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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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You mean the energy color? because you don't have to wait for Melee 2.0 for that.

As Cosmo said it already exist in the current melee system.


However I have a question myself. How dependent will this new melee system be on the current melee mods in game such as parry and reflection? I personally hope it won't be too dependent on these mods.

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No i meant like-

Forget it. if you don't see the clear difference between the current energy and the one in the trailer, it's no use to try and explain.

I know what you mean, but to me it just looks like promotional flare - not intended to be used in the realm of the actual game - just to look pretty in the trailer. All that being said, if you're PC is good enough, you might want to check out this thread. Some of the results are stunning and can produce something similar to what was in the Sword Alone teaser. Otherwise, don't think it's gonna happen the way you envisioned.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I'd like to see it get its own animation set, seperate from the prova, in 2.0. It doesn't make sense for a giant knife that exists purely to chop people into pieces to share animations with an electrified baton that's meant for smacking people in the face.

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What will happen?  What's going to happen?


It seems it was one of the most asked chat questions.


Did they already answer this question before?


-She is THE melee Warframe.  I'm baffled on why thhere isnt HOLY S#&$ ITS A SPIDER DANGLING FROM MY CEILING BRB

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