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I'm Curious If People Actually Like Grinding?(Updated :d)


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the difference between farming and grinding can be subtle. i enjoy farming as it can feel very rewarding when you have accomplished what you set out to do. but the grind that can come from endless farming with no success is very disheartening and makes me feel like its not worth the effort and so i wont even bother starting.


Thats warframes issue atm. the grind for  void items is just so disgusting i wont go to the void until there is a solution. it went from farm to grind in a few updates cause of the dilution. void needs more mission types or some other system with which it could function.



farm - yes

grind- no

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If the gameplay is fun, various and has lots of replay value, then you could grind a ton and you wouldn't even notice. If you could clearly see the progress you were making while grinding, it wouldn't be so painful. But since it's completely random and gets old right now, I personally don't like it.

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Personally, I dont mind grinding for stuff as long as I still have something to use it for after obtaining it. Not really the type to grind for a trophy and have nothing to use it for. Currently, getting the stuff you want in Warframe seems fine, the problem IMO is that there's nothing else to use it for. I mean, sure do survival for the heck of it then after that, thats just it. Rewards for doing hours of survival? Credits? No thanks. Do 100 waves of defense for Tower Keys? No thanks. 

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Its a certain mindset that people have. If you look at things as a chore, it will feel like one. Also, you might be a little pessimistic twords things. Just look at all the positives warframe has to offer compared to many games out there, combat is nice and smooth, space ninja parkour, ect.

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Of course no player like grinding, but that's a reality on every MMO out there, not just Warframe.

I don't get it, these game developers have feedback telling them this is NOT what we like, why don't they come up with a better solution?

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Of course no player like grinding, but that's a reality on every MMO out there, not just Warframe.

I don't get it, these game developers have feedback telling them this is NOT what we like, why don't they come up with a better solution?

Because you have not suggested an alternative, viable if possible.

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I am tired of it, i am a veteran and i am just tired.



That make's 2 of us.



Make that 3.


What are you NOT tired of?

Would it be better if they just give new weapons to you without any gameplay?

Or with one new Mode that you play once and then you are tired of it?


Why do you feel its "grinding" playing ODS? 

What would you do once you get the weapon you want from it?

Play another Survival WITH that weapon?

This would be sooo mcuh better for you and feels less "grindy" because you have no intrest in the rewards offerd by the mode you play?


If you are tired of "grinding" Survival... really you are tired from this game. Just stop playing and come back in some month.


The Game is what it is and it won´t change over nigth. No Reason to play it if you don´t enjoy playing it.


All this ppl saying "the grind" is to much... what is it that you do when you don´t grind?

What so diffrent then?

Plz , enlight me

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I dont mind farming. I like farming. For example I've been collecting credits now for couple of weeks. I dont do Voids, just few occasionally, but I've collected bit over 2mil credits just playing couple of outbreaks every now and then and stuff like that. That's farming. You get constant progress.


Grinding... I've done Sharpless quite a few times. Like... a lot. And Ruk. Killed him so many times. Never gotten Split Chamber, Continuity nor Fever Strike.


That's grinding for me. Something that you get lucky with eventually, but no guarantee that when. And it sucks. Sucks so hard. I dont like it.

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I am so tired of grind. I typically play one mission and I am done for the day in WF.

To remove the grind is to take the soul out of WF. At its core it is a game built on grind. DE seems more accustom to adding grind than removing it, so I do not hold much hope in ever seeing it change.

It is more about giving players new areas to grind, so the grind can feel "new" again.

Edited by Fiia
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I'd personally like more fun things to do, maybe more obstacle courses. Not so much in proper levels maybe maps of there own. Either way I haven't had much that bothers me too much about the "Grind" perhaps that's because I haven't made too much of an effort to try and get the special cards in the OD. Personally I don't have much care for it to be totally honest since I'm mostly happy with what I'm already doing right now.


I do however keep getting a run in with god awful RNG because I'm getting too many Mag Prime pieces instead of stuff I actually want and I had trouble getting parts for Oberon. Systems and Chassis but no Helmet. Was quite frustrating but in the end I got him.

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To the Op,


I don't mind grinding if I am getting what I am seeking but so far what I see in this game, it takes way to long to get what you are grinding for.   As the game is pretty mindless except for building and shoot things and if it takes you three months of grind just to find the one part you need to build something you want, then not the game for me.  


I highlight doubt I will be going after any of the prime weapons as I see the super long grind it will take to get any of the them.   Don't know how luck I feel that the RNG gods will give me the components faster than much much later.

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I could be playing this... or I could be playing Killing Floor. I just go with the mentality that things will come 'eventually' by playing and so far, they've done so. I could get lucky and drop all parts of a weapon or Warframe in a few runs or in more. In most cases, I would have ended up doing those runs if only for the challenge.


But that's just me. Of course, I don't spend 8 hours a day on it doing a single thing; after 3-4 runs of a same missions, I vary it up a bit, run an alert, etc. Breaks the monotony.

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What are you NOT tired of?

Would it be better if they just give new weapons to you without any gameplay?

Or with one new Mode that you play once and then you are tired of it?


Why do you feel its "grinding" playing ODS? 

What would you do once you get the weapon you want from it?

Play another Survival WITH that weapon?

This would be sooo mcuh better for you and feels less "grindy" because you have no intrest in the rewards offerd by the mode you play?


If you are tired of "grinding" Survival... really you are tired from this game. Just stop playing and come back in some month.


The Game is what it is and it won´t change over nigth. No Reason to play it if you don´t enjoy playing it.


All this ppl saying "the grind" is to much... what is it that you do when you don´t grind?

What so diffrent then?

Plz , enlight me

Games constant changes and the loving devs.

The pace of them releasing weapons is fine to me.

I'm not tired of farming. To clarify, farming is fine but Warframes RNG is messed up it feels a grind.


I really don't get any nice reward for it. I also don't feel any sense of achievement complete 30+ mins of it.

What? I don't understand that question clearly.


I'm already a casual since Mod 2.0. I come back every weapon release and update.


I know that but I'm a veteran been here for a year now. I've played this game when it was still Mod 1.0(Mods have random stats before. It's much more grindy than today.).


I just hope you understand.

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for me since i love the game, i dont feel complete if i dont have the new things. 

i dont like the feeling of grinding but it pays when you are done with that thing you want to be done(like maxing it) and just playing randomly for short fun.


i dont know, you might not feel the same as me, since i have my own opinion i dont expect you have the same as mine tyvm

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I am going to play warframe.  It's gonna happen, I like warframe.  I am not driven to get everything for the sake of getting everything (though i'm close to having everything) and once I have it all i'll probably still play, because i like warframe.


The OP's questions is a false supposition that people play warframe to grind.  For my part  I play warframe in the direction of the next self imposed goal, up to this point that has been the next thing i don't have or helping my clan mates do the same.  I don't get frustrated about it though, I'll get teh stuff when I get it.


I don't grind, I play warframe and occasionally get stuff and i'm fine with that.

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