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A Warning And A Question


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On my breaks at work I have been watching Megan and Rebecca play, it's been a good lunch show. Plus it has made some at work question what the game is about, is it fun etc.

How ever when I get home to play some warframe, I find myself reloading twice as much as I used to. My only conclusion is that Rebecca has given me reloaditis, so be warned Tennos. Don't watch too much, space it out or you too might be struck by reloaditis.

And now for my question, is it bad of me to laugh like a super villan when using the ignis?. I just can't seem to help myself, all those infested melting. Just by a little wooosh, and not just there. Grineer and Corpus seems quite flammable as well, I even broke a window once..

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And now for my question, is it bad of me to laugh like a super villan when using the ignis?. I just can't seem to help myself, all those infested melting. Just by a little wooosh, and not just there. Grineer and Corpus seems quite flammable as well, I even broke a window once..






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On my breaks at work I have been watching Megan and Rebecca play, it's been a good lunch show. Plus it has made some at work question what the game is about, is it fun etc.

How ever when I get home to play some warframe, I find myself reloading twice as much as I used to. My only conclusion is that Rebecca has given me reloaditis, so be warned Tennos. Don't watch too much, space it out or you too might be struck by reloaditis.

And now for my question, is it bad of me to laugh like a super villan when using the ignis?. I just can't seem to help myself, all those infested melting. Just by a little wooosh, and not just there. Grineer and Corpus seems quite flammable as well, I even broke a window once..

You arent using ignis correctly if you DONT laugh like that

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Thousands of players suffer from reloaditis. Not only is it a growing problem within the United States, but also around the world. Those diagnosed with reloaditis have the extreme tendency to spam the R button repeatedly, forcing the player to use extra energy within their bodies to press on that specific button constantly 24/7. There is no known cure to such a disastrous effect. Only you can prevent the spread of reloaditis. Invest in platinum to leviate those poor people from this infectious disease.



Don't be cruel. Save a soul.

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Reloaditis is not a bad thing, friend.  No, it is actually a very good thing.  When you are not fighting, you should be reloading.  When are fighting, you should not be reloading.


Embrace it.


It can get out of hand... I've actually met people who accidently reload during the firefight leaving them defenseless. Worst degree of Reloadtitis.


Edit: Ninja'd by MrJxt. :P

Edited by MeduSalem
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To counter my reloaditis problem I have derived a solution by melee-cancelling the reload.


Simply put:


-ermagawd enemy in my face

-oh SH@# reloaditis acting up


-melee once to cancel reload animation

-shoot IMMEDIATELY during your melee animation


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To counter my reloaditis problem I have derived a solution by melee-cancelling the reload.




I've actually cured mine by just not reloading at all if not necessary. Now if my magazine is empty during a firefight I go full melee and reload after every enemy is dead. Probably can't do that anymore once Melee 2.0 will be out, because then Quick Melee will be near to useless so reloading my weapon is almost as good as switching to the Melee weapon. I'm already afraid I'll suffer a relapse. :O

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Oh gods, then I don't have to be ashamed for my laughter. As I burn my enemies to ashes, ReapsterPL you have piqued my interest.

As for the reloaditis, I wonder what DE or Rebecca will do about it. Maby we could get sort of official statement, are they going to start on a cure??

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Oh gods, then I don't have to be ashamed for my laughter. As I burn my enemies to ashes, ReapsterPL you have piqued my interest.

As for the reloaditis, I wonder what DE or Rebecca will do about it. Maby we could get sort of official statement, are they going to start on a cure??

 Ohh nothing lore related or anything just  a warhammer 40k fan here XD


as for reloaditis, well i partly suffer from it (as described by someone above i immediately switch to melee if that gets me into trouble XD).

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odly i don't laugh when i use the ignis..... shouting BURN HERETIC is another story thou XD

I tend to mutter "Light that bastard on fire.  Bastards love fire." Or "Buuuurn.  Yes, buuuurn..."


My roommates have already banned me from using the fireplace after hearing me talk to myself like this. 


I think a good cure for Reloaditis would be to spontaneously changing the reload button from "R" to "L" or something.

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If you suffer from reloaditis, try to install first Mafia. Complete the story mode there - and you will feel yourself fresh, new and completely free of reloaditis.


Still the best game ever made story-wise and one of the hardest too, especial the ending... \o/


Mafia was really stingy about ammunition and weapons in general... Sometimes reloading your Tommy Gun with only 10 bullets left from 50 of a magazine means reloading the entire mission from last checkpoint xD

Edited by MeduSalem
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I sing Little Indians while slashing mobs... of course, change Indian into the faction name.


Also, I have this reloaditis whenever I used a low-clip firearm, then use another, next mission, with high clip firearm.


That reload frustration after switching from Karak, to Latron Prime, to Soma... ugh...

Edited by faustias
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I always reload after I clear a room. Always. Everyone dead and nobody within sight? Reload. Don't care if I only used 20 rounds from my Soma, I'm putting 20 new rounds into it.


As for Ignis, I like to sing the refrain from "Disco Inferno." "Burrrn, baby, burn! DISCO INFERNOOOO!"


Either that, or "Fire cleanses!"

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I sing Little Indians while slashing mobs... of course, change Indian into the faction name.


Also, I have this reloaditis whenever I used a low-clip firearm, then use another, next mission, with high clip firearm.


That reload frustration after switching from Karak, to Latron Prime, to Soma... ugh...


Why do you sing Little Indians?  Are we talking about Ten Little Indians?

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