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People Leaving Warframe


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I know exactly how you feel TC. Even though my account says it's new, I first started playing during U4. The core gameplay hasn't really expanded or changed much. Even on ODDs or on Tower runs everything feels really samey, we have this entire melee combat system that's very barebones and has been promised to be revamped for ages. And shooting people with rifles, since shotguns are as always useless, gets old after a while.


The only reason I play anymore is because of my love of Sci-fi asthetic, I really had high hopes for this game but it is far too late to disregard these qualms with saying it's a beta.

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The only reason I play anymore is because of my love of Sci-fi asthetic, I really had high hopes for this game but it is far too late to disregard these qualms with saying it's a beta.


Art is what grabbed my attention first, and I think it's the best part of Warframe.

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I kind of agree. At a point you have everything you want. If you watch the livestream 22, you will see they are planning to add a LOT of more stuff.


Problem is that they've been saying that they are adding more stuff for a loooooooong time now and the majority of the content added has been everything but the stuff they said they were adding.  I think a lot of people are just tired of waiting for stuff mentioned over 6 months ago while they keep adding the weekly weapon.  Most people probably want Warframe to be an extremely successful and polished game but are noticing that DEs priorities aren't in the right place.  This could be due to the f2p model, their inability to add stuff (due to lack of ability, time or both) or just being stubborn.  It's a shame really because there really isn't another game with Warframe's style out there but DE is going to eventually run it to the ground at this rate.

Edited by jinsaotomex4
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Just burned out. Mastery 13 now...

Keep collecting and ranking weapons for mastery, all the while trying to get Ember Prime and farm enough oxi for Zephyr... went down from 2hrs+ a day to 10 min max now, whenever there is an alert really.

There's just not much to do really, gets old and fast. The only "real" endgame there is, is to see how long you can last in a survival or endless defence. And that is just sooooo boooooring now.

The excitement rush that I had before rnning through corridors and "pew pew, ninja slice, wallrun etc" is gone.

Grind for the sake of grind just doesn't do it anymore. Was funny at the beginning, "huehuehue, need to farm moar," but now... Meh.

Just burned out...

Edited by Pixydis
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Meh I make friends in the game, and just enjoy myself... Although I wish DE gave me more Mod combos to put together on my warframes... That way I have more desire to keep formaing and leveling stuff all day... Even Zephy has no reason to be formaed more then twice... I find myself off the game when I can't think of something to do on the game...

Edited by Arlayn
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shaping my replacement before Dark Souls 2 release.


new player have a lot things to do here. yes it is mostly a grind for something. but game looks nice. solar system is taking shape. new bosses here and over there.


however this game also lacking many aspects that supposed to be initial part of any pve game: such as lore, interesting pve environment and high level content to strife for.


so with all good aspects this game have, warframe also have a lot of flaws.


also soon and around the corner are not helping. decisions about gameplay aspects are questionable at best from the very same gameplay perspective.


platinum market is empty, there is basically nothing to buy. i mean almost the very same colors when people were asking for metallic for months? 2 alt helmets at best? mod packs? key packs? really? platinum is literally a dead weight.


so yeah people are leaving. and chances are they will not come back, not in this year at least. there are a lot of more decent projects to be released soon. which includes mmo, fps, tp rpg games, strategy games, racing games on pc alone, not to mention some kickass brands for consoles.


and compared to them, wf looks pale at best.


and i will repeat myself, no new melee model, no social hub, no affinity dump system will not change the fact that this game is empty and lacking content so very very very bad.


p.s. oh hai neo2sonic

Edited by Althix
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I am loving the detailed and mature replies that are in this thread, and I truly mean that, because a bonus of this game, compared to other very popular MMO / MOBA, is DE and the Community.


However, a decent Dev team and great community can not keep someone playing this game forever. 



I played Waframe for a couple of months back in 2013 and then quit during the Fusion Moa event; why? because I had 2 level 30 frames and no plat for slots. I was somewhat forced into selling my weapons too, to free a slot for a new weapon. Because of the fact I wasn't even playing to farm to get new weapons or frames, I got extremely bored and just quit, only to come back now and see how much Warframe has VASTLY IMPROVED.


I was so enthusiastic and glad about the changes, I delved into my wallet and purchased a Prime Package. Finally I could get more frames and weapons, which personally gave me a reason to play.


Thing is now though, after spending most of my free time playing, I now have farmed every frame apart from Vauban and practically all the weapons that exist, levelled them to 30 and some of them are even forma'd. Basically I'm at the burn-out stage. 


I'm now asking myself - "why do I log-on?":


1 - Check to see if there's a decent alert mission

2 - Finish building a weapon or frame, or object (which I will then level to 30 in like 3 defence or survival missions)

3 - Login Reward


I also find myself only playing because I want to build a Forma (for example) so I can get a new weapon, yet I need Orokin Cells or Neural Sensors, or another hard to get material.


I then hop-off to Alad V... oh wait, there's no one playing on Themisto...try again... still no one... well ok *logs out* only to come back a couple of hours later and try again.


Only today I got my Burston Prime Reciever after days of spamming T2 Survivals. I look: "6/10 Orokin Cells" - well I seriously cannot be bothered to spend 2 days doing ODA or Saturn Survival to farm the cells, and then I realise I need 10 more for Reaper Prime. Basically I'm saying the RNG right now is either a fuel for determination (to get a part, or mod, or resource) or a total de-motivator. Example: "Well I've just done 10 runs on Themisto, used my revives, had Salad bug-out on me and all I have to show for it is Alloy Plate and Ammo Drum, f*ck this sh*t" <= my exact thoughts about 2 days ago (it's a true story).



tl;dr: "Why are people leaving?" => After farming most stuff, the grind gets tedious, annoying and simply boring. The lack of new content (a weapon is not new content imo) means that the only "end-game" we have after completing the star chart and whatever is... farming materials for (future) weapons and (future) frames.

Edited by Els236
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Here's the idea i get from the posts written:


1. too much grind

2. not enough high end or challenging gameplay


these are contradicting ideas;  If you are trying to farm a mod, you don't want to go extremely hard levels to get that one mod.  because as it stands now, getting some rare mods are almost impossible, after 700 hours of play myself, i have only recently obtained coolant leak, and have other mods that have never been obtained.  This is sad. because as much as i hate to grind I would also hate to grind even more difficult enemies that would make it next to impossible to get some mods in general.


There are 2 main types of players.  Players who have all the mods parts etc. and players who play to collect resources parts etc.  I personally have maxed out all guns etc everything, and have all the mods (the ones i wasn't able to obtain through trading).  But it is still sad not to be able to obtain all the mods after over 700 hours of play. At the same time I do want more challenging stuff.  So these two ideas are very contradicting and the two center points of why they game needs to be "fixed" in the entire community.  I ran about 150 T3 captures to get my orthos prime, I was ok with that, it gave me something to work towards.  Right now with the void loot table, things are much too easy to get, especially prime parts.  There is no more grid as you would say in the void.  This is good and bad.  i see a person with mastery 4 holding an orthos prime, i'm like UMMM...OK. 


I believe teh drop rates of mods for newere players and players stsill trying to get them is very low, but the drop rate of weapon war frame parts/blue prints are too easy to get.  I think it should be the other way around.  MOD's need to be much easier to get rather then weapon and frame blueprints.  But that is just my opinion.  


It is very Hard to balance such thing: wanting more challenging enemy, and wanting better drop rate less grind.  These are two contradicting Ideas.  and I have yet to see a good solution for this.

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I can tell from the PS4 side of things this is actually true. My brother I were constantly playing but now we find ourselves staring at the menu more than we do the star chart. I guess for us it's due to the lack of content and I mean this update wise. It feels like by the time we even get update 12, we'll be to busy playing Destiny, Final Fantasy or some other game before we even considered returning... A little off topic, but please someone in DE/Sony make update 12 happen already.


Edit: I find myself spending more time on the forums then what I do playing the game. True story.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Regarding grinding, it would be cool if the game rewardd skillful playing ie: enemies dropping more resources when head-shot or silent killed etc.


Same goes to prime stuff components. More head shots etc should give you higher chances to get rare drops.

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Here's the idea i get from the posts written:


1. too much grind

2. not enough high end or challenging gameplay


these are contradicting ideas;  If you are trying to farm a mod, you don't want to go extremely hard levels to get that one mod.  because as it stands now, getting some rare mods are almost impossible, after 700 hours of play myself, i have only recently obtained coolant leak, and have other mods that have never been obtained.  This is sad. because as much as i hate to grind I would also hate to grind even more difficult enemies that would make it next to impossible to get some mods in general.


There are 2 main types of players.  Players who have all the mods parts etc. and players who play to collect resources parts etc.  I personally have maxed out all guns etc everything, and have all the mods (the ones i wasn't able to obtain through trading).  But it is still sad not to be able to obtain all the mods after over 700 hours of play. At the same time I do want more challenging stuff.  So these two ideas are very contradicting and the two center points of why they game needs to be "fixed" in the entire community.  I ran about 150 T3 captures to get my orthos prime, I was ok with that, it gave me something to work towards.  Right now with the void loot table, things are much too easy to get, especially prime parts.  There is no more grid as you would say in the void.  This is good and bad.  i see a person with mastery 4 holding an orthos prime, i'm like UMMM...OK. 


I believe teh drop rates of mods for newere players and players stsill trying to get them is very low, but the drop rate of weapon war frame parts/blue prints are too easy to get.  I think it should be the other way around.  MOD's need to be much easier to get rather then weapon and frame blueprints.  But that is just my opinion.  


It is very Hard to balance such thing: wanting more challenging enemy, and wanting better drop rate less grind.  These are two contradicting Ideas.  and I have yet to see a good solution for this.


I think you're seeing this wrong to be honest.

Not every aspect of the game needs to be designed as a grind.  Some aspects can be designed challenging with good rewards an incentives and a properly designed encounter will be enjoyable even with no reward (in this case the reward would be the bonus and if a player decides to grind for the rewards that is up to them).  Right now farming frame blueprints, weapon blueprints (miter), materials, mods, upgrading mods, getting credits, etc is just a grind.  You go on auto-pilot and kill stuff with little thought. The random drops and such are your reward for spending time doing the same thing over, and over, and over. They don't reward using the character mechanics, they don't reward knowing enemy patterns or positioning.  You are rewarded based on your time spent and luck. 


The balance between challenge and reward is that a challenging encounter would test teamwork, energy management, ammo management, positioning, ability to prioritize targets as well as having players deal with obstacles that would otherwise kill you but the game doesn't offer much of this due to the way it is designed. The current grinding method is low risk, with lots of time investment and you might get the reward you're looking for eventually but if you get lucky you will get the item you want in less amount of time. However that's only the first layer of the grind.  Fusion and forma grinds add more layers of easy grinding where time invested decides your success. Events are like this too, invest time and you complete the event.


A challenging encounter would be high risk of failure but the reward would be a way to show that time invested in learning the mechanics pays off with items that reward a different type of dedication.

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I've pretty much stopped playing for the time being because all I found Warframe to end up being is GrindFarm....


farm some resources.... make a new thing.... grind it to level 30... repeat


While endgame content does sound somewhat interesting, what really needs to be done is the creation of gameplay people will want to keep playing over and over and over. It's hard for me to get bored of games like Star Wars: Battlefront or Team Fortress 2 because they have great gameplay going for them that I simply can't get enough of. But this... the only real "gameplay" I've currently found is grinding and farming, both of which are boring as hell.

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I myself think that there should be added a storyline in the game warframe itself as you play and having different events each update or alert that could give us a more understanding and interest behind the history of warframe, like having conversations between NPCs during missions like that humorous argument between Darvo and his Father.

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take a break for a bit, just get on Thursdays to get your new update and such if you don't want to miss anything. I only have Orthos Prime left to get, and I'll have every weapon in the game. that said, my friends have been begging me to play other games with them (mostly LoL, I am burnt out on MOBA games though) and I still want to keep maxing my mastery with everything. after that, I'll finally start focusing on my clan, but I will be out of content until DE starts putting in more end game stuff, so I know where your coming from, cause hardly any of my friends touch warframe, despite that they know this is one of the few games I play at all lately.


just FYI, i'd watch out for Humble Bundles if you haven't been, there have been some really good ones, for AAA games and such here and there, which help to fill in your gaming time while your waiting for wednesday to roll around lol.

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The main thing that's keeping me away from that login screen is the lack of melee 2.0.


Where is it DE? Tomorrow? The week after? Two weeks from now?


What a load of horse manure. A proper melee system should've been the first thing that you worked on DE, when you released the game into Open Beta.


I'm tired of shooting. I'm tired of grinding. I'm tired of playing a game which doesn't even live up to half its potential.

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i don´t want to sound disrespectul but maybe formaing weapons should have never existed, it seems to me it causes a very steep problem for balancing, from finding challenge at level 40+ enemies to one-shooting them and going through 20 min. or 30 waves like a breeze, there´s a chasm inbetween the not so grindy players and the veterans.


personally burnout came over me from playing solo, because the friends that introduce me to the game rarely play because of shool (we usually take turns playing other games)so i went online, had fun for a while, now i mostly go onto the forums (i have all but two frames and a ton of weapons that i don´t feel like leveling to 30 more than once).

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People with the mindset: Gotta get 'em all!


and succeed! Will leave this game at this point in time because they're at the end of the rope that is known as warframe.



I personally delay buying everything by 2 months...just got my Frost prime and busy leveling up this guy. Along with the last 5 weapon releases.

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