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Retune *all* The Frames! (11/19: Wildfire)


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14 hours ago, BeardyKyle said:


  • Actually, melee mod scaling is a lot more potent (not to mention useful against more factions) than armor-scaling would be, since it could scale with crit, elements, status effects, etc. EHP only goes up at an exponential rate because of the way armor provides mitigation; armor itself scales pretty linearly, per-target.
  • HG's scrapped entirely, new ability. Current HG has no crowd control to keep enemies in the effect, and the effect it has isn't strong enough to justify allies standing completely still within it. If it had all of that stuff your proposed, the effect would simply try to do way too much, not to mention it would require you to kite enemies into it.
    Haven't decided on GO's exact execution, whether it instantly marks enemies like Accelerant, or creates an aura around him like Mend/Maim.
  • Having Renewal retain infinite distance doesn't particularly matter if the effect still maintains a travel time (making it near impossible to use the effect reactively), during which it costs you for every second it's active. The reason it's balanced with a capped Duration is because otherwise, with a good build, all you would need to do is cast the effect at the start of the match to mission the entire party for the entire mission, regardless of how far apart they break; having a set radius would be more balanced for the potency of the effect, and having the bleedout bonus is redundant if you have to be that close to benefit anyway. It fits a Paladin more that his healing method should require him to stand on the front line to inspire his allies.
  • The passives suggested in the OP are more fitting of a Paladin; the passives you suggest are still more blatantly Druidic. 
    Also keep in mind, he's a very common drop and one of the first methods new players have to receive a healer, so having his passive be based on a companion that new players don't have just pointlessly adds to his skillcap.
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7 hours ago, Archwizard said:

Haven't decided on GO's exact execution, whether it instantly marks enemies like Accelerant, or creates an aura around him like Mend/Maim.

Either could work, though I admit I'm a little unsure whether it's 'duration' or 'detonate' type activation: If Duration then the initial marking would also need to indicate the persistence of effect to apply to new enemies that come under the auspice, if detonate...Accelerant style is sufficient as you just need to mark stuff once, though it may be sort of similar to Warcry's dual components; slow, then lasting Armour and Melee buff. An aura certainly would work thematically, just the specifics of how the skill functions perhaps.

Not sure on how reasonable it is as a Passive, but would the capacity to share (at reduced effect) his own buffs with Allies in critical condition (Low HP/Just been revived) be reasonably Paladin? Although I imagine that'd be a bit...niche. Apologies. It's a thought.

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Re: Oberon's Hallowed Ground

I really like what has compiled so far for Oberon as written up in OP, especially with Smite and Renewal. They feel much more elegant as abilities.

However, I still think there is potential for a Hallowed Ground adjustment rather than replacement, so am keen to make suggestions.

I would imagine the role of a Paladin on the battlefields, in the absence of a cleric figure, to be able to consecrate makeshift burial/cremation sites so that the dead can be given their proper rites. I am in fact inspired by Nekro's Desecrate to imagine that the 'holy' version might be Hallowed Ground.


Hallowed Ground

Description: Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire, consecrating the fallen to preserve allies and damage enemies.

All these current aspects stay the same:

Energy cost: 50e
Damage effect: 100 Radiation damage per 0.5 second
Range: 7.5m long by 2.5m wide
Duration: 20s
Grants status effect immunity

Armor buff stat (20%) is now Damage Reduction stat

New Addition:

On cast, foes that have fallen in the area are given proper burial/cremation (their corpse is consumed), and this empowers the grounds. DoT and damage reduction is increased for each corpse 'consumed'

Example stat increase: +50 damage and +10% per corpse
Casting HG over 1 corpse -> 150 damage per 0.5 seconds, 30% damage reduction
Casting HG over 4 corpses -> 300 damage per 0.5 seconds, 60% damage reduction

Does not consume any corpses after casting. Where casts overlap, radiation damage stacks additively, but not DR (only the higher value is used). Max DR might be hard-capped at 90%.

Augment: Hallowed Eruption still detonates Hallowed Ground, dealing its total remaining damage (now affected by corpses buried) with 100% proc chance.

Edited by RunningTree3
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4 hours ago, Blakrana said:

Apologies. It's a thought.

You don't need to apologize for sharing your ideas if you do it in a productive and respectful manner, which you did. That's exactly what this thread is for. 

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1 hour ago, Gurpgork said:

You don't need to apologize for sharing your ideas if you do it in a productive and respectful manner, which you did. That's exactly what this thread is for. 

I know, I just have a tendency to apologise automatically.

*Paradoxical compulsion here*

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On 5/29/2016 at 10:05 AM, RealPandemonium said:

These powers must be changed so that they do not trivialize gameplay when they are freely available with the current mods.

I feel like the spirit of a number of powers would be lost, though.
Rhino's Stomp is supposed to be an easy-to-use, high-range hard CC for use in emergencies.
Vauban's #3 and #4 hinge on him being able to spam hard CC when it's needed.

On 5/31/2016 at 1:21 PM, Archwizard said:

Nyx's core issues

@Gurpgork made a thread about this: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/653601-nyxs-passive-and-psychic-bolts/

In that thread, he suggests giving the disarm chance to Psychic Bolts (I say it should probably be 100%) and replacing the passive.
I think that change would give Psychic Bolts an actual use, though I think the augment would need some help to stay relevant.

The passive I suggested in that thread is Psychic Backlash: any enemy that deals damage to or takes damage from Nyx is staggered. I think this gives her a consistent helpful effect without being too overwhelming with the "correct" setup. Simulor, for instance, already has a guaranteed stagger.

19 hours ago, Archwizard said:

Having Renewal retain infinite distance doesn't particularly matter if the effect still maintains a travel time (making it near impossible to use the effect reactively), during which it costs you for every second it's active. The reason it's balanced with a capped Duration is because otherwise, with a good build, all you would need to do is cast the effect at the start of the match to mission the entire party for the entire mission, regardless of how far apart they break; having a set radius would be more balanced for the potency of the effect, and having the bleedout bonus is redundant if you have to be that close to benefit anyway. It fits a Paladin more that his healing method should require him to stand on the front line to inspire his allies.

I rather think Renewal should have status as a buffing power. IMO, the only change it really needs is not canceling if an ally is at full health. (I have just learned recently that Renewal apparently scales its duration down when you buff it. That's bass-ackwards and should be fixed IMO.)

On 5/29/2016 at 3:54 PM, taiiat said:

also i like some of the things with Sleight of Hand (and it's utility could actually be useful, if made more consistent. Corpus Doors regenning Energy and Electric Stunning Enemies is sweet, but that's the only useful door related thing it has, the Grineer version does basically nothing.)

There's some interesting ideas about SoH here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/652655-mirage-rework-concept


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I played a sortie mission today with a Volt on my team. It was Interception, and he was running around in circles and spamming Discharge, and asked a few times if I would stop killing enemies. 

It looks to me like Discharge might become the new Prism, since it's pretty much absolute petrification with a very high potential duration, with a side of constantly regenerating overshields with its augment.

On one hand, it's good to see Volt with a relevant ultimate for a change. On the other hand... Not like this.

Just thought that was an interesting (but rather worrisome) thing to see. 

1 hour ago, ChronoEclipse said:

Rhino's Stomp is supposed to be an easy-to-use, high-range hard CC for use in emergencies.

And the key phrase there is supposed to be. With Efficiency mods and fueled by Zenurik and/or Energy Vampire, Stomp becomes a permanent hard disable on every enemy on the map, forever. Either it needs to get changed so that it actually becomes an emergency ability, or it needs to be changed so that it can be spammed that hard without absolutely shutting down the game.

My vote is for the former. Rhino is a Warframe that comes quite early in the game, and I think it would be nice for newer players to be able to have a button that could help get themselves out of a mess, but hopefully also wouldn't be exploitable by more experienced players. 

1 hour ago, ChronoEclipse said:

(I say it should probably be 100%)

I figured it should probably be the same as the current rad proc chance, but considering that rad procs can indirectly affect other enemies whereas a disarm can't, that's probably a good idea. 

1 hour ago, ChronoEclipse said:

IMO, the only change it really needs is not canceling if an ally is at full health.

Well but then it becomes another brainless power like WoF that has no reason to ever turn it off. 

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37 minutes ago, Gurpgork said:

Well but then it becomes another brainless power like WoF that has no reason to ever turn it off. 

Removing the "cancels on reaching full HP could make Renewal less frustrating to work with.

IMO Renewal should go back to being a duration power the way it was before toggles/channels became a thing.  The channel mechanic was shoehorned into the power and it has been wonky since.  Make it a duration power, and make the duration pretty short so that it isn't passive healing forever.  Alternately keep it as a toggle and pump up the energy costs.  Of course energy bandaids trivialize this.  

What if it had a per-cast healing cap?  Really, though, what is healing supposed to be like in Warframe?  The original paradigm focused on shields with healing being scarce.  Now you have on-demand heals with pizzas and Life Strike, but obtaining healing is still pretty janky otherwise.  I think that healing from consumables and Life Strike should be limited, normal health economy bolstered in missions (aka more health orbs or a built-in healing gimmick,) and healing powers constrained so that they don't mean "infinite health all mission long."

Edited by RealPandemonium
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53 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Removing the "cancels on reaching full HP could make Renewal less frustrating to work with.

That's fair.

54 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Make it a duration power, and make the duration pretty short so that it isn't passive healing forever.  Alternately keep it as a toggle and pump up the energy costs.  Of course energy bandaids trivialize this.  

I suppose then the only question remains is whether or not Oberon should be able to regenerate energy while Renewal is active. Personally, I think that makes the toggle mechanic fit for Renewal: choosing between health regeneration and energy regeneration. 

I suppose that alone could potentially prevent the ability from becoming a no-brainer, even if it ended up being permanent. Although it would probably take an energy economy rework to get there. 

59 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

I think that healing from consumables and Life Strike should be limited, normal health economy bolstered in missions (aka more health orbs or a built-in healing gimmick,) and healing powers constrained so that they don't mean "infinite health all mission long."

Sounds like exactly what should happen with the energy economy. I like that idea. 

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7 hours ago, Gurpgork said:

I played a sortie mission today with a Volt on my team. It was Interception, and he was running around in circles and spamming Discharge, and asked a few times if I would stop killing enemies. 

It looks to me like Discharge might become the new Prism, since it's pretty much absolute petrification with a very high potential duration, with a side of constantly regenerating overshields with its augment.

On one hand, it's good to see Volt with a relevant ultimate for a change. On the other hand... Not like this.

Just thought that was an interesting (but rather worrisome) thing to see. 


yep. i feel it may need tweaking to make sure what is does is very clear without being OP. after all, if De decides to remove the dmg cap then we could see terrors worse then a pre-rework miasma.......... the best overpowered nuke in warframe's history.

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6 hours ago, Aquasurge said:

yep. i feel it may need tweaking to make sure what is does is very clear without being OP. after all, if De decides to remove the dmg cap then we could see terrors worse then a pre-rework miasma.......... the best overpowered nuke in warframe's history.

Funny part is that old Overload didn't have a damage cap and did more damage to crowds (more than 4 enemies) than Discharge can due to its artificial cap.  No one noticed because everyone just ran a bunch of duration mods on Volt and never used range or strength mods (and Electric damage is severely hamstrung against Grineer, which are already the most durable faction and exist in the void.)  

My proposed fixes (giving Volt a means of gathering enemies together [perhaps as an augment,] spacing out Overload's pulses so that they always CC, buffing base damage and allowing electronics to recharge over time) would have made Overload undeniably strong for both damage (barring armor scaling BS) and CC (not a trivializing permaCC vs Grineer as it is now) but they were panned or ignored by a consensus of readers that never bothered to learn how the ability actually works.  

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Alternative idea I had for Trinity's healing model, to slim it down even further (this is in relation to its current implementation, not what is written in the OP):

  • Blessing now provides a buff to bleedout reduction to all allies in an infinite range, but still only burst-heals allies within the affinity range. No longer provides mitigation, but makes healed allies immune to damage and status effects for up to 2 sec, affected by rank only.
  • Well of Life no longer requires allies to attack the target. Instead, damaged allies within range of a Well of Life target will automatically leech life from the target, transferring their damage taken to the target, up to a cap per-ally affected by Power Strength. Allies within range cannot be reduced below 2 health while their healing cap remains unspent. (I feel like someone else inspired or already suggested something similar to this for WoL and I'm sorry if I've forgotten who.)

The idea is that Blessing retains its reactive model, rewarding the player for casting it in the nick of time but not providing its benefits long enough to be gamed. Meanwhile, Well of Life remains a proactive effect, granting effective mitigation to allies, with a safeguard to allow you to survive big hits that it can't outheal. Link still retains a place because of the damage cap on WoL and the short duration on Blessing. 

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After posting on Oberon earlier, and in light of renewed interest in Trinity.

Suggestions for WoL and EV:

Well of Life

Suspends the target in the air. Target no longer receives any health buff. Any Tenno within 50m range automatically gains healing from any health damage received by target.

Up to 4 Wells may be active at once; casting a fifth will end the earliest instance. If target is killed early, the Well instance also ends.

Augment: Pool of Life. unchanged. WoL should now encourage killing targets to drop orbs.

Energy Vampire
50e initial energy cost. Aim and Hold to cast (like Inaros's Devour, without pulling them in)

Trinity grasps at a target, sapping their life force. The target's health is drained while energy is released in pulses.

Trinity is completely vulnerable during siphoning. Target is stunned on initial cast, slowed during siphon, then sent to a short sleep on release (flying units are temporarily grounded).

Augment: Vampire Leech. unchanged. excess energy is converted to shields and overshields, and Trinity can potentially siphon continuously into shields.

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10 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:


to be fair, aesthetically it's much cooler now.
with some number adjustments it could be made as effective as Overload was before(which yeah, is significantly more effective than it is now), but look a lot cooler like it does now.

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On 6/2/2016 at 10:06 AM, RunningTree3 said:

Re: Oberon's Hallowed Ground

I really like what has compiled so far for Oberon as written up in OP, especially with Smite and Renewal. They feel much more elegant as abilities.

However, I still think there is potential for a Hallowed Ground adjustment rather than replacement, so am keen to make suggestions.

I would imagine the role of a Paladin on the battlefields, in the absence of a cleric figure, to be able to consecrate makeshift burial/cremation sites so that the dead can be given their proper rites. I am in fact inspired by Nekro's Desecrate to imagine that the 'holy' version might be Hallowed Ground.


Hallowed Ground

Description: Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire, consecrating the fallen to preserve allies and damage enemies.

All these current aspects stay the same:

Energy cost: 50e
Damage effect: 100 Radiation damage per 0.5 second
Range: 7.5m long by 2.5m wide
Duration: 20s
Grants status effect immunity

Armor buff stat (20%) is now Damage Reduction stat

New Addition:

On cast, foes that have fallen in the area are given proper burial/cremation (their corpse is consumed), and this empowers the grounds. DoT and damage reduction is increased for each corpse 'consumed'

Example stat increase: +50 damage and +10% per corpse
Casting HG over 1 corpse -> 150 damage per 0.5 seconds, 30% damage reduction
Casting HG over 4 corpses -> 300 damage per 0.5 seconds, 60% damage reduction

Does not consume any corpses after casting. Where casts overlap, radiation damage stacks additively, but not DR (only the higher value is used). Max DR might be hard-capped at 90%.

Augment: Hallowed Eruption still detonates Hallowed Ground, dealing its total remaining damage (now affected by corpses buried) with 100% proc chance.

I've always thought of Oberon as the thematic opposite of Nekros so that's interesting. Though I think oberon should really focus on the things that make him unique, rather than what makes him similar to other frames. Which for me is his abilities with statuses and timers. Like you said OP handled Smite and Reckoning pretty well, though I'd add an armor debuff to reckoning.

Hallowed Ground:

  • Oberon releases a radial energy wave that sanctifies an area. Healing any status procs he has.
  • Allies/Oberon within AoE are immune to status and have % increased max health and % increased ability duration/efficiency.
  • Enemies in AoE take radiation DoT. If Oberon has a status proc on activation. DoT is doubled and enemies caught in the initial cast are all proc'd with that status.
  • Enemies that die on HG drop health orbs.

As for the armor buff - Renewal also needs a change and there's no reason why both abilities should do the same things while having no synergy.

Renewal (Guardian):

  • While renewal is active armor is increased by a % of max health.
  • Duration is now modded positively and not capped at 100% health.
  • Bleed-out reduction remains.
  • Phoenix renewal does radial blind on activation.
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On 6/2/2016 at 4:41 PM, Gurpgork said:

And the key phrase there is supposed to be. With Efficiency mods and fueled by Zenurik and/or Energy Vampire, Stomp becomes a permanent hard disable on every enemy on the map, forever. Either it needs to get changed so that it actually becomes an emergency ability

I just had a thought for this: Stomp now has the base energy cost lowered, and a drain of 0.1-0.5 energy per second per enemy affected instituted. The trick here is that Rhino would get the full standard duration of Rhino Stomp regardless of his energy levels, and be able to extend it if he had sufficient energy.

If you're using it to lock down a map, you lose all your energy very quickly and can't get any back until Stomp wears off. If you use it to lock down one enemy, you can make them stuck for a very long time.
At the same time, lower level players can use it as an emergency button even when they don't have 2/3s of their energy full.

3 hours ago, BeardyKyle said:

Allies/Oberon within AoE are immune to status and have % increased max health and % increased ability duration/efficiency.

Hmmm. Sounds OP.

3 hours ago, BeardyKyle said:

If Oberon has a status proc on activation. DoT is doubled and enemies caught in the initial cast are all proc'd with that status.

I really like this. Now, if only I could figure out how to cast while procced with Blast...

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10 hours ago, BeardyKyle said:

I've always thought of Oberon as the thematic opposite of Nekros so that's interesting. Though I think oberon should really focus on the things that make him unique, rather than what makes him similar to other frames. Which for me is his abilities with statuses and timers. Like you said OP handled Smite and Reckoning pretty well, though I'd add an armor debuff to reckoning.

Hallowed Ground:

  • Oberon releases a radial energy wave that sanctifies an area. Healing any status procs he has.
  • Allies/Oberon within AoE are immune to status and have % increased max health and % increased ability duration/efficiency.
  • Enemies in AoE take radiation DoT. If Oberon has a status proc on activation. DoT is doubled and enemies caught in the initial cast are all proc'd with that status.
  • Enemies that die on HG drop health orbs.

As for the armor buff - Renewal also needs a change and there's no reason why both abilities should do the same things while having no synergy.

Renewal (Guardian):

  • While renewal is active armor is increased by a % of max health.
  • Duration is now modded positively and not capped at 100% health.
  • Bleed-out reduction remains.
  • Phoenix renewal does radial blind on activation.

While I did make a comparison to Nekros, I believe the only similarity in the suggestion was HG's interaction with corpses. Perhaps the way I wrote it made it seem like it would be an AoE cast like Desecrate; whereas it actually would only affect bodies that HG itself covers.

On that point, the unique aspect of Hallowed Ground in its current iteration, I would argue, is that it is not an aura AoE.

The move for warframes to become mobile AoE power bubbles is frankly, in my opinion, becoming unoriginal. Based on the discussions I have seen, I would not be surprised if vocal pressure soon produces augments that turn Nyx's Absorb and Mesa's Peacemaker into mobile versions too.

Volt's ability to pick up his shields is great, making it more flexible to use, and yet arguably remains just as, if not more, effective when the shields are set down in place. And Frost is the exemplar of being able to hold and defend an area.

Maybe it is just my play style -- rather than jumping into the middle of enemies, I prefer drawing enemies towards me into a defensible ambush. Sure this game is fast-paced, and that speed allows me to re-position into cover as much as it does diving into the thick of it. (Yes, tactical withdrawals are a thing! Vauban, especially with his new #2, plays exceptionally well this way)

Hallowed Ground is amongst the few 'set down' defensive abilities that works regardless of where your frame is, and it would just be a loss of variety if it became another AoE bubble attached to the warframe, limited by Power Range. Trinity's Blessing, Equinox's Pacify, Cold Chroma's Elemental Ward -- all work in that same manner to reduce incoming damage in some way or other. For Hallowed Ground, and Renewal, Oberon needs abilities with his own mechanics, not just a stat-swap variation.

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13 minutes ago, RunningTree3 said:

Hallowed Ground is amongst the few 'set down' defensive abilities that works regardless of where your frame is, and it would just be a loss of variety if it became another AoE bubble attached to the warframe, limited by Power Range.

and also means you must be where the Enemy is in order to affect them with whatever, which i don't know why isn't considered more valuable than it is, to not have to put yourself physically near an Enemy.

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6 hours ago, taiiat said:

i don't know why isn't considered more valuable than it is, to not have to put yourself physically near an Enemy.

The duration of HG isn't all that great, the size isn't all that great, and the effects are pretty extremely "meh" aside from proc immunity.

If it actually lasted a while and did something significant and/or was castable at a distance, he might reach a quasi-Vauban role... which is to say, probably still not especially good or used.

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Hallowed Ground could be both an aura AND a placed ability though, while the augment STILL is retained as well. Could be done like this:

1) First cast = HG as an aura following him
2) Second cast = Place his aura as a circle/rectangle (to me, its shape is not important if it is a circle or rectangle), either right in front of you or where you are aiming (giving him some range, but with the casting distance being rather short, but affected by Power Range?)
Multiple HG's can thus still be cast.
One of these casts (either the first or second cast) is a onehanded cast, so you don't spend forever casting and/or placing them

3) Holdcast = How to trigger the augment, possibly becoming an innate effect?

In addition, I'd like it if it had some further synergy with Smite/Reckoning. Wouldn't it make sense if HG did way more damage to enemies that are prone/knocked down/ragdolled, considering they often lay over the entire area?

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16 hours ago, ChronoEclipse said:

Hmm. Sounds too op.

I avoided putting a figure there because it could be. Small % increase and you must be on hallowed ground, might not be a problem. Could add a condition like % increase to duration/efficiency only while below 50% energy or something.


9 hours ago, RunningTree3 said:

While I did make a comparison to Nekros, I believe the only similarity in the suggestion was HG's interaction with corpses. Perhaps the way I wrote it made it seem like it would be an AoE cast like Desecrate; whereas it actually would only affect bodies that HG itself covers.

On that point, the unique aspect of Hallowed Ground in its current iteration, I would argue, is that it is not an aura AoE.

The move for warframes to become mobile AoE power bubbles is frankly, in my opinion, becoming unoriginal. Based on the discussions I have seen, I would not be surprised if vocal pressure soon produces augments that turn Nyx's Absorb and Mesa's Peacemaker into mobile versions too.

Volt's ability to pick up his shields is great, making it more flexible to use, and yet arguably remains just as, if not more, effective when the shields are set down in place. And Frost is the exemplar of being able to hold and defend an area.

Maybe it is just my play style -- rather than jumping into the middle of enemies, I prefer drawing enemies towards me into a defensible ambush. Sure this game is fast-paced, and that speed allows me to re-position into cover as much as it does diving into the thick of it. (Yes, tactical withdrawals are a thing! Vauban, especially with his new #2, plays exceptionally well this way)

Hallowed Ground is amongst the few 'set down' defensive abilities that works regardless of where your frame is, and it would just be a loss of variety if it became another AoE bubble attached to the warframe, limited by Power Range. Trinity's Blessing, Equinox's Pacify, Cold Chroma's Elemental Ward -- all work in that same manner to reduce incoming damage in some way or other. For Hallowed Ground, and Renewal, Oberon needs abilities with his own mechanics, not just a stat-swap variation.

I agree on the mobile auras being overdone and that's not what I was suggesting. I meant a radial cast instead of rectangular and the aoe is set down where casted, not a bubble aura that follow

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I thought of a crazy idea for Nekros. And this is either a decent idea or a terrible one, so bear with me. 

What if Shadows of the Dead became a secondary mechanic of all of Nekros's other abilities, rather than being its own independent ability? So Soul Punch would spawn Shadows from enemies killed, and enemies who died while Terrified or Viral procced by Siphon Life would be raised as Shadows (assuming Nekros has the changes proposed in the OP). 

Granted, Shadows of the Dead is a good enough ability to merit its own ability slot, and I have no idea what would replace it, but I thought it would be interesting and thematic for Shadows to appear as he cast his other abilities. It would make it feel like raising the dead comes as naturally to Nekros as breathing. 

Just a crazy idea I came up with. 

Edited by Gurpgork
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5 hours ago, Azamagon said:

Hallowed Ground could be both an aura AND a placed ability though, while the augment STILL is retained as well. Could be done like this:

1) First cast = HG as an aura following him
2) Second cast = Place his aura as a circle/rectangle (to me, its shape is not important if it is a circle or rectangle), either right in front of you or where you are aiming (giving him some range, but with the casting distance being rather short, but affected by Power Range?)
Multiple HG's can thus still be cast.
One of these casts (either the first or second cast) is a onehanded cast, so you don't spend forever casting and/or placing them

3) Holdcast = How to trigger the augment, possibly becoming an innate effect?

In addition, I'd like it if it had some further synergy with Smite/Reckoning. Wouldn't it make sense if HG did way more damage to enemies that are prone/knocked down/ragdolled, considering they often lay over the entire area?

Augment usually substitutes an ability's mechanic anyway -- Hallowed Eruption currently forces only 1 instance of HG to be active at a time.

5 hours ago, ChronoEclipse said:

Or maybe invert it, and give it mechanics like Electric Shield's riot-mode. That'd be amusing.

Somehow I just imagined leaves.

First cast: aura of ethereal falling leaves that block incoming fire (titanium-plated leaves!)

Second cast: leaves fall to ground (become rabid flesh eating leaves with medicinal properties)


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