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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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It comes out when U13 comes out. Signs look like it could be today, but in all likelihood, it may be out in a few more weeks. We have multiple teaser videos/images to confirm it. If you want to take a break taht's fine but dont' start spouting all this "It'll never come out" crap when we already have a confirmed release schedule.

"it'll never come out" ??? when did I say that??

I only said that I have seen many updates..many changes..but nothing like this..I am not the one who is leaving the game.I have been playing every single day for the last 8 months..but people do get impatient..

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In theory, the update should be today. Patience.

What? Devstream #26 is this Friday, and we will be having a very special live-playthrough and commentary preview of Update 13!

it will be after friday amybe even later ...

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A week from now.


At the bottom of https://www.warframe.com/grineersystems/, there is countdown.


It has 7 box: D:HH:MM:SS


And here is the grineer numbers.




So the first Symbol is the Number 7? This is interesting.




+1 on the Optimism, I'm disappointed and I just pointed that out without metaphorically went crazy on becca. 


Excuse my french but, S#&$ happens.

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Really hope that in the future they lock all hype/anticipation threads. Because it causes major backlash when it ends up falling flat and being a disappointment. And while that might not matter to some, there comes a point where the team's reputation is crushed in the eyes of a large part of the playerbase. Really hope they manage expectations better. And part of that comes if they'd not let these hype/anticipation threads fester when they've got even the slightest indication that they won't be able to deliver.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Bah they overhyped it and its again delayed. :/ Forma and 2 taters arent good enough as apology.  Atleast release Some content today. its been ages since we have had anything substantial. ( a week or two/three. I know we had Dex Furis but... yeah its a sliiightly better Afuris. so nothing substanial)

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I do have a question, though, was gonna post it on the hype megathread before it was locked so they can process our replies:


Wouldn't it have been better to release the update today, albeit buggy, and expect our feedback, than to push it back to look at whatever went wrong with it, fix it, release it, and then deal with other bugs we will surely find? I mean, it's gonna be the same result, we find bugs, they fix bugs, and we play the game.


Guess we're not really that much trusted as "beta-testers".

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Melee 2.0 was announced 5 months ago, yes, 5 months, its been that long, and being teased by the screens and then just made having to wait even more disappoints me.


btw im taking a break from this game too, just logging in to get daily (crappy XP) rewards.


See you next wednesday.

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Guess we're not really that much trusted as "beta-testers".

How can you say that without even knowing what the actual problem is?

What about a problem that is game-breaking? what about sudden changes that made it unplayable.

As long as i dont know what the real problem is, i wouldnt throw around such stuff.....

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Really hope that in the future they lock all hype/anticipation threads. Because it causes major backlash when it ends up falling flat and being a disappointment. And while that might not matter to some, there comes a point where the team's reputation is crushed in the eyes of a large part of the playerbase. Really hope they manage expectations better. And part of that comes if they'd not let these hype/anticipation threads fester when they've got even the slightest indication that they won't be able to deliver.

it was your guys own fault. They never said it was going to be released today.

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