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Coming Soon: Devstream #25


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Hello DE!


Can we see the concept for the future frame?


Any ETA on Parkour 2.0?


Any ETA on Stealth 1.0?


The new player experience still needs some improvement , do you have plans for them?


And a more personal one : i really REALLY hope you haven't forgotten this  in melee 2.0  :https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/177682-de-i-know-youre-ultra-busy-with-20-but-i-hope-you-wont-forget-this/


have a nice day !

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I'm sure this has already been asked at some point but a lot of my clanmates have been bugging me to ask about it... Will we ever have a legitimate clan vault? Meaning people will be able to deposit/withdraw materials rather than just contribute them to building and researching things? This would be real helpful for clan members who are much better or more efficient at farming mats help their more casual or underexperienced clanmates build an item they really want or need. I personally think this would be a much better alternative to the ideas I have seen proposed of being allowed to trade materials, which in my opinion would be a somewhat gamebreaking thing to do.

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Q: How to you intend to keep defense worth while now that survival is more enjoyable, as in what is the point in unlimited waves when there is no bigger reward to motivate us.


Survival has now overtaken Defense making defense less enjoyable. Implanting Boss's per 10th wave or bass &#! elites that have a chance to drop something good may motivate use to farther the progress in defense's. For Credits, should add 5k per 5th wave. example: 5th-5k, 10th-10k, 15th-15k

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Looking forward to this! Hoping for some answers on melee 2.0! Also what about particle effects for people who don't use nvidia it's very one sided as my rig could easly run PhysX without a hiccup, please change this I would really like to fully enjoy the graphics of this game without having to build a whole new rig just to turn on PhysX.

Edited by Hisagi_Shuuhei
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 - Are there plans for overall optimization for tilesets or even generally speaking the game itself? It seems a bit odd how two people can have relative specs and yet only one can receive the desired frame rates.


- Any updates regarding the Void loot table or will it be ut to the backburner for further analysis and resolution?


- Color me wishful, but would it be possible to have a section on your in-game profile to let your character go over previous mastery rank tests to truly "master" them with a time trial type of thing?


- What is there to look forward to interms of future updates with the eventual coming of U13 regarding UI, mission types, AI interactibility, overall content, etc., etc?


- Will Volt Prime be released Soon?

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A melee 2.0 question, how novel, but will more unique melee weapon have their own moves, or combos unique to only them?  I am talking about special weapons with very few varients; the two scythes, the Jat Kittag and its unique charge attack, and even things like the glaive.  Will the glaives have their own unique melee combos and close range heavy attacks?

Also, will the main heavy weapons, Garm, Scindo, Fragor and Galatine, have more pronounced differences.  How are you tackling the Galatine's charge based playstyle as well?  Will its heavy attacks become things of legend, or will its power be more mitigated?

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So since Melee is being thrusted back with Melee 2.0. Is there any chance in the future you could unequip your weapons.. I.E. Your primary and get like a speed boost for only using certain weapons or more ammo for secondaries. Even more ammo for Primary for getting rid of your secondary.

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Seeing how the game has progressed has given me great hope for the new developments. I started with the Volt frame, when he was one of the original 3. With the addition of the new Prime frames, it feels like there is a movement towards the "Newer is better" - even though a Prime frame is an endgame concept. 

In terms of new frames and weapons, what are some ideas for introducing new weapons without making the old ones completely obsolete? For example: getting the Gorgon up to L30 just as the Gorgon Wraith was announced was a bit of a downer. Is there a design philosophy you are looking at so that the new weapon/frame doesn't completely overshadow an existing frame/weapon?

I also must admit that I've been a bit frustrated by a good amount of the equipment being hidden behind the "Clan Wall". I realize that there is an effort to bring players together in large numbers, but it's stil effectively a small squad (4 players at a time) game. Is there a plan to have systemwide simultanious operations where an individual of a clan is rewarded for the operation of its members? (I.E. being the "lone Tenno operative referenced in the Survival missions). Or where the actions of a clan can push territorial boundaries (beyond the simple Invasion mechanic).

Will there be additions to the already existing frames? (An extra ability or two for each would give people choices beyond 1,2,3 or 4). 

With the few synergies already seen among frames, will there be an effort to combine something ALA Damage 2.0? (Volt ULT + Frost ULT = ???).

After all of the questions, I would like to say again: Thank you for making a free to play game that feels like it is a game. I've stopped playing multiple F2P's that turned into "Pay or suck", and truly appreciate the effort that you have made to keep things balanced towards those who enjoy actually playing the game rather than reaching for their wallets. Thank you Dev's.

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iT have been stated PVP is bad......






Will we have massive PvP in badlands? would make sense righ?



(like  Tenno and corpus VS Tenno and Grineer 4 vs 4 + factions )


stuff like that

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Will there ever be a better/new way to play high level missions in warframe other then "just get the most OP gun (that probably does AOE damage), forma it till it explodes and then spamming your way to victory"?

In other words will we ever have a balance between enemy difficulty, weapon damage and warframe abilities? Is this even a goal anymore?

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Will you revamp the story ever? Make it so you care for Lotus/Have a purpose for completing the solar system besides having 23/23 and have the ability to put up an extractor there?

Will there be a new faction coming soon? Only Grineer, CORPUS, and Infested doesn't relate to much lore in terms of storytelling. 

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Question or suggestion, call it what you want. 

Is there any possibility to make  additional option which can show player names over his warframe? 

And another option to who your teammate on the map with different color, when we are in squad with my friend and playing together it would be good if i can recognize him when i look on the mini map. ? :) 


Best regards Rub1con.

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Well my main question is:

Can the spawn rate for the stalker increase?


Some other questions i have are:


Will Hek have any upgrades?


Will Ruk play a bigger role in relation to Hek?


Will there be any addition in Planets or Solar Systems in future updates and with the possible addition will there be any new bosses?


Can credits and resources be taken out of the rewards tables?

Edited by OMG297
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Question For Clan and Clan Dojo's:

 -Will there be any changes to the Clan Role Architect by making two different Roles out of it, One Role that allows to build or deconstruct rooms and another Role that allows members to build or deconstruct decorations?

 -Will there soon be a feature for Clan Warlords and Clan Ruler Ranks to access the Room Option Controls of the Clan Dojo rooms and set what Clan Ranks are aloud to decorate in that specific room they are in?

Edited by Imortel
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