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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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There was no kick in the nuts...


Saving ALL blueprints is common sense. Even I knew that feature was coming... Infact all the concepts I have come up so far have happened so now I just sit around knowing that whatever I think will happen will happen. So I KNEW this was going to happen. Its video gaming 101 Common Sense. They must add a trading economy where players who spend REAL money, and players who don't can both benefit from. Allowing both player groups to enjoy all the features in the game. Giving players ways to obtain everything in the game is a smart move. I whole support this as well. I am willing to give platinum to those who need it most to keep the economy going, and help players get things they never had before. Now players can obtain slots which are hard to get, and with those slots enjoy the game further, and get more stuff. Its a win-win situation for those who pay, and those who don't.

Well, I do agree with everything that you said, but they could have at least given us a 1-2 month window that would only allow TRADING of mods and blueprints, no platinum, and after that allow platinum. That way people could have traded what they wanted to someone else that they wanted and everyone would have been happy because when the platinum trading came up, everyone was on fair ground.

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Coming from a GRAND MASTER. 

Also coming from a GRAND MASTER your original reply with how happy you are that you can just buy your way through all the hard work in 1% of the time it took everyone else, eh?

It's all fine and dandy when it suits your needs, but what about the non-paying players? You do realise they make up most of the player base and with the changes DE made, most of them leave, and if that happens even the paying players won't have who to play with since there will be to few of them, and if that happens then all your precious plat will mean nothing C: and oh boy will I be laughing and devouring your delicious tears then.

Free to play players? They can void and earn some plat by selling those parts, it is not that hard. Once they have enough, they can buy parts that they need.



Your logic is simple: "If i cannot buy it, nobody should".

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I am not speaking for the whole Vet community ( wtf is that? and at which point you start being Vet anyway ) when i say this, but most of the players that are playing this game as long as i do are pretty content and not even bothered by the trade.


I grinded all my Primes ( got last one month or even more ago ) and i am not even mad about this.




And yes, by people logic i could be considered Veteran.

I ain't saying you're not a vet, personally I've been here since the first few days the game started its closed beta. But that doesn't change the fact that everything DE has done lately was just alienating vets from newbies (clan tech in the market, the steel charge fiasco where us vets had 20+ steel charges and can now just max out every mod we want, and now the prime trading that would have been an awesome idea and would have actually BONDED the vets and newbies if it was only TRADING part for part,mod for mod,part for mod and so on instead of allowing platinum to be traded.

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Free to play players? They can void and earn some plat by selling those parts, it is not that hard. Once they have enough, they can buy parts that they need.



Your logic is simple: "If i cannot buy it, nobody should".

The problem is that every part that you can get is common and in about 2-3 days will be sold for 1-2 platinum, while the rare things like Ember Prime that you won't get unless you are INCREDIBLY lucky will sell for 30-40-50 or even more plat once people realise its rarity. But that also means it will be impossible for those who can just make 1-2 platinum to get 50 platinum that easy. And take into consideration that no one wants to buy the common stuff that is worth 1-2 platinum to begin with because it just is that, common, means you can just get it in 1-2 runs yourself, so why waste platinum on it.

See where I'm going? Only people that buy platinum get something out of this.

Vets that buy platinum don't really care because they have platinum and newbies that don't buy platinum are kicked in the teeth the most.

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 People say they earned prime parts, but it's more like luck and having time rather than skill. I can solo tower 3 like nothing, but time after time recieved a key or a part I already had... Please don't fool yourselves.

Indeed, even I got lucky with 2-3 of those rare elusive parts. But also it took me over 50 runs to get 1 part for most of them. So I'm either the must unluckiest guy in the world or everyone has the same problem (and by the looks of all those "OMG RNG SUCKS" posts, I can easily assume I am right)

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So I'm either the must unluckiest guy in the world or everyone has the same problem 


If you think there is some sort of consistency in RNG as to the frequency at which people easily receive or don't easily receive things, then you are entirely false.


120+ runs for Fang Prime blades - not a single one dropped. Got Frost Prime systems on my second try. Are we still seeing a pattern in RNG? I sure don't, and my case is far from rare.

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Well, I do agree with everything that you said, but they could have at least given us a 1-2 month window that would only allow TRADING of mods and blueprints, no platinum, and after that allow platinum. That way people could have traded what they wanted to someone else that they wanted and everyone would have been happy because when the platinum trading came up, everyone was on fair ground.

I wouldn't have anything anyone needed even though I have prime parts galore they wouldn't need anything else, and I would never have finished the 3 prime weapons I needed. I mean seriously who would trade Boar Prime receiver, Orthos prime blade, and Fang prime blade with fang prime handles... for MORE prime parts... Seriously? Who? Those are the hardest to obtain parts in the entire game! With the platinum I can more easily trade for something THEY WANT... I mean I have absolutely nothing rare that they would want. So it defeats the whole purpose of being able to trade prime parts. Cause no one would want to. They would be waiting for the ultra rare parts rendering the entire trade USELESS... Then and  ONLY THEN Would I scream at DE to remove it for making a terrible trading system that we were required to trade prime parts for prime parts... It would be pointless... and worthless. As it is now we can get what we want.

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If you think there is some sort of consistency in RNG as to the frequency at which people easily receive or don't easily receive things, then you are entirely false.


120+ runs for Fang Prime blades - not a single one dropped. Got Frost Prime systems on my second try. Are we still seeing a pattern in RNG? I sure don't, and my case is far from rare.

That's what I was saying. It took me over 100 runs to get a Burston Prime receiver when it was in ODS. But it also took me 2 runs to get the Latron Prime receiver back when it had the infernal 1% drop chance in U8.

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I wouldn't have anything anyone needed even though I have prime parts galore they wouldn't need anything else...

... I mean I have absolutely nothing rare that they would want....

And you've been playing since when? Now think about the new players that can't afford/can't/refuse to buy platinum. And tell me how many actual RARE things do they have? 

With what you said now and the reply before that you just conflict your own arguments. First you say they can just trade parts they don't want for platinum, and now you say that even, that has prime parts galore can't trade them because they're not worth crap since they're not rare (for once you say something right).

You're obviously just a greedy person that cares only for himself and won't give a crap about those less fortunate. Now excuse me while I go sleep because I've done my duty as a forum warrior, and fighter for equality for today. (went from 660 to 756 posts in a couple of hours and a truck-load of writing)

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So I'm either the must unluckiest guy in the world or everyone has the same problem


That's what I was saying. It took me over 100 runs to get a Burston Prime receiver when it was in ODS. But it also took me 2 runs to get the Latron Prime receiver back when it had the infernal 1% drop chance in U8.


Your statements are conflicting. You're saying that everyone has issues with RNG being unkind, yet you're also admitting that RNG is random to the highest degree. These concepts are not the same thing. 


The point we are trying to make is to show that with RNG in play, hard work in grinding multiple runs of the same mission is not required as you implied 'everyone has the same problem' with. I know many people who have earned multiple (rare) prime items with little effort. That's just RNG. Luck favored them on multiple occasions, not just one or two.


To say that RNG consistently does not reward players with what they seek easily is simply not true. For some it's easy, and for some it's hard. As long as it's easy for some, your point is invalid. Sometimes you are just the most unlucky guy in the world.

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Your statements are conflicting. You're saying that everyone has issues with RNG being unkind, yet you're also admitting that RNG is random to the highest degree. These concepts are not the same thing. 


The point we are trying to make is to show that with RNG in play, hard work in grinding multiple runs of the same mission is not required as you implied 'everyone has the same problem' with. I know many people who have earned multiple (rare) prime items with little effort. That's just RNG. Luck favored them on multiple occasions, not just one or two.


To say that RNG consistently does not reward players with what they seek easily is simply not true. For some it's easy, and for some it's hard. As long as it's easy for some, your point is invalid. Sometimes you are just the most unlucky guy in the world.

MEsoJD, on 21 Feb 2014 - 01:35 AM, said:snapback.png

 People say they earned prime parts, but it's more like luck and having time rather than skill. I can solo tower 3 like nothing, but time after time recieved a key or a part I already had... Please don't fool yourselves.

My reply to yours a few posts above: Indeed, even I got lucky with 2-3 of those rare elusive parts. But also it took me over 50 runs to get 1 part for most of them. 


I said that I also got lucky with a few, but also had to sell my soul to satan to get others. How is that not showing how random RNG is. That's what I was trying to tell all along, so excuse me if I wasn't clear enough, it's 3 AM here and I feel kinda sleepy so i'm off now.

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I agree with the sentiment that you "can't please everybody" - but I have to say that I am glad to be in the "pleased" camp this time.


If you want to still farm up pieces, keep doing it.  Now other people have more options; they can throw in the towel when the Random Number Generator bends them over, they can go into business supplying other people Prime parts, or they can pool resources with their buddies to get goals done collectively.



So, yeah - if there had to be a losing side on this matter, the loss is well-earned.

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(One it comes out on PS4) I'm going to use this opportunity to sell my blueprints for warframes I've already built. I won't buy them, that's just a waste of time...


I agree, though. If you make the game too easy, you turn people off. Seriously - it seems like humanity (new gamers) is evolving with the mindset that they can buy victory. :/

Edited by (PS4)A_Cry_For_Death
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And you've been playing since when? Now think about the new players that can't afford/can't/refuse to buy platinum. And tell me how many actual RARE things do they have? 

With what you said now and the reply before that you just conflict your own arguments. First you say they can just trade parts they don't want for platinum, and now you say that even, that has prime parts galore can't trade them because they're not worth crap since they're not rare (for once you say something right).

You're obviously just a greedy person that cares only for himself and won't give a crap about those less fortunate. Now excuse me while I go sleep because I've done my duty as a forum warrior, and fighter for equality for today. (went from 660 to 756 posts in a couple of hours and a truck-load of writing)

Simple they farm rare mods... They drop every now and then, and then sell that for plat. Works out in the end...


Also supporting this trading system by pouring in plat to help others doesn't make me greedy. I paid easily between 10-15 plat for each of those parts. Those people looked like they were making a fortune off selling parts galore out there. Heck even when I buy mods I spend around 10-50 plat. Still helping players out there as well. Helping them get that much closer. If they do manage to sell a couple mods, or parts for 10 plat each they can easily buy more prime parts for 10 plat each EASY. Then kill Ruk a couple times for some cells, and DONE... Badabing badaboom.

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No one that works for something likes seeing someone get there in 1% of the time it took them.


I "worked hard" for everything I got in this game. And had fun doing it. If one of my clanmates buys all the primes it doesn't create some bizarre time paradox that erases all the fun I had.

Maybe time works differently where you live.

And then there's fact that between selling primes and mods I'll never have to buy plat again. That is pretty cool.


I never said I did that. I already made 200 platinum from it. But I know a LOT of people that did. DE just likes to go kick people in the nuts, especially the vets that have been around since closed beta and are playing daily. I feel my soul burning just by thinking of being in their shoes. They could have at least compensated everyone for every prime piece they have (or had at any given time and sold it), that would have made it more bearable for the vets that sold their soul to satan in order to get all the primes.

Us vets have millions of credits that we have no idea what to do with. Selling blueprints is pointless.



Coming from a GRAND MASTER. 

Also coming from a GRAND MASTER your original reply with how happy you are that you can just buy your way through all the hard work in 1% of the time it took everyone else, eh?

It's all fine and dandy when it suits your needs, but what about the non-paying players? You do realise they make up most of the player base and with the changes DE made, most of them leave, and if that happens even the paying players won't have who to play with since there will be to few of them, and if that happens then all your precious plat will mean nothing C: and oh boy will I be laughing and devouring your delicious tears then.

A. Anyone who uses the words "hard work" in a videogame forum should be banned. Permanently.

B. All the non-paying gamers have a new way to earn plat for slots and potatoes. This helps them the most.

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As far as I knew, I always saw a ton of people wanting trade-able Prime parts. Now we have it. What is the big deal, Exactly?


I'v been hearing how 'End Game is dead' Actually, No. You can still access the Defense Voids and Survival Voids. They didn't take them away. Farming Voids, As I recall. Was never intended to be the End-Game of Warframe, From what I had gathered in the Livestreams.


I have farmed countless voids. And I welcome this change.


Maybe I'm seeing a problem with being able to trade Plat for Parts, But even still. How is someone else buying a part which I can still get, Effecting me? In this PvE game, Exactly? Heck. Most of the Prime Gear aren't even the best. And I can just trade a part for a part if I lack the plat. (Or, Multiple parts from all the dozens of runs you'll no doubt have done over the course of your Warframe time.) And finally get that part you wanted.


I just, I dunno. I'm confused.


-Wraps Up In Flame Retardant Suit-


Ehhh, I don't think this suit will protect me very long, But -Shrug-

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Everything apparently. 



People want to feel like they're special, that they worked hard and got something that no one else had. Let's admit that a ton of other people also had these things but that's just what makes them feel good on the inside.

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As far as I can tell, a lot of people are upset that their hard work is being cheapened because the only warframes you couldn't buy with Platinum were the primes, but now they are easily bought.

Why are they so upset? Personally, I don't understand it. I built all my Warframes, all 22 of them aside from Excalibur Prime. I take pride in knowing I put the effort in. If someone wants to cheapen their experience of the game by (ironically) spending more money, then that's their loss in my opinion.

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It allows players to instantly bypass content. That's a pretty big no no in games.


Currently, the only lategame content Warframe has to offer is Void grinding.

When you give players the ability to instantly bypass that content, what does Warframe have left? Very little.


It reduces the longevity of the game, and it doesn't do anything in player retention.


Not even going to touch on how you can now buy a Prime weapon for less plat than its market counterpart.

Talk about laughable.



Those above who only associate it with "OMG OTHERS CAN NOW GET PRIMES" are so shortsighted, it isn't even funny.


That attitude is just as lazy as the players who make rant threads saying "omg, this is so unfair. I worked for this"

Edited by Nugget_
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It allows players to instantly bypass content. That's a pretty big no no in games.


Currently, the only lategame content Warframe has to offer is Void grinding.

When you give players the ability to instantly bypass that content, what does Warframe have left? Very little.


It reduces the longevity of the game, and it doesn't do anything in player retention.


I feel like this was done on a much more severe scale when they added in trading ranked mods for platinum. Grinding fusion cores was a huuuuuuuuge time sink. Additionally, that was the biggest push this game has had for a pay2win model... prime trading is basically just pay2swag, like warframe's always had. I don't remember people getting this upset over trading ranked mods. o.o

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It allows players to instantly bypass content. That's a pretty big no no in games.


Currently, the only lategame content Warframe has to offer is Void grinding.

When you give players the ability to instantly bypass that content, what does Warframe have left? Very little.


It reduces the longevity of the game, and it doesn't do anything in player retention.


Not even going to touch on how you can now buy a Prime weapon for less plat than its market counterpart.

Talk about laughable.



Those above who only associate it with "OMG OTHERS CAN NOW GET PRIMES" are so shortsighted, it isn't even funny.


That attitude is just as lazy as the players who make rant threads saying "omg, this is so unfair. I worked for this"


Forcing people to play content they don't enjoy 25+ times for a drop isn't a very good solution either.


The real culprit is not trading (or the lack thereof) - it's that once you have the gear, there's nothing to do with it. No meaningful, challenging obstacles exist that "require" the prime gear that a player either grinded for, traded for, or paid for.


I'm not saying people will necessarily level their gear and forget it, but increasing mastery rank doesn't matter to some people, and that's really the only "endgame" there is. Collect, collect, collect, and level, level, level. Or do the same void mission 30 times for a frost prime systems BP, which is now no longer necessary, so...

Is the "allure" of Warframe actually having the stuff? Or trying to get the stuff? Or neither? i still have more fun with an unmodded Excalibur + Skana just slicing up Grineer on Mercury than pressing 4 on any ranged damage-dealing class in a defense or survival.


Engaging gameplay can't be bought.

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