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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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You realize they're probably doing it because, evidently, AirMech thinks it's fine to bribe their players to vote for Warframe, right?


That's actually what they did. They get an Excalibur Prime hat if Warframe wins.


I play all three games. I'm not impressed by either side. But saying one side is dirty after the other side is doing it is wrong.


And if you don't think the Warframe devs are advocating it, they thanked AirMech over Twitter. So... yeah.



Ok... to me your arguement falls under "what is free to play?". They get 3x bought game currency tiered rewards, and all other manner of crap. I would believe that stuff is worth more to player votes than a crappy hat skin. Seriously, comparing all that to one skin? Oh, and last I checked DE wasn't some 2 bit.... Anyway DE is not some massive company whose greed is Renown in the f2p world. Your comparing..... a gigantic box of apples... to one apple that hasn't finished ripening yet.  Oh, and DE did not officially sponsor this move, they did not post anything regarding rewards to the warframe players, the reward was victory itself! I don't Usually defend companies... but when I do, its because a comparison was made between a gigantic pile of S%I$ and what equates to a mom and pops store! (no offense DE!, lol)


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Am I the only one here that is actually not so shocked that Nexon are abusing their game population?

Nope.. That's why I've commented twice to stress grace and respect.

Pissing Nexon off isn't wise if we are competing against them.


Nexon has a stable of 7 f2p games (4 of which are rather popular, well reviewed and have well established audiences)

DE has just 1 to pull from.

There's no rules citing people have to play those games to vote for them.


So some folks have gone over there and goaded them it seems.

Plenty of trash has been talked about them on these forums.


Now they've let out the big guns and the stuff they are offering is going to get the response they want.


We just have to hope it's late enough in the day to keep the endeavor from being noticed.


In my opinion, If the poll ended Thursday, we'd have a 0% chance of winning.


We just have to stay the course for now and hope for the best.


If we want to win this we need to stay the heck away from their Forums and dig deep quietly.

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Certainly, DE allowed it: Airmech had to get their permission to add Warframe related cosmetics in the first place.

The point isn't whether it's "fair" as much as it is "morally okay."


They came to us. They offered free promotion for warframe in the cosmetics and the votes. DE allowed it, and they thanked them, but they didn't search for this: It just happened.


DE hasn't went to anyone for help by offering free stuff as far as we know. They just allowed it.

Exactly, there's a MASSIVE difference between what Airmech did for us, and what Nexon is doing right now.

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I thought the poll was Warframe vs Mabinogi


Not Warframe Vs Nexon Games


it would be like if UnrealTournament, Pariah, Warpath, DarkSector, Bioshock, Homefront, The Darkness and Startrek had current and large communities and DE offered them unique rewards if they voted for Warframe

that be like watching a colossal stomp... several of those games have a powerful standing on their own...

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You do realize that 4chan does the opposite of what you tell it.


You want it to fight for you? It fights agains't you. You tell it to do the opposite so it does the not-opposite, it spits in your face and goes "No"

It's more along the lines of "tell them what to do and a magic wheel is spun in order to determine what they will do in response".

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Okay, no, you are wrong, and the point where you went wrong is where you are comparing airmech's unilateral decision to support us, versus the congolomerate Nexon and all of its assets being leveraged.  That is no where near an apples to apples comparison.  Even if EVERY other participant in the poll threw their communities weight behind us, this has no bearing on how we conducted ourselves in the poll.  The fact that your community organizers and players actively sought out and received the direct support of your parent company and obtained in game incentives so that your otherwise docile and uninvolved "sister" games started voting for you in order to enrich themselves, that is just plain bad eithics.


So yeah, you may win the poll, assuming MMObomb chooses to ignore what you've done.  But I can say as a player of many MMO games, I will NEVER touch a Nexon product period, as it is apparently a company with little to no ethics and does not believe in fair play.


And BEFORE you QQ, OMG airmech is not fair play either. Just stop.  Their community is their community, if they want to vote for us great. If SWTOR wanted to vote for us as well, great.  If anyone wanted to vote for us, great. They as a community made that decision, and also the decision to incentivize their player bases, independent of any involvement by Digital Extremes.  Nexon's choice to manipulate the poll in this way is despicable.


There I'm done now.

Im only saying that airmech gave their players whatever youd want to call it for votes to warframe


Whether warframe wanted it or not it happened


And because of it we were a bit behind


Without that Mabi would have been in the lead


Now we could take the loss or do something about it


And so we acted by calling support


I dont like the way it was done or that it was done period but it happened

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Apparently DE is "bribing" us....... xD

Rofl omg can't contain the laughter!!!

What are we gonna get if we win? Grate prime?

Just shows we don't need anything to raise our moral and try to win with a war against a bigger company.


-yes this is Vindictus NA forums  (  ._.)

ok used my smart a$$ ness to piss off that post

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Quoting is hard, I know.


Also, if they didn't officially sponsor it, they should have asked AirMech over Twitter or another method to stop. Instead, they THANKED them and SUPPORTED their decision.


And comparing the size of something doesn't matter - it's the same practice.


And nowadays, yeah, DE's greed has gotten a lot stronger since the start of Warframe, enough so for people to notice, but it's not as bad. Hell, not even Mabinogi is p2w anymore. Nexon stepped down as king if you're not playing Maplestory.

Edited by Raybrandt
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Redtext just need to tell us we are getting a 24 hour Reactor/Catalyst if we win this...... we have 7 Million registred Tenno, we would need only 1/100 of those.


Anyways, going to sleep, GL guys.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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To be fair


Without Airmech the battle would most likely have gone to mabi

Depending, Warframe does have a community of what was it? 20k or so concurrent players? 


Also, I find it funny that now you're being civil when you weren't so civil on the Mabi forums to me. What's up with that? 

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I've been playing both Mabinogi AND warframe since beta.

While I did vote for mabinogi, simply due to the fact I've been playing it long, almost 7 years since the beta, I believe all the flame wars on both forums should be stopped, and personally think there should be either,

     1. A Re-poll, with no help from outside sources 

     2. D/Q both sides, seeing both sides have had help.


On the topic of help, I understand the mentality of both sides, Warframe didn't ASK for the help, but didn't FIGHT the help either, and even thanked the help, thus the Rage of Mabinogi began.


I understand Mabinogi not seeing this as cheating, as all Nexon accounts, regardless of games played, can still be used on Mabinogi, meaning it is also a Mabinogi account...


THUS leading to my opinion of D/Q everyone, or Re-poll the whole things, and if anyone mentions on either side, or any of other game, that they are getting, or giving help (without the given trying to stop them in some way), D/Q them. No questions asked.

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I'm gonna go see if I can get help for us from the Bioware and Bethesda forums. Let's hope the DA, ME, and TES fans want to help us.

Good luck with the Bethe$da forum. That place is a police state, and it can suck in general. I might be surprised if you can get 10 votes from that S#&$hole. 

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