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List Of De's New And Old Inconsistencies!


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Time for feedback about what is not exactly consistent about Warframe, and possibly how to fix them. I'll try to be short, as the list is quite the long one:


* 3 of the new weapons (Jat Kittag, Akstiletto and Phage) being in Labtech is fine. What is NOT fine is that these weapons can be bought with Platinum, which no other labtech has before. Either make all labtech available with platinum, or NONE of them!

* Dual Cestra is a labtech item while single Cestra is not. It's the only weapon to behave this way and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Either have both of them as labtech or neither of them.

* 4 days of waiting is the research time for Jat Kittag. Why not 3 days like all other labtech?

* Zephyr not only requires a completely unique resource (Oxium) compared to all other Warframes, but it ALSO is the only Warframe with a passive ability (even if it is minor), the fact she is less affected by gravity. So, two-in-one inconsistencies for Zephyr!

* Dualwielded contra singlewielded weapons have horrible inconsistency, both for melee and pistols. Here is how it SHOULD (not could, but SHOULD) be handled in general: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/140121-dual-weapon-versus-single-weapon-balance/ I'll try and make a TL;DR of it:

* Dual contra single pistols should be only a difference in magsize, reloadspeed, accuracy and rate of fire (possibly also recoil, but not necessary imo). NOTHING ELSE! Damage, crit and status should always remain the same in both single and dual versions.

* Dual contra single melee weapons should be that single weapons regular attacks hit harder, but slower than duals. Single weapons' chargeattacks should be faster but weaker than dual ones. But not just straight up double/half of one another, you have to consider that you wield a single weapons with BOTH hands (which gives you more strength than just one in a single hand). The linked thread explains this better and more thoroughly.

* Here are some more specific inconsistancies regarding dual vs single weapons, although only for pistols, as the melee weapons are far too many to list here:

** Dual Cestra has 100 magsize. Single has 60. 60x2 is not 100... That's REALLY embarrasing mathskills DE -.-

** Lato only has half the damage of the AkLato. Double the damage of the Lato (and buff the Vandal and Prime too btw). Now. Like, do that yesterday! Well what do you know? They FRIKKIN NERFED THE AKLATO TO BE AS AWEFUL AS THE SINGLE LATO! You really try your hardest to p!ss off your playerbase, aren't you DE? (EDIT: Yes, that means it is consistent, but it should have been done the other way: By buffing the single Lato!)

** AkLex has higher status and critical hit than single Lex. Buff the Lex up to have the same crit and status.

** AkMagnus has the same issue as AkLex. Do the same here (single buffed up to match the dual version).

** AkVasto has LOWER recoil than a single Vasto... Yeah, makes so much sense >_>

** ALL dual and single pistols should have the same polarities. There are so many inconsistancies here I just clumped that together in one statement.

** POSITIVE INCONSISTENCY: Afuris and Twin Vipers not being exactly double the rate of fire, I'm ACTUALLY ok with (their RoF would be too high to handle otherwise) and rate of fire IS something you can tamper with in today's guns as well, so I would actually leave that inconsistency alone (*GASP*!)

* The multihitting capabilities of melee weapons is highly inconsistent. Dualwielding a weapon doesn't make you better at hitting more targets in one strike. In fact, each strike would be generally WEAKER, because of only having one arm's strength behind it, thus LESS capable of hitting multiple enemies, but anyway... Just make multihitting capabilities far more equalized among ALL melee weapons.

* Melee weapons (besides the general single and dual problems) also have no consistency (or logic) in terms of their Puncture/Impact/Slash distributions. While this link is not up to date with all the new weapons, at least you should get the gist of it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142559-more-impact-puncture-slash-distribution-between-weapons/

* Like Melee weapons, Plasma-weapons are all over the place in terms of damage-types. Some just deal Puncture and Impact (such as Cestra and Tetra), some deal all 3 physical damage types (such as Dera and Supra) and some deal completely elemental damage (such as Detron with Radiation-damage). Can't you just make all of them behave the same way? Like, all of them deal Radiation (and rename that element to Plasma?)

* The laserweapons (Spectra and Flux Rifle) deal a mix of all 3 physical damages, while the Fusion MOA's laser deals heat damage. Why not let all lasers have pure heat damage?

* You say you want to give us less grind. Yet you add Oxium. Yet you break void tables to become MORE RNG than ever (no more guaranteed prime blueprints when you finish!). Yet you give us Damage 2.0 which leaves status chances entirely to the mercy of RNG (at least make each non-physical element have a lesser GUARANTEED effect upon impact). How is that being consistent with what you promise us?

* The ONLY thing I (and probably many others) can be happy about considering anti-grind is how you handled Banshee (and also Volt, but he USED to be far easier to get when he had a boss tied to him anyway). FINALLY!

* Something of mentioning that IS consistant though - You like to p!ss on solo players! Good luck trying to solo Interception. As a 99.9% solo player (only played multiplayer in events that required it), I'm getting tired of this horrible anti-solo treatment. EDIT: Well, now Interception is incredibly easy to solo. So, at least some actual improvement done!



* The new aura "buffs". You mean making them even MORE inconsistent with one another? We already had Speed Holster (which fits more as a normal Warframe mod rather than as an Aura in the first place) which had less points than the others. Now you made Steel Charge have a base of 4 (instead of 2 like the others) and it has 10 additional ranks (instead of 5, like the others). Which is not only a stupid "buff", it's also another grind-sink. When I saw that I just got really mad. Instead of balancing auras and mods, you do something completely illogical and inconsistent! WHY?! Here DE, I already PM'd you this thread before; https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/158729-changing-the-modding-experience-mod-rebalance-and-more/

Please, do all of that. Or at least something similar to it, as it's probably the only way to save lesser mods and auras. Just PLEASE reconsider those ideas!



Another one I just remembered:

In short: Melee weapons' physical damage distribution is horrid. Dual Ichors, a weapon with Toxic damage ONLY has Toxic damage on REGULAR attacks. All other attacks are Impact/Puncture/Slash!

In more detail: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/177189-a-bothersome-fact-about-melee-weapons-damagetypes/


Mods. Wow are these a mess. Mephane and The_Doc pointed out the inconsistant numbers of elemental and physical mods across the weapon types and even WITHIN the same weapontype, but seriously, there are FAR more issues to mods than that. For example, even with the punchthroughbuffs, Metal Auger still isn't worth it compared to Shred (if only looking at the punchthrough to modcost ratio, add then Shred's RoF bonus on top of that!). All statusmods. All multishot-differences. The list goes on. These all need to be far more equalized and rebalanced. I have actually made a huuuuge rebalancing for this, right in here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/158729-changing-the-modding-experience-mod-rebalance-and-more/

It's a long read, but I think it could be a good rehaul/addon to the current modding system in general, on top of the modcard rebalance I've done there.

(Note: That thread of mine, all the work put into the balance issues there, is one of the reasons why I despise the Steel Charge so much. When it comes to balance DE always seem to do the OPPOSITE of what I suggest. Wether they actually have looked at my suggestions or not (I PM'd them and got a response!), it feels very disheartening that they don't seem to know how to balance things correctly nor make them consistent. While I, a puny but eager player, seem to have a better understanding of it all. Really sad)



The Prime Warframes

1) Rhino Prime, the only Prime with a TRUE advantage: Faster speed. Speed was supposed to be one of his weaknesses, but now that's also gone. That's a problem in itself, but it is also inconsistent, leaving the older Primes less useful as Primes than Rhino Prime! Way to go *sigh*

If you give advantage to one Prime (Rhino Prime), give something to the old ones as well!

2) Ember Prime, instead of getting an additional polarity (a total of 3, instead of 2), she just got 2 DIFFERENT polarities than her normal counterpart... Why? Unnecessarily inconsistent.



Launchers. Ogris, Penta and Torid, the strongest of the bunch of Launchers, they use Rifle ammo. Miter, the arguably weakest of them all, uses Sniper ammo. Not consistent, nor is it balanced in the least! How about making them all use shotgun ammo and shotgun mods (which would also make shotgun mods generally more useful btw)?



Now, to Bronco Prime and AkBronco Prime, the mother of all inconsistencies!

Bronco Prime - 139 damage, 4 magsize, 17,5% status chance, 150% critdamage

AkBronco Prime - 104 damage, 6 magsize, 30% status chance, 200% critdamage


I'm stumped by how absolutely illogical that is. The dual version has, compared to the single counterpart: Less damage per shot, 50% increased magsize, more status and higher critical damage. I just can't believe they went THIS far in the whole single contra dual pistol inconsistency-dilemmas! Honestly, it's like if they read this thread and then, out of pure mockery, made the AkBronco Prime the way it is just as an insult!


I will update when I remember more inconsistencies. Please add your own ones as well! Let's hope DE takes this list seriously!



+ You fixed the acquistion of Banshee, giving her a way to be acquired more reliably (less RNG).

+ The inconsistency of the rate of fire on Afuris and Twin Vipers is actually a good thing

- You are consistantly punishing people for playing solo.

--- Everything else listed here (and probably more that I have forgotten to list, will update) are extremely inconsistent things in this game. Yes, the game is really being handled THAT badly and sloppily!

Edited by Azamagon
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Agree with the most of your words. But I want to add that Void drop changes are horrifying for me. When Ember Prime was introduced, me and my friend used about 70 T3 Capture keys to get Ember Prime BP. After a few days DE added BP to the Derelict Defence. And now... new Prime Gear Drop Locations! You've used unreal amount of keys to get X (Ember Part BP or other things)? HAHA! Now your X can be aquired as easy as possible.
Yes, system, where you may use 100+ keys and do not get needed things is not cool, but... so critical changes makes me feeling really bad.

Edited by Folren
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Time for feedback about what is not exactly consistent about Warframe, and possibly how to fix them. I'll try to be short, as the list is quite the long one:


* 3 of the new weapons (Jat Kittag, Akstiletto and Phage) being in Labtech is fine. What is NOT fine is that these weapons can be bought with Platinum, which no other labtech has before. Either make all labtech available with platinum, or NONE of them!



Just a cash grab my friend.

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I completely agree with the inconsistency parts.  I immediately posted about the Cestra last night thinking it was a bug.  It makes NO sense at all.  Love the game, paid my GM money, but good lord, stuff just seems so sloppy.  It feels like a bunch of people are working on stuff, and no one cares to double check things.  Like, the guy doing the dual cestra was like "eh, I'll put this in clan tech" and the other guy was like "eh, I think I'll put this in plat only market." 

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I completely agree with the inconsistency parts.  I immediately posted about the Cestra last night thinking it was a bug.  It makes NO sense at all.  Love the game, paid my GM money, but good lord, stuff just seems so sloppy.  It feels like a bunch of people are working on stuff, and no one cares to double check things.  Like, the guy doing the dual cestra was like "eh, I'll put this in clan tech" and the other guy was like "eh, I think I'll put this in plat only market." 

Exactly. These kind of inconsistencies gives off a VERY unprofessional vibe from them. This is the first time in a LONG time of Warframe when I'm seriously considering just ignoring the game altogether. They just keep making bad things worse. Like if that was even possible!

Edited by Azamagon
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I completely agree with the inconsistency parts.  I immediately posted about the Cestra last night thinking it was a bug.  It makes NO sense at all.  Love the game, paid my GM money, but good lord, stuff just seems so sloppy.  It feels like a bunch of people are working on stuff, and no one cares to double check things.  Like, the guy doing the dual cestra was like "eh, I'll put this in clan tech" and the other guy was like "eh, I think I'll put this in plat only market." 



No doubt, it's been the case for almost every single release now. Stuff being rushed "err this is done (kinda) ill just put it in game and hotfix it later whatever". Drakgoon ammunition type or akmagnus just to name a few.

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For some reason, the bit about the dual cestras bothers me the most. I think it's because apparently even though we can just pick up a single blueprint in the market and build the single easily, we need a team of researchers to figure out "hey, I can hold one of these in the OTHER hand too!"

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For some reason, the bit about the dual cestras bothers me the most. I think it's because apparently even though we can just pick up a single blueprint in the market and build the single easily, we need a team of researchers to figure out "hey, I can hold one of these in the OTHER hand too!"

YES!  Hahahaha!  That's what gets me too.  It's like, you can just grab a BP for one, but for TWO???  Noooo.... we need some clan research, lol.  Completely illogical.

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Crit and status being less on dual wield weapons isn't completely unrealistic.  If you view crit as precision strikes/shots, you're going to have more of a chance to hit critical areas, but not perfectly double. Well, maybe Tenno are completely ambidextrous. Don't even know exactly what they are so....it doesn't really matter.

While I definitely agree with a large amount of the inconsistencies (clan stuff, zephyr, polarities with single-> dual weapons) ... not everything regarding weapons needs to be 2x or 1/2 and all that.  As far as the 'plasma' or 'laser' weapons go...its just a naming convention/issue.  They're going to remain how they are as far as what damage is dealt because they fill out certain roles and areas because of their damage types.  So it may have been a bad idea to call them all the same type of firing...whatever...it doesn't really matter though.

How about this: they all use plasma as a power source, but the weapon systems output it in different ways.

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Crit and status being less on dual wield weapons isn't completely unrealistic.  If you view crit as precision strikes/shots, you're going to have more of a chance to hit critical areas, but not perfectly double. Well, maybe Tenno are completely ambidextrous. Don't even know exactly what they are so....it doesn't really matter.

While I definitely agree with a large amount of the inconsistencies (clan stuff, zephyr, polarities with single-> dual weapons) ... not everything regarding weapons needs to be 2x or 1/2 and all that.  As far as the 'plasma' or 'laser' weapons go...its just a naming convention/issue.  They're going to remain how they are as far as what damage is dealt because they fill out certain roles and areas because of their damage types.  So it may have been a bad idea to call them all the same type of firing...whatever...it doesn't really matter though.

How about this: they all use plasma as a power source, but the weapon systems output it in different ways.

1) Crit and status are not less on dualwielded weapons. They are HIGHER! So, even if we consider what you say as true, it still doesn't mean anything as we have the opposite situation.

2) I didn't say EVERYTHING had to be 2x or 1/2 and all that. But in some cases they, frankly, really should be. Such as the Dual Cestra and their non-doubled magazines. Unless they specifically are said to be modified of course. But they don't.

3) I agreed that the plasma and laser weapons don't NEED to be changed to have a specific element. But at least they could be more consistant. For example, Slash damage makes little sense on either of the types (imo), as I don't see superheated plasmas and lasers leaving big gashing, bleedy wound. Some kind of explanation is needed so their weird damages make more sense. I just have a little hard time accepting some of those as they are right now.

And if they just used plasma as a power source, then why do the projectiles/beams look like the way they do?

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Just to counter point a bit, and relay the way I look at a lot of these things to keep myself from getting all ragey and disappointed in the game.




There are two possible reasons for apparent inconsistencies to exist on purpose. 1, is that they are testing the waters to see which way, between dual weapons or market vs farm, or dojo vs market or boss rewards and all of the other things, is simply to see which way will work best in the end.  That hopefully when this game IS released and the Beta tag removed many of things that look like sloppy implementation and poor management will be smoothed out and made consistent based on what they see working in game when you compare the differences in the current implementations.


Game Play vs Logic.


Balance issues with weapons come up a lot.  With the number of different weapons and then add some of those as having dual wield ability, sometimes pushing differences for the sake of being different just needs to happen.  Do we want pure math balance like rock-paper-scissors? or Logic based balance like 'No way paper beats rock'?  I think Warframe has been doing a decent job of working toward a nice balance between the two, but the problem is there, someone is going to be upset by the lack of math balance and others by the lack of logic.  This is going to be seen a bunch in the dual wield stuff.  If you don't have a few differences that may not make sense then you end up with a lot of redundancy instead.



I do agree on a lot of the complaints in the OP.  BUT, I would be willing to bet DE acknowledges a lot of them as well, just that they are (I hope) on a list somewhere as 'to be addressed'.  All in all I think this thread is a good one to point out what we are seeing, I also think if there are some of these inconsistencies that DE thinks can stay, maybe this helps re-think that and maybe this thread can have some nice suggested changes.

For me personally dual wield needs to get a little more give in the give and take vs. single handed to make it not such an automatic upgrade with negligible downside.

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I don't agree with the Zephyr thing. She's the Airframe, it makes sense for her to be less affected by gravity because her main component is Oxium, which is an alloy that is lighter than air. 


With the thing about her having a different component. Errrr..... why else introduce a completely new resource if not have it contribute the the creation of a new Warframe? That makes sense. So what if she has a passive ability? It's part of her makeup as the Airframe. Can she not be unique in that sense?

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For some reason, the bit about the dual cestras bothers me the most. I think it's because apparently even though we can just pick up a single blueprint in the market and build the single easily, we need a team of researchers to figure out "hey, I can hold one of these in the OTHER hand too!"


lol...it need 3 days to figure out how to hold it on the other hand too for god sake!!!


hope the DE watch this feedback...lol

Edited by misodeus
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Just to counter point a bit, and relay the way I look at a lot of these things to keep myself from getting all ragey and disappointed in the game.




There are two possible reasons for apparent inconsistencies to exist on purpose. 1, is that they are testing the waters to see which way, between dual weapons or market vs farm, or dojo vs market or boss rewards and all of the other things, is simply to see which way will work best in the end.  That hopefully when this game IS released and the Beta tag removed many of things that look like sloppy implementation and poor management will be smoothed out and made consistent based on what they see working in game when you compare the differences in the current implementations.


Game Play vs Logic.


Balance issues with weapons come up a lot.  With the number of different weapons and then add some of those as having dual wield ability, sometimes pushing differences for the sake of being different just needs to happen.  Do we want pure math balance like rock-paper-scissors? or Logic based balance like 'No way paper beats rock'?  I think Warframe has been doing a decent job of working toward a nice balance between the two, but the problem is there, someone is going to be upset by the lack of math balance and others by the lack of logic.  This is going to be seen a bunch in the dual wield stuff.  If you don't have a few differences that may not make sense then you end up with a lot of redundancy instead.



I do agree on a lot of the complaints in the OP.  BUT, I would be willing to bet DE acknowledges a lot of them as well, just that they are (I hope) on a list somewhere as 'to be addressed'.  All in all I think this thread is a good one to point out what we are seeing, I also think if there are some of these inconsistencies that DE thinks can stay, maybe this helps re-think that and maybe this thread can have some nice suggested changes.

For me personally dual wield needs to get a little more give in the give and take vs. single handed to make it not such an automatic upgrade with negligible downside.

About Testing:

Well, that would be fine if they openly TOLD us that it's what they are doing, rather than just halfassedly implementing stuff the way they do currently, giving us an impression of them being very sloppy, illogical and inconsistent. If they said that this is what they are trying, at least we could give them feedback of what we think.

That said, I TRULY hope you are right. If not... well, yeah. Then this game won't have a very bright future.


About Gameplay vs Logic:

Logic and Gameplay can actually quite decently go hand in hand. Things of course don't have to be 100% logical to how the real world works (Plasma, I've been told, would never ever be possible to implement the way they are in games for example. But it's still easier to accept because "space science" or whatnot). But there is one important word that needs to be considered even if you defy real-worldness in a game:


Dual vs Single pistols have very unintuitive changes (Different damage on Lato and AkLato bothers me the most!). Plasma and Laser-type weapons being able to cause enemies to bleed is very unintuitive too. THAT's the problem. Logic can be slightly bent, yes, but not completely ignored.


I don't agree with the Zephyr thing. She's the Airframe, it makes sense for her to be less affected by gravity because her main component is Oxium, which is an alloy that is lighter than air. 


With the thing about her having a different component. Errrr..... why else introduce a completely new resource if not have it contribute the the creation of a new Warframe? That makes sense. So what if she has a passive ability? It's part of her makeup as the Airframe. Can she not be unique in that sense?

Once again: I don't mind that she requires these specific components. I actually think it's a GREAT thing. Nor do I mind the passive part either.


If all Warframes had some minor passives and they all required different materials to build, I wouldn't mind it in the least!


And can't you really see WHY they introduced the new resource? It's very easy to know why:

In short: Because of MONEY!

Longer explanation: Since all other Warframes have followed a (decent) consistency of requiring X amounts of specific materials, they must have noticed that once a Warframe has been released in an update, players have the materials to build them right away, as soon as they get a hold of all the blueprints for it. So, to make the game be more annoying with adding a new resource, all of a sudden all players, new and old, have to either:

a) Grind and be patient (also due to being a researched frame, something I personally have no problems with at all)

b) Be bothered by the new (high amount of) resources required to get the frame (+ waiting time due to research), thus buy it fast with Platinum instead.

It's kinda brilliant. Brilliantly GREEDY! So yeah, I dislike it so much because it's inconsistent and GREEDY. If all other Warframes required specific resources as well (Such as some Rage/Adrenaline material for Valkyr, some Psychic material for Nyx etc), it would've been no problem whatsoever.

Edited by Azamagon
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Time for feedback about what is not exactly consistent about Warframe, and possibly how to fix them. I'll try to be short, as the list is quite the long one:



* Something of mentioning that IS consistant though - You like to p!ss on solo players! Good luck trying to solo Interception. As a 99.9% solo player (only played multiplayer in events that required it), I'm getting tired of this horrible anti-solo treatment.


* The new aura "buffs". You mean making them even MORE inconsistent with one another? We already had Speed Holster (which fits more as a normal Warframe mod rather than as an Aura in the first place) which had less points than the others. Now you made Steel Charge have a base of 4 (instead of 2 like the others) and it has 10 additional ranks (instead of 5, like the others). Which is not only a stupid "buff", it's also another grind-sink. When I saw that I just got really mad. Instead of balancing auras and mods, you do something completely illogical and inconsistent! WHY?! Here DE, I already PM'd you this thread before; https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/158729-changing-the-modding-experience-mod-rebalance-and-more/

Please, do all of that. Or at least something similar to it, as it's probably the only way to save lesser mods and auras. Just PLEASE reconsider those ideas!

EDIT: Removed the ragey bits *ahem* I have calmed down now


I will update when I remember more inconsistencies. Please add your own ones as well! Let's hope DE takes this list seriously!



+ You fixed the acquistion of Banshee, giving her a way to be acquired more reliably (less RNG).

+ The inconsistency of the rate of fire on Afuris and Twin Vipers is actually a good thing

- You are consistantly punishing people for playing solo.

--- Everything else listed here (and probably more that I have forgotten to list, will update) are extremely inconsistent things in this game. Yes, the game is really being handled THAT badly and sloppily!


Do you even Booban? Quite easy to control atleast 3 points with tesla and some long-range weapon. Max-range Excalibur should work too. But overall this game mode is quite boring and needs improvement, with 4 ppl its just every one standing on his point killing maybe 5 enemies per minute zzzzz/


Steelcharge is a way to buff melee damage, inderect buff to Valk and Ash and whoever else has V aura slot and might go melee. 28 points is quite dramatic and makes no need to forma frames with V slot, is it good or bad? Harder to balance overall since it affects too much being aura  and I was totally with Steve on the stream when they talked about it lol.


The rest from the list are non-issues really, nothing that affects game much. Why do you still care about physical damage type when its all about elemental mods. 

All frames require materials to build, why should it matter if some require different mats. All frames have different passive stats.

Edited by Monolake
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