I enjoy the fast paced gameplay it's attached to. Running around, spring jumping, crazy weapons, crazier powers, and what not is more engaging to me than some other games I've played where the majority of the grind is standing in one spot and waiting for a few enemies to spawn, wailing on them and then waiting again.


For the record, I'm not saying Warframe should forever retain it's grind centered mechanics, but what I am saying is that I don't mind grinding in a game that I have legitimate fun playing.

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Guest Shibboleet

I'm curious if people are enjoying the grind required to acquire items like the Burston Prime or most of the Primes from the void in general.

Personally after looking at the grind I'll have to do to get the Burston Prime, I'm appalled. I've been working toward it and it's not really the most fun gameplay and I find it boring and frustrating every time I get credits instead of a piece of it. But I'm curious if other people find this fun. Am I the strange one? I do like having something to work towards, but I feel this is pushing it too far for me. I feel like I'm burning out trying to get these items. What do you guys think?

Think about it this way, why do people like casinos?


Every time the timer hits a multiple of 5 you are essentially gambling time for reward. There is less risk vs reward here, but it still makes that moment you gain the desired piece that much better.

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Well it is not the worst thing to exist but if we could be without it, we should because it is only there to cover up the lack of other features, always has been and it has a nasty way of burning-out players which is not healthy for the game, the player nor the industry. There are still classics that I play even after 15 years or so because they were just great, they did not have to rely on grinding mechanics, RNG or PvP. multiplayer aspects to be awesome!

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I don't think it's grinding at first, but farming.

When you get really unlucky with RNG, then yes, it's annoying and bad.


Personally, I still miss only 4-5 things and don't feel tired of the game or anything, but kinda fed up with some things.

Also, I found the Burston Prime one of the easiest things ever to farm, for a number of reasons.


However, I do believe something should be done to help with the farming of several things because of the way the whole RNG system works.

Or it could be grinding but in a fun way.

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I am going to play warframe.  It's gonna happen, I like warframe.  I am not driven to get everything for the sake of getting everything (though i'm close to having everything) and once I have it all i'll probably still play, because i like warframe.


The OP's questions is a false supposition that people play warframe to grind.  For my part  I play warframe in the direction of the next self imposed goal, up to this point that has been the next thing i don't have or helping my clan mates do the same.  I don't get frustrated about it though, I'll get teh stuff when I get it.


I don't grind, I play warframe and occasionally get stuff and i'm fine with that.

Oh, I didn't mean to give the impression that I was just being like "Who else is tired of grinding lol". I'm actually curious if people do like that style of achievement. It appears that some people do and some people don't. Grinding for gear is only a means to an end, the end being my ability to play the game the way I want to play it. I want the burston prime because I feel like it will suit the way I play the game(more precision then other assault rifles, but more mobility then a sniper rifle) and I find it mildly frustrating that it's behind an RNGWall. It's not the worst because there's a fair alternative that I use now(the burston), but things like the detron don't have that so much and it's much more frustrating. At least to me. The big problem I run into is that there isn't a whole lot to do besides getting things right now. I completely agree with the way you play and I'm happy that you managed to play the game that way. I feel that if I had things that were challenging and more long term goals for me to work towards, I would feel more like you do, but at the moment, there isn't any long term goals for me to work towards besides getting those things.

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No.  I don't grind.  I just run a few missions and do whatever for a bit then go do something else for a while.  Grinding is tedious and boring.  I can't imagine paying somebody to have to gear grind.  Good thing the game is free.  Unfortunately, I paid for it.

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Unfortunately, this game lacks content and all bosses are relatively too easy to kill.

If this crappy RNG didn't exist with how the game is designed now, everyone would get everything in a small amount of time and run out of something to do. 

Hence, stop playing and stop buying plat, games dies.


The only alternative is DE should double(maybe triple) their staff and keep pumping out events like gravidus so there is consistently something to do.


Now that I have mention it, I believe staffing maybe the problem.

Either due to their upper brass being too stingy to hire, or platinum purchases too little, we will never know.

Edited by Spinner187
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I have never done more than a 15-20 mission run for anything.


I enjoyed getting Nova.

I enjoyed getting Rhino.

I enjoyed getting Excal (since noones does Pluto Boss)

I enjoyed getting Braton Prime (Got about 10 forma getting it)

I enjoyed getting Burston Prime.

I enjoyed getting Ember Prime.

I enjoyed getting Despair. (I didn't grind for any of the Stalker weaponry)


Alot of people here have personal issues and they are trying to reflect their own issues onto warframe.  I'm sorry but if you really think your 12 paragraphs is really going to bring a tear to the DE staff and have them make your change next hotfix....I'm just going to lol


It's cute though, they do listen to some suggestions....but they make more changes that don't reflect the communities feedback anyway.  It's always going to be a contineous cycle of complain-fix-complain-fix with the way this "community" thinks...


sometimes you gotta let a child make his own mistakes instead of saving him every little chance you see the opportunity to help


and honestly like I said before.alot of people here have personal issues.......that and they really want DE to just @$#% out rainbows that comes flying out in hotfix form



this game is what..M rated now right I can type &#! on this forum right?  &#! damn S#&$ right?


oh and to answer your question...i dont like grinding but I never mentally told myself I'm grinding in warframe ..I'm just playing a game i really enjoy.......i dont think twice about this grind bullS#&$ you guys  are talkin about....when I heard people were grinding the Deltron I just completely lost interest in what people say here.........which is why I troll alot

Edited by Ishki88
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I don't mind grinding in general. I actually really enjoyed grinding in games like Dark Souls when I was certain that grinding would make my character much stronger and thus, able to take down enemy which were previously too difficult to kill.


In games like Warframe, however, I don't enjoy grinding/farming at all, because the levels are not challenging enough. I'm not a collector type of person, so getting a new weapon that isn't absolutely needed or is a significant improvement isn't very exciting. If I get new stuff, I'm kinda happy. If I don't, well, I'll just get bored and quit playing for a while.


So I suppose the difference is the motivation, not the drop rate itself, at least in my case.


Currently I'm only Mastery Rank 6 but don't know what to do besides farming for the 3 corrupted mods that my build seems to need but is totally fine without. 


Edit: I also don't find endless defense/survival missions enjoyable because of the strict NAT problem and long and boring wait before missions get challenging.

Edited by Syriiz
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After reading what everyone has said, it seems fair to summarize and define a few things and ask a new question of you guys :D
It seems like the amount of grinding people are willing to put up with is fairly large. Some people are perfectly happy with the amount that's required to get things, some even seem to enjoy it, some people avoid it altogether by just not subjecting themselves to it, and some people are sick and tired of it.
Likewise it seems worth it to have a more consistent definition of what grinding is vs farming in the context of warframe. At least to me, this is how it stands:
Grinding: The act of doing something over and over again for a chance at a single reward,
EX: completing Void missions over and over again to get a prime weapon
Farming: The act of doing something over and over again for a guaranteed reward, of which a large amount is required to do something
EX: Completing missions over and over again to gain affinity for a weapon
So my new question is as follows: What do you think should be done about grinding/farming?
Keep in mind, it's clear other people have an opinion on the matter as well and suggestions should try to keep everyone happy. This doesn't mean keeping everything the same isn't a reasonable response, just be sure to back it up with reasons why it's the best for Warframe. 

My own response(it wouldn't be fair if I didn't respond to my own question, would it :P)

I feel personally that farming is a reasonable thing and isn't awful in the scope of what warframe is. It doesn't take an outrageous amount of time to scrape together enough credits to build something or buy it from the market, nor does it take that long to get the materials. Doing these things feels kind of like an adventure and it's nice for me to have a clear goal for why I'm doing a mission(looking for mats or credits etc). Getting affinity is also fairly easy to accomplish. 
Grinding is a bit different to me. It's easy to get furious at it existing at all, but the fact is that DE can't make enough content quickly enough for me to be able to constantly be entertained by the game without it. It's a necessary speed bump, a way to slow down our consumption of the game. My concern is that when DE wants to limit special things a lot, it's not the most fun. It makes sense that it shouldn't be easy to get primes. They're upgrades of normal things, of course they're hard to get. I feel that making the blueprints behind a RNG wall discourages progression. To me, I'd rather do the missions if I had a big, fat bar that said "research" or something and slowly increased until it gave me the blueprint. I wouldn't mind if it took roughly the same amount of time. I like getting feedback that says I'm accomplishing something. The parts do give me this to an extent, but the problem is that they're different drop rates at different places. It would also be more fun to me if the overall drop chance was dropped down, but all the parts were equal drop chance, and once you got one part, you couldn't get it again until you had at least a copy of every other part(I hate getting copies of something I already have instead of something I need).
I'd rather things that are supposed to be difficult to get in the void have a progress bar instead of a RNG wall, or every part have a lower but equal chance to drop and won't create duplicates. I feel that the difficulty needed to get prime things should be there, but it shouldn't be discouraging to try to get them.

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I don't mind farming keys and repeating void missions for primes. Frost Prime and Firechicken Prime are turning into a bit of a chore, but at least it gives me something to do. I'm not a huge fan of nightmare/corrupted mods with ridiculously low drop rates, though. For instance, I'd really like to power up a rifle with all of the best mods, but all the rare mods I find are for shotguns, so I'm using a shotgun instead. Again, it's not the worst problem in the world, but right now I can either gimp myself by using a rifle without the best mods because I'm not lucky enough to obtain them or I can use a powered-up weapon type I don't really want to use.

Same with vertain void mods like Sanctuary or Fired Up. Some people claim they find them all the time, but no luck here. I know it's a loot-game, not getting absolutely everything I want right away keeps me playing, but it can get a bit frustrating after a while. I could just buy some platinum and get the mods I want off other players, but that's Diablo 3 all over again. 

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I never play the game so much that there is nothing to do, if you play the game so much there is nothing to it's going to be a problem in any game.

As long i have other weapons and frames available i dont have a problem with grinding for the few out there.

And i also dont play 20 of the same missions in a row. But i guess this has to do with the fact that i cant host so my gaming is really up to what people put up. So i play whatever missions i can and if i cant i go do something else.

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Grinding and farming are always in any kind of game where you need items that drop from locations or bosses. 

Grinding to some degree is fun, but if you're already cleared through the Solar Map and just looking to finalize builds for Void or Conclave I can see frustrations. But in the same respect if they made it easy to get all of the gear you need to do anything, where's the fun or challenge in that? 


At least there is no need before greed system like in World of Warcraft. Could you imagine having to rely on a dice roll to insure that you receive the item you need instead of another party member? 

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