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March 14Th: Community Hot Topics!


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On a slightly related note, having doors simply shock you doesn't exactly feel Grineer to me either. The whole idea of shocking doors in a Grineer tileset just doesn't sit right with me.


Grineer do not use shields and are the main opposing faction of Corpus. I can see this is a preventive measure, since Corpus rely heavily on shields and have robotic troops, making the magnetic damage of the door very handy. Not only that, but Tenno are also constantly attacking Grineer - and Tenno very well use shields too. It absolutely makes sense to learn and adapt to a constant threat.

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Grineer do not use shields and are the main opposing faction of Corpus. I can see this is a preventive measure, since Corpus rely heavily on shields and have robotic troops, making the magnetic damage of the door very handy. Not only that, but Tenno are also constantly attacking Grineer - and Tenno very well use shields too. It absolutely makes sense to learn and adapt to a constant threat.


Precisely. It's like looking at Grineer weaponry and noticing that most of them are Impact-damage oriented and that Corpus weapons are mostly Puncture-damage oriented. Their weapons are designed to be more effective against their primary enemies. It makes perfect sense that the Grineer would have security traps that are effective against shields and robotics. Electricity also still stuns the Corpus, if I recall correctly.

I wouldn't mind them changing the elecric shocks to periodic liquid nitrogen jets, though. Still effective against shields. Slows enemies down. Liquid nitrogen. It would also feel sorta more like the Grineer, in that they're having the stuff double as reactor coolant and anti-boarding security.

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i agree with what you say about boosters but i also agree that players should at least be given the choice of when to activate it without the ability to pause them, that to me is the fairest solution

as for the primes i have a few suggestions: 

1. how about prime abilitys to differentiate them from originals?
example: instead of equiping "slash dash" maybe create a stronger or uniqe veriation of it that only excalibur prime can use? 
or for rhino instead of "iron skin" call it "steel armor" and boost it a bit? 

2. too big of a stat change might just cause the original to be obsolete in comparison so maybe a change in animations or adding extra mod slots or creating and limiting them only to "prime abilty" i belive will distinguish the primes from original frames without making the old ones feel unnecessary

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I've always viewed prime Warframes as mostly cosmetic items which have an additional polarity slot to make up for the unfavourable polarity selection to begin with or to simply "reimburse" a Forma spent on the original Frame. I will never understand, though, why Ember got the short end of the stick by simply swapping polarities.

This is why the old ones are only half as "unnecessary" as you might think. It offers choice. "You like that Frame? Well, this one comes in two looks! Pick your preferred one and go for it!"


Adding stats to Primeframes and changing their behaviour even further reinforces the power creep, and I don't think that is a good idea.

Not only that, but it disables the choice we have now.

Edited by Khunvyel
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Clan Scoring
Clan scoring has taken many forms over the course of Warframe events. Surrounding the most recent Tethra’s Doom Event, Devs have been triggered to further brainstorm a better way of scoring moving forward. Scoring has come a long way, as well as the scope and objective of events, but we still have more improvements to make. 
Feedback on how we can improve Clan scoring for events is always appreciated!
Event Difficulty
As we’ve stated before, balancing difficulty and solo-playability is an on-going process in regards to Events. Tethra’s Doom was the first to have an added ‘hard-mode’ for players that craved that little extra difficulty, but to some it wasn’t hard enough! Introducing a hard-mode with a small reward that wouldn’t cause an uproar(like the Quantum badge) could be a potential recurring plan. 

Clan Scoring:

-seems to be broken since Cicero Crisis.

-How to make an event - rules:

Rule#1 it is very simple: never, really NEVER cap the player score. (like cicero crisis or tethras doom)

how to win tethras doom as ghost clan? get the 10best laggy host scores together! the player score was capped but somewhere between 2477 and 2483. and a few people did 2492+ and according to a few of these it was only possible with a laggy host and lots of luck (RNG).

Rule #2 let the amount of clan member never be the limited factor for a clan to win an event.(like cicero crisis or tethras doom.)

you ll get lots of alts. and it doesnt show the skill of a clan. only how many active member a clan has and how many player you can invite within one week.(you remember the reason why you introduced clan tiers? because e.g. 301+ to 1000 member should be able to compete with each other! we have them for a reason. and a clan shouldnt lose a event because the clan only has 301 member. The clan  should be able to competew with a 1k member clan. And that wasnt possible the last two events.)

Rule #3 no one should be forced to grind to get every event reward. (like Gradivus Dilemma)

if you wanted every reward, you had to grind. 100 runs to get every reward. i noticed that we, as high end geared players only needed 2-3minutes for one run. but there were also low end geared players, which need 15-30minutes ffor one run and also wanted the brakk and machete wraith. 100 times 15-30minute runs?  => thats defnitely useless grind for non event oriented players.

Rule #4 let event oriented players grind scores (like gradivus dilemma) not silly things like keys or plants (@ cicero crisis or tethras doom)

the event lasts 1week or longer: - gradivus dilemma: let the grind go on, aww jeah! grind for the clan, we have to be #1!!!=> Rule #1 and #2 was checked here.  - cicero crisis: i did my 400 points within the first 24 hours and? event over? for me yes for other clan mates, no. => Rule #1 and #2 wasn't checked here.  -tethras doom: i did my 2480+ points within the first 72 hours and? event over? for me yes for other clan mates, no. i want to do something more for the clan! farming keys? jeah, but what if your pc and/or internet connection is wooden? => Rule #1 and #2 wasn't checked here.

Rule #5 if Rule #1,#2, #3, #4 isnt fulfilled => start again with Rule#1!


- we need skill events. not member events. no player score cap. and no x member out of 10/.../1k  member scores count things.AND if you cap the score per run! dont cap the player score. sum the score up!


Event Difficulty:


It was ok. Maybe it was for low gear player difficult, but it will never be difficult for high end gear player. If you make the events harder you ll get "steamrolled by s??tstorm threads" like "the event is too difficult" etc.

and a short reminder: Events dont need to be difficult! Events =/= Endgame! Events have to be playable even for mastery 1 and 2 tennos! everyone should be able to get at least the weapon reward!

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What about shotguns? They haven't been addressed at all despite being a point in the last topic!

Wait, what? So it was on a hot topic (a collection of issues brought by the community and organized by the community directors to present to the devs) and you expected it to be fixed? What ever gave you that idea? That has never ever been the history how these things work. On top of that we havent had a tenno reinforcement for 2 weeks because of melee 2.0. Not trying to be a jerk but your expectation was a little unrealistic.

the problem with giving better stats to primes (i cant believe DE did not foresaw this), is lovely in practice, but there is a special prime frame that the majority of the players will never get.

so, for those who payed, would be a better version of a frame than the F2P players will never have.

i would love to have excalibro prime, i understand why is exclusive and even defend the concept, but if this is implemented those who spended money will have a better version of the original, and that is a kick in the b****.

Hate to break it to you but Excalibur prime has a higher shield recharge rate. Not by much at all but it's there. Edited by NevanChambers
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 We want all weapons to be viable whether they have a Prime/Dual variant or not, and further discussion needs to be had. 


In late, but this sounds like yet another good justification for the creation of more equppible and craftable skins/alt models for firearms (and weapons in general) that unlock unique weapon customization. This wouldn't apply to Primes (since they represent Orokin weapons), but works perfectly fine for all other weapon types as a way to introduce ways to make weapons more viable while ALSO encouraging players to stay online and get resources to make/trade for plat these items.

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Grineer do not use shields and are the main opposing faction of Corpus. I can see this is a preventive measure, since Corpus rely heavily on shields and have robotic troops, making the magnetic damage of the door very handy. Not only that, but Tenno are also constantly attacking Grineer - and Tenno very well use shields too. It absolutely makes sense to learn and adapt to a constant threat.


Then why is it that no toher faction seems to learn and adapt as fast or as well as grineer?

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Fast and well? Grineer? pardon me?

Corpus are technologically more advanced than the Grineer, so it is them clone-soldiers who have to step up their game. They are mostly big, heavy and numerous in all they do, caring little about the rest.

Corpus have blocked doors, cameras and sentry guns. Just recently, Grineer made an addition for their doors. Only doors.

Infested do not advance so much, as they are just a nuisance in between. Yet.

Other factions are currently too small / insignificant to be mentioned. We know there are more, considering what Lotus says about the Solar council when entering the assassination Mission against Vay Hek.


Tenno can only adapt so fast as Lotus dishes out new Tenno reinforcements are unlocked and as new Warframes are found, but their main strength in adaptation is their reconnaissance. Knowledge is more important than anything on the battlefield. We have the choice on what Frame or weaponry we use before we dash into a mission. Furthermore, our continued play allows us to obtain new mods and power up our existing ones, so we constantly get stronger anyway, making us just even more a threat to the others. It was easy to side with Grineer.


The reason why Grineer can afford stuff recently like a fleet of Fomorian ships, where we destroyed as many Cores as possible during Project Tethra, is because bascially... we Tenno let them gain the upper hand. This is due to Grineer having the stronger units by a long shot, so it is easier to support them in invasion missions than Corpus. Many learned this during the Gradivus Dilemma, and little has changed (other than we have to work a bit more since NPC levels are not equal any more, allies are weaker). Plus, they gave out the better rewards first as well. The icing on the cake was the hatred the Tenno felt for the Corpus, due to Alad V being known to tear apart our kin, sell and re-use them for project Zanuka.

So in the end, it was us Tenno who allowed the Grineer to crank up their industry as they gained new territories. Hence project Tethra. Also, the Fomorian ships are nothing new. There was an event way back in the days which was about Fomorian ships as well, so it is nothing groundbreaking the Grineer are attempting. You can read that up even ingame, in the Codex, under events.


As you can see, your argument of Grineer adapting and learning fast is taken out of thin air. They are aggressive and straightforward. They make up what they lack in sheer numbers, mass, and power overwhelming, even if it is more makeshift than anything. Their entire clone-army is a fine reminder of that.

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On the topic of clan scoring; I'd like to see a subset of scores based on the highest individual score in a clan, and some kind of decoration to mark this. A statue that shows that player's name, (the same way the dojo room terminals show messages, but hopefully more elaborate) for instance. For every event thus far, there's nothing to show for it in-dojo unless you made the top three in a clan tier. For a short while during the Cicero Crisis, it looked like that might change.


Rhino vs RhiPri / Weapon Balance; General power creep, and a feeling that DE is moving their goalposts as they go. It's to be expected, but I think there needs to be some solid definitions laid out as to what Prime / Wraith / Vandal effects are, how weapons are tiered, etc. and then have those definition be stuck to.

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Boosters as Consumables
Players have pointed out Boosters shouldn’t activate right when you obtain them, but rather when you’re online. So why not change this you ask? Ultimately, as a self-published free-to-play game, our lifeblood is our players, and boosters are an incentive to stick around. The idea of Boosters as consumables that you can activate at your discretion or Boosters that only take effect when you’re online have potential, but active players play a huge role in Warframe’s success. 


Thanks to this system, I was unable to get ANY benefit from the Tethra's Doom rewarded boosters.


Since the booster was added to my account for me when I received the in game mail, It triggered as soon as I signed in for my daily reward.

This was bad, because I usually don't have the option of playing for more than a few missions during the middle of the week.


The exact same thing happened to most of my clan mates.


So, instead of having me and my friends playing for the entire weekend to take advantage of that booster, you had a handful of irritated players who decided to go play a different game two weekends in a row. This is exactly the opposite of encouraging a more active player base.


At the very least, the boosters should be a TRIGGERED consumable item.

Once activated, it should run for the normal 3 days straight without break, but let us purchase or earn them and then only have them activate once the player has selected it from inventory.

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I had to stop reading this thread right here.

Sure there are quite a few complaints that are valid, but DE being "complacent" and not wanting to "change core gameplay mechanics" is just straight up false. The mod system was a core mechanic. Auras were a core mechanic. Damage was a core mechanic. Melee is a core mechanic. Each one of these they have, or will, change. They are so adamant on making Melee 2.0 as "awesome" as possible they've delayed it and are constantly working on it. Every time DE_Steve gets a chance to talk, he speaks up about Melee 2.0. Let's not even mention every single week there's been updates, fixes, additions, and even events. And you call them complacent? Really?

Also, fun is subjective. I absolutely love using melee, so (obviously) melee 2.0 is extremely interesting to me and I feel it -will- add "fun" to the game. Badlands, Focus, and Proxy Wars also will add more "fun" to the game as they're implemented. Actual space station hubs and relays will also add more "fun" to the game. If you seriously don't want -any- of that, and desire something as barebones as what we had at the start of this beta (since you're so eloquently stating you don't like all the changes/DE is being complacent) then maybe you should go play a mobile game that truly -doesn't- care about you.

It's good to give valid input - either positive or negative, but saying stuff like what you said is straight up venomous, and brings absolutely nothing to the conversation at hand.

I'm glad those doors are around. Only thing they really need fixing is how to disable them, because sometimes the ceiling in front of the doors get in the way of the light.

BLESS YOU Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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 All Prime Access frames can be obtained through void missions. Which ALL players can get, not just the paying players. I never bought any prime packs and have mag prime, frost prime and missing only 1 part for ember prime. So the statement that F2P players will never have it is just false. Excalibur Prime was a Founders only. No one but Founder will (probably) ever have it and that is the right they paid though the nose for.


"" Excalibur Prime was a Founders only. No one but Founder will (probably) ever have it and that is the right they paid though the nose for. ""





Let me simplify that again: "They PAID for an exclusive advantage"


Money == Advantage


This is a bad thing.

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"" Excalibur Prime was a Founders only. No one but Founder will (probably) ever have it and that is the right they paid though the nose for. ""





Let me simplify that again: "They PAID for an exclusive advantage"


Money == Advantage


This is a bad thing.

While I'm all for equality in power across the playerbase, those who don't have Excal Prime aren't really missing out on anything. All he has is one extra polarity, and a VERY slightly faster shield regen (unnoticeable, really). Also, he's (arguably) outclassed by most of the new primes in looks.


Also, the Founders weapons are completely outclassed by a bunch of weapons that are available now.


The only thing unfair is the mastery points from the Founder gear. I'm not sure how DE could remedy that, though, without angering a portion of the playerbase.

Edited by Braken
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"" Excalibur Prime was a Founders only. No one but Founder will (probably) ever have it and that is the right they paid though the nose for. ""





Let me simplify that again: "They PAID for an exclusive advantage"


Money == Advantage


This is a bad thing.

Primes offer no significant advantage when compared to a polarized non-prime counterpart. Primes are 99% cosmetic upgrades. If the prime gave you double life or more armor, I could see the argument of an advantage. But if you really think having a gold version of the character gives you some great advantage, you don't understand the current prime system. Rumor has it excal prime had a slightly faster shield restore, big deal. Means you can recharge for maxed 300 shield faster. In most cases if your shield goes down that fast, you're gunna be killed anyway. Yes it was a paid exclusive. Without said Founders program, we may not even have this game any longer. When you have a F2P, the Devs need to eat somehow. Microtransactions and things like Founders and Prime Access programs are how we they get their money. The concept of the Founders ONLY frame has been a hot debate for some time. Which is probably why they no longer make pay exclusives. Am I bummed I missed out on a chance to get the Founders pack? Sure but in all reality, its Excalibur gold or not...he's no Loki. Get over it already and accept the fact that he has slipped out of our hands. There are NO current pay "advantages" as you up it. The only thing Prime Access packs buy you in the parts without farming them and a lot of plat.

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It is unfair due to the theme. It isn't about stats, it is about collectibles. We see a trend that we are getting more and more Primeframes. By the end of the day there will only be so many left. We also have to consider that the game will launch officially on some point or the other. At that point, all the other things have to be put into the same level. They currently experiment around a lot and build a matrix that they think is going to be good to expand on.

I think the game has been so long in beta because the player feedback helped it grow immensely. And yes, we still are in beta, despite of what others might claim. The platinum store is basically crowdfunding the game as it goes along, and the product is still far from finished and constantly being tinkered on.


At a point when they feel satisfied, they are going to refurbish and complete the remaining content. We might get like all missing Prime Warframes at once. We might even get all of our gear removed and reset, refunded all our platinum, a free 14day affinity boost, and new items instead. Excalibur prime will be available on a regular basis, and founders will get something else to compensate for. They already have badges (many don't wear) etc.

People who have been in the game since open Beta (or Update whatever) might get another small thing, like a badge with the number or something.


The founders supported Digital Extremes with bigger quantities of money up front, yes, granted. And this is good! I do not want to bash on founders! What I find a bit disgusting is the constant entitlement. Only paying money for something doesn't make you the best kid around the block. The thing is, everyone spending a buck or two for Platinum helps supporting the game. Every single one of them. Still, many consider it a F2P game and there is only a fraction of players reporting the actual bugs.


I think they shot their own foot with the Prime thing, unbeknownst to what it is avalanching to. I might be wrong, but wasn't it that people started to ask for more Primed Warframes as they saw the neat variation of Excalibur? Wasn't that content generated by player-feedback ?

I do not want to be in DE's shoes to walk the line between fixing this error in design while keeping the playerbase in a happy spot.

But in the end, it comes down to; "Let it be shown that you are one of the people who have supported the game early on." So it boils down to cosmetics. Excalibur, Skana and Lato Prime however do not just serve cosmetic purposes. They are actual, functional assets of the game.

We've seen event "exclusives" like Brakk and Detron making their way into the regular game to be obtained. That is good. Those who got it early on, had an easier time doing so, and got it as a fixed reward, and could enjoy it a lot longer.

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Melee 2.0 Mods
With the addition of new Mods being introduced with Melee 2.0, it raises the question ‘Where will these new Mods go?’ . When Melee 2.0 is introduced these new Mods will be placed on enemies similar to current Mods, with the help of The Codex to determine their drops for the time being. When new mechanics are introduced like Badlands and Proxy War it will open up opportunities for these Mods to be placed.







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