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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Most of my attention goes to weapons and cosmetics, but after making samurai inspired armour I ran into this thread again.  Damn has it come a long way.  Awesome stuff!

*sniff, sniff* is that a posiblity i smell? or, perhaps a leak? or am i hoping too much. I dont care either way, even if you make this a woman but damn whats waiting so long :D

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Cool idea and i really want a frame where you can see how heavily armored it is (Rhino was never enough). Also the idea of a samurai is kinda left behind in a spaceninja game. Seeing how this game shows influence of the japanese culture a samurai should not be abesnt, as it is right now. Those few plates we can buy for platinum are not enough either, to show how samurai-ish we are.


Ps. I would like to have a frame called "Weiss" ... as a leader of the Edelweiss otakus this would really add to my image. Now please don't make the mistake and make Weiss black... because "Weiss" means "white".

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Oh dear, this thing will certainly set off rated-M Alarms.  I absolutely love all ideas in this post, yet to find something I don't quite fancy.


EDIT: I've taken some reading into the Weiss Lore and what Typhus has become.  The change is almost haunting, and it paints yet another dark point in the world of WF.  I'm beginning to hope quite hard for some happy ending or some happy story to come out of all this experimentation and oblivion, be it taming/pacification and acceptance by the Tenno or the new Typhus still trying to continue the ideals of Weiss as closely as his pained existence can.  That sort of inner struggle, clinging to his old ideals as closely as possible.  Anything... q~q


I've also seen the concept art for Cannibalize Armor.


2. Definitely setting off M alarms.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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Most of my attention goes to weapons and cosmetics, but after making samurai inspired armour I ran into this thread again.  Damn has it come a long way.  Awesome stuff!

I dont get why you made samurai inpired armor. Your slogan is Ninjas Play Free and samurai were the mortal enemy of the ninja.

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Oh dear, this thing will certainly set off rated-M Alarms.  I absolutely love all ideas in this post, yet to find something I don't quite fancy.


EDIT: I've taken some reading into the Weiss Lore and what Typhus has become.  The change is almost haunting, and it paints yet another dark point in the world of WF.  I'm beginning to hope quite hard for some happy ending or some happy story to come out of all this experimentation and oblivion, be it taming/pacification and acceptance by the Tenno or the new Typhus still trying to continue the ideals of Weiss as closely as his pained existence can.  That sort of inner struggle, clinging to his old ideals as closely as possible.  Anything... q~q


I've also seen the concept art for Cannibalize Armor.


2. Definitely setting off M alarms.

Well, Warframe IS rated M, for "Blood and Gore" and "Violence"


Also, not sure if Red considers the Weiss stuff "canon" for his version of Typhus.

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I dont get why you made samurai inpired armor. Your slogan is Ninjas Play Free and samurai were the mortal enemy of the ninja.

Check your facts, ninjas were used by samurai against other samurai. Ieyasu Tokugawa used the Iga ninja clan to wreck havoc on his enemies, led by the illustrious Hattori Hanzo. There were many other ninja clans out there as well like the Koga.

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I dont get why you made samurai inpired armor. Your slogan is Ninjas Play Free and samurai were the mortal enemy of the ninja.

no they were not the mortal enemies of the Ninja, the samurai helped the Ninja and vise versa.

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Ps. I would like to have a frame called "Weiss" ... as a leader of the Edelweiss otakus this would really add to my image. Now please don't make the mistake and make Weiss black... because "Weiss" means "white".


Oh, that's why his nickname is 'the White Rabbit' for that reason.

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Most of design is very nice, however those ears look a little bit too long. And legs and arms are a little out of proportion to rest of body, they just seem a little too big for the rest


I assume that you are talking about Weiss (because pointy ears), it was a sketch which took me no more than 5 minutes to draw up. You have to realize that you are trying to criticize a WIP Sketch saying that the proportions are not right but at the end of the day it's just a quick sketch, to prove a point; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sketch_%28drawing%29


Speaking of out of proportion, look at Oberon. I'm not trying to bash you but I don't think there's any point in criticizing a sketch.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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anyone else have the feeling of Soon?

We can only hope. Maybe they'll break the male-female-male-female release pattern with Typhus. I really don't see a reason why they would always need to keep the genders equal.

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We can only hope. Maybe they'll break the male-female-male-female release pattern with Typhus. I really don't see a reason why they would always need to keep the genders equal.

besides it be easy to do, make typhus and just make the next 2 warframes female

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