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Update 12: Zephyr Rises


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After playing Frost, Snowglobe is a bit...rough now.

Odd thought: Maybe Snowglobe could be more dependent on the caster. Have holes punched in the snowglobe if a bullet/pellet/laser/etc exceeds the health of the globe (a threshold for damage, not total globe destruction). If the caster isn't present, then the holes don't regenerate or regenerate slowly. If the caster is present, the holes will regenerate based on ability level and focus/continuity.

Found an idea in Warframe/Abilities Feedback about using Freeze to patch things up. Use that and regeneration to repair the globe during it's lifetime. So, players can speed up repairing big holes using Freeze and leave the small ones to fix themselves (that way they aren't completely screwed if they run out of energy).


I'll check out the new frame after it finishes researching, building, and assembling in 18 days.

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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Dat 9 day build time for Zephyr tho. The hell am I supposed to do while I wait for all this new content to unlock itself? And if you say interception, I will slap you. Also, imo it's kinda unreasonable to demand that we either shell out cash or wait more than a week to actually experience new content... especially if it's in beta, where we're supposed to, you know, bug test and all that.

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it's for the best man, it's for the best, too many were lazing in an unbreakable icy sphere with little to no care for what was going on around them, now they must pay attention.

Ok, "lazy" frost under the dome alone defended criopod while others grind mobs at spawns. And thus did not get the experience and loot. Why did not he himself did not run on spawns? Probably because lazy.

And new frost ulta visualization... Was not enough drawdowns fps in the towers.

Edited by Obus
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Ehi update 12 is AWESOME! I think that the new additiins are so cool, and i love the new Immortal skins (except for the Nova's one, it looks terrible). The new Hud is so cool, but a bit small. I've maximized the dimentions and now it is fine. I don't mind the Frost nerf because i don't like it so much... But it will be hard surviving in high level defense missions!

The worst thing is the research time... Can't wait to get the Akstilettos!

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